Query.hs revision c208973c890b8f993297720fd0247bc7481d4304
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : hets server queries
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder, DFKI GmbH 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (via imports)
module PGIP.Query where
As a path we expect an existing directory, a file or library name or a
number (Int) referecing a current LibEnv (or Session). The session also stores
the top-level library name.
In order to address other (i.e. imported) libraries of a session given by a
number this number should be part of a query containing "dg=<id>" with the
library name as path.
As queries we basically allow actions to be taken, like displaying:
- the whole LibEnv
- the development graph (for a library name)
- as xml or svg
- a specific node or edge from a development graph (given by id=<id>)
in various format (like local or global theory)
other actions are commands like performing global decomposition (or "auto")
on a graph or individual proofs on a node or edge.
But rather than requiring a full query like "?dg=5&command=display&format=xml"
it should be sufficient to write "/5?xml" or "/5?auto". The notation "dg=5" is
only necessary to address an imported library of the session. Also some
default display should be generated for a missing query like just "/5".
State changing commands like "auto" (or other proofs) will generate a new
numbers for the new graphs (i.e. "dg=6").
The default display for a LibEnv should be:
- the current top-level library name
- links to every imported library
- links to display the current top-level development graphs in various formats.
- links to perform the possible global commands
- (several) links for every node
- (several) links for every edge
import Common.LibName
import Common.Utils
import Interfaces.Command
import Interfaces.CmdAction
import Static.DgUtils
import Driver.Options
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Numeric
ppList :: [String]
ppList = map (show . PrettyOut) prettyList ++ ["pdf"]
displayTypes :: [String]
displayTypes =
["svg", "xml", "dot", "session"] ++ ppList
comorphs :: [String]
comorphs = ["provers", "translations"]
nodeCommands :: [String]
nodeCommands = ["node", "theory"] ++ comorphs ++ ["prove"]
proveParams :: [String]
proveParams = ["timeout", "include", "prover", "translation", "theorems"]
edgeCommands :: [String]
edgeCommands = ["edge"]
getGlobCmds :: [(GlobCmd, a)] -> [String]
getGlobCmds = map (cmdlGlobCmd . fst)
globalCommands :: [String]
globalCommands = concat
[ getGlobCmds globLibAct
, getGlobCmds globLibResultAct
, getGlobCmds globResultAct ]
data DGQuery = DGQuery
{ queryId :: Int
, optQueryLibPath :: Maybe PATH
| NewDGQuery { queryLib :: FilePath }
data Query = Query
{ dgQuery :: DGQuery
, queryKind :: QueryKind
type NodeIdOrName = Either Int String
data QueryKind =
DisplayQuery (Maybe String)
| GlobCmdQuery String
| NodeQuery NodeIdOrName NodeCommand
| EdgeQuery EdgeId String
data NodeCommand =
| NcInfo
| NcProvers (Maybe String)
| NcTranslations (Maybe String)
| ProveNode
{ ncInclTheorems :: Bool
, ncProver :: Maybe String
, ncTranslation :: Maybe String
, ncTimeout :: Maybe Int
, ncTheorems :: [String] }
deriving Show
-- | the path is not empty and leading slashes are removed
anaUri :: FilePath -> String -> Either String Query
anaUri path query = case anaQuery query of
Right (mi, qk) -> case (mi, readMaybe path) of
(Just i, Just j) | i /= j -> Left "different dg ids"
(_, mj) -> Right $ Query
(case catMaybes [mi, mj] of
[] -> NewDGQuery path
i : _ -> DGQuery i $ if isJust mj then Nothing else Just path)
Left err -> Left err
isNat :: String -> Bool
isNat s = all isDigit s && not (null s) && length s < 11
-- | a leading question mark is removed
anaQuery :: String -> Either String (Maybe Int, QueryKind)
anaQuery qstr =
let globals = "update" : globalCommands
q = map (splitOn '=') $ concatMap (splitOn ';') $ splitOn '&' qstr
(q1, qm) = partition (\ l -> case l of
[x] -> isNat x || elem x
(displayTypes ++ globals ++ ["include"]
++ nodeCommands ++ edgeCommands)
_ -> False) q
(q2, qr) = partition (\ l -> case l of
[x, y] -> elem x (["dg", "id", "session", "timeout"]
++ edgeCommands)
&& isNat y
|| x == "command" &&
elem y globals
|| x == "format" && elem y displayTypes
|| elem x ("name" : tail proveParams
++ nodeCommands)
-- without timeout, see above
_ -> False) qm
(fs, r1) = partition (`elem` displayTypes) $ map head q1
(gs, r2) = partition (`elem` globals) r1
(ns, r3) = partition (`elem` nodeCommands) r2
(es, r4) = partition (`elem` edgeCommands) r3
(incls, is) = partition (== "include") r4
(fs2, p1) = partition ((== "format") . head) q2
(cs2, p2) = partition ((== "command") . head) p1
(is2, p3) = partition ((`elem` ["dg", "session"]) . head) p2
(ns2, p4) = partition ((`elem` nodeCommands) . head) p3
(es2, p5) = partition ((`elem` edgeCommands) . head) p4
(nns, p6) = partition ((== "name") . head) p5
(ids, pps) = partition ((== "id") . head) p6
snds = map $ head . tail
afs = nubOrd $ fs ++ snds fs2
ags = nubOrd $ gs ++ snds cs2
ans = nubOrd $ ns ++ map head ns2
aes = nubOrd $ es ++ map head es2
ais = nubOrd $ is ++ snds is2
aids = nubOrd . snds $ ns2 ++ es2 ++ ids ++ nns
mi = fmap read $ listToMaybe ais
noPP = null pps && null incls
in if null qr && length ais < 2 then case (afs, ags, ans, aes, aids) of
(_, [], [], [], []) | noPP -> if length afs > 1
then Left $ "non-unique format " ++ show afs
else Right (mi, DisplayQuery $ listToMaybe afs)
(_, c : r, [], [], []) | noPP -> if null r
then Right (mi, GlobCmdQuery c)
else Left $ "non-unique command " ++ show r
(_, [], _, [], [_]) | null es2 ->
anaNodeQuery mi ans (getIdOrName ids nns ns2) incls pps
(_, [], [], e : r, i : s) | noPP ->
if null r && null s && null nns && null ns2
then Right (mi, EdgeQuery (EdgeId $ read i) e)
else Left $ "non-unique edge " ++ show (aes ++ aids)
_ -> Left $ "non-unique query " ++ show q
else Left $ if null qr then "non-unique dg " ++ show q else
"ill-formed query " ++ show qr
getIdOrName :: [[String]] -> [[String]] -> [[String]] -> NodeIdOrName
getIdOrName ids nns ns2 = case ids of
(_ : v : _) : _ -> Left $ read v
_ -> case nns of
(_ : v : _) : _ -> Right v
_ -> case ns2 of
(_ : v : _) : _ -> if isNat v then Left $ read v else Right v
_ -> error "getIdOrName"
encodeForQuery :: String -> String
encodeForQuery = concatMap (\ c -> let n = ord c in case c of
_ | isAscii c && isAlphaNum c || elem c "_.-" -> [c]
' ' -> "+"
_ | n <= 255 -> '%' : (if n < 16 then "0" else "") ++ showHex n ""
_ -> "") -- ignore real unicode stuff
decodeQueryCode :: String -> String
decodeQueryCode s = case s of
"" -> ""
'%' : h1 : h2 : r -> case readHex [h1, h2] of
(i, "") : _ -> chr i : decodeQueryCode r
_ -> error $ "decodeQueryCode hex: " ++ take 3 s
c : r
-> (if c == '+' then ' ' else c) : decodeQueryCode r
anaNodeQuery :: Maybe Int -> [String] -> NodeIdOrName -> [String]
-> [[String]] -> Either String (Maybe Int, QueryKind)
anaNodeQuery mi ans i incls pss =
let pps = foldr (\ l -> case l of
[x, y] -> ((x, y) :)
_ -> id) [] pss
incl = lookup "include" pps
trans = lookup "translation" pps
prover = lookup "prover" pps
theorems = case lookup "theorems" pps of
Nothing -> []
Just str -> map decodeQueryCode $ splitOn '+' str
timeLimit = fmap read $ lookup "timeout" pps
pp = ProveNode (not (null incls) || case lookup "include" pps of
Nothing -> True
Just str -> map toLower str `notElem` ["f", "false"])
prover trans timeLimit theorems
noPP = null incls && null pps
noIncl = null incls && isNothing incl && isNothing timeLimit
in case ans of
[] -> Right (mi, NodeQuery i
$ if noPP then NcInfo else pp)
[cmd] -> case cmd of
"prove" -> Right (mi, NodeQuery i pp)
"node" | noPP -> Right (mi, NodeQuery i NcInfo)
"theory" | noPP -> Right (mi, NodeQuery i NcTheory)
"provers" | noIncl && isNothing prover ->
Right (mi, NodeQuery i $ NcProvers trans)
"translations" | noIncl && isNothing trans ->
Right (mi, NodeQuery i $ NcTranslations prover)
_ -> Left $ "unknown node command '" ++ cmd ++ "' "
++ show (incls : pss)
_ -> Left $ "non-unique node command " ++ show ans