ProveConsistency.hs revision 902bfaac7e88afebb6684fe1f2414ae2efbc7edf
{- |
Module :$Header$
Description : CMDL interface commands
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
PGIP.ProveConsistency contains prove and consistency check command
module PGIP.ProveConsistency
( cProver
, cConsChecker
, checkNode
, proveNode
, proveLoop
, consCheckLoop
, sigIntHandler
) where
import PGIP.DataTypes
import PGIP.DataTypesUtils
import PGIP.Utils
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Common.Result
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Comorphisms.LogicGraph
import Proofs.EdgeUtils
import Proofs.StatusUtils
import Proofs.AbstractState
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Comorphism
import Logic.Logic
import qualified Logic.Prover as P
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import System.IO
getProversAutomatic :: [AnyComorphism] -> [(G_prover, AnyComorphism)]
getProversAutomatic = foldl addProvers []
where addProvers acc cm =
case cm of
Comorphism cid -> acc ++
foldl (\ l p ->
if P.hasProverKind
P.ProveCMDLautomatic p
then (G_prover (targetLogic cid)
else l) [] (provers $ targetLogic cid)
-- | Select a prover
cProver::String -> CMDL_State ->
cProver input state =
-- trimed input
inpls <- checkPresenceProvers [(trim input)]
let inp = case inpls of
[] -> "Unknown"
pnme:_ ->pnme
case proveState state of
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
Just pS ->
-- check that some theories are selected
case elements pS of
[] -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
(Element z _):_ ->
-- see if any comorphism was used
case cComorphism pS of
-- if none use the theory of the first selected node
-- to find possible comorphisms
Nothing-> case find (\(y,_)->
(getPName y)==inp) $
getProversAutomatic $ findComorphismPaths
logicGraph $ sublogicOfTh $ theory z of
Nothing -> return $genErrorMsg ("No applicable prover with"
++" this name found") state
Just (p,_)-> return $ addToHistory(ProverChange $
prover pS) state {
proveState=Just pS
{prover = Just p }
-- if yes, use the comorphism to find a list
-- of provers
Just x ->
case find (\(y,_)-> (getPName y)==inp)
$ getProversAutomatic [x] of
Nothing ->
case find (\(y,_) ->
(getPName y)==inp) $
getProversAutomatic $
findComorphismPaths logicGraph $
sublogicOfTh $ theory z of
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg ("No applicable prover with"
++" this name found") state
Just (p,nCm@(Comorphism cid))->
return $ addToHistory (ProverChange $ prover pS)
$ genMessage ("Prover can't be used with the "
++"comorphism selected using translate"
++" command. Using comorphism : "
++ language_name cid) []
state {
proveState = Just pS {
cComorphism=Just nCm
,prover = Just p
Just (p,_) -> return
$ addToHistory (ProverChange $ prover pS)
state {
proveState = Just pS {
prover = Just p
-- | Selects a consistency checker
cConsChecker::String -> CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cConsChecker input state =
--trimed input
let inp = trim input
case proveState state of
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
Just pS ->
--check that some theories are selected
case elements pS of
[] -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
(Element z _):_ ->
-- see if any comorphism was used
case cComorphism pS of
--if none use the theory of the first selected node
--to find possible comorphisms
Nothing -> case find (\(y,_)->
(getPName y)==inp) $
getConsCheckersAutomatic $findComorphismPaths
logicGraph $ sublogicOfTh $ theory z of
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg ("No applicable "++
"consistency checker with this name found")
Just (p,_) -> return $ addToHistory(ConsCheckerChange $
consChecker pS) state {
proveState = Just pS {
consChecker = Just p}}
Just x ->
case find(\(y,_) -> (getPName y) == inp)
$ getConsCheckersAutomatic [x] of
Nothing ->
case find (\(y,_) ->
(getPName y) == inp)$ getConsCheckersAutomatic $
findComorphismPaths logicGraph $ sublogicOfTh $
theory z of
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg ("No applicable consistency "++
"checker with this name found") state
Just (p,nCm@(Comorphism cid)) ->
return $ addToHistory (ConsCheckerChange $ consChecker pS)
$ genMessage ("Consistency checker can't be used with the "
++"comorphism selected using translate "
++"command. Using comorphism :"
++ language_name cid) []
state {
proveState = Just pS {
cComorphism = Just nCm
,consChecker = Just p
} }
Just (p,_) -> return
$addToHistory (ConsCheckerChange $ consChecker pS)
state {
proveState = Just pS{
consChecker = Just p } }
-- | Given a proofstatus the function does the actual call of the
-- prover for consistency checking
checkNode ::
--use theorems is subsequent proofs
Bool ->
-- save problem file for each goal
Bool ->
-- Tactic script
String ->
-- proofState of the node that needs proving
-- all theorems, goals and axioms should have
-- been selected before,but the theory should have
-- not beed recomputed
-- node name
String ->
-- selected prover, if non one will be automatically
-- selected
Maybe G_cons_checker ->
-- selected comorphism, if non one will be automatically
-- selected
Maybe AnyComorphism ->
MVar (Maybe ThreadId) ->
MVar (Maybe CMDL_ProofAbstractState) ->
MVar LibEnv ->
-- returns an error message if anything happens
IO String
checkNode useTh save2File sTxt ndpf ndnm mp mcm mThr mSt mlbE libname
case ndpf of
Element pf_st nd ->
-- recompute the theory (to make effective the selected axioms,
-- goals) !? needed?
st <- recalculateSublogicAndSelectedTheory pf_st
-- compute a prover,comorphism pair to be used in preparing
-- the theory
<-case mcm of
Nothing -> lookupKnownConsChecker st P.ProveCMDLautomatic
Just cm' ->
case mp of
Nothing-> lookupKnownConsChecker st P.ProveCMDLautomatic
Just p' -> return (p',cm')
-- try to prepare the theory
prep <- case prepareForConsChecking st p_cm of
Result _ Nothing ->
p_cm'@(prv',acm'@(Comorphism cid)) <-
lookupKnownConsChecker st P.ProveCMDLautomatic
putStrLn ("Analyzing node " ++ ndnm)
putStrLn ("Using the comorphism " ++ language_name cid)
putStrLn ("Using consistency checker " ++ getPName prv')
return $ case prepareForConsChecking st p_cm' of
Result _ Nothing -> Nothing
Result _ (Just sm)-> Just (sm,acm')
Result _ (Just sm) -> return $ Just (sm,acm)
case prep of
-- theory could not be computed
Nothing -> do
return "No suitable prover and comorphism found"
Just (G_theory_with_cons_checker lid1 th p, cmp)->
case P.proveCMDLautomaticBatch p of
Nothing -> do
return "Error obtaining the prover"
Just fn ->
-- mVar to poll the prover for results
answ <- newMVar (return [])
let st' = st { proverRunning= True}
-- store initial input of the prover
swapMVar mSt $ Just $ Element st' nd
{- putStrLn ((theoryName st)++"\n"++
(showDoc sign "") ++
show (vsep (map (print_named lid1)
$ P.toNamedList sens))) -}
case selectedGoals st' of
[] -> return "No goals selected. Nothing to prove"
_ ->
tmp <-fn useTh
(theoryName st)
(P.Tactic_script sTxt)
swapMVar mThr $ Just $ fst tmp
pollForResults lid1 cmp (snd tmp) answ mSt []
swapMVar mThr $ Nothing
lbEnv <- readMVar mlbE
state <- readMVar mSt
case state of
Nothing -> return []
Just state' ->
lbEnv' <- addResults lbEnv libname state'
swapMVar mSt Nothing
swapMVar mlbE lbEnv'
return []
-- | Given a proofstatus the function does the actual call of the
-- prover for proving the node or check consistency
proveNode ::
--use theorems is subsequent proofs
Bool ->
-- save problem file for each goal
Bool ->
-- Tactic script
String ->
-- proofState of the node that needs proving
-- all theorems, goals and axioms should have
-- been selected before,but the theory should have
-- not beed recomputed
-- node name
String ->
-- selected prover, if non one will be automatically
-- selected
Maybe G_prover ->
-- selected comorphism, if non one will be automatically
-- selected
Maybe AnyComorphism ->
MVar (Maybe ThreadId) ->
MVar (Maybe CMDL_ProofAbstractState) ->
MVar LibEnv ->
-- returns an error message if anything happens
IO String
proveNode useTh save2File sTxt ndpf ndnm mp mcm mThr mSt mlbE libname
case ndpf of
Element pf_st nd ->
-- recompute the theory (to make effective the selected axioms,
-- goals)
st <- recalculateSublogicAndSelectedTheory pf_st
-- compute a prover,comorphism pair to be used in preparing
-- the theory
<-case mcm of
Nothing -> lookupKnownProver st P.ProveCMDLautomatic
Just cm' ->
case mp of
Nothing-> lookupKnownProver st P.ProveCMDLautomatic
Just p' -> return (p',cm')
-- try to prepare the theory
prep <- case prepareForProving st p_cm of
Result _ Nothing ->
p_cm'@(prv',acm'@(Comorphism cid)) <-
lookupKnownProver st P.ProveCMDLautomatic
putStrLn ("Analyzing node " ++ ndnm)
putStrLn ("Using the comorphism " ++ language_name cid)
putStrLn ("Using prover " ++ getPName prv')
return $ case prepareForProving st p_cm' of
Result _ Nothing -> Nothing
Result _ (Just sm)-> Just (sm,acm')
Result _ (Just sm) -> return $ Just (sm,acm)
case prep of
-- theory could not be computed
Nothing -> do
return "No suitable prover and comorphism found"
Just (G_theory_with_prover lid1 th p, cmp)->
case P.proveCMDLautomaticBatch p of
Nothing -> do
return "Error obtaining the prover"
Just fn ->
-- mVar to poll the prover for results
answ <- newMVar (return [])
let st' = st { proverRunning= True}
-- store initial input of the prover
swapMVar mSt $ Just $ Element st' nd
{- putStrLn ((theoryName st)++"\n"++
(showDoc sign "") ++
show (vsep (map (print_named lid1)
$ P.toNamedList sens))) -}
case selectedGoals st' of
[] -> return "No goals selected. Nothing to prove"
_ ->
tmp <-fn useTh
(theoryName st)
(P.Tactic_script sTxt)
swapMVar mThr $ Just $ fst tmp
pollForResults lid1 cmp (snd tmp) answ mSt []
swapMVar mThr $ Nothing
lbEnv <- readMVar mlbE
state <- readMVar mSt
case state of
Nothing -> return []
Just state' ->
lbEnv' <- addResults lbEnv libname state'
swapMVar mSt Nothing
swapMVar mlbE lbEnv'
return []
pollForResults :: (Logic lid sublogics basic_spec sentence
symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree) =>
lid ->
AnyComorphism ->
MVar () ->
MVar (Result [P.Proof_status proof_tree]) ->
MVar (Maybe CMDL_ProofAbstractState) ->
[P.Proof_status proof_tree] ->
IO ()
pollForResults lid acm mStop mData mState done
let toPrint ls=map(\x->let txt = "Goal "++(P.goalName x)++" is "
in case P.goalStatus x of
P.Open ->txt++"still open."
P.Proved _ ->txt++"proved.") ls
d <- takeMVar mData
case d of
Result _ Nothing ->
tmp <- tryTakeMVar mStop
case tmp of
Just () ->
t <- readMVar mData
case t of
Result _ (Just _) ->
putMVar mStop ()
pollForResults lid acm mStop mData mState done
Result _ Nothing ->
return ()
Nothing -> pollForResults lid acm mStop mData mState done
Result _ (Just d') ->
let d'' = nub d'
l = d'' \\ done
ls = toPrint l
smth <- readMVar mState
case smth of
Nothing ->
tmp <- tryTakeMVar mStop
case tmp of
Just () -> return ()
Nothing -> pollForResults lid acm mStop mData mState done
Just (Element st node) ->
putStrLn $ prettyPrintList ls
swapMVar mState $ Just $ Element (markProved acm lid l st) node
tmp <- tryTakeMVar mStop
case tmp of
Just () -> return ()
Nothing -> pollForResults lid acm mStop mData mState
-- | inserts the results of the proof in the development graph
addResults :: LibEnv
-> CMDL_ProofAbstractState
-> IO LibEnv
addResults lbEnv libname ndps
=case ndps of
Element ps' node ->
-- inspired from Proofs/InferBasic.hs
-- and GUI/ProofManagement.hs
let ps'' = ps' {
proverRunning = False }
case theory ps'' of
G_theory lidT sigT indT sensT _ ->
gMap <-coerceThSens (logicId ps'') lidT
"ProveCommands last coerce"
(goalMap ps'')
let nwTh = G_theory lidT sigT indT (Map.union sensT gMap) startThId
dGraph = lookupDGraph libname lbEnv
oldContents = labDG dGraph node
newContents = oldContents {dgn_theory = nwTh}
(nextDGraph,changes) =
updateWithOneChange (SetNodeLab
(error "addResults")
(node,newContents)) dGraph
rules = []
nextHistoryElem = (rules, changes)
return $ mkResultProofStatus libname lbEnv nextDGraph
-- | Signal handler that stops the prover from running
-- when SIGINT is send
sigIntHandler :: MVar (Maybe ThreadId) ->
MVar LibEnv ->
MVar (Maybe CMDL_ProofAbstractState) ->
ThreadId ->
MVar LibEnv ->
IO ()
sigIntHandler mthr mlbE mSt thr mOut libname
= do
-- print a message
-- ? shellputStr ! should be used !
putStrLn "Prover stopped."
-- check if the prover is runnig
tmp <- readMVar mthr
case tmp of
Nothing -> return ()
Just sm -> killThread sm
-- kill the prove/prove-all thread
killThread thr
-- update LibEnv with intermidiar results !?
lbEnv <- readMVar mlbE
st <- readMVar mSt
case st of
Nothing ->
putMVar mOut lbEnv
return ()
Just st' ->
lbEnv' <- addResults lbEnv libname st'
-- add to the output mvar results until now
putMVar mOut lbEnv'
return ()
proveLoop :: MVar LibEnv ->
MVar (Maybe ThreadId) ->
MVar (Maybe CMDL_ProofAbstractState) ->
MVar LibEnv ->
CMDL_ProveState ->
CMDL_DevGraphState ->
[CMDL_ProofAbstractState] ->
IO ()
proveLoop mlbE mThr mSt mOut pS pDgS ls
= case ls of
-- we are done
[] -> do
nwLbEnv <- readMVar mlbE
putMVar mOut nwLbEnv
return ()
x: l ->
let nodeName x' = case x' of
Element _ t -> case find(\(n,_)-> n==t)
$ getAllNodes pDgS of
Nothing -> "Unkown node"
Just (_,ll) ->
getDGNodeName ll
putStrLn ("Analyzing node " ++ nodeName x)
err <- proveNode (useTheorems pS)
(save2file pS)
(script pS)
(nodeName x)
(prover pS)
(cComorphism pS)
(ln pDgS)
case err of
[] -> proveLoop mlbE mThr mSt mOut pS pDgS l
_ -> do
putStrLn err
proveLoop mlbE mThr mSt mOut pS pDgS l
consCheckLoop :: MVar LibEnv ->
MVar (Maybe ThreadId) ->
MVar (Maybe CMDL_ProofAbstractState) ->
MVar LibEnv ->
CMDL_ProveState ->
CMDL_DevGraphState ->
[CMDL_ProofAbstractState] ->
IO ()
consCheckLoop mlbE mThr mSt mOut pS pDgS ls
= case ls of
-- we are done
[] -> do
nwLbEnv <- readMVar mlbE
putMVar mOut nwLbEnv
return ()
x:l ->
let nodeName x' = case x' of
Element _ t -> case find(\(n,_) -> n==t) $
getAllNodes pDgS of
Nothing -> "Unknown node"
Just (_,ll) ->
getDGNodeName ll
putStrLn ("Analyzing node " ++ nodeName x)
err <- checkNode (useTheorems pS)
(save2file pS)
(script pS)
(nodeName x)
(consChecker pS)
(cComorphism pS)
(ln pDgS)
case err of
[] -> consCheckLoop mlbE mThr mSt mOut pS pDgS l
_ -> do
putStrLn err
consCheckLoop mlbE mThr mSt mOut pS pDgS l