ProveCommands.hs revision 1842453990fed8a1bd7a5ac792d7982c1d2bfcd5
{- |
Module :$Header$
Description : CMDL interface commands
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
PGIP.ProveCommands contains all commands
related to prove mode
module PGIP.ProveCommands
( shellTranslate
, shellProver
, shellProveAll
, shellProve
, shellSelectAxms
, shellSelectGoals
, shellSetAxmsAll
, shellSetGoalsAll
, shellUnselectAxms
, shellUnselectGoals
, shellUnselectAxmsAll
, shellUnselectGoalsAll
, shellAddAxms
, shellAddGoals
, shellUseThms
, shellDontUseThms
, shellSave2File
, shellDontSave2File
, shellEndScript
, shellBeginScript
, shellTimeLimit
) where
import System.Console.Shell.ShellMonad
import PGIP.CMDLState
import PGIP.CMDLUtils
import PGIP.CMDLShell
import PGIP.DgCommands
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
-- import Static.DGToSpec
import Common.Result
--import Common.DocUtils
--import Common.Doc
import qualified Common.OrderedMap as OMap
import Data.List
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Comorphisms.LogicGraph
import Proofs.EdgeUtils
import Proofs.StatusUtils
import Proofs.AbstractState
-- import Proofs.BatchProcessing
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Comorphism
import Logic.Logic
import qualified Logic.Prover as P
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import System.Posix.Signals
import System.IO
-- apply comorphisms
shellTranslate :: String -> Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWith cTranslate False False
-- select a prover
shellProver :: String -> Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWith cProver False False
-- | select comorphisms
cTranslate::String -> CMDLState -> IO CMDLState
cTranslate input state =
case proveState state of
-- nothing selected !
Nothing ->return state {
errorMsg="Nothing selected"
Just pS ->
-- parse the comorphism name
case lookupComorphism_in_LG $ trim input of
Result _ Nothing -> return state {
errorMsg = "Wrong comorphism name"
Result _ (Just cm) ->
case cComorphism pS of
-- no comorphism used before
Nothing ->
return state {
proveState = Just pS {
cComorphism = Just cm
Just ocm ->
return state {
proveState = Just pS {
cComorphism = compComorphism ocm cm
getProversCMDLautomatic = foldl addProvers []
where addProvers acc cm =
case cm of
Comorphism cid -> acc ++
foldl (\ l p ->
if P.hasProverKind
P.ProveCMDLautomatic p
then (G_prover (targetLogic cid)
else l)
(provers $ targetLogic cid)
-- | select a prover
cProver::String -> CMDLState -> IO CMDLState
cProver input state =
-- trimed input
let inp = trim input
case proveState state of
Nothing -> return state {
errorMsg = "Nothing selected"
Just pS ->
-- check that some theories are selected
case elements pS of
[] -> return state {
errorMsg="Nothing selected"
(Element z _):_ ->
-- see if any comorphism was used
case cComorphism pS of
-- if none use the theory of the first selected node
-- to find possible comorphisms
Nothing-> case find (\(y,_)->
(getPName y)==inp) $
getProversCMDLautomatic $
findComorphismPaths logicGraph $
sublogicOfTh $ theory z of
Nothing -> return state {
errorMsg="No applicable prover with"
++" this name found"
Just (p,_)->return state {
proveState=Just pS {prover = Just p }
-- if yes, use the comorphism to find a list
-- of provers
Just x ->
case find (\(y,_)-> (getPName y)==inp)
$ getProversCMDLautomatic [x] of
Nothing ->
case find (\(y,_) ->
(getPName y)==inp) $
getProversCMDLautomatic $
findComorphismPaths logicGraph $
sublogicOfTh $ theory z of
Nothing -> return state {
errorMsg="No applicable prover with"
++" this name found"
Just (p,nCm@(Comorphism cid))-> return state {
errorMsg="Prover can be used with the "
++"comorphism selected using translate"
++" command. Using comorphism : "
++ language_name cid
, proveState = Just pS {
cComorphism=Just nCm
,prover = Just p
Just (p,_) -> return state {
proveState = Just pS {
prover = Just p
-- | Given a proofstatus the function does the actual call of the
-- prover
proveNode ::
--use theorems is subsequent proofs
Bool ->
-- save problem file for each goal
Bool ->
-- Tactic script
String ->
-- proofState of the node that needs proving
-- all theorems, goals and axioms should have
-- been selected before,but the theory should have
-- not beed recomputed
-- selected prover, if non one will be automatically
-- selected
Maybe G_prover ->
-- selected comorphism, if non one will be automatically
-- selected
Maybe AnyComorphism ->
MVar (Maybe ThreadId) ->
MVar (Maybe CMDLProofAbstractState) ->
MVar LibEnv ->
-- returns an error message if anything happen
IO String
proveNode useTh save2File sTxt ndpf mp mcm mThr mSt mlbE libname
=case ndpf of
Element pf_st nd ->
-- recompute the theory (to make effective the selected axioms,
-- goals)
st <- recalculateSublogicAndSelectedTheory pf_st
-- compute a prover,comorphism pair to be used in preparing
-- the theory
<-case mcm of
Nothing -> lookupKnownProver st P.ProveCMDLautomatic
Just cm' ->
case mp of
Nothing-> lookupKnownProver st P.ProveCMDLautomatic
Just p' -> return (p',cm')
-- try to prepare the theory
prep <- case prepareForProving st p_cm of
Result _ Nothing ->
p_cm'@(_,acm') <-
lookupKnownProver st P.ProveCMDLautomatic
return $ case prepareForProving st p_cm' of
Result _ Nothing -> Nothing
Result _ (Just sm)-> Just (sm,acm')
Result _ (Just sm) -> return $ Just (sm,acm)
case prep of
-- theory could not be computed
Nothing -> do
return "No suitable prover and comorphism found"
Just (G_theory_with_prover lid1 th p, cmp)->
case P.proveCMDLautomaticBatch p of
Nothing -> do
return "Error obtaining the prover"
Just fn ->
-- mVar to poll the prover for results
answ <- newMVar (return [])
let st' = st { proverRunning= True}
-- store initial input of the prover
swapMVar mSt $ Just $ Element st' nd
{- putStrLn ((theoryName st)++"\n"++
(showDoc sign "") ++
show (vsep (map (print_named lid1)
$ P.toNamedList sens))) -}
case selectedGoals st' of
[] -> return "No goals selected. Nothing to prove"
_ ->
tmp <-fn useTh
(theoryName st)
(P.Tactic_script sTxt)
swapMVar mThr $ Just $ fst tmp
pollForResults lid1 cmp (snd tmp) answ mSt []
swapMVar mThr $ Nothing
lbEnv <- readMVar mlbE
state <- readMVar mSt
case state of
Nothing -> return []
Just state' ->
lbEnv' <- addResults lbEnv libname state'
swapMVar mSt Nothing
swapMVar mlbE lbEnv'
return []
pollForResults :: (Logic lid sublogics basic_spec sentence
symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree) =>
lid ->
AnyComorphism ->
MVar () ->
MVar (Result [P.Proof_status proof_tree]) ->
MVar (Maybe CMDLProofAbstractState) ->
[P.Proof_status proof_tree] ->
IO ()
pollForResults lid acm mStop mData mState done
let toPrint ls=map(\x->let txt = "Goal "++(P.goalName x)++" is "
in case P.goalStatus x of
P.Open ->txt++"still open."
P.Proved _ ->txt++"proved.") ls
d <- takeMVar mData
case d of
Result _ Nothing ->
tmp <- tryTakeMVar mStop
case tmp of
Just () ->
t <- readMVar mData
case t of
Result _ (Just _) ->
putMVar mStop ()
pollForResults lid acm mStop mData mState done
Result _ Nothing ->
return ()
Nothing -> pollForResults lid acm mStop mData mState done
Result _ (Just d') ->
let d'' = nub d'
l = d'' \\ done
ls = toPrint l
smth <- readMVar mState
case smth of
Nothing ->
tmp <- tryTakeMVar mStop
case tmp of
Just () -> return ()
Nothing -> pollForResults lid acm mStop mData mState done
Just (Element st node) ->
prettyPrintList ls
swapMVar mState $Just $Element (markProved acm lid l st) node
tmp <- tryTakeMVar mStop
case tmp of
Just () -> return ()
Nothing -> pollForResults lid acm mStop mData mState
-- | inserts the results of the proof in the development graph
addResults :: LibEnv
-> CMDLProofAbstractState
-> IO LibEnv
addResults lbEnv libname ndps
=case ndps of
Element ps' node ->
-- inspired from Proofs/InferBasic.hs
-- and GUI/ProofManagement.hs
let ps'' = ps' {
proverRunning = False }
case theory ps'' of
G_theory lidT sigT indT sensT _ ->
gMap <-coerceThSens (logicId ps'') lidT
"ProveCommands last coerce"
(goalMap ps'')
let nwTh = G_theory lidT sigT indT (Map.union sensT gMap) 0
dGraph = lookupDGraph libname lbEnv
(_,oldContents) =
labNode' (safeContextDG "PGIP.ProveCommands"
dGraph node)
newNodeLab = oldContents {dgn_theory = nwTh}
(nextDGraph,changes) =
updateWithOneChange (SetNodeLab
(error "addResults")
(node,newNodeLab)) dGraph []
rules = []
nextHistoryElem = (rules, changes)
return $ mkResultProofStatus libname lbEnv nextDGraph
-- | Signal handler that stops the prover from running
-- when SIGINT is send
sigIntHandler :: MVar (Maybe ThreadId) ->
MVar LibEnv ->
MVar (Maybe CMDLProofAbstractState) ->
ThreadId ->
MVar LibEnv ->
IO ()
sigIntHandler mthr mlbE mSt thr mOut libname
= do
-- print a message
putStrLn "Prover stopped."
-- check if the prover is runnig
tmp <- readMVar mthr
case tmp of
Nothing -> return ()
Just sm -> killThread sm
-- kill the prove/prove-all thread
killThread thr
-- update LibEnv with intermidiar results !?
lbEnv <- readMVar mlbE
st <- readMVar mSt
case st of
Nothing ->
putMVar mOut lbEnv
return ()
Just st' ->
lbEnv' <- addResults lbEnv libname st'
-- add to the output mvar results until now
putMVar mOut lbEnv'
return ()
proveLoop :: MVar LibEnv ->
MVar (Maybe ThreadId) ->
MVar (Maybe CMDLProofAbstractState) ->
MVar LibEnv ->
CMDLProveState ->
CMDLDevGraphState ->
[CMDLProofAbstractState] ->
IO ()
proveLoop mlbE mThr mSt mOut pS pDgS ls
= case ls of
-- we are done
[] -> do
nwLbEnv <- readMVar mlbE
putMVar mOut nwLbEnv
return ()
x: l ->
let nodeName x' = case x' of
Element _ t -> case find(\(n,_)-> n==t)
$ getAllNodes pDgS of
Nothing -> "Unkown node"
Just (_,ll) ->
getDGNodeName ll
putStrLn ("Analyzing node " ++ nodeName x)
err <- proveNode (useTheorems pS)
(save2file pS)
(script pS)
(prover pS)
(cComorphism pS)
(ln pDgS)
case err of
[] -> proveLoop mlbE mThr mSt mOut pS pDgS l
_ -> do
putStrLn err
proveLoop mlbE mThr mSt mOut pS pDgS l
-- | A general function that implements the actions of setting,
-- adding or deleting goals from the selection list
cGoalsGeneral :: ActionType -> String ->CMDLState -> IO CMDLState
cGoalsGeneral action input state
= case proveState state of
Nothing -> return state {errorMsg = "Nothing selected"}
Just pS ->
case elements pS of
[] -> return state{errorMsg = "Nothing selected"}
ls ->
let gls = words input
let ls' =
map(\(Element st nb)->
let fn' x y = x==y
fn ks x = case find (fn' x)$ks of
Just _ ->
case action of
ActionDel -> False
_ -> True
Nothing ->
case action of
ActionDel -> True
_ -> False
gls' = case action of
ActionDelAll -> []
ActionDel ->
(fn $ selectedGoals st) gls
ActionSetAll ->
OMap.keys $ goalMap st
ActionSet ->
filter (fn $ OMap.keys $
goalMap st) gls
ActionAdd ->
nub $ (selectedGoals st) ++
filter (fn $ OMap.keys $
goalMap st) gls
in Element (st {
selectedGoals = gls'
}) nb ) ls
return state {proveState = Just pS {
elements = ls'
-- | General function that implements the actions of setting, adding
-- or deleting axioms from the selection list
cAxmsGeneral :: ActionType -> String -> CMDLState -> IO CMDLState
cAxmsGeneral action input state
= case proveState state of
Nothing -> return state {errorMsg = "Nothing selected"}
Just pS ->
case elements pS of
[] -> return state{errorMsg = "Nothing selected"}
ls ->
let axms = words input
let ls' =
map (\(Element st nb) ->
case theory st of
G_theory _ _ _ aMap _ ->
let fn' x y = x==y
fn ks x=case find (fn' x)$ ks of
Just _ ->
case action of
ActionDel -> False
_ -> True
Nothing ->
case action of
ActionDel -> True
_ -> False
axms' = case action of
ActionDelAll -> []
ActionDel ->
(fn $ includedAxioms st )
ActionSetAll -> OMap.keys aMap
ActionSet ->
(fn $ OMap.keys aMap) axms
ActionAdd ->
nub $ (includedAxioms st) ++
filter (fn $ OMap.keys aMap)
in Element ( st {
includedAxioms = axms'
}) nb ) ls
return state {proveState = Just pS {
elements = ls'
-- | Proves only selected goals from all nodes using selected
-- axioms
cProve::CMDLState-> IO CMDLState
cProve state
= case proveState state of
Nothing -> return state {errorMsg = "Nothing selected"}
Just pS ->
case devGraphState state of
Nothing -> return state{errorMsg="No library loaded"}
Just dgS ->
case elements pS of
[] -> return state{errorMsg="Nothing selected"}
ls ->
--create inital mVars to comunicate
mlbEnv <- newMVar $ libEnv dgS
mSt <- newMVar Nothing
mThr <- newMVar Nothing
mW <- newEmptyMVar
-- fork
thrID <- forkIO(proveLoop mlbEnv mThr mSt mW pS dgS ls)
-- install the handler that waits for SIG_INT
installHandler sigINT (Catch $
sigIntHandler mThr mlbEnv mSt thrID mW (ln dgS)
) Nothing
-- block and wait for answers
answ <- takeMVar mW
let nwDgS = dgS {
libEnv = answ
let nwls=concatMap(\(Element _ x) ->
selectANode x nwDgS) ls
return $ state {
devGraphState = Just nwDgS
,proveState = Just pS {
elements = nwls
-- | Proves all goals in the nodes selected using all axioms and
-- theorems
cProveAll::CMDLState ->IO CMDLState
cProveAll state
= case proveState state of
Nothing -> return state {errorMsg = "Nothing selected" }
Just pS ->
case elements pS of
[] -> return state{errorMsg="Nothing selected"}
ls ->
let ls' = map (\(Element st nb) ->
case theory st of
G_theory _ _ _ aMap _ ->
(st {
selectedGoals = OMap.keys $
goalMap st,
includedAxioms = OMap.keys aMap,
includedTheorems = OMap.keys $
goalMap st
}) nb ) ls
let nwSt = state {
proveState = Just pS {
elements = ls'
cProve nwSt
-- | Sets the use theorems flag of the interface
cSetUseThms :: Bool -> CMDLState -> IO CMDLState
cSetUseThms val state
= case proveState state of
Nothing -> return state {errorMsg = "Norhing selected"}
Just pS ->
return state {
proveState = Just pS {
useTheorems = val
-- | Sets the save2File value to either true or false
cSetSave2File :: Bool -> CMDLState -> IO CMDLState
cSetSave2File val state
= case proveState state of
Nothing -> return state {errorMsg = "Nothing selected"}
Just ps ->
return state {
proveState = Just ps {
save2file = val
-- | Function to signal the interface that the script has ended
cEndScript :: CMDLState -> IO CMDLState
cEndScript state
= case proveState state of
Nothing -> return state {errorMsg = "Nothing selected"}
Just ps ->
case loadScript ps of
False -> return state {errorMsg = "No previous call of "
++ "begin-script"
True ->
let nwSt= state {
proveState = Just ps {
loadScript = False
return nwSt
-- | Function to signal the interface that a scrips starts so it should
-- not try to parse the input
cStartScript :: CMDLState-> IO CMDLState
cStartScript state
= do
case proveState state of
Nothing -> return state {errorMsg="Nothing selected"}
Just ps ->
return state {
proveState = Just ps {
loadScript = True
cTimeLimit :: String -> CMDLState-> IO CMDLState
cTimeLimit input state
= case proveState state of
Nothing -> return state {errorMsg="Nothing selected"}
Just ps ->
case checkIntString input of
False -> return state
{errorMsg="Please insert a number of seconds"}
True ->
case isInfixOf "Time Limit: " $ script ps of
True -> return state {errorMsg="Time limit already set"}
state {
proveState = Just ps {
script = ("Time Limit: " ++ input
++"\n"++ (script ps))
shellTimeLimit :: String -> Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWith cTimeLimit False False
shellSelectAxms :: String -> Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWith (cAxmsGeneral ActionSet) False False
shellSetAxmsAll :: Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWithout (cAxmsGeneral ActionSetAll "") False False
shellUnselectAxms :: String -> Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWith (cAxmsGeneral ActionDel) False False
shellUnselectAxmsAll :: Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWithout (cAxmsGeneral ActionDelAll "") False False
shellAddAxms :: String -> Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWith (cAxmsGeneral ActionAdd) False False
shellSelectGoals :: String -> Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWith (cGoalsGeneral ActionSet) False False
shellSetGoalsAll :: Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWithout (cGoalsGeneral ActionSetAll "") False False
shellUnselectGoals:: String -> Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWith (cGoalsGeneral ActionDel) False False
shellUnselectGoalsAll :: Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWithout (cGoalsGeneral ActionDelAll "") False False
shellAddGoals :: String -> Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWith (cGoalsGeneral ActionAdd) False False
shellUseThms :: Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWithout (cSetUseThms True) False False
shellDontUseThms :: Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWithout (cSetUseThms False) False False
shellSave2File :: Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWithout (cSetSave2File True) False False
shellDontSave2File :: Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWithout (cSetSave2File False) False False
shellBeginScript :: Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWithout cStartScript False False
shellProve :: Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWithout cProve False False
shellProveAll :: Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWithout cProveAll False False
shellEndScript :: Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWithout cEndScript False True