Parser_Syntax.hs revision 58aa0caa9f05787b4bffc2e32d1494cc1766b8cf
{- |
Module :$Header$
Copyright : uni-bremen and Razvan Pascanu
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Definition of the command line script syntax. Any command from the script is defined by a list of strings and keywords (PATH, GOALS, COMORPHISM,PROVER,
FORMULA, PROOF-SCRIPT, FORMULA-STAR, FORMULA-PLUS) and a function toghether with a list of parameters. If the parser manages to parse in the given
order all the indicatad words it will execute the corresponding function passing as argument a list of parameters. The parameters are determined
by the keywords enumarated above. The meaning of each is
PATH - the parser expects to read a path
GOALS - the parser expects to read none or more goals
COMORPHISM - the parser expects to read one or more ID separated by semicolon
PROVER - the parser expects to read a prover ID
FORMULA - the parser expects to read a formula ID
PROOF-SCRIPT - the parser expects to read some strings ended with the keyword end-script
FORMULA-STAR - the parser expects to read none or more formulaes separated by blanks
FURMULA-PLUS - the parser expects to read one or more formulaes separated by blanks
If the parser meaneage to parse in the given order all the indicated words
module PGIP.Parser_Syntax where
import PGIP.Commands
-- basic datastructures: see Static.DevGraph, Logic.Prover
commands::[ ([String], CommandFunctionsAndParameters)]
commands = [(["use","PATH"], (CommandParam commandUse [])), -- Static.AnalysisLibrary, Driver.ReadFn
(["dg","auto","GOALS"], (CommandParamStatus commandDgAuto [] [EnvID])), -- Proofs.Auto
(["dg","glob-subsume","GOALS"], (CommandParamStatus commandDgGlobSubsume [] [EnvID])), -- Proofs.Global
(["dg","glob-decomp","GOALS"], (CommandParamStatus commandDgGlobDecomp [] [EnvID])), -- Proofs.Global
(["dg","loc-infer","GOALS"], (CommandParamStatus commandDgLocInfer [] [EnvID])), -- Proofs.Local
(["dg","loc-decomp","GOALS"], (CommandParamStatus commandDgLocDecomp [] [EnvID])), -- Proofs.Local
(["dg","comp","GOALS"], (CommandParamStatus commandDgComp [] [EnvID])), -- Proofs.Comp
(["dg","comp-new","GOALS"], (CommandParamStatus commandDgCompNew [] [EnvID])), -- Proofs.Comp
(["dg","hide-thm","GOALS"], (CommandParamStatus commandDgHideThm [] [EnvID])), -- Proofs.HideThmShift
(["dg","thm-hide","GOALS"], (CommandTest test [])), -- Proofs.ThmHideShift
(["dg","basic","GOALS"], (CommandParamStatus commandDgInferBasic [] [EnvID])), -- Proofs.InferBasic
(["dg-all","auto"], (CommandStatus commandDgAllAuto [EnvID])), -- dto.
(["dg-all","glob-subsume"], (CommandStatus commandDgAllGlobSubsume [EnvID])),
(["dg-all","glob-decomp"], (CommandStatus commandDgAllGlobDecomp [EnvID])),
(["dg-all","loc-infer"], (CommandStatus commandDgAllLocInfer [EnvID])),
(["dg-all","loc-decomp"], (CommandStatus commandDgAllLocDecomp [EnvID])),
(["dg-all","comp"], (CommandStatus commandDgAllComp [EnvID])),
(["dg-all","comp-new"], (CommandStatus commandDgAllCompNew [EnvID])),
(["dg-all","hide-thm"], (CommandStatus commandDgAllHideThm [EnvID])),
(["dg-all","thm-hide"], (CommandStatus commandDgAllThmHide [EnvID])),
(["dg-all","basic"], (CommandStatus commandDgAllInferBasic [EnvID])),
(["show-dg-goals"], (CommandTest test [])), -- new function
(["show-theory-goals"], (CommandShowStatus commandShowTheoryGoals [EnvID])),
(["show-theory"], (CommandShowStatus commandShowTheory [EnvID])), -- dto.
(["node-info"], (CommandTest test [])), -- GUI.ConvertAbstractToDevGraph
(["show-taxonomy"], (CommandTest test [])), -- GUI.ConvertAbstractToDevGraph
(["show-concepts"], (CommandTest test [])), -- GUI.ConvertAbstractToDevGraph
(["translate","COMORPHISM"], (CommandTest test [])), -- Proofs.InferBasic
(["prover","PROVER"], (CommandTest test [])), -- Proofs.InferBasic
(["proof-script","FORMULA","PROOF-SCRIPT"], (CommandTest test [])), -- Isabelle.IsaProve.hs (for Isabelle)
(["cons-check", "PROVER"], (CommandTest test [])), -- ISabelle.IsaProve.hs (for ISabelle)
(["prove", "FORMULA-STAR","using","FORMULA-PLUS"], (CommandTest test [])), -- Proofs.InferBasic
(["prove", "FORMULA-STAR","excluding","FORMULA-PLUS"], (CommandTest test [])), -- Proofs.InferBasic
(["prove", "FORMULA-STAR"], (CommandTest test [])), -- Proofs.InferBasic
(["prove-all","using","FORMULA-PLUS"], (CommandTest test [])), -- dto.
(["prove-all","excluding","FORMULA-PLUS"], (CommandTest test [])),
(["prove-all"], (CommandTest test []))]