Proof.hs revision 12bd03809cbc5823eecc086f5216ec46cb1c35ad
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, TypeFamilies, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module PGIP.Output.Proof
( ProofFormatterOptions
, proofFormatterOptions
, pfoIncludeProof
, pfoIncludeDetails
, ProofResult
, formatProofs
) where
import PGIP.Common
import PGIP.Output.Formatting
import PGIP.Output.Mime
import PGIP.Output.Provers (Prover, prepareFormatProver)
import Interfaces.GenericATPState (tsTimeLimit, tsExtraOpts)
import Logic.Comorphism (AnyComorphism)
import qualified Logic.Prover as LP
import Proofs.AbstractState (G_proof_tree)
import Common.Json (ppJson, asJson)
import Common.ToXml (asXml)
import Data.Data
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import Numeric
import Text.XML.Light (ppTopElement)
type ProofResult = (String, String, String, ProverOrConsChecker,
-- (goalName, goalResult, goalDetails, prover,
AnyComorphism, Maybe (LP.ProofStatus G_proof_tree))
-- translation, proofStatusM)
type ProofFormatter =
ProofFormatterOptions -> [(String, [ProofResult])] -> (String, String)
-- [(dgNodeName, result)] -> (responseType, response)
data ProofFormatterOptions = ProofFormatterOptions
{ pfoIncludeProof :: Bool
, pfoIncludeDetails :: Bool
} deriving (Show, Eq)
proofFormatterOptions :: ProofFormatterOptions
proofFormatterOptions = ProofFormatterOptions
{ pfoIncludeProof = True
, pfoIncludeDetails = True
formatProofs :: Maybe String -> ProofFormatter
formatProofs format options proofs = case format of
Just "json" -> formatAsJSON
_ -> formatAsXML
proof :: [Proof]
proof = map convertProof proofs
formatAsJSON :: (String, String)
formatAsJSON = (jsonC, ppJson $ asJson proof)
formatAsXML :: (String, String)
formatAsXML = (xmlC, ppTopElement $ asXml proof)
convertProof :: (String, [ProofResult]) -> Proof
convertProof (nodeName, proofResults) = Proof
{ node = nodeName
, goals = map convertGoal proofResults
convertGoal :: ProofResult -> ProofGoal
convertGoal (goalName, goalResult, goalDetails, proverOrConsChecker,
translation, proofStatusM) =
{ name = goalName
, result = goalResult
, details =
if pfoIncludeDetails options
then Just goalDetails
else Nothing
, usedProver = prepareFormatProver proverOrConsChecker
, usedTranslation = showComorph translation
, tacticScript = fmap convertTacticScript proofStatusM
, proofTree = fmap (show . LP.proofTree) proofStatusM
, usedTime = fmap (convertTime . LP.usedTime) proofStatusM
, usedAxioms = fmap LP.usedAxioms proofStatusM
, proverOutput =
if pfoIncludeProof options
then fmap (unlines . LP.proofLines) proofStatusM
else Nothing
convertTime :: TimeOfDay -> ProofTime
convertTime tod = ProofTime
{ seconds = read $ init $ show $ timeOfDayToTime tod
, components = convertTimeComponents tod
convertTimeComponents :: TimeOfDay -> ProofTimeComponents
convertTimeComponents tod = ProofTimeComponents
{ hours = todHour tod
, mins = todMin tod
, secs = case readSigned readFloat $ show $ todSec tod of
[(n, "")] -> n
_ -> error $ "Failed reading the number " ++ show (todSec tod)
convertTacticScript :: LP.ProofStatus G_proof_tree -> TacticScript
convertTacticScript ps =
let atp = read $ (\ (LP.TacticScript ts) -> ts) $ LP.tacticScript ps
in TacticScript { timeLimit = tsTimeLimit atp
, extraOptions = tsExtraOpts atp
data Proof = Proof
{ node :: String
, goals :: [ProofGoal]
} deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)
data ProofGoal = ProofGoal
{ name :: String
, result :: String
, details :: Maybe String
, usedProver :: Prover
, usedTranslation :: String
, tacticScript :: Maybe TacticScript
, proofTree :: Maybe String
, usedTime :: Maybe ProofTime
, usedAxioms :: Maybe [String]
, proverOutput :: Maybe String
} deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)
data TacticScript = TacticScript
{ timeLimit :: Int
, extraOptions :: [String]
} deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)
data ProofTime = ProofTime
{ seconds :: Int
, components :: ProofTimeComponents
} deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)
data ProofTimeComponents = ProofTimeComponents
{ hours :: Int
, mins :: Int
, secs :: Double
} deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)