MarkPgip.hs revision 21ceb77765fba1a10a105dd623754e08f7424889
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : XML processing for the CMDL interface
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
PGIP.MarkPgip contains commands for adding pgip markup into unstructured
Hets file
module PGIP.MarkPgip
import Text.XML.Light
import Common.Utils(trim)
-- Generates a QName tag named as the input string
genQName :: String -> QName
genQName str =
let qnameVal = blank_name
in qnameVal { qName = str }
-- Converts any line text that does not stand for a
-- comment into a theoryitem element
genProofStep :: String -> Content
genProofStep str =
case trim str of
-- if empty line generate a whitespace element
[] -> Elem $ Element {
elName = genQName "whitespace",
elAttribs = [],
elContent = [Text $ CData CDataRaw (str++"\n") Nothing],
elLine = Nothing }
-- if line starts with a # convert it to a comment element
'#':_ -> Elem $ Element {
elName = genQName "comment",
elAttribs = [],
elContent = [Text $ CData CDataRaw (str++"\n") Nothing],
elLine = Nothing }
-- convert line into a theoryitem element
_ -> Elem $ Element {
elName = genQName "theoryitem",
elAttribs = [],
elContent = [Text $ CData CDataRaw (str++"\n") Nothing],
elLine = Nothing }
-- | adds xml structure to unstructured code
addPgipMarkUp :: String -> Content
addPgipMarkUp str
-- split text in lines
let allLines = lines str
-- map all lines except the first one to theory items
contents = map genProofStep $ tail allLines
-- generate a opentheory element that contains
-- the first line of code (as the trigger that causes
-- the opentheory, it can even be a comment)
opTheory = Elem $ Element {
elName = genQName "opentheory",
elAttribs = [Attr {
attrKey = genQName "thyname",
attrVal = "whatever"
elContent = [Text $ CData CDataRaw
((head allLines)++"\n") Nothing],
elLine = Nothing }
-- generate a close theory element
clTheory = Elem $ Element {
elName = genQName "closetheory",
elAttribs = [],
elContent = [],
elLine = Nothing }
-- create a suitable structure by having first the opentheory
-- element, followed by the theoryitem elements and in the end
-- the close theory element
parseResult = Elem $ Element {
elName = genQName "parseresult",
elAttribs = [],
elContent = [opTheory] ++
contents++[clTheory] ,
elLine = Nothing }
in parseResult
- other types of mark ups :
- opengoal / closegoal
- openblock / closeblock