Interface.hs revision da955132262baab309a50fdffe228c9efe68251d
{- |
Module :$Header$
Description : The definition of CMDL interface for
standard input and file input
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
PGIP.CMDLStdin describes the interface specific function
for standard input and file input
module PGIP.Interface where
import System.Console.Shell
import System.Console.Shell.Backend
import System.IO
import PGIP.CMDLShell
import PGIP.CMDLState
import PGIP.DgCommands
import PGIP.InfoCommands
import PGIP.ProveCommands
import PGIP.UndoRedo
import qualified Control.Exception as Ex
-- | Generates the list of all the shell commands toghether
-- with a short description
cmdlCommands :: [ShellCommand CMDLState]
-- different names for exit commands
= (exitCommand "exit")
: (exitCommand "quit")
-- also vi style
: (exitCommand ":q")
-- different name for help commands
: (cmd "details" shellDetails
"view details about the gramma of this interactive mode")
: (helpCommand "help")
-- also ? for help
: (helpCommand "?")
-- dgCommands
: (cmd "use" shellDgUse "load a HetCATS library")
: (cmd "dg auto" shellDgAuto
"apply automatic tactic to a list of goals")
: (cmd "dg glob-subsume" shellDgGlobSubsume
"apply global subsumption to a list of goals")
: (cmd "dg glob-decomp" shellDgGlobDecomp
"apply global decomposition to a list of goals")
: (cmd "dg loc-infer" shellDgLocInfer
"apply local inference to a list of goals")
: (cmd "dg loc-decomp" shellDgLocDecomp
"apply local decomposition to a list of goals")
: (cmd "dg comp" shellDgComp
"apply composition to a list of goals")
: (cmd "dg comp-new" shellDgCompNew
"apply composition with speculation of new edges ")
: (cmd "dg hide-thm" shellDgHideThm
"apply hide theorem shift to a list of goals")
: (cmd "dg thm-hide" shellDgThmHideShift
"apply theorem hide shift to a list of goals")
-- select nodes
: (cmd "select" shellDgSelect
"select a list of goals for proving")
: (cmd "dg basic" shellDgSelect
"select a list of goals for proving")
-- dgAllCommands
: (cmd "dg-all auto" shellDgAllAuto
"apply automatic tactic to all goals")
: (cmd "dg-all glob-subsume" shellDgAllGlobSubsume
"apply global subsumption to all goals")
: (cmd "dg-all glob-decomp" shellDgAllGlobDecomp
"apply global decomposition to all goals")
: (cmd "dg-all loc-infer" shellDgAllLocInfer
"apply local inference to all goals")
: (cmd "dg-all loc-decomp" shellDgAllLocDecomp
"apply local decomposition to all goals")
: (cmd "dg-all comp" shellDgAllComp
"apply composition to all goals")
: (cmd "dg-all comp-new" shellDgAllCompNew
"apply composition with speculation of new edges ")
: (cmd "dg-all hide-thm" shellDgAllHideThm
"apply hide theorem shift to all goals")
: (cmd "dg-all thm-hide" shellDgAllThmHide
"apply theorem hide shift to all goals")
-- select all nodes
: (cmd "select-all" shellDgSelectAll
"select all goals for proving")
: (cmd "dg-all basic" shellDgSelectAll
"select all goals for proving")
-- information commands
: (cmd "show-undo-history" shellShowUndoHistory
"show history of executed commands")
: (cmd "show-redo-history" shellShowRedoHistory
"show commands that had been canceled")
: (cmd "show-dg-goals" shellShowDgGoals
"shows list of all open dg goals")
: (cmd "show-theory-goals" shellShowTheoryGoals
"shows list of theory goals")
: (cmd "show-theory-goals-current" shellShowTheoryGoalsCurrent
"shows theory of goals from the selected nodes")
: (cmd "show-proven-goals" shellShowNodePGoals
"shows names of the proven goals ")
: (cmd "show-proven-goals-current" shellShowNodePGoalsCurrent
"shows names of the proven goals from selected nodes")
: (cmd "show-unproven-goals" shellShowNodeUGoals
"shows names of the unproven goals")
: (cmd "show-unproven-goals-current" shellShowNodeUGoalsCurrent
"shows names of the unproven goals from selected nodes")
: (cmd "show-axioms" shellShowNodeAxioms
"show names of axioms")
: (cmd "show-axioms-current" shellShowNodeAxiomsCurrent
"show names of axioms from selected nodes")
: (cmd "show-theory-current" shellShowTheoryCurrent
"shows current theory and proof goals")
: (cmd "show-theory" shellShowTheory
"shows theory of the provided node")
: (cmd "info-current" shellInfoCurrent
"shows info about current dg node or edge")
: (cmd "info" shellInfo
"shows info about the provided dg node")
: (cmd "show-taxonomy-current" shellShowTaxonomyCurrent
"shows taxonomy graph")
: (cmd "show-taxonomy" shellShowTaxonomy
"shows taxonomy graph of the provided nodes")
: (cmd "show-concept-current" shellShowConceptCurrent
"shows concept graph")
: (cmd "show-concept" shellShowConcept
"shows concept graph of the provided nodes")
: (cmd "node-number" shellNodeNumber
" view node number")
: (cmd "nodes" shellNodes
"show all nodes of the development graph")
: (cmd "edges" shellEdges
"show all edges of the development graph")
: (cmd "show-graph" shellDisplayGraph
"displays the current dg graph")
: (cmd "#" shellComment
: (cmd "%%" shellComment
: (cmd "%{" shellMultiLineCommentOpen
"open comments")
: (cmd "}%" shellMultiLineCommentClose
"close comments")
-- prove mode commands
-- comorphism related
: (cmd "translate" shellTranslate
"translate theory goals along comorphism")
-- prover related
: (cmd "prover" shellProver
"selects a prover")
-- proving related
: (cmd "prove-all" shellProveAll
"Applies a theorem prover")
: (cmd "prove" shellProveAll
"Applies a theorem prover to selected goals")
: (cmd "set axioms" shellSelectAxms
"Selects what axioms should be used")
: (cmd "set goals" shellSelectGoals
"Selects what goals needs to be proven")
: (cmd "set-all axioms" shellSetAxmsAll
"Selects all axioms")
: (cmd "set-all goals" shellSetGoalsAll
"Selects all goals")
: (cmd "del axioms" shellUnselectAxms
"Unselects the given axioms")
: (cmd "del goals" shellUnselectGoals
"Unselects the given goals")
: (cmd "del-all axioms" shellUnselectAxmsAll
"Unselects all axioms")
: (cmd "del-all goals" shellUnselectGoalsAll
"Unselects all goals")
: (cmd "add axioms" shellAddAxms
"Adds axioms to the current selections")
: (cmd "add goals" shellAddGoals
"Adds goals to the current selections")
: (cmd "begin-script" shellBeginScript
"Prepares the interface for reading a script")
: (cmd "end-script" shellEndScript
" Close the block of rules and runs either prove or prove-all")
: (cmd "set include-theorems true" shellUseThms
"Include previous proved theorems")
: (cmd "set include-theorems false" shellDontUseThms
"Do not include previous proved theorems")
: (cmd "set save-prove-to-file true" shellSave2File
"Saves the proofs for each goal to a file")
: (cmd "set save-prove-to-file false" shellDontSave2File
"Do not save the proofs into files")
: (cmd "set time-limit" shellTimeLimit
"Time limit for the prover to run before abortion")
: (cmd "undo" shellUndo
"Undo last action")
: (cmd "redo" shellRedo
"Redo last undone action")
: []
-- | Creates the Backend for reading from files
fileBackend :: String -> ShellBackend Handle
fileBackend filename = ShBackend
{ initBackend = openFile filename ReadMode
, shutdownBackend = hClose
, outputString = \_ -> basicOutput
, flushOutput = \_ -> hFlush stdout
, getSingleChar = fileGetSingleChar
, getInput = fileGetInput
, addHistory = \_ _ -> return ()
, setWordBreakChars = \_ _ -> return ()
, getWordBreakChars = \_ -> return
" \t\n\r\v`~!@#$%^&*()=[]{};\\\'\",<>"
, onCancel = \_ -> hPutStrLn stdout "canceled...\n"
, setAttemptedCompletionFunction = \_ _ -> return ()
, setDefaultCompletionFunction = \_ _ -> return ()
, completeFilename = \_ _ -> return []
, completeUsername = \_ _ -> return []
, clearHistoryState = \_ -> return ()
, getMaxHistoryEntries = \_ -> return 0
, setMaxHistoryEntries = \_ _ -> return ()
, readHistory = \_ _ -> return ()
, writeHistory = \_ _ -> return ()
-- | Used to get one char from a file open for reading
fileGetSingleChar :: Handle -> String -> IO (Maybe Char)
fileGetSingleChar file _
= do
Ex.bracket (hGetBuffering file) (hSetBuffering file) $
\_ -> do
hSetBuffering file NoBuffering
c <- hGetChar file
hPutStrLn stdout ""
return (Just c)
-- | Used to get a line from a file open for reading
fileGetInput :: Handle -> String -> IO (Maybe String)
fileGetInput file _ = do
x <- hGetLine file
return (Just x)
basicOutput :: BackendOutput -> IO ()
basicOutput (RegularOutput out) = hPutStr stdout out
basicOutput (InfoOutput out) = hPutStr stdout out
basicOutput (ErrorOutput out) = hPutStr stderr out
cmdlShellDescription :: ShellDescription CMDLState
cmdlShellDescription =
let wbc = "\n\r\v\\" in
{ shellCommands = cmdlCommands
, commandStyle = OnlyCommands
, evaluateFunc = cmdlEvalFunc
, wordBreakChars = wbc
, prompt = \x -> return (prompter x)
, historyFile = Just ("consoleHistory.tmp")
cmdlFileShellDescription :: ShellDescription CMDLState
cmdlFileShellDescription =
let wbc = "\t\n\r\v\\" in
{ shellCommands = cmdlCommands
, commandStyle = OnlyCommands
, evaluateFunc = cmdlEvalFunc
, wordBreakChars = wbc
, prompt = \_ -> return ""
, historyFile = Just ("consoleHistory.tmp")
-- | Applies cUse to a list of input files
recursiveApplyUse::[String] -> CMDLState -> IO CMDLState
recursiveApplyUse ls state
= case ls of
[] -> return state
l:ll -> do
nwState <- cUse l state
recursiveApplyUse ll nwState
-- | The function runs hets in a shell
cmdlRunShell :: [String] ->IO CMDLState
cmdlRunShell files
= do
state <- recursiveApplyUse files emptyCMDLState
runShell cmdlShellDescription
{defaultCompletions= Just cmdlCompletionFn }
-- | The function processes the file of instruction
cmdlProcessFile :: String -> IO CMDLState
cmdlProcessFile filename =
(runShell cmdlFileShellDescription
(fileBackend filename)
emptyCMDLState) `catch`
(\_ -> return emptyCMDLState )