Interface.hs revision bea667f53e35535aa05b52ad8d5e5aa47f793c3c
{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : The definition of CMDL interface for
standard input and file input
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
PGIP.Interface describes the interface specific function
for standard input and file input
module PGIP.Interface where
import System.Console.Shell
import System.Console.Shell.Backend.Editline
import System.Console.Shell.Backend.Compatline
import System.IO
import PGIP.Shell
import PGIP.DataTypes
import PGIP.Commands
import PGIP.StringInterface
import PGIP.StdInterface
import PGIP.FileInterface
import Interfaces.DataTypes
-- | Creates an empty CMDL_State
emptyCMDL_State :: CMDL_State
emptyCMDL_State =
CMDL_State {
intState = IntState {
i_state = Nothing,
i_hist = IntHistory {
undoList = [],
redoList = [] }
prompter = CMDL_PrompterState {
fileLoaded = [],
prompterHead = "> " },
output = CMDL_Message {
errorMsg = [],
outputMsg = [],
warningMsg = []
openComment = False,
connections = []
-- | The function runs hets in a shell
cmdlRunShell :: [String] ->IO CMDL_State
cmdlRunShell files
= do
state <- recursiveApplyUse files emptyCMDL_State
runShell stdShellDescription
{defaultCompletions= Just (cmdlCompletionFn getCommands) }
-- | The function processes the file of instructions
cmdlProcessFile :: String -> IO CMDL_State
cmdlProcessFile filename =
(runShell fileShellDescription
(fileBackend filename)
emptyCMDL_State) `catch`
(\_ -> return emptyCMDL_State )
-- | The function processes a string of instructions starting from a given
-- state
cmdlProcessString :: String -> CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cmdlProcessString input st =
(runShell stringShellDescription
(stringBackend input)
st) `catch`
(\_ -> return st )