Interface.hs revision 90d7cac36f60438bd35124e3389b5bce6d114b46
{- |
Module :$Header$
Description : The definition of CMDL interface for
standard input and file input
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
PGIP.CMDLStdin describes the interface specific function
for standard input and file input
module PGIP.Interface where
import System.Console.Shell
import System.Console.Shell.Backend
import System.IO
import PGIP.Shell
import PGIP.DataTypes
import PGIP.Commands
import PGIP.DgCommands
import qualified Control.Exception as Ex
shellacInp :: CMDL_CmdDescription -> String -> Sh CMDL_State ()
shellacInp descr inp
= let inf = cmdInfo descr
in shellacCmd descr {cmdInfo = inf {cmdInput = inp} }
-- | Generates the list of all the shell commands toghether
-- with a short description
cmdlCommands :: [ShellCommand CMDL_State]
= let genCmds = concatMap (\x ->
map (\y-> case cmdFn x of
CmdNoInput _ ->
cmd y (shellacCmd x) (cmdDescription x)
CmdWithInput _ ->
cmd y (shellacInp x) (cmdDescription x)
)$ cmdNames $ cmdInfo x) getCommands
-- different names for exit commands
(exitCommand "exit")
: (exitCommand "quit")
-- also vi style
: (exitCommand ":q")
-- different name for help commands
: (helpCommand "help")
-- also ? for help
: (helpCommand "?")
: genCmds
-- | Creates the Backend for reading from files
fileBackend :: String -> ShellBackend Handle
fileBackend filename = ShBackend
{ initBackend = openFile filename ReadMode
, shutdownBackend = hClose
, outputString = \_ -> basicOutput
, flushOutput = \_ -> hFlush stdout
, getSingleChar = fileGetSingleChar
, getInput = fileGetInput
, addHistory = \_ _ -> return ()
, setWordBreakChars = \_ _ -> return ()
, getWordBreakChars = \_ -> return
" \t\n\r\v`~!@#$%^&*()=[]{};\\\'\",<>"
, onCancel = \_ -> hPutStrLn stdout "canceled...\n"
, setAttemptedCompletionFunction = \_ _ -> return ()
, setDefaultCompletionFunction = \_ _ -> return ()
, completeFilename = \_ _ -> return []
, completeUsername = \_ _ -> return []
, clearHistoryState = \_ -> return ()
, getMaxHistoryEntries = \_ -> return 0
, setMaxHistoryEntries = \_ _ -> return ()
, readHistory = \_ _ -> return ()
, writeHistory = \_ _ -> return ()
-- | Used to get one char from a file open for reading
fileGetSingleChar :: Handle -> String -> IO (Maybe Char)
fileGetSingleChar file _
= do
Ex.bracket (hGetBuffering file) (hSetBuffering file) $
\_ -> do
hSetBuffering file NoBuffering
c <- hGetChar file
hPutStrLn stdout ""
return (Just c)
-- | Used to get a line from a file open for reading
fileGetInput :: Handle -> String -> IO (Maybe String)
fileGetInput file _ = do
x <- hGetLine file
return (Just x)
basicOutput :: BackendOutput -> IO ()
basicOutput (RegularOutput out) = hPutStr stdout out
basicOutput (InfoOutput out) = hPutStr stdout out
basicOutput (ErrorOutput out) = hPutStr stderr out
cmdlShellDescription :: ShellDescription CMDL_State
cmdlShellDescription =
let wbc = "\n\r\v\\" in
{ shellCommands = cmdlCommands
, commandStyle = OnlyCommands
, evaluateFunc = shellacInp cmdlEvalFunc
, wordBreakChars = wbc
, prompt = \x -> return (prompter x)
, historyFile = Just ("consoleHistory.tmp")
cmdlFileShellDescription :: ShellDescription CMDL_State
cmdlFileShellDescription =
let wbc = "\t\n\r\v\\" in
{ shellCommands = cmdlCommands
, commandStyle = OnlyCommands
, evaluateFunc = shellacInp cmdlEvalFunc
, wordBreakChars = wbc
, prompt = \_ -> return ""
, historyFile = Just ("consoleHistory.tmp")
-- | Applies cUse to a list of input files
recursiveApplyUse::[String] -> CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
recursiveApplyUse ls state
= case ls of
[] -> return state
l:ll -> do
nwState <- cUse l state
recursiveApplyUse ll nwState
emptyCMDL_State :: CMDL_State
emptyCMDL_State =
CMDL_State {
devGraphState = Nothing,
proveState = Nothing,
prompter = " > ",
output = CMDL_Output {
errorMsg = [],
outputMsg = [],
fatalError = False
history = CMDL_History {
undoList = [],
redoList = [],
oldEnv = Nothing,
undoInstances = [],
redoInstances = []
openComment = False,
connections = []
-- | The function runs hets in a shell
cmdlRunShell :: [String] ->IO CMDL_State
cmdlRunShell files
= do
state <- recursiveApplyUse files emptyCMDL_State
runShell cmdlShellDescription
{defaultCompletions= Just (cmdlCompletionFn getCommands) }
-- | The function processes the file of instructions
cmdlProcessFile :: String -> IO CMDL_State
cmdlProcessFile filename =
(runShell cmdlFileShellDescription
(fileBackend filename)
emptyCMDL_State) `catch`
(\_ -> return emptyCMDL_State )