InfoCommands.hs revision f9e0b18852b238ddb649d341194e05d7200d1bbe
{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-}
{- |
Module :$Header$
Description : CMDL interface commands
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
PGIP.InfoCommands contains all commands
that provides information about the state
of the development graph and selected
module PGIP.InfoCommands
( cNodes
, cShowDgGoals
, cDisplayGraph
, cShowNodePGoals
, cShowNodePGoalsCurrent
, cRedoHistory
, cShowTaxonomy
, cShowTaxonomyCurrent
, cShowTheory
, cShowTheoryCurrent
, cShowTheoryGoals
, cShowTheoryGoalsCurrent
, cUndoHistory
, cDetails
, cShowNodeUGoals
, cEdges
, cShowNodeUGoalsCurrent
, cShowNodeAxioms
, cInfo
, cShowNodeAxiomsCurrent
, cInfoCurrent
, cShowConcept
, cNodeNumber
, cShowConceptCurrent
) where
import Events
import Destructible
import GUI.Taxonomy
import GUI.ShowGraph
import PGIP.DataTypes
import PGIP.Utils
import PGIP.Shell
import PGIP.DataTypesUtils
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.Taxonomy
import qualified Common.OrderedMap as OMap
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Logic
import Driver.Options
-- show list of all goals(i.e. prints their name)
cShowDgGoals :: CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cShowDgGoals state
= case devGraphState state of
-- nothing to print
Nothing -> return state
Just dgState ->
-- compute list of node goals
let nodeGoals = nodeNames $ getAllGoalNodes state dgState
-- list of all nodes
ls = getAllNodes dgState
lsE = getAllEdges dgState
lsGE= getAllGoalEdges dgState
-- list of all goal edge names
edgeGoals = createEdgeNames ls lsE lsGE
-- print sorted version of the list
return $ genMessage [] (prettyPrintList $ sort (nodeGoals++edgeGoals))
-- local function that computes the theory of a node but it
-- keeps only the goal theory
getGoalThS :: Int -> CMDL_State -> [String]
getGoalThS x state
= case getTh x state of
Nothing -> []
Just th ->
let nwth = case th of
G_theory x1 x2 x3 thSens x4 ->
G_theory x1 x2 x3
(OMap.filter (\s-> (not(isAxiom s)) &&
(not(isProvenSenStatus s)))
thSens) x4
in [showDoc nwth "\n"]
--local function that computes the theory of a node
--that takes into consideration translated theories in
--the selection too and returns the theory as a string
getThS :: Int -> CMDL_State -> [String]
getThS x state
= case getTh x state of
Nothing -> []
Just th -> [showDoc th "\n"]
-- show theory of all goals
cShowTheoryGoals :: String -> CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cShowTheoryGoals input state
= case devGraphState state of
--nothing to print
Nothing -> return state
Just dgState ->
-- compute the input nodes
let (nds,_,_,errs) = decomposeIntoGoals input
tmpErrs = prettyPrintErrList errs
case nds of
[] -> return $ genErrorMsg tmpErrs state
_ ->
--list of all nodes
let lsNodes = getAllNodes dgState
-- list of input nodes
(errs',listNodes) = obtainNodeList nds lsNodes
-- list of all goal theories
nodeTh = concatMap (\x->case x of
(n,_) ->getGoalThS n state
) $ listNodes
tmpErrs' = tmpErrs ++ (prettyPrintErrList errs')
return $ genMessage tmpErrs' (prettyPrintList nodeTh) state
cShowNodeUGoals :: String -> CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cShowNodeUGoals input state
= case devGraphState state of
--nothing to print
Nothing -> return state
Just dgState ->
-- compute input nodes
let (nds,_,_,errs) = decomposeIntoGoals input
tmpErrs = prettyPrintErrList errs
case nds of
[] -> return state
_ ->
-- list of all nodes
let lsNodes = getAllNodes dgState
-- list of input nodes
(errs',listNodes) = obtainNodeList nds lsNodes
-- list of all goal names
goalNames =
(\x ->case x of
(n,_) -> case getTh n state of
Nothing -> []
Just th->
case th of
G_theory _ _ _ sens _->
OMap.keys $
(\s -> (not $ isAxiom s) &&
(not $ isProvenSenStatus s))
sens) listNodes
tmpErrs' = tmpErrs ++ (prettyPrintErrList errs')
return $ genMessage tmpErrs' (prettyPrintList goalNames) state
cShowNodeUGoalsCurrent :: CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cShowNodeUGoalsCurrent state
= case proveState state of
Nothing -> return state
Just pState ->
let glls = concatMap (\(Element _ nb) ->
case getTh nb state of
Nothing -> []
Just th ->
case th of
G_theory _ _ _ sens _ ->
OMap.keys $
(\s -> (not $ isAxiom s) &&
(not $ isProvenSenStatus s))
sens) $ elements pState
return $ genMessage [] (prettyPrintList glls) state
cShowNodePGoals :: String -> CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cShowNodePGoals input state
= case devGraphState state of
Nothing -> return state
Just dgState ->
let (nds,_,_,errs) = decomposeIntoGoals input
tmpErrs = prettyPrintErrList errs
case nds of
[] -> return state
_ ->
let lsNodes = getAllNodes dgState
(errs',listNodes) = obtainNodeList nds lsNodes
goalNames =
(\x -> case x of
(n,_) -> case getTh n state of
Nothing -> []
Just th ->
case th of
G_theory _ _ _ sens _ ->
OMap.keys $
(\s -> (not $ isAxiom s)&&
(isProvenSenStatus s))
sens) listNodes
tmpErrs' = tmpErrs ++ (prettyPrintErrList errs')
return $ genMessage tmpErrs' (prettyPrintList goalNames) state
cShowNodeAxioms :: String -> CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cShowNodeAxioms input state
= case devGraphState state of
Nothing -> return state
Just dgState ->
let (nds,_,_,errs) = decomposeIntoGoals input
tmpErrs = prettyPrintErrList errs
case nds of
[] -> return state
_ ->
let lsNodes = getAllNodes dgState
(errs',listNodes) = obtainNodeList nds lsNodes
goalNames =
(\x ->case x of
(n,_)-> case getTh n state of
Nothing -> []
Just th ->
case th of
G_theory _ _ _ sens _->
OMap.keys $ OMap.filter
isAxiom sens) listNodes
tmpErrs' = tmpErrs ++ (prettyPrintErrList errs')
return $ genMessage tmpErrs' (prettyPrintList goalNames) state
cShowNodePGoalsCurrent :: CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cShowNodePGoalsCurrent state
= case proveState state of
Nothing -> return state
Just pState ->
let glls = concatMap
(\(Element _ nb) ->
case getTh nb state of
Nothing -> []
Just th ->
case th of
G_theory _ _ _ sens _ ->
OMap.keys $
(\s -> (not $ isAxiom s) &&
(isProvenSenStatus s)) sens) $
elements pState
return $ genMessage [] (prettyPrintList glls) state
cShowNodeAxiomsCurrent :: CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cShowNodeAxiomsCurrent state
= case proveState state of
Nothing -> return state
Just pState ->
let glls = concatMap (\(Element _ nb) ->
case getTh nb state of
Nothing -> []
Just th ->
case th of
G_theory _ _ _ sens _ ->
OMap.keys $
OMap.filter isAxiom sens) $
elements pState
return $ genMessage [] (prettyPrintList glls) state
cShowTheoryGoalsCurrent :: CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cShowTheoryGoalsCurrent state
= case proveState state of
Nothing -> return state
Just pState ->
-- list of selected theories
let thls = concatMap (\(Element _ nb) ->
getGoalThS nb state)
$ elements pState
return $ genMessage [] (prettyPrintList thls) state
-- show theory of selection
cShowTheoryCurrent :: CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cShowTheoryCurrent state
= case proveState state of
Nothing -> return state
Just pState ->
-- list of selected theories
let thls = concatMap (\(Element _ nb) ->
getThS nb state)
$ elements pState
return $ genMessage [] (prettyPrintList thls) state
-- show theory of input nodes
cShowTheory :: String -> CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cShowTheory input state
= case devGraphState state of
Nothing -> return state
Just dgState -> do
-- compute the input nodes
let (nds,_,_,errs) = decomposeIntoGoals input
tmpErrs = prettyPrintErrList errs
case nds of
[] -> return state
_ ->
--list of all nodes
let lsNodes = getAllNodes dgState
-- list of input nodes
(errs',listNodes) = obtainNodeList nds lsNodes
-- list of theories that need to be printed
thls =concatMap(\(x,_)->getThS x state) listNodes
-- sort before printing !?
tmpErrs' = tmpErrs ++ (prettyPrintErrList errs')
return $ genMessage tmpErrs' (prettyPrintList thls) state
-- | Given a node it returns the information that needs to
-- be printed as a string
showNodeInfo::CMDL_State -> LNode DGNodeLab -> String
showNodeInfo state (nb,nd)
-- node name
name'= "dgn_name :" ++ showName (dgn_name nd) ++ "\n"
-- origin of the node
orig'= if isDGRef nd then "dgn_orig : no origin (ref node)"
else "dgn_orig :" ++ show (dgn_origin nd) ++ "\n"
-- conservativity annotations
th = getTh nb state
case th of
Nothing ->name' ++ orig'++"Theory could not be evaluated\n"
Just t@(G_theory x (ExtSign y _) _ thSens _) ->
-- find out the sublogic of the theory if we found
-- a theory
sublog = " sublogic :"++(show
$ sublogicOfTh t)++"\n"
-- compute the number of axioms by counting the
-- number of symbols of the signature !?
nbAxm = " number of axioms :"++(show $ OMap.size $
OMap.filter isAxiom thSens) ++"\n"
-- compute the number of symbols as the number of
-- sentences that are axioms in the senstatus of the
-- theory
nbSym = " number of symbols :"++(show $
Set.size $ sym_of x y)++ "\n"
-- compute the number of proven theorems as the
-- number of sentences that have no theorem status
-- left
nbThm = let n'=OMap.size $ OMap.filter (\s -> (not (isAxiom s))
&& (isProvenSenStatus s)) thSens
in " number of proven theorems :"++
(show n') ++ "\n"
-- compute the number of unproven theorems as the
-- sentences that have something in their theorem
-- status
nbUThm = let n'=OMap.size $ OMap.filter(\s -> (not (isAxiom s))
&& (not (isProvenSenStatus s))) thSens
in " number of unproven theorems :"++
(show n') ++ "\n"
-- compute the final theory (i.e.just add partial
-- results obtained before (sublogic, nbAxm..)
th' = "dgl_theory :\n"++ sublog ++ nbAxm
++ nbSym ++ nbThm ++ nbUThm
in name' ++ orig' ++ th'
-- | Given and edge it returns the information that needs to
--be printed as a string
showEdgeInfo::CMDL_State -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> String
showEdgeInfo state (x,y,dglab@(DGLink morp _ org _ ) )
=case devGraphState state of
Nothing -> ""
Just dgS ->
ls = getAllNodes dgS
nameOf x' l =case find (\(nb,_)->nb==x') l of
Nothing->"Unknown node"
Just (_, n) -> showName $ dgn_name n
name = "dgl_name :"++(nameOf x ls)++" -> "++
(nameOf y ls) ++ "\n"
orig = "dgl_origin :"++(show $ org)++"\n"
homog= "dgl_homogeneous :"++ (show $ isHomogeneous morp)
++ "\n"
ltype= "dgl_type :"++
(case getDGLinkType dglab of
"globaldef"->"global definition"
"def"->"local definition"
"hidingef"->"hiding definition"
"hetdef"->"het definitions"
"proventhm"->"global proven theorem"
"unproventhm"->"global unproven theorem"
"localproventhm"->"local proven theorem"
"localunproventhm"->"local unproven theorem"
"hetproventhm"->"het global proven theorem"
"hetunproventhm"->"het global unproven theorem"
"hetlocalproventhm"->"het local proven theorem"
"hetlocalunproventhm"->"het local unproven"++
"unprovenhidingthm"->"unproven hiding theorem"
"provenhidingthm"->"proven hiding theorem"
_ ->"unknown type"
) ++ "\n"
in name++orig++homog++ltype
-- show all information of selection
cInfoCurrent::CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cInfoCurrent state
= case proveState state of
-- nothing selected
Nothing -> return state
Just ps ->
case devGraphState state of
Nothing -> return state
Just dgS->
-- get node by number
let getNNb x l' = case find (\y->case y of
(nb,_) -> nb==x
) l' of
Nothing -> []
Just sm -> [sm]
-- get all nodes
ls = getAllNodes dgS
-- get node numbers of selected nodes
nodesNb = map (\x -> case x of
Element _ z -> z)
$ elements ps
-- obtain the selected nodes
selN = concatMap (\x-> getNNb x ls) nodesNb
return $ genMessage [] (prettyPrintList
$ map (\x->showNodeInfo state x) selN) state
-- show all information of input
cInfo::String -> CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cInfo input state
= case devGraphState state of
-- error message
Nothing -> return $genErrorMsg "No library loaded" state
Just dgS -> do
let (nds,edg,nbEdg,errs) = decomposeIntoGoals input
tmpErrs = prettyPrintErrList errs
case (nds,edg,nbEdg) of
([],[],[]) -> return $ genErrorMsg ("Nothing from the input "
++"could be processed") state
(_,_,_) ->
let lsNodes = getAllNodes dgS
lsEdges = getAllEdges dgS
(errs'',listEdges) = obtainEdgeList edg nbEdg lsNodes
(errs',listNodes) = obtainNodeList nds lsNodes
strsNode = map (\x -> showNodeInfo state x)
strsEdge = map (\x -> showEdgeInfo state x)
tmpErrs' = tmpErrs ++ (prettyPrintErrList errs')
tmpErrs''= tmpErrs'++ (prettyPrintErrList errs'')
return $ genMessage tmpErrs'' (prettyPrintList (strsNode++strsEdge))
taxoShowGeneric:: TaxoGraphKind -> CMDL_State
-> [LNode DGNodeLab] -> IO()
taxoShowGeneric kind state ls
= case ls of
(nb,nlab):ll ->
case devGraphState state of
Nothing -> return ()
Just _ ->
case getTh nb state of
-- the theory was computed
Just th ->
-- display graph
graph <- displayGraph kind
(showName $ dgn_name nlab) th
case graph of
-- if successfully displayed sync the two threads
-- so that one does not loose control on the
-- interface while the graph is displayed
Just g ->
do sync (destroyed g)
-- go to next
taxoShowGeneric kind state ll
Nothing ->
-- graph was not displayed, then just
-- go to next
taxoShowGeneric kind state ll
-- theory couldn't be computed so just go next
_ -> taxoShowGeneric kind state ll
_ -> return ()
-- show taxonomy of selection
cShowTaxonomyCurrent::CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cShowTaxonomyCurrent state
= case proveState state of
-- nothing selected
Nothing -> return state
-- else
Just ps ->
case devGraphState state of
Nothing -> return state
Just dgS->
-- get node by number
let getNNb x ks = case find (\y -> case y of
(nb,_) -> nb==x
) ks of
Nothing -> []
Just sm -> [sm]
-- get all nodes
ls = getAllNodes dgS
-- get node numbers of selected nodes
nodesNb = map (\x -> case x of
Element _ z ->z)
$ elements ps
-- obtain the selected nodes
selN = concatMap (\x-> getNNb x ls) nodesNb
taxoShowGeneric KSubsort state selN
return state
-- show taxonomy of input
cShowTaxonomy::String -> CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cShowTaxonomy input state
= case devGraphState state of
-- nothing to print
Nothing -> return state
Just dgS -> do
let (nds,_,_,errs) = decomposeIntoGoals input
tmpErrs = prettyPrintErrList errs
case nds of
[] -> return state
_ ->
-- list of all nodes
let ls = getAllNodes dgS
-- list of input nodes
(errs',lsNodes) = obtainNodeList nds ls
tmpErrs' = tmpErrs ++ (prettyPrintErrList errs')
taxoShowGeneric KSubsort state lsNodes
return $ genMessage tmpErrs' [] state
-- show concept of selection
cShowConceptCurrent::CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cShowConceptCurrent state
= case proveState state of
-- nothing selected
Nothing -> return state
-- else
Just ps ->
case devGraphState state of
Nothing -> return state
Just dgS->
-- get node by number
let getNNb x ks = case find (\y -> case y of
(nb,_) -> nb==x
) ks of
Nothing -> []
Just sm -> [sm]
-- get all nodes
ls = getAllNodes dgS
-- get node numbers of selected nodes
nodesNb = map (\x -> case x of
Element _ z -> z)
$ elements ps
-- obtain the selected nodes
selN = concatMap (\x-> getNNb x ls) nodesNb
taxoShowGeneric KConcept state selN
return $ genMessage [] [] state
-- show concept of input
cShowConcept::String -> CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cShowConcept input state
= case devGraphState state of
-- nothing to print
Nothing -> return state
Just dgS -> do
let (nds,_,_,errs) = decomposeIntoGoals input
tmpErrs = prettyPrintErrList errs
case nds of
[] -> return state
_ ->
-- list of all nodes
let ls = getAllNodes dgS
-- list of input nodes
(errs',lsNodes) = obtainNodeList nds ls
tmpErrs' = tmpErrs ++ (prettyPrintErrList errs')
taxoShowGeneric KSubsort state lsNodes
return $ genMessage tmpErrs' [] state
-- show node number of input
cNodeNumber::String -> CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cNodeNumber input state
= case devGraphState state of
Nothing -> return state
Just dgState -> do
-- compute the input nodes
let (nds,_,_,errs) = decomposeIntoGoals input
tmpErrs = prettyPrintErrList errs
case nds of
[] -> return state
_ ->
-- list og all nodes
let lsNodes = getAllNodes dgState
-- list of input nodes
(errs',listNodes)=obtainNodeList nds lsNodes
-- nodes numbers to print
ls = map(\ x -> showName (dgn_name $ snd x) ++ " is node number "
++ show (fst x)) listNodes
tmpErrs' = tmpErrs ++ (prettyPrintErrList errs')
return $ genMessage tmpErrs' (prettyPrintList ls) state
-- print the name of all edges
cEdges::CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cEdges state
= case devGraphState state of
Nothing -> return state
Just dgState ->
-- list of all nodes
let lsNodes = getAllNodes dgState
-- compute all edges names
lsEdg = getAllEdges dgState
lsEdges = createEdgeNames lsNodes lsEdg lsEdg
-- print edge list in a sorted fashion
return $ genMessage [] (prettyPrintList $ sort lsEdges) state
cUndoHistory :: CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cUndoHistory state
= do
let undoH = undoList $ history state
undoH' = map(\x -> head $ cmdNames x) undoH
return $genMessage [] ("Undo history :\n"++ prettyPrintList undoH') state
cRedoHistory :: CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cRedoHistory state
= do
let redoH = redoList $ history state
redoH' = concatMap (\x -> cmdNames x) redoH
return $genMessage [] ("Redo history :\n"++ prettyPrintList redoH') state
-- print the name of all nodes
cNodes::CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cNodes state
= case devGraphState state of
-- no library loaded, so nothing to print
Nothing -> return state
Just dgState ->
-- compute the list of node names
let ls = nodeNames $ getAllNodes dgState
-- print a sorted version of it
return $ genMessage [] (prettyPrintList $ sort ls) state
-- draw graph
cDisplayGraph::CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cDisplayGraph state
= case devGraphState state of
Just dgState ->
-- obtain the name of the last loaded library for
-- documentation/debugging reasons
let filename = reverse $ drop 2 $ reverse
$ prompter state
showGraph filename defaultHetcatsOpts ( Just
(ln dgState, libEnv dgState))
return state
-- no development graph present
_ -> return state