InfoCommands.hs revision 1bc5dccbf0083a620ae1181c717fea75e4af5e5c
{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-}
{- |
Module :$Header$
Description : CMDL interface commands
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
PGIP.InfoCommands contains all commands
that provides information about the state
of the development graph and selected
module PGIP.InfoCommands
( shellShowDgGoals
, shellShowTheoryGoals
, shellShowTheoryCurrent
, shellShowTheory
, shellInfoCurrent
, shellInfo
, shellShowTaxonomyCurrent
, shellShowTaxonomy
, shellShowConceptCurrent
, shellShowConcept
, shellNodeNumber
, shellEdges
, shellNodes
, shellDisplayGraph
, shellShowTheoryGoalsCurrent
, shellShowNodePGoals
, shellShowNodePGoalsCurrent
, shellShowNodeUGoals
, shellShowNodeUGoalsCurrent
, shellShowNodeAxioms
, shellShowNodeAxiomsCurrent
, shellShowUndoHistory
, shellShowRedoHistory
, cNodes
, cShowDgGoals
, cDisplayGraph
, cShowNodePGoals
, cShowNodePGoalsCurrent
, cRedoHistory
, cShowTaxonomy
, cShowTaxonomyCurrent
, cShowTheory
, cShowTheoryCurrent
, cShowTheoryGoals
, cShowTheoryGoalsCurrent
, cUndoHistory
, cDetails
, cShowNodeUGoals
, cEdges
, cShowNodeUGoalsCurrent
, cShowNodeAxioms
, cInfo
, cShowNodeAxiomsCurrent
, cInfoCurrent
, cShowConcept
, cNodeNumber
, cShowConceptCurrent
) where
import System.Console.Shell.ShellMonad
import Events
import Destructible
import GUI.Taxonomy
import GUI.ShowGraph
import PGIP.CMDLState
import PGIP.CMDLUtils
import PGIP.CMDLShell
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Taxonomy
import qualified Common.OrderedMap as OMap
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.ExtSign
import Logic.Logic
import Driver.Options
shellShowUndoHistory:: Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWithout cUndoHistory False False "show-undo-history"
shellShowRedoHistory:: Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWithout cRedoHistory False False "show-redo-history"
shellShowNodePGoals :: String -> Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWith cShowNodePGoals False False "show-proven-goals"
shellShowNodePGoalsCurrent :: Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWithout cShowNodePGoalsCurrent False False
shellShowNodeUGoals :: String -> Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWith cShowNodeUGoals False False "show-unproven-goals"
shellShowNodeUGoalsCurrent :: Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWithout cShowNodeUGoalsCurrent False False
shellShowNodeAxioms :: String -> Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWith cShowNodeAxioms False False "show-axioms"
shellShowNodeAxiomsCurrent :: Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWithout cShowNodeAxiomsCurrent False False
-- show list of all goals
shellShowDgGoals :: Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWithout cShowDgGoals False False "show-dg-goals"
shellShowTheoryGoalsCurrent :: Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWithout cShowTheoryGoalsCurrent False False
-- show theory of all goals
shellShowTheoryGoals :: String -> Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWith cShowTheoryGoals False False "show-theory-goals"
-- show theory of selection
shellShowTheoryCurrent :: Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWithout cShowTheoryCurrent False False "show-theory-current"
-- show theory of input nodes
shellShowTheory :: String -> Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWith cShowTheory False False "show-theory"
-- show all information of selection
shellInfoCurrent :: Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWithout cInfoCurrent False False "info-current"
-- show all information of input
shellInfo :: String -> Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWith cInfo False False "info"
-- show taxonomy of selection
shellShowTaxonomyCurrent :: Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWithout cShowTaxonomyCurrent False False
-- show taxonomy of input
shellShowTaxonomy :: String -> Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWith cShowTaxonomy False False "show-taxonomy"
-- show concept of selection
shellShowConceptCurrent :: Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWithout cShowConceptCurrent False False
-- show concept of input
shellShowConcept :: String -> Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWith cShowConcept False False "show-concept"
-- show node number of input
shellNodeNumber :: String -> Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWith cNodeNumber False False "node-number"
-- print the name of all edges
shellEdges :: Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWithout cEdges False False "edges"
-- print the name of all nodes
shellNodes :: Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWithout cNodes False False "nodes"
-- draw graph
shellDisplayGraph :: Sh CMDLState ()
= shellComWithout cDisplayGraph False False "show-graph"
-- show list of all goals(i.e. prints their name)
cShowDgGoals :: CMDLState -> IO CMDLState
cShowDgGoals state
= case devGraphState state of
-- nothing to print
Nothing -> return state
Just dgState ->
-- compute list of node goals
let nodeGoals = nodeNames $ getAllGoalNodes state dgState
-- list of all nodes
ls = getAllNodes dgState
lsE = getAllEdges dgState
lsGE= getAllGoalEdges dgState
-- list of all goal edge names
edgeGoals = createEdgeNames ls lsE lsGE
-- print sorted version of the list
return $ register2history "show-dg-goals"
state {
generalOutput = prettyPrintList $ sort (nodeGoals++edgeGoals)
-- local function that computes the theory of a node but it
-- keeps only the goal theory
getGoalThS :: Int -> CMDLState -> [String]
getGoalThS x state
= case getTh x state of
Nothing -> []
Just th ->
let nwth = case th of
G_theory x1 x2 x3 thSens x4 ->
G_theory x1 x2 x3
(OMap.filter (\s-> (not(isAxiom s)) &&
(not(isProvenSenStatus s)))
thSens) x4
in [showDoc nwth "\n"]
--local function that computes the theory of a node
--that takes into consideration translated theories in
--the selection too and returns the theory as a string
getThS :: Int -> CMDLState -> [String]
getThS x state
= case getTh x state of
Nothing -> []
Just th -> [showDoc th "\n"]
-- show theory of all goals
cShowTheoryGoals :: String -> CMDLState -> IO CMDLState
cShowTheoryGoals input state
= case devGraphState state of
--nothing to print
Nothing -> return state
Just dgState ->
-- compute the input nodes
let (nds,_,_,errs) = decomposeIntoGoals input
tmpErrs = prettyPrintErrList errs
case nds of
[] -> return state { errorMsg = tmpErrs }
_ ->
--list of all nodes
let lsNodes = getAllNodes dgState
-- list of input nodes
(errs',listNodes) = obtainNodeList nds lsNodes
-- list of all goal theories
nodeTh = concatMap (\x->case x of
(n,_) ->getGoalThS n state
) $ listNodes
tmpErrs' = tmpErrs ++ (prettyPrintErrList errs')
return $ register2history ("show-theory-goals "++input)
state {
generalOutput = prettyPrintList nodeTh,
errorMsg = tmpErrs'
cShowNodeUGoals :: String -> CMDLState -> IO CMDLState
cShowNodeUGoals input state
= case devGraphState state of
--nothing to print
Nothing -> return state
Just dgState ->
-- compute input nodes
let (nds,_,_,errs) = decomposeIntoGoals input
tmpErrs = prettyPrintErrList errs
case nds of
[] -> return state
_ ->
-- list of all nodes
let lsNodes = getAllNodes dgState
-- list of input nodes
(errs',listNodes) = obtainNodeList nds lsNodes
-- list of all goal names
goalNames =
(\x ->case x of
(n,_) -> case getTh n state of
Nothing -> []
Just th->
case th of
G_theory _ _ _ sens _->
OMap.keys $
(\s -> (not $ isAxiom s) &&
(not $ isProvenSenStatus s))
sens) listNodes
tmpErrs' = tmpErrs ++ (prettyPrintErrList errs')
return $ register2history ("show-unproven-goals "++input)
state {
generalOutput = prettyPrintList goalNames,
errorMsg = tmpErrs'
cShowNodeUGoalsCurrent :: CMDLState -> IO CMDLState
cShowNodeUGoalsCurrent state
= case proveState state of
Nothing -> return state
Just pState ->
let glls = concatMap (\(Element _ nb) ->
case getTh nb state of
Nothing -> []
Just th ->
case th of
G_theory _ _ _ sens _ ->
OMap.keys $
(\s -> (not $ isAxiom s) &&
(not $ isProvenSenStatus s))
sens) $ elements pState
return $ register2history "show-unproven-goals-current"
state {
generalOutput = prettyPrintList glls
cShowNodePGoals :: String -> CMDLState -> IO CMDLState
cShowNodePGoals input state
= case devGraphState state of
Nothing -> return state
Just dgState ->
let (nds,_,_,errs) = decomposeIntoGoals input
tmpErrs = prettyPrintErrList errs
case nds of
[] -> return state
_ ->
let lsNodes = getAllNodes dgState
(errs',listNodes) = obtainNodeList nds lsNodes
goalNames =
(\x -> case x of
(n,_) -> case getTh n state of
Nothing -> []
Just th ->
case th of
G_theory _ _ _ sens _ ->
OMap.keys $
(\s -> (not $ isAxiom s)&&
(isProvenSenStatus s))
sens) listNodes
tmpErrs' = tmpErrs ++ (prettyPrintErrList errs')
return $ register2history ("show-proven-goals "++input)
state {
generalOutput = prettyPrintList goalNames,
errorMsg = tmpErrs'
cShowNodeAxioms :: String -> CMDLState -> IO CMDLState
cShowNodeAxioms input state
= case devGraphState state of
Nothing -> return state
Just dgState ->
let (nds,_,_,errs) = decomposeIntoGoals input
tmpErrs = prettyPrintErrList errs
case nds of
[] -> return state
_ ->
let lsNodes = getAllNodes dgState
(errs',listNodes) = obtainNodeList nds lsNodes
goalNames =
(\x ->case x of
(n,_)-> case getTh n state of
Nothing -> []
Just th ->
case th of
G_theory _ _ _ sens _->
OMap.keys $ OMap.filter
isAxiom sens) listNodes
tmpErrs' = tmpErrs ++ (prettyPrintErrList errs')
return $ register2history ("show-axioms "++input)
state {
generalOutput = prettyPrintList goalNames,
errorMsg = tmpErrs'
cShowNodePGoalsCurrent :: CMDLState -> IO CMDLState
cShowNodePGoalsCurrent state
= case proveState state of
Nothing -> return state
Just pState ->
let glls = concatMap
(\(Element _ nb) ->
case getTh nb state of
Nothing -> []
Just th ->
case th of
G_theory _ _ _ sens _ ->
OMap.keys $
(\s -> (not $ isAxiom s) &&
(isProvenSenStatus s)) sens) $
elements pState
return $ register2history "show-proven-goals-current"
state {
generalOutput = prettyPrintList glls
cShowNodeAxiomsCurrent :: CMDLState -> IO CMDLState
cShowNodeAxiomsCurrent state
= case proveState state of
Nothing -> return state
Just pState ->
let glls = concatMap (\(Element _ nb) ->
case getTh nb state of
Nothing -> []
Just th ->
case th of
G_theory _ _ _ sens _ ->
OMap.keys $
OMap.filter isAxiom sens) $
elements pState
return $ register2history "show-axioms-current "
state {
generalOutput = prettyPrintList glls
cShowTheoryGoalsCurrent :: CMDLState -> IO CMDLState
cShowTheoryGoalsCurrent state
= case proveState state of
Nothing -> return state
Just pState ->
-- list of selected theories
let thls = concatMap (\(Element _ nb) ->
getGoalThS nb state)
$ elements pState
return $ register2history "show-theory-goals-current"
state {
generalOutput = prettyPrintList thls
-- show theory of selection
cShowTheoryCurrent :: CMDLState -> IO CMDLState
cShowTheoryCurrent state
= case proveState state of
Nothing -> return state
Just pState ->
-- list of selected theories
let thls = concatMap (\(Element _ nb) ->
getThS nb state)
$ elements pState
return $ register2history "show-theory-current"
state {
generalOutput = prettyPrintList thls
-- show theory of input nodes
cShowTheory :: String -> CMDLState -> IO CMDLState
cShowTheory input state
= case devGraphState state of
Nothing -> return state
Just dgState -> do
-- compute the input nodes
let (nds,_,_,errs) = decomposeIntoGoals input
tmpErrs = prettyPrintErrList errs
case nds of
[] -> return state
_ ->
--list of all nodes
let lsNodes = getAllNodes dgState
-- list of input nodes
(errs',listNodes) = obtainNodeList nds lsNodes
-- list of theories that need to be printed
thls =concatMap(\(x,_)->getThS x state) listNodes
-- sort before printing !?
tmpErrs' = tmpErrs ++ (prettyPrintErrList errs')
return $ register2history ("show-theory "++input)
state {
generalOutput = prettyPrintList thls,
errorMsg = tmpErrs'
-- | Given a node it returns the information that needs to
-- be printed as a string
showNodeInfo::CMDLState -> LNode DGNodeLab -> String
showNodeInfo state (nb,nd)
-- node name
name'= "dgn_name :" ++ showName (dgn_name nd) ++ "\n"
-- origin of the node
orig'= if isDGRef nd then "dgn_orig : no origin (ref node)"
else "dgn_orig :" ++ show (dgn_origin nd) ++ "\n"
-- conservativity annotations
th = getTh nb state
case th of
Nothing ->name' ++ orig'++"Theory could not be evaluated\n"
Just t@(G_theory x (ExtSign y _) _ thSens _) ->
-- find out the sublogic of the theory if we found
-- a theory
sublog = " sublogic :"++(show
$ sublogicOfTh t)++"\n"
-- compute the number of axioms by counting the
-- number of symbols of the signature !?
nbAxm = " number of axioms :"++(show $ OMap.size $
OMap.filter isAxiom thSens) ++"\n"
-- compute the number of symbols as the number of
-- sentences that are axioms in the senstatus of the
-- theory
nbSym = " number of symbols :"++(show $
Set.size $ sym_of x y)++ "\n"
-- compute the number of proven theorems as the
-- number of sentences that have no theorem status
-- left
nbThm = let n'=OMap.size $ OMap.filter (\s -> (not (isAxiom s))
&& (isProvenSenStatus s)) thSens
in " number of proven theorems :"++
(show n') ++ "\n"
-- compute the number of unproven theorems as the
-- sentences that have something in their theorem
-- status
nbUThm = let n'=OMap.size $ OMap.filter(\s -> (not (isAxiom s))
&& (not (isProvenSenStatus s))) thSens
in " number of unproven theorems :"++
(show n') ++ "\n"
-- compute the final theory (i.e.just add partial
-- results obtained before (sublogic, nbAxm..)
th' = "dgl_theory :\n"++ sublog ++ nbAxm
++ nbSym ++ nbThm ++ nbUThm
in name' ++ orig' ++ th'
-- | Given and edge it returns the information that needs to
--be printed as a string
showEdgeInfo::CMDLState -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> String
showEdgeInfo state (x,y,dglab@(DGLink morp _ org _ ) )
=case devGraphState state of
Nothing -> ""
Just dgS ->
ls = getAllNodes dgS
nameOf x' l =case find (\(nb,_)->nb==x') l of
Nothing->"Unknown node"
Just (_, n) -> showName $ dgn_name n
name = "dgl_name :"++(nameOf x ls)++" -> "++
(nameOf y ls) ++ "\n"
orig = "dgl_origin :"++(show $ org)++"\n"
homog= "dgl_homogeneous :"++ (show $ isHomogeneous morp)
++ "\n"
ltype= "dgl_type :"++
(case getDGLinkType dglab of
"globaldef"->"global definition"
"def"->"local definition"
"hidingef"->"hiding definition"
"hetdef"->"het definitions"
"proventhm"->"global proven theorem"
"unproventhm"->"global unproven theorem"
"localproventhm"->"local proven theorem"
"localunproventhm"->"local unproven theorem"
"hetproventhm"->"het global proven theorem"
"hetunproventhm"->"het global unproven theorem"
"hetlocalproventhm"->"het local proven theorem"
"hetlocalunproventhm"->"het local unproven"++
"unprovenhidingthm"->"unproven hiding theorem"
"provenhidingthm"->"proven hiding theorem"
_ ->"unknown type"
) ++ "\n"
in name++orig++homog++ltype
-- show all information of selection
cInfoCurrent::CMDLState -> IO CMDLState
cInfoCurrent state
= case proveState state of
-- nothing selected
Nothing -> return state
Just ps ->
case devGraphState state of
Nothing -> return state
Just dgS->
-- get node by number
let getNNb x l' = case find (\y->case y of
(nb,_) -> nb==x
) l' of
Nothing -> []
Just sm -> [sm]
-- get all nodes
ls = getAllNodes dgS
-- get node numbers of selected nodes
nodesNb = map (\x -> case x of
Element _ z -> z)
$ elements ps
-- obtain the selected nodes
selN = concatMap (\x-> getNNb x ls) nodesNb
return $ register2history "info-current"
state {
generalOutput = prettyPrintList
$ map (\x->showNodeInfo state x) selN
-- show all information of input
cInfo::String -> CMDLState -> IO CMDLState
cInfo input state
= case devGraphState state of
-- error message
Nothing -> return state {
errorMsg = "No library loaded"
Just dgS -> do
let (nds,edg,nbEdg,errs) = decomposeIntoGoals input
tmpErrs = prettyPrintErrList errs
case (nds,edg,nbEdg) of
([],[],[]) -> return state {
errorMsg = "Nothing from the input "
++"could be processed"
(_,_,_) ->
let lsNodes = getAllNodes dgS
lsEdges = getAllEdges dgS
(errs'',listEdges) = obtainEdgeList edg nbEdg lsNodes
(errs',listNodes) = obtainNodeList nds lsNodes
strsNode = map (\x -> showNodeInfo state x)
strsEdge = map (\x -> showEdgeInfo state x)
tmpErrs' = tmpErrs ++ (prettyPrintErrList errs')
tmpErrs''= tmpErrs'++ (prettyPrintErrList errs'')
return $ register2history ("info "++input)
state {
generalOutput = prettyPrintList (strsNode ++ strsEdge),
errorMsg = tmpErrs''
taxoShowGeneric:: TaxoGraphKind -> CMDLState
-> [LNode DGNodeLab] -> IO()
taxoShowGeneric kind state ls
= case ls of
(nb,nlab):ll ->
case devGraphState state of
Nothing -> return ()
Just _ ->
case getTh nb state of
-- the theory was computed
Just th ->
-- display graph
graph <- displayGraph kind
(showName $ dgn_name nlab) th
case graph of
-- if successfully displayed sync the two threads
-- so that one does not loose control on the
-- interface while the graph is displayed
Just g ->
do sync (destroyed g)
-- go to next
taxoShowGeneric kind state ll
Nothing ->
-- graph was not displayed, then just
-- go to next
taxoShowGeneric kind state ll
-- theory couldn't be computed so just go next
_ -> taxoShowGeneric kind state ll
_ -> return ()
-- show taxonomy of selection
cShowTaxonomyCurrent::CMDLState -> IO CMDLState
cShowTaxonomyCurrent state
= case proveState state of
-- nothing selected
Nothing -> return state
-- else
Just ps ->
case devGraphState state of
Nothing -> return state
Just dgS->
-- get node by number
let getNNb x ks = case find (\y -> case y of
(nb,_) -> nb==x
) ks of
Nothing -> []
Just sm -> [sm]
-- get all nodes
ls = getAllNodes dgS
-- get node numbers of selected nodes
nodesNb = map (\x -> case x of
Element _ z ->z)
$ elements ps
-- obtain the selected nodes
selN = concatMap (\x-> getNNb x ls) nodesNb
taxoShowGeneric KSubsort state selN
return $ register2history "show-taxonomy-current" state
-- show taxonomy of input
cShowTaxonomy::String -> CMDLState -> IO CMDLState
cShowTaxonomy input state
= case devGraphState state of
-- nothing to print
Nothing -> return state
Just dgS -> do
let (nds,_,_,errs) = decomposeIntoGoals input
tmpErrs = prettyPrintErrList errs
case nds of
[] -> return state
_ ->
-- list of all nodes
let ls = getAllNodes dgS
-- list of input nodes
(errs',lsNodes) = obtainNodeList nds ls
tmpErrs' = tmpErrs ++ (prettyPrintErrList errs')
taxoShowGeneric KSubsort state lsNodes
return $ register2history ("show-taxonomy"++input)
state {
errorMsg =tmpErrs'
-- show concept of selection
cShowConceptCurrent::CMDLState -> IO CMDLState
cShowConceptCurrent state
= case proveState state of
-- nothing selected
Nothing -> return state
-- else
Just ps ->
case devGraphState state of
Nothing -> return state
Just dgS->
-- get node by number
let getNNb x ks = case find (\y -> case y of
(nb,_) -> nb==x
) ks of
Nothing -> []
Just sm -> [sm]
-- get all nodes
ls = getAllNodes dgS
-- get node numbers of selected nodes
nodesNb = map (\x -> case x of
Element _ z -> z)
$ elements ps
-- obtain the selected nodes
selN = concatMap (\x-> getNNb x ls) nodesNb
taxoShowGeneric KConcept state selN
return $ register2history "show-concept-current" state
-- show concept of input
cShowConcept::String -> CMDLState -> IO CMDLState
cShowConcept input state
= case devGraphState state of
-- nothing to print
Nothing -> return state
Just dgS -> do
let (nds,_,_,errs) = decomposeIntoGoals input
tmpErrs = prettyPrintErrList errs
case nds of
[] -> return state
_ ->
-- list of all nodes
let ls = getAllNodes dgS
-- list of input nodes
(errs',lsNodes) = obtainNodeList nds ls
tmpErrs' = tmpErrs ++ (prettyPrintErrList errs')
taxoShowGeneric KSubsort state lsNodes
return $ register2history ("show-concept "++input)
state {
errorMsg = tmpErrs'
-- show node number of input
cNodeNumber::String -> CMDLState -> IO CMDLState
cNodeNumber input state
= case devGraphState state of
Nothing -> return state
Just dgState -> do
-- compute the input nodes
let (nds,_,_,errs) = decomposeIntoGoals input
tmpErrs = prettyPrintErrList errs
case nds of
[] -> return state
_ ->
-- list og all nodes
let lsNodes = getAllNodes dgState
-- list of input nodes
(errs',listNodes)=obtainNodeList nds lsNodes
-- nodes numbers to print
ls = map(\ x -> showName (dgn_name $ snd x) ++ " is node number "
++ show (fst x)) listNodes
tmpErrs' = tmpErrs ++ (prettyPrintErrList errs')
return $ register2history ("node-number "++input)
state {
generalOutput = prettyPrintList ls,
errorMsg = tmpErrs'
-- print the name of all edges
cEdges::CMDLState -> IO CMDLState
cEdges state
= case devGraphState state of
Nothing -> return state
Just dgState ->
-- list of all nodes
let lsNodes = getAllNodes dgState
-- compute all edges names
lsEdg = getAllEdges dgState
lsEdges = createEdgeNames lsNodes lsEdg lsEdg
-- print edge list in a sorted fashion
return $ register2history "edges"
state {
generalOutput = prettyPrintList $ sort lsEdges
cUndoHistory :: CMDLState -> IO CMDLState
cUndoHistory state
= do
return $ register2history "show-undo-history"
state {
generalOutput = "Undo history :\n"++
(prettyPrintList $ undoHistoryList state)
cRedoHistory :: CMDLState -> IO CMDLState
cRedoHistory state
= do
return $ register2history "show-redo-history"
state {
generalOutput = "Redo history :\n"++
(prettyPrintList $ redoHistoryList state)
-- print the name of all nodes
cNodes::CMDLState -> IO CMDLState
cNodes state
= case devGraphState state of
-- no library loaded, so nothing to print
Nothing -> return state
Just dgState ->
-- compute the list of node names
let ls = nodeNames $ getAllNodes dgState
-- print a sorted version of it
return $ register2history "nodes"
state {
generalOutput = prettyPrintList $ sort ls
-- draw graph
cDisplayGraph::CMDLState -> IO CMDLState
cDisplayGraph state
= case devGraphState state of
Just dgState ->
-- obtain the name of the last loaded library for
-- documentation/debugging reasons
let filename = reverse $ drop 2 $ reverse
$ prompter state
showGraph filename defaultHetcatsOpts ( Just
(ln dgState, libEnv dgState))
return $ register2history "show-graph" state
-- no development graph present
_ -> return $ register2history "show-graph" state