FileInterface.hs revision 56c56b2181e76c239929ddade2925ba5c3f3fffd
{- |
Module :$Header$
Description : The definition of file processing interface
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
PGIP.FileInterface describes the interface specific function
for file input
module PGIP.FileInterface
( fileShellDescription
, fileBackend
, fileGetSingleChar
, fileGetInput
) where
import System.Console.Shell
import System.Console.Shell.Backend
import System.IO
import PGIP.DataTypes
import PGIP.Commands
import PGIP.StdInterface
import qualified Control.Exception as Ex
-- | Creates the Backend for reading from files
fileBackend :: String -> ShellBackend Handle
fileBackend filename = ShBackend
{ initBackend = openFile filename ReadMode
, shutdownBackend = hClose
, outputString = \_ -> basicOutput
, flushOutput = \_ -> hFlush stdout
, getSingleChar = fileGetSingleChar
, getInput = fileGetInput
, addHistory = \_ _ -> return ()
, setWordBreakChars = \_ _ -> return ()
, getWordBreakChars = \_ -> return
" \t\n\r\v`~!@#$%^&*()=[]{};\\\'\",<>"
, onCancel = \_ -> hPutStrLn stdout "canceled...\n"
, setAttemptedCompletionFunction = \_ _ -> return ()
, setDefaultCompletionFunction = \_ _ -> return ()
, completeFilename = \_ _ -> return []
, completeUsername = \_ _ -> return []
, clearHistoryState = \_ -> return ()
, getMaxHistoryEntries = \_ -> return 0
, setMaxHistoryEntries = \_ _ -> return ()
, readHistory = \_ _ -> return ()
, writeHistory = \_ _ -> return ()
-- | Used to get one char from a file open for reading
fileGetSingleChar :: Handle -> String -> IO (Maybe Char)
fileGetSingleChar file _
= do
Ex.bracket (hGetBuffering file) (hSetBuffering file) $
\_ -> do
hSetBuffering file NoBuffering
c <- hGetChar file
hPutStrLn stdout []
return (Just c)
-- | Used to get a line from a file open for reading
fileGetInput :: Handle -> String -> IO (Maybe String)
fileGetInput file _ = do
x <- hGetLine file
return (Just x)
fileShellDescription :: ShellDescription CMDL_State
fileShellDescription =
let wbc = "\t\n\r\v\\" in
{ shellCommands = shellacCommands
, commandStyle = OnlyCommands
, evaluateFunc = shellacEvalFunc
, wordBreakChars = wbc
, prompt = \_ -> return []
, historyFile = Nothing