DataTypes.hs revision 697e63e30aa3c309a1ef1f9357745111f8dfc5a9
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Internal data types of the CMDL interface
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
PGIP.DataTypes describes the internal states(or datatypes) of the CMDL
module PGIP.DataTypes
( CMDL_State(..)
, CMDL_History(..)
, CMDL_UndoRedoElem(..)
, CMDL_ListChange(..)
, CMDL_CmdDescription(..)
, CMDL_CmdHistoryDescription(..)
, CMDL_CmdPriority(..)
, CMDL_CmdFnClasses(..)
, CMDL_CmdType(..)
, CMDL_CmdRequirements(..)
, CMDL_DevGraphState(..)
, CMDL_ProveState(..)
, CMDL_ProofAbstractState(..)
, CMDL_ListAction(..)
, CMDL_GoalAxiom(..)
, CMDL_Output(..)
, CMDL_Channel(..)
, CMDL_ChannelType(..)
, CMDL_ChannelProperties(..)
, CMDL_Socket(..)
, CMDL_UseTranslation(..)
, CMDL_ProverConsChecker(..)
, CMDL_PrompterState(..)
) where
import Proofs.AbstractState
import Static.DevGraph
import Logic.Comorphism
import Logic.Logic
import Common.LibName
import System.IO
import Network.Socket
data CMDL_ProverConsChecker =
| Use_consChecker
data CMDL_UseTranslation =
| Dont_translate
-- * CMDL datatypes
-- | CMDLState contains all information the CMDL interface
-- might use at any time.
data CMDL_State = CMDL_State {
-- | development graph mode information
devGraphState :: Maybe CMDL_DevGraphState,
-- | prove mode information
proveState :: Maybe CMDL_ProveState,
-- | promter of the interface
prompter :: CMDL_PrompterState,
-- | output of the last command
output :: CMDL_Output,
-- | history
history :: CMDL_History,
-- | open comment
openComment :: Bool,
-- | opened connections
connections :: [CMDL_Channel]
data CMDL_PrompterState = CMDL_PrompterState {
fileLoaded :: String,
selectedNodes :: String,
selectedTranslations :: String,
prompterHead :: String
-- History datatypes -------------------------------------------------------
-- | Description of the internal history of the CMDL interface
data CMDL_History = CMDL_History {
-- | history for undo command
undoList :: [CMDL_CmdHistoryDescription],
-- | history for redo command
redoList :: [CMDL_CmdHistoryDescription],
-- | for undo function history
oldEnv :: Maybe LibEnv,
-- | History elements
undoInstances :: [([CMDL_UndoRedoElem], [CMDL_UndoRedoElem])],
redoInstances :: [([CMDL_UndoRedoElem], [CMDL_UndoRedoElem])]
-- | History element for the proof state, describes the value that is being
-- change
data CMDL_UndoRedoElem =
UseThmChange Bool
| Save2FileChange Bool
| ProverChange (Maybe G_prover)
| ConsCheckerChange (Maybe G_cons_checker)
| ScriptChange String
| LoadScriptChange Bool
| CComorphismChange (Maybe AnyComorphism)
| ListChange [CMDL_ListChange]
| ProveChange LibEnv [CMDL_ListChange]
data CMDL_ListChange =
AxiomsChange [String] Int
| GoalsChange [String] Int
-- Command description datatypes -------------------------------------------
-- | Description of a command ( in order to have a uniform access to any of
-- the commands
data CMDL_CmdDescription = CMDL_CmdDescription {
-- cmdType :: CMDL_CmdType,
-- cmdNames :: [String],
-- cmdInput :: String,
cmdInfo :: CMDL_CmdHistoryDescription,
cmdDescription :: String,
cmdPriority :: CMDL_CmdPriority,
cmdFn :: CMDL_CmdFnClasses,
cmdReq :: CMDL_CmdRequirements
data CMDL_CmdHistoryDescription = CMDL_CmdHistoryDescription {
cmdType :: CMDL_CmdType,
cmdNames :: [String],
cmdInput :: String
-- | Some commands have different status, for example 'end-script'
-- needs to be processed even though the interface is in reading script
-- state. The same happens with '}%' even though the interface is in
-- multi line comment state. In order not to treat this few commands
-- separately from the other it is easy just to give to all commands
-- different priorities
data CMDL_CmdPriority =
| CmdGreaterThanComments
| CmdGreaterThanScriptAndComments
-- | Any command belongs to one of the following classes of functions,
-- a) f :: s -> IO s
-- b) f :: String -> s -> IO s
data CMDL_CmdFnClasses =
CmdNoInput (CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State)
| CmdWithInput (String -> CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State)
-- | Types of different commands available (DG command, Prove command,
-- Info command or System command)
data CMDL_CmdType =
| ProveCmd
| InfoCmd
| SelectCmd
| SelectCmdAll
| SystemCmd
| EvalCmd
| UndoRedoCmd
-- | Datatype describing the types of commands according
-- to what they expect as input
data CMDL_CmdRequirements =
| ReqEdges
| ReqNodesAndEdges
| ReqProvers
| ReqConsCheck
| ReqComorphism
| ReqFile
| ReqGNodes
| ReqGEdges
| ReqGNodesAndGEdges
| ReqAxm
| ReqGoal
| ReqNumber
| ReqNothing
| ReqUnknown
-- Development Graph state datatypes ---------------------------------------
-- | During the development graph mode, the CMDL interface
-- will use the information stored in CMDLDevGraphState which
-- consist of the library loaded and a list of all nodes
-- and edges.
data CMDL_DevGraphState = CMDL_DevGraphState {
ln :: LIB_NAME,
libEnv :: LibEnv
-- Prove state datatypes ---------------------------------------------------
-- | During the prove mode, the CMDL interface will use the
-- informations stored in the Prove state, which consists of
-- the list of elements selected, the list of comorphism
-- applied to the list (where the first in the list is the
-- last applied comorphism, the selected prover and the
-- script.
data CMDL_ProveState =
CMDL_ProveState {
-- | selected nodes as elements (only the theory and the
-- node number from where the theory was taken)
elements :: [CMDL_ProofAbstractState] ,
-- | composed comorphism resulting from all the selected
-- comorphisms.
cComorphism :: Maybe AnyComorphism,
-- | Selected prover
prover :: Maybe G_prover,
-- | Selected consistency checker
consChecker :: Maybe G_cons_checker,
-- | Save for each goal the output from the prover in a file
save2file :: Bool,
-- | Use proven theorems in subsequent proofs
useTheorems :: Bool,
-- | Script to be used when proving
script :: String,
-- | If script is currently being inserted
loadScript :: Bool
-- AbstractState depends on lid and sentence, and in order
-- not to change to much CMDLProveState requires some
-- independent type
-- also CMDL interface requires to keep track of the node
-- number
data CMDL_ProofAbstractState = forall lid1 sublogics1
basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1 .
Logic lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1
symb_items1 symb_map_items1 sign1 morphism1
symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1 =>
Element (ProofState lid1 sentence1) Int
-- | Datatype describing the list of possible action on a list
-- of selected items
data CMDL_ListAction =
| ActionSetAll
| ActionDel
| ActionDelAll
| ActionAdd
data CMDL_GoalAxiom =
| ChangeAxioms
-- Communication channel datatypes -----------------------------------------
data CMDL_Output = CMDL_Output {
-- | error String, any error occurance has to fill
-- this String with an error message
errorMsg :: String,
-- | any function that needs to print something on the
-- screen should use this outputMsg to store the output
outputMsg :: String,
fatalError :: Bool
-- | CMDLSocket takes care of opened sockets for comunication with other
-- application like the Broker in the case of PGIP
data CMDL_Channel = CMDL_Channel {
chName :: String,
chType :: CMDL_ChannelType,
chHandler :: Handle,
chSocket :: Maybe CMDL_Socket,
chProperties :: CMDL_ChannelProperties
-- | Channel type describes different type of channel
data CMDL_ChannelType =
-- socket type
-- file type
| ChFile
-- std in
| ChStdin
-- std out
| ChStdout
-- | Channel properties describes what a channel can do
data CMDL_ChannelProperties =
| ChWrite
| ChReadWrite
-- | Describes a socket
data CMDL_Socket = CMDL_Socket {
socketHandler :: Socket,
socketHostName :: HostName,
socketPortNumber :: PortNumber