ConsCommands.hs revision 809f779e1f197b18e3ce57e6ed37c00817298721
{- |
Module :$Header$
Description : CMDL interface commands
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
PGIP.ConsCommands contains all commands
related to consistency\/conservativity checks
module PGIP.ConsCommands
, cConservCheckAll
, cConsistCheck
, cConsistCheckAll
) where
import PGIP.DataTypes
import PGIP.Utils
import PGIP.DataTypesUtils
import Static.DevGraph
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Data.List
import Data.Char
import Logic.Logic(conservativityCheck)
import Logic.Coerce(coerceSign, coerceMorphism)
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Comorphism
import Logic.Prover
import CASL.CCC.FreeTypes
import Syntax.AS_Library(LIB_NAME)
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DGToSpec( computeTheory)
import Common.Result as Res
import Common.ExtSign
cConservCheck:: String -> CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cConservCheck input state =
case devGraphState state of
Nothing ->
return $ genErrorMsg "No library loaded" state
Just dgState -> do
let (_,edg,nbEdg,errs) = decomposeIntoGoals input
tmpErrs = prettyPrintErrList errs
case (edg,nbEdg) of
([],[]) ->
return $genErrorMsg( tmpErrs++"No edges in input string\n") state
(_,_) ->
let lsNodes = getAllNodes dgState
lsEdges = getAllEdges dgState
allList <- conservativityList lsNodes lsEdges
(libEnv dgState) (ln dgState)
let edgLs = concatMap (\x -> case find (
\(s1,_) -> s1 == x) allList of
Nothing -> []
Just (s1,s2) -> [(s1,s2)]) edg
nbEdgLs = concatMap (\x -> case find (
\(s1,_) -> s1 == x) allList of
Nothing -> []
Just (s1,s2) -> [(s1,s2)]) nbEdg
case edgLs++nbEdgLs of
[] -> return $ genErrorMsg (tmpErrs ++ "No edge in input string\n")
_ ->
return $ genMessage tmpErrs
(concatMap (\(s1,s2) -> s1++" : "++s2++"\n")
(edgLs ++ nbEdgLs) ) state
cConservCheckAll :: CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cConservCheckAll state =
case devGraphState state of
Nothing ->
return $ genErrorMsg "No library loaded" state
Just dgState ->
resTxt <- conservativityList (getAllNodes dgState)
(getAllEdges dgState)
(libEnv dgState)
(ln dgState)
return $ genMessage []
(concatMap (\(s1,s2) -> s1++" : "++s2++"\n") resTxt) state
cConsistCheck :: String -> CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cConsistCheck _ state =
return state
cConsistCheckAll :: CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cConsistCheckAll state =
return state
conservativityList:: [LNode DGNodeLab] ->
[LEdge DGLinkLab] ->
LibEnv -> LIB_NAME -> IO [(String,String)]
conservativityList lsN lsE le libname
-- function that returns the name of a node given its number
nameOf x ls = case find(\(nb,_) -> nb == x) ls of
Nothing -> "Unknown node"
Just (_, nlab) -> showName $ dgn_name nlab
ordFn x y = let (x1,x2,_) = x
(y1,y2,_) = y
in if (x1,x2) > (y1,y2) then GT
else if (x1,x2) < (y1,y2) then LT
else EQ
-- sorted and grouped list of edges
edgs = groupBy ( \(x1,x2,_) (y1,y2,_)-> (x1,x2)==(y1,y2)) $
sortBy ordFn lsE
edgtm = concatMap (\l -> case l of
[(x,y,edgLab)] ->[((x,y,edgLab),True)]
_ -> map (\(x,y,edgLab) -> ((x,y,edgLab),
False)) l)
allEds <- mapM (\((x,y,edgLab),vl) -> case vl of
((nameOf x lsN) ++ " -> " ++
(nameOf y lsN)) (x,y,edgLab)
le libname)
False -> (edgeConservativityState
((nameOf x lsN) ++ " -> " ++
(show $ getInt $dgl_id edgLab) ++
" -> " ++
(nameOf y lsN)) (x,y,edgLab)
le libname)) edgtm
return allEds
edgeConservativityState :: String->LEdge DGLinkLab -> LibEnv -> LIB_NAME
-> IO (String,String)
edgeConservativityState nm (source,target,linklab) libenv libname
= do
let dgraph = lookupDGraph libname libenv
dgtar = labDG dgraph target
if isDGRef dgtar then return (nm,"no DGNode") else do
G_theory lid _ _ sens _ <- return $ dgn_theory dgtar
GMorphism cid _ _ morphism2 _ <- return $ dgl_morphism linklab
morphism2' <- coerceMorphism (targetLogic cid) lid
"edgeConservativityState" morphism2
let th = case computeTheory libenv libname source of
Res.Result _ (Just th1) -> th1
_ -> error "edgeConservativityState: computeTheory"
G_theory lid1 sign1 _ sens1 _ <- return th
sign2 <- coerceSign lid1 lid "edgeConservativityState.coerceSign"
sens2 <- coerceThSens lid1 lid "" sens1
let Res.Result ds res =
conservativityCheck lid
(plainSign sign2, toNamedList sens2)
morphism2' $ toNamedList sens
showRes = case res of
Just (Just Inconsistent) ->
"not conservative"
Just (Just Conservative) ->
Just (Just Monomorphic) ->
Just (Just Definitional) ->
_ -> "Could not determine whether link is conservative"
myDiags = showRelDiags 2 ds
return (nm,showRes++"\n"++myDiags)