ConsCommands.hs revision 697e63e30aa3c309a1ef1f9357745111f8dfc5a9
{- |
Module :$Header$
Description : CMDL interface commands
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
PGIP.ConsCommands contains all commands
related to consistency\/conservativity checks
module PGIP.ConsCommands
, cConservCheckAll
, cConsistCheck
, cConsistCheckAll
) where
import PGIP.DataTypes
import PGIP.Utils
import PGIP.DataTypesUtils
import PGIP.ProveConsistency
import PGIP.DgCommands
import Proofs.AbstractState
import Proofs.TheoremHideShift
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.GTheory
import Logic.Logic (conservativityCheck)
import Logic.Coerce (coerceSign, coerceMorphism)
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Comorphism
import Logic.Prover
import Common.Consistency
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.LibName
import Common.Result as Res
import qualified Common.OrderedMap as OMap
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import System.Posix.Signals
import System.IO
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Data.List
import Data.Char
-- Command that processes the input and applies a
-- conservativity check
cConservCheck:: String -> CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cConservCheck input state =
case devGraphState state of
Nothing ->
return $ genErrorMsg "No library loaded" state
Just dgState -> do
let (_,edg,nbEdg,errs) = decomposeIntoGoals input
tmpErrs = prettyPrintErrList errs
case (edg,nbEdg) of
([],[]) ->
return $genErrorMsg( tmpErrs++"No edges in input string\n") state
(_,_) ->
let lsNodes = getAllNodes dgState
lsEdges = getAllEdges dgState
allList <- conservativityList lsNodes lsEdges
(libEnv dgState) (ln dgState)
let edgLs = concatMap (\x -> case find (
\(s1,_) -> s1 == x) allList of
Nothing -> []
Just (s1,s2) -> [(s1,s2)]) edg
nbEdgLs = concatMap (\x -> case find (
\(s1,_) -> s1 == x) allList of
Nothing -> []
Just (s1,s2) -> [(s1,s2)]) nbEdg
case edgLs++nbEdgLs of
[] -> return $ genErrorMsg (tmpErrs ++ "No edge in input string\n")
_ ->
return $ genMessage tmpErrs
(concatMap (\(s1,s2) -> s1++" : "++s2++"\n")
(edgLs ++ nbEdgLs) ) state
-- checks conservativity for every possible node
cConservCheckAll :: CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cConservCheckAll state =
case devGraphState state of
Nothing ->
return $ genErrorMsg "No library loaded" state
Just dgState ->
resTxt <- conservativityList (getAllNodes dgState)
(getAllEdges dgState)
(libEnv dgState)
(ln dgState)
return $ genMessage []
(concatMap (\(s1,s2) -> s1++" : "++s2++"\n") resTxt) state
-- applies consistency check to the input
cConsistCheck :: CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cConsistCheck state
= case proveState state of
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
Just pS ->
case devGraphState state of
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg "No library loaded" state
Just dgS ->
case elements pS of
[] -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
ls ->
--create initial mVars to comunicate
mlbEnv <- newMVar $ libEnv dgS
mSt <- newMVar Nothing
mThr <- newMVar Nothing
mW <- newEmptyMVar
-- fork
thrID <- forkIO(consCheckLoop mlbEnv mThr mSt mW pS dgS ls)
-- install the handler that waits for SIG_INT
installHandler sigINT (Catch $
sigIntHandler mThr mlbEnv mSt thrID mW (ln dgS)
) Nothing
-- block and wait for answers
answ <- takeMVar mW
let nwDgS = dgS {
libEnv = answ
let nwls = concatMap (\(Element _ x) ->
selectANode x nwDgS) ls
hist = concatMap(\(Element stt x) ->
(AxiomsChange (includedAxioms stt) x):
(GoalsChange (selectedGoals stt) x):
[]) ls
return $ addToHistory (ProveChange (libEnv dgS) hist)
state {
devGraphState = Just nwDgS
,proveState = Just pS {
elements= nwls
-- applies consistency check to all possible input
cConsistCheckAll :: CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cConsistCheckAll state
= case proveState state of
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
Just pS ->
case elements pS of
[] -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
ls ->
let ls' = map (\(Element st nb) ->
case theory st of
G_theory _ _ _ aMap _ ->
(st {
selectedGoals = OMap.keys $
goalMap st,
includedAxioms = OMap.keys aMap,
includedTheorems = OMap.keys $
goalMap st
}) nb ) ls
let nwSt = state {
proveState = Just pS {
elements = ls'
cConsistCheck nwSt
-- applies conservativity check to a given list
conservativityList:: [LNode DGNodeLab] ->
[LEdge DGLinkLab] ->
LibEnv -> LIB_NAME -> IO [(String,String)]
conservativityList lsN lsE le libname
-- function that returns the name of a node given its number
nameOf x ls = case find(\(nb,_) -> nb == x) ls of
Nothing -> "Unknown node"
Just (_, nlab) -> showName $ dgn_name nlab
ordFn x y = let (x1,x2,_) = x
(y1,y2,_) = y
in if (x1,x2) > (y1,y2) then GT
else if (x1,x2) < (y1,y2) then LT
else EQ
-- sorted and grouped list of edges
edgs = groupBy ( \(x1,x2,_) (y1,y2,_)-> (x1,x2)==(y1,y2)) $
sortBy ordFn lsE
edgtm = concatMap (\l -> case l of
[(x,y,edgLab)] ->[((x,y,edgLab),True)]
_ -> map (\(x,y,edgLab) -> ((x,y,edgLab),
False)) l)
allEds <- mapM (\((x,y,edgLab),vl) -> case vl of
((nameOf x lsN) ++ " -> " ++
(nameOf y lsN)) (x,y,edgLab)
le libname)
False -> (edgeConservativityState
((nameOf x lsN) ++ " -> " ++
(show $ getInt $dgl_id edgLab) ++
" -> " ++
(nameOf y lsN)) (x,y,edgLab)
le libname)) edgtm
return allEds
edgeConservativityState :: String->LEdge DGLinkLab -> LibEnv -> LIB_NAME
-> IO (String,String)
edgeConservativityState nm (source,target,linklab) libenv libname
= do
let dgraph = lookupDGraph libname libenv
dgtar = labDG dgraph target
if isDGRef dgtar then return (nm,"no DGNode") else do
G_theory lid _ _ sens _ <- return $ dgn_theory dgtar
GMorphism cid _ _ morphism2 _ <- return $ dgl_morphism linklab
morphism2' <- coerceMorphism (targetLogic cid) lid
"edgeConservativityState" morphism2
let (_le, th) = case computeTheory False libenv libname source of
-- le not used and should be !
Res.Result _ (Just th1) -> th1
_ -> error "edgeConservativityState: computeTheory"
G_theory lid1 sign1 _ sens1 _ <- return th
sign2 <- coerceSign lid1 lid "edgeConservativityState.coerceSign"
sens2 <- coerceThSens lid1 lid "" sens1
let Res.Result ds res =
conservativityCheck lid
(plainSign sign2, toNamedList sens2)
morphism2' $ toNamedList sens
showObls [] = ""
showObls obls = ", provided that the following proof obligations can be discharged:\n"++ concatMap ((++"\n").show) obls
showRes = case res of
Just (Just (Inconsistent,obls)) ->
"not conservative" ++ showObls obls
Just (Just (Conservative,obls)) ->
"conservative" ++ showObls obls
Just (Just (Monomorphic,obls)) ->
"monomorphic" ++ showObls obls
Just (Just (Definitional,obls)) ->
"definitional" ++ showObls obls
_ -> "Could not determine whether link is conservative"
myDiags = showRelDiags 2 ds
return (nm,showRes++"\n"++myDiags)