Common.hs revision edd35c6c970fa1707dc6ad7a3ba26119e0046223
{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-}
{- |
Module :$Header$
Description : abstract syntax and utilities for Hets commands
Copyright : uni-bremen and Razvan Pascanu
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Toghether with PGIP.Utils, PGIP.Common contains all the auxiliary functions
used throughout the interactive interface. The reason for dividing these
functions in two files was that otherwise we would've get a circular
inclusion (for example Proof.Automatic requieres some of these auxiliary
functions, but some other functions -- that appear now in PGIP.Common --
require some functions from Proof.Automatic)
module PGIP.Common where
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.DGToSpec
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Coerce
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Comorphism
import qualified Logic.Prover as P
import Events
import Destructible
import GUI.Taxonomy
import Proofs.InferBasic
import Proofs.EdgeUtils
import Proofs.StatusUtils
import Comorphisms.LogicGraph
import PGIP.Utils
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Utils
import Common.Result
import Common.Taxonomy
import Common.AS_Annotation
import qualified Common.OrderedMap as OMap
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
-- | The datatype 'CmdParam' contains all the possible parameters a command of
-- the interface might have. It is used to create one function that returns
-- the parameters after parsing no matter what command is parsed
data CmdParam =
Path String
| Formula String
| UseProver String
| Goals [GOAL]
| ParsedComorphism [String]
| AxiomSelectionWith [String]
| AxiomSelectionExcluding [String]
| Formulas [String]
| ProofScript String
| ParamErr String
| NoParam
deriving (Eq,Show)
-- | The datatype 'Status' contains the current status of the interpeter at any
-- moment in time
data Status =
OutputErr String
| CmdInitialState
-- Env stores the graph loaded
| Env LIB_NAME LibEnv
-- Selected stores the graph goals selected with Infer Basic command
| Selected [GraphGoals]
-- AllGoals stores all goals contained by the graph at any moment in time
| AllGoals [GraphGoals]
-- Comorph stores a certain comorphism to be used
| Comorph AnyComorphism
-- SProver stores the selected prover
| SProver G_prover
-- Address stores the current library loaded so that the correct promter can
-- be generated
| Address String
-- If the flag exists it means that the interpreter expects to read some
-- script
| LoadScript
-- The string send with MoreScript will be attached at the end of the
-- current script
| More String
-- The string stored as Script is the current script
| Script String
-- | The function returns the 'LIB_NAME' stored in the status if any
getLIB_NAME :: [Status] -> Maybe LIB_NAME
getLIB_NAME ls
= case ls of
[] -> Nothing
(Env ln _):_ -> Just ln
_:l -> getLIB_NAME l
-- | The function returns the 'LibEnv' stored in the status if any
getLibEnv :: [Status] -> Maybe LibEnv
getLibEnv ls
= case ls of
[] -> Nothing
(Env _ libEnv):_ -> Just libEnv
_:l -> getLibEnv l
-- | The function returns the list of selected goals if any
getSelected :: [Status] -> Maybe [GraphGoals]
getSelected ls
= case ls of
[] -> Nothing
(Selected list):_ -> Just list
_:l -> getSelected l
-- | The function returns the list of all goals stored in the status if any
getAllGoals :: [Status] -> Maybe [GraphGoals]
getAllGoals ls
= case ls of
[] -> Nothing
(AllGoals list):_ -> Just list
_:l -> getAllGoals l
-- | The function returns the text containing the comorphism if any
getComorph :: [Status] -> Maybe AnyComorphism
getComorph ls
= case ls of
[] -> Nothing
(Comorph val):_ -> Just val
_:l -> getComorph l
-- | The function return the selected prover if any
getSProver :: [Status]
-> Maybe G_prover
getSProver ls
= case ls of
[] -> Nothing
(SProver val):_ -> Just val
_:l -> getSProver l
-- | The function return the address of the current library loaded if any
getAddress :: [Status] -> Maybe String
getAddress ls
= case ls of
[] -> Nothing
(Address val):_ -> Just val
_:l -> getAddress l
-- | The function returns the current Script to use
getScriptStatus :: [Status] -> Maybe String
getScriptStatus ls
= case ls of
[] -> Nothing
(Script val):_ -> Just val
_:l -> getScriptStatus l
-- | The function checks if the first string is a prefix of the second.
prefix :: String -> String -> Bool
prefix w1 w2
= case w1 of
x1:l1 -> case w2 of
x2:l2 -> if (x1==x2) then (prefix l1 l2)
else False
[] -> False
[] -> True
-- | The function returns the name of all nodes from the given list
getNameList :: [GDataNode] -> [String]
getNameList ls
= case ls of
(_, (DGNode thName _ _ _ _ _ _ )):l -> (showName thName):(getNameList l)
(_, (DGRef thName _ _ _ _ _ )):l -> (showName thName):(getNameList l)
[] -> []
-- | The function checks if the word given is a prefix of the name of
-- any of the nodes in the list, if so it returns the list of the
-- names otherwise it returns the empty list
checkWord :: String -> [String] -> [String]
checkWord wd allNodes
= case allNodes of
str:l ->
if (prefix wd str)
if (str=="")
then checkWord wd l
else (str:(checkWord wd l))
else checkWord wd l
[] -> []
-- | The function flips a string around
reverseOrder :: String -> String -> String
reverseOrder ls wd
= case ls of
[] -> wd
x:l -> reverseOrder l (x:wd)
-- | The function categorizes the commands after the
-- type of arguments it should expect
prefixType ::String -> Int
prefixType wd
= case wd of
"dg auto" -> 1
"dg glob-subsume" -> 1
"dg glob-decomp" -> 1
"dg loc-infer" -> 1
"dg loc-decomp" -> 1
"dg comp" -> 1
"dg comp-new" -> 1
"dg hide-thm" -> 1
"dg basic" -> 3
"select" -> 3
"node-number" -> 2
"info" -> 3
"show-concept" -> 2
"show-taxonomy" -> 2
"show-theory" -> 2
"prover" -> 4
"translate" ->5
_ -> 0
arrowNext :: String -> Bool
arrowNext ls =
case ls of
' ':l -> arrowNext l
'-':l -> case l of
'>':_ -> True
_ -> False
_ -> False
afterArrow :: String -> String
afterArrow ls =
case ls of
' ':l -> afterArrow l
'-':l -> afterArrow l
'>':l -> afterArrow l
smth -> smth
-- | The function checks if a word still has white spaces or not
hasWhiteSpace :: String -> Bool
hasWhiteSpace ls
= case ls of
[] -> False
' ':l -> if (arrowNext l) then hasWhiteSpace (afterArrow l)
else True
'\t':_-> True
'\n':_-> True
'\r':_-> True
';':_ -> True
',':_ -> True
_:l -> hasWhiteSpace l
-- | The function tries to obtain only the incomplete word
-- removing the command name
getSuffix :: String -> String
getSuffix wd
= if (hasWhiteSpace wd) then getSuffix (tail wd)
else wd
-- | The function given a string tries to obtain the command
-- name and remove the incomplete word from the end
getShortPrefix :: String -> String -> IO String
getShortPrefix wd tmp
= if (hasWhiteSpace wd)
then if (hasWhiteSpace (tail wd))
then do
getShortPrefix (tail wd) ((head wd):tmp)
else if ((prefixType (reverseOrder tmp [])) > 0)
then return (reverseOrder tmp [])
else getShortPrefix (reverseOrder tmp []) []
else return []
eliminateFirst ::String -> String -> String
eliminateFirst tmp1 tmp2
= case tmp1 of
[] -> case tmp2 of
[] -> []
t -> tail t
_:l -> eliminateFirst l (tail tmp2)
arrowType :: String -> Bool
arrowType ls
= case ls of
'-':l -> case l of
'>':_ -> True
_ -> False
_:l -> arrowType l
[] -> False
processElements :: String -> String -> IO [String]
processElements input tmp
= case input of
' ':l -> case tmp of
[] -> processElements l tmp
_ -> if (arrowNext l)
then if (arrowType l)
then processElements (afterArrow l)
(tmp ++ " -> ")
else processElements (afterArrow l)
(tmp ++ " - ")
else do
t<- processElements l ""
return (tmp : t)
x:l -> processElements l (tmp ++ [x])
[] -> return []
getUsedElements :: String -> IO [String]
getUsedElements input
= do
tmp1 <- getShortPrefix input ""
let tmp2 = getLongPrefix input ""
processElements (eliminateFirst tmp1 tmp2) ""
eliminateElement ::String -> [String] -> [String]
eliminateElement el ls
= case ls of
x:l -> if (x==el) then eliminateElement el l
else x:(eliminateElement el l)
[] -> []
eliminateList :: [String] -> [String] -> [String]
eliminateList ls ll
= case ls of
x:l -> eliminateList l (eliminateElement x ll)
[] -> ll
getLongPrefix :: String -> String -> String
getLongPrefix wd tmp
= if (hasWhiteSpace wd)
then getLongPrefix (tail wd) ((head wd):tmp)
else reverseOrder tmp []
-- | The function simply adds the string as a prefix to any
-- word from the given list
addWords ::[String] -> String -> [String]
addWords ls wd
= case ls of
x:l -> (wd++x):(addWords l wd)
[] -> []
solveNode::[GraphGoals] -> Maybe [AnyComorphism]
solveNode input
= case input of
(GraphNode (_,x) olTh):_ ->
case olTh of
Just smth -> Just (findComorphismPaths
logicGraph (sublogicOfTh smth))
Nothing ->
case x of
DGNode _ th _ _ _ _ _ -> Just (findComorphismPaths
logicGraph (sublogicOfTh th))
DGRef _ _ _ th _ _ -> Just (findComorphismPaths
logicGraph (sublogicOfTh th))
_:ls -> solveNode ls
[] -> Nothing
solveComorph::[Status] -> Maybe [AnyComorphism]
solveComorph state
= case getComorph state of
Just smth -> Just [smth]
Nothing -> case getSelected state of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just ls -> solveNode ls
createProverList :: [(G_prover, AnyComorphism)] -> [String]
createProverList ls
case ls of
(x,_):l -> ((getPName x): (createProverList l))
[] -> []
getProversCMDLautomatic = foldl addProvers []
where addProvers acc cm =
case cm of
Comorphism cid -> acc ++
foldl (\ l p -> if P.hasProverKind P.ProveCMDLautomatic p
then (G_prover (targetLogic cid) p,cm):l
else l)
(provers $ targetLogic cid)
-- | The function 'getComorphismName' given a comorphism returns its name as a
-- string
getComorphismName::AnyComorphism -> String
getComorphismName (Comorphism cid) = language_name cid
-- | The function 'getComorphismNames' given the list of all comorphisms
-- returns a list of names
getComorphismNames ::[AnyComorphism]-> [String]
getComorphismNames ls
= case ls of
[] -> []
x:l -> (getComorphismName x):(getComorphismNames l)
-- | The function 'pgipCompletionFn' given the current status and an incomplete
-- word provides a list of possible words completions
pgipCompletionFn :: [Status] -> String -> IO [String]
pgipCompletionFn state wd
case getLIB_NAME state of
Nothing -> return []
Just ln ->
case getLibEnv state of
Nothing -> return []
Just libEnv ->
case getAllGoals state of
Nothing -> return []
Just allGoals ->
let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln libEnv
pref <- getShortPrefix wd []
let tmp = case (prefixType pref) of
1 -> getGoalNameFromList allGoals
(convToGoal (labNodesDG dgraph))
2 -> getNameList (labNodesDG dgraph)
3 -> (getNameList (labNodesDG dgraph)) ++
(getGoalNameFromList allGoals
(convToGoal (labNodesDG dgraph)))
4 -> case solveComorph state of
Nothing -> []
Just smth -> createProverList
(getProversCMDLautomatic smth)
5 -> getComorphismNames comorphismList
_ -> []
usedElem <- getUsedElements wd
let values = eliminateList usedElem tmp
let list = checkWord (getSuffix wd) values
if (list == [])
then return []
else return (addWords list (getLongPrefix wd []))
-- | The function 'getNodeList' returns from a list of graph goals just
-- the nodes as ['GDataNode']
getNodeList :: [GraphGoals] -> [GDataNode]
getNodeList ls =
case ls of
(GraphEdge _):l -> getNodeList l
(GraphNode x _):l -> x:(getNodeList l)
[] -> []
-- | The function 'update' returns the updated version of the status defined in
-- the second argument with the values from the first argument (i.e replaces
-- any value from status with the one from val if they are of the same type
-- otherwise just adds the new values
update::[Status] -> [Status]
-> IO [Status]
update val status
= case val of
[] -> return status
(Env x y):l ->
case status of
[] -> update l [Env x y]
CmdInitialState:ls -> update ((Env x y):l) ls
(OutputErr xx):ls -> do
errorMsg xx
update ((Env x y):l) ls
(Env _ _):ls -> update l ((Env x y):ls)
(Selected xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Env x y] ls
update l ((Selected xx):nextStep)
(AllGoals xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Env x y] ls
update l ((AllGoals xx):nextStep)
(Comorph xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Env x y] ls
update l ((Comorph xx):nextStep)
(SProver xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Env x y] ls
update l ((SProver xx):nextStep)
(Address xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Env x y] ls
update l ((Address xx):nextStep)
LoadScript:ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Env x y] ls
update l (LoadScript:nextStep)
(More xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Env x y] ls
update l ((More xx):nextStep)
(Script xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Env x y] ls
update l ((Script xx):nextStep)
(Selected x):l ->
case status of
[] -> update l [Selected x]
CmdInitialState:ls -> update ((Selected x):l) ls
(OutputErr xx):ls -> do
errorMsg xx
update ((Selected x):l) ls
(Env xx yy):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Selected x] ls
update l ((Env xx yy):nextStep)
(Selected _):ls -> update l ((Selected x):ls)
(AllGoals xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Selected x] ls
update l ((AllGoals xx):nextStep)
(Comorph xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Selected x] ls
update l ((Comorph xx):nextStep)
(SProver xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Selected x] ls
update l ((SProver xx):nextStep)
(Address xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Selected x] ls
update l ((Address xx):nextStep)
LoadScript:ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Selected x] ls
update l (LoadScript:nextStep)
(More xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Selected x] ls
update l ((More xx):nextStep)
(Script xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Selected x] ls
update l ((Script xx):nextStep)
(AllGoals x):l ->
case status of
[] -> update l [AllGoals x]
CmdInitialState:ls -> update ((AllGoals x):l) ls
(OutputErr xx):ls -> do
errorMsg xx
update ((AllGoals x):l) ls
(Env xx yy):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [AllGoals x] ls
update l ((Env xx yy):nextStep)
(Selected xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [AllGoals x] ls
update l ((Selected xx):nextStep)
(AllGoals _):ls -> update l ((AllGoals x):ls)
(Comorph xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [AllGoals x] ls
update l ((Comorph xx):nextStep)
(SProver xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [AllGoals x] ls
update l ((SProver xx):nextStep)
(Address xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [AllGoals x] ls
update l ((Address xx):nextStep)
LoadScript:ls -> do
nextStep <- update [AllGoals x] ls
update l (LoadScript:nextStep)
(More xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [AllGoals x] ls
update l ((More xx):nextStep)
(Script xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [AllGoals x] ls
update l ((Script xx):nextStep)
(Comorph x):l ->
case status of
[] -> update l [Comorph x]
CmdInitialState:ls -> update ((Comorph x):l) ls
(OutputErr xx):ls -> do
errorMsg xx
update ((Comorph x):l) ls
(Env xx yy):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Comorph x] ls
update l ((Env xx yy):nextStep)
(Selected xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Comorph x] ls
update l ((Selected xx):nextStep)
(AllGoals xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Comorph x] ls
update l ((AllGoals xx):nextStep)
(Comorph _):ls -> update l ((Comorph x):ls)
(SProver xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Comorph x] ls
update l ((SProver xx):nextStep)
(Address xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Comorph x] ls
update l ((Address xx):nextStep)
LoadScript:ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Comorph x] ls
update l (LoadScript:nextStep)
(More xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Comorph x] ls
update l ((More xx):nextStep)
(Script xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Comorph x] ls
update l ((Script xx):nextStep)
(SProver x):l ->
case status of
[] -> update l [SProver x]
CmdInitialState:ls -> update ((SProver x):l) ls
(OutputErr xx):ls -> do
errorMsg xx
update ((SProver x):l) ls
(Env xx yy):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [SProver x] ls
update l ((Env xx yy):nextStep)
(Selected xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [SProver x] ls
update l ((Selected xx):nextStep)
(AllGoals xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [SProver x] ls
update l ((AllGoals xx):nextStep)
(Comorph xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [SProver x] ls
update l ((Comorph xx):nextStep)
(SProver _):ls -> update l ((SProver x):ls)
(Address xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [SProver x] ls
update l ((Address xx):nextStep)
LoadScript:ls -> do
nextStep <- update [SProver x] ls
update l (LoadScript:nextStep)
(More xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [SProver x] ls
update l ((More xx):nextStep)
(Script xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [SProver x] ls
update l ((Script xx):nextStep)
(Address x):l ->
case status of
[] -> update l [Address x]
CmdInitialState:ls -> update ((Address x):l) ls
(OutputErr xx):ls -> do
errorMsg xx
update ((Address x):l) ls
(Env xx yy):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Address x] ls
update l ((Env xx yy):nextStep)
(Selected xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Address x] ls
update l ((Selected xx):nextStep)
(AllGoals xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Address x] ls
update l ((AllGoals xx):nextStep)
(Comorph xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Address x] ls
update l ((Comorph xx):nextStep)
(SProver xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Address x] ls
update l ((SProver xx):nextStep)
(Address _):ls -> update l ((Address x):ls)
LoadScript:ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Address x] ls
update l (LoadScript:nextStep)
(More xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Address x] ls
update l ((More xx):nextStep)
(Script xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Address x] ls
update l ((Script xx):nextStep)
LoadScript:l ->
case status of
[] -> update l [LoadScript]
CmdInitialState:ls -> update (LoadScript:l) ls
(OutputErr xx):ls -> do
errorMsg xx
update (LoadScript:l) ls
(Env xx yy):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [LoadScript] ls
update l ((Env xx yy):nextStep)
(Selected xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [LoadScript] ls
update l ((Selected xx):nextStep)
(AllGoals xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [LoadScript] ls
update l ((AllGoals xx):nextStep)
(Comorph xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [LoadScript] ls
update l ((Comorph xx):nextStep)
(SProver xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [LoadScript] ls
update l ((SProver xx):nextStep)
(Address xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [LoadScript] ls
update l ((Address xx):nextStep)
LoadScript:ls -> update l ls
(More xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [LoadScript] ls
update l ((More xx):nextStep)
(Script xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [LoadScript] ls
update l ((Script xx):nextStep)
(More x):l ->
case status of
[] -> update l [Script x]
CmdInitialState:ls -> update ((More x):l) ls
(OutputErr xx):ls -> do
errorMsg xx
update ((More x):l) ls
(Env xx yy):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [More x] ls
update l ((Env xx yy):nextStep)
(Selected xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [More x] ls
update l ((Selected xx):nextStep)
(AllGoals xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [More x] ls
update l ((AllGoals xx):nextStep)
(Comorph xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [More x] ls
update l ((Comorph xx):nextStep)
(SProver xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [More x] ls
update l ((SProver xx):nextStep)
(Address xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [More x] ls
update l ((Address xx):nextStep)
LoadScript:ls -> do
nextStep <- update [More x] ls
update l (LoadScript:nextStep)
(More _):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [More x] ls
update l nextStep
(Script xx):ls -> update l ((Script (xx++x)):ls)
(Script x):l ->
case status of
[] -> update l [Script x]
CmdInitialState:ls -> update ((Script x):l) ls
(OutputErr xx):ls -> do
errorMsg xx
update ((Script x):l) ls
(Env xx yy):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Script x] ls
update l ((Env xx yy):nextStep)
(Selected xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Script x] ls
update l ((Selected xx):nextStep)
(AllGoals xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Script x] ls
update l ((AllGoals xx):nextStep)
(Comorph xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Script x] ls
update l ((Comorph xx):nextStep)
(SProver xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Script x] ls
update l ((SProver xx):nextStep)
(Address xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Script x] ls
update l ((Address xx):nextStep)
LoadScript:ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Script x] ls
update l (LoadScript:nextStep)
(More xx):ls -> do
nextStep <- update [Script x] ls
update l ((More xx):nextStep)
(Script _):ls -> update l ((Script x):ls)
(OutputErr xx):l -> do
errorMsg xx
update l status
CmdInitialState:l -> update l status
-- | The function 'printNodeTheoryFromList' prints on the screen the theory
-- of all nodes in the ['GraphGoals'] list
printNodeTheoryFromList :: [GraphGoals]-> IO()
printNodeTheoryFromList ls =
case ls of
(GraphNode x y):l -> do
printNodeTheory (GraphNode x y)
result<- printNodeTheoryFromList l
return result
_:l -> do
result <-printNodeTheoryFromList l
return result
[] -> return ()
-- | The function 'printNodeTheory' given a 'GraphGoals' prints on the screen
-- the theory of the node if the goal is a node or Not a node ! otherwise
printNodeTheory :: GraphGoals -> IO()
printNodeTheory arg =
case arg of
GraphNode (_,(DGNode _ theTh _ _ _ _ _)) othTh ->
case othTh of
Nothing ->
putStr ((showDoc theTh "\n") ++ "\n")
Just smth ->
putStr ((showDoc smth "\n") ++ "\n")
GraphNode (_,(DGRef _ _ _ theTh _ _)) othTh ->
case othTh of
Nothing ->
putStr ((showDoc theTh "\n") ++ "\n")
Just smth ->
putStr ((showDoc smth "\n") ++ "\n")
_ -> putStr "Not a node!\n"
-- | The function 'findNode' finds the node by number in the goal list
findNode :: Int -> [GraphGoals] ->Maybe GraphGoals
findNode nb ls
= case ls of
(GraphNode (x,labelInfo) th) :l ->
if (x==nb) then
Just (GraphNode (x,labelInfo) th)
findNode nb l
_:l -> findNode nb l
[] -> Nothing
-- | The function returns the name of all goals from the list (it
-- requires all the nodes from the graph as a parameter as well)
getGoalNameFromList :: [GraphGoals] -> [GraphGoals] -> [String]
getGoalNameFromList ls allNodes =
case ls of
(GraphNode x y):l -> (getGoalName (GraphNode x y)):
(getGoalNameFromList l allNodes)
(GraphEdge (x,y,_)):l ->
let x1 = fromJust $ findNode x allNodes
y1 = fromJust $ findNode y allNodes
in ((getGoalName x1)++" -> "++(getGoalName y1)):
(getGoalNameFromList l allNodes)
[] -> []
-- | The function returns the name of the goal if it is a node
getGoalName ::GraphGoals -> String
getGoalName x
= case x of
(GraphNode (_,(DGNode thName _ _ _ _ _ _)) _) -> showName thName
(GraphNode (_,(DGRef thName _ _ _ _ _)) _) -> showName thName
_ -> "Not a node !"
-- | The function 'printInfoFromList' given a GraphGoal list prints the
-- name of all goals (node or edge)
printNamesFromList :: [GraphGoals] ->[GraphGoals]-> IO()
printNamesFromList ls allNodes =
case ls of
(GraphNode x y):l -> do
printNodeInfo (GraphNode x y)
putStr "\n"
result <-printNamesFromList l allNodes
return result
(GraphEdge (x,y,_)):l -> do
let x1 = fromJust $ findNode x allNodes
let y1 = fromJust $ findNode y allNodes
printNodeInfo x1
putStr " -> "
printNodeInfo y1
putStr "\n"
result<- printNamesFromList l allNodes
return result
[] -> return ()
-- | The function prints the number of all nodes provided as
-- graph goals
printNodeNumberFromList :: [GraphGoals]-> IO()
printNodeNumberFromList ls =
case ls of
(GraphNode x y):l -> do
printNodeNumber (GraphNode x y)
putStr "\n"
result <- printNodeNumberFromList l
return result
_:l -> do
result <- printNodeNumberFromList l
return result
[] -> return ()
-- | The function prints the number of the graph goal if it is a node
printNodeNumber:: GraphGoals -> IO()
printNodeNumber x =
case x of
GraphNode (nb, (DGNode tname _ _ _ _ _ _)) _ ->
putStr ("Node "++(showName tname)++" has number "++(show nb))
GraphNode (nb, (DGRef tname _ _ _ _ _)) _ ->
putStr ("Node "++(showName tname)++" has number "++(show nb))
_ -> putStr "Not a node !\n"
-- | The function 'printInfoFromList' given a 'GraphGoal' list prints the
-- name of all node goals
printInfoFromList :: [GraphGoals] -> [GraphGoals] -> IO()
printInfoFromList ls allNodes=
case ls of
(GraphNode x y):l -> do
putStr "Name : "
printNodeInfo (GraphNode x y)
putStr "\n"
putStr "Origin : "
printNodeOrigin (GraphNode x y)
putStr "\n"
putStr "Sublogic : "
printNodeSublogic (GraphNode x y)
putStr "\n"
putStr "Number of axioms : "
printNodeNumberAxioms (GraphNode x y)
putStr "\n"
putStr "Number of symbols in the signature : "
printNodeNumberSymbols (GraphNode x y)
putStr "\n"
putStr "Number of unproven theorems : "
printNodeNumberUnprovenThm (GraphNode x y)
putStr "\n"
putStr "Number of proven theorems : "
printNodeNumberProvenThm (GraphNode x y)
putStr "\n\n"
result <-printInfoFromList l allNodes
return result
(GraphEdge (x,y,labelData)):l -> do
let x1 = fromJust $ findNode x allNodes
let y1 = fromJust $ findNode y allNodes
putStr "Name : "
printNodeInfo x1
putStr " -> "
printNodeInfo y1
putStr "\n"
putStr "Origin : "
printEdgeOrigin (GraphEdge (x,y,labelData))
putStr "\n"
putStr "Sublogic of source : "
printNodeSublogic x1
putStr "\n"
putStr "Sublogic of target : "
printNodeSublogic y1
putStr "\n"
putStr "Homogeneous : "
printEdgeHomogeneous (GraphEdge (x,y,labelData))
putStr "\n"
putStr "Type : "
printEdgeType (GraphEdge (x,y,labelData))
putStr "\n\n"
result<- printInfoFromList l allNodes
return result
[] -> return ()
-- | The function 'printNodeInfo' given a 'GraphGoal' prints the name of the
-- node if it is a graph node otherwise prints Not a node !
printNodeInfo :: GraphGoals -> IO()
printNodeInfo x =
case x of
GraphNode (_, (DGNode tname _ _ _ _ _ _)) _ ->
putStr (( showName tname))
GraphNode (_, (DGRef tname _ _ _ _ _ )) _ ->
putStr (( showName tname))
_ -> putStr "Not a node!\n"
-- | The function, give an edge as a graph goal prints the type of the edge
printEdgeType :: GraphGoals -> IO()
printEdgeType x =
case x of
GraphEdge (_,_,dglab) ->
case (getDGLinkType dglab) of
"globaldef" -> putStr "global definition"
"def" -> putStr "local definition"
"hidingdef" -> putStr "hiding definitions"
"hetdef" -> putStr "het definition"
"proventhm" -> putStr "global proven theorem"
"unproventhm" -> putStr "global unproven theorem"
"localproventhm" ->putStr "local proven theorem"
"localunproventhm" -> putStr "local unproven theorem"
"hetproventhm" -> putStr "het global proven theorem"
"hetunproventhm" -> putStr "het global unproven theorem"
"hetlocalproventhm" -> putStr "het local proven theorem"
"hetlocalunproventhm" -> putStr "het local unproven theorem"
"unprovenhidingthm" -> putStr "unproven hiding theorem"
"provenhidingthm" -> putStr "proven hiding theorem"
_ -> putStr "unknown type"
_ -> putStr "Not an edge !"
-- | The function give an edge as a graph goal prints the origin of the edge
printEdgeOrigin :: GraphGoals -> IO ()
printEdgeOrigin x =
case x of
GraphEdge(_, _, (DGLink _ _ tOrigin _)) ->
putStr $ show tOrigin
_ -> putStr "No origin found !"
-- | The function given an edge as a graph goal prints True if it is
-- homogeneaus and false otherwise
printEdgeHomogeneous :: GraphGoals -> IO()
printEdgeHomogeneous x =
case x of
GraphEdge (_, _ ,(DGLink tmorph _ _ _)) ->
if (isHomogeneous tmorph) then putStr "True"
else putStr "False"
_ -> putStr "Not an edge !"
-- | The function prints the origin of the node given as graph goal
printNodeOrigin :: GraphGoals -> IO()
printNodeOrigin x =
case x of
GraphNode (_ ,(DGNode _ _ _ _ torigin _ _)) _ ->
putStr (show torigin)
_ -> putStr "Node does not have an origin"
-- | The function prints the sublogic of the node given as graph goal
printNodeSublogic :: GraphGoals -> IO ()
printNodeSublogic x =
case x of
GraphNode (_, (DGNode _ tTh _ _ _ _ _)) nwTh->
case nwTh of
Nothing ->
putStr (show (sublogicOfTh tTh))
Just smth ->
putStr (show (sublogicOfTh smth))
GraphNode (_, (DGRef _ _ _ tTh _ _)) nwTh->
case nwTh of
Nothing ->
putStr (show (sublogicOfTh tTh))
Just smth ->
putStr (show (sublogicOfTh smth))
_ -> putStr "Node does not have a sublogic"
-- | The funcion prints the number of axioms of the node given as graph goal
printNodeNumberAxioms :: GraphGoals -> IO ()
printNodeNumberAxioms input =
case input of
GraphNode (_, (DGNode _ (G_theory x y _ _ _) _ _ _ _ _)) nwTh ->
case nwTh of
Just (G_theory nx ny _ _ _) ->
putStr $ show (Set.size(sym_of nx ny))
_ ->
putStr $ show (Set.size(sym_of x y))
GraphNode (_, (DGRef _ _ _ (G_theory x y _ _ _) _ _)) nwTh ->
case nwTh of
Just (G_theory nx ny _ _ _) ->
putStr $ show (Set.size (sym_of nx ny))
Nothing ->
putStr $ show (Set.size (sym_of x y))
_ -> putStr "Not a node ! \n"
-- | The function checks if a list is emty or not (same as null)
emtyList :: forall a.[a] -> Bool
emtyList ls =
case ls of
[] -> True
_ -> False
-- | The function adds to the given number the number of symbols found in the
-- given list (sentences from the theory of the node)
countSymbols :: [P.SenStatus a b]->Int -> Int
countSymbols ls nb
= case ls of
[] -> nb
x:l -> if isAxiom x then countSymbols l (nb+1)
else countSymbols l nb
-- | The function adds to the given number the number of unproven theorems
-- found in the list
countUnprovenThm :: [P.SenStatus a b] -> Int -> Int
countUnprovenThm ls nb
= case ls of
[] -> nb
x:l -> if (emtyList (P.thmStatus x)) then countUnprovenThm l (nb+1)
else countUnprovenThm l nb
-- | The function adds to the given number the number of proven theorems
-- found in the list
countProvenThm :: [P.SenStatus a b] -> Int -> Int
countProvenThm ls nb
= case ls of
[] -> nb
x:l -> if (emtyList (P.thmStatus x)) then countProvenThm l nb
else countProvenThm l (nb+1)
-- | From a list of sentences and SenStatus the function returns only
-- the list of SenStatus
extractSenStatus :: [(String, P.SenStatus a b)] -> [P.SenStatus a b]
extractSenStatus ls =
case ls of
[] -> []
(_,b):l -> b:(extractSenStatus l)
-- | The function prints the number of symbols of the node theory given
-- as a graph goal
printNodeNumberSymbols :: GraphGoals -> IO ()
printNodeNumberSymbols input =
case input of
GraphNode (_, (DGNode _ (G_theory _ _ _ x _) _ _ _ _ _)) nwTh ->
case nwTh of
Just (G_theory _ _ _ nx _) ->
putStr $ show (countSymbols (extractSenStatus (OMap.toList nx)) 0)
Nothing ->
putStr $ show (countSymbols (extractSenStatus (OMap.toList x)) 0)
GraphNode (_, (DGRef _ _ _ (G_theory _ _ _ x _) _ _)) nwTh->
case nwTh of
Just (G_theory _ _ _ nx _) ->
putStr $ show (countSymbols (extractSenStatus (OMap.toList nx)) 0)
Nothing ->
putStr $ show (countSymbols (extractSenStatus (OMap.toList x)) 0)
_ -> putStr "Not a node ! \n"
-- | The function prints the number of unproven theorems of the node theory
-- given as a graph goal
printNodeNumberUnprovenThm :: GraphGoals -> IO ()
printNodeNumberUnprovenThm input =
case input of
GraphNode (_, (DGNode _ (G_theory _ _ _ x _) _ _ _ _ _)) nwTh ->
case nwTh of
Just (G_theory _ _ _ nx _) ->
putStr $ show (countUnprovenThm (extractSenStatus (OMap.toList nx)) 0)
_ ->
putStr $ show (countUnprovenThm (extractSenStatus (OMap.toList x)) 0)
GraphNode (_, (DGRef _ _ _ (G_theory _ _ _ x _) _ _)) nwTh ->
case nwTh of
Just (G_theory _ _ _ nx _) ->
putStr $ show (countUnprovenThm (extractSenStatus (OMap.toList nx)) 0)
_ ->
putStr $ show (countUnprovenThm (extractSenStatus (OMap.toList x)) 0)
_ -> putStr "Not a node ! \n"
-- | The function prints the number of proven theorems of the node theory
-- given as a graph goal
printNodeNumberProvenThm :: GraphGoals -> IO ()
printNodeNumberProvenThm input =
case input of
GraphNode (_, (DGNode _ (G_theory _ _ _ x _) _ _ _ _ _)) nwTh->
case nwTh of
Just (G_theory _ _ _ nx _) ->
putStr $ show (countProvenThm (extractSenStatus (OMap.toList nx)) 0)
_ ->
putStr $ show (countProvenThm (extractSenStatus (OMap.toList x)) 0)
GraphNode (_, (DGRef _ _ _ (G_theory _ _ _ x _) _ _)) nwTh ->
case nwTh of
Just (G_theory _ _ _ nx _) ->
putStr $ show (countProvenThm (extractSenStatus (OMap.toList nx)) 0)
_ ->
putStr $ show (countProvenThm (extractSenStatus (OMap.toList x)) 0)
_ -> putStr "Not a node ! \n"
-- | The function 'printNodeTaxonomyFromList' given a GraphGoals list generates
-- the 'TaxoGraphKind' type of Taxonomy Graphs of all goal nodes from the list
printNodeTaxonomyFromList :: TaxoGraphKind -> [GraphGoals] -> LibEnv
-> LIB_NAME -> IO()
printNodeTaxonomyFromList kind ls libEnv ln =
case ls of
(GraphNode x y): l ->
printNodeTaxonomy kind (GraphNode x y) libEnv ln
result <- printNodeTaxonomyFromList kind l libEnv ln
return result
_ : l ->
result <- printNodeTaxonomyFromList kind l libEnv ln
return result
[] -> return ()
-- | The function 'printNodeTaxonomy' given just a 'GraphGoals' generates
-- the 'TaxoGraphKind' type of Taxonomy Graphs if the goal is a node otherwise
-- it prints on the screen Not a node !
printNodeTaxonomy :: TaxoGraphKind -> GraphGoals -> LibEnv -> LIB_NAME ->IO()
printNodeTaxonomy kind x libEnv ln =
case x of
GraphNode (n, dgn) _-> do
case computeTheory libEnv ln n of
Result _ (Just thTh) ->
do graph <- displayGraph kind (showName $ dgn_name dgn) thTh
case graph of
Just g -> sync (destroyed g)
_ -> return ()
Result _ _ -> putStrLn "Error computing the theory of the node!"
_ -> putStrLn "Not a node! (or compiled without uni)"
-- | mark all newly proven goals with their proof tree
markProved :: (Ord a, Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree) =>
AnyComorphism -> lid -> [P.Proof_status proof_tree]
-> P.ThSens a (AnyComorphism,BasicProof)
-> P.ThSens a (AnyComorphism,BasicProof)
markProved c lid status thSens = foldl upd thSens status
where upd m pStat = OMap.update (updStat pStat) (P.goalName pStat) m
updStat ps s = Just
s { senAttr = P.ThmStatus $
(c, BasicProof lid ps) : P.thmStatus s
-- | The function 'proveNodes' applies 'basicInferenceNode' for proving to
-- all nodes in the graph goal list
proveNodes :: [GraphGoals] ->G_prover -> LIB_NAME ->LibEnv -> [GraphGoals]
-> IO ([GraphGoals],LibEnv)
proveNodes ls prover ln libEnv addTo = case ls of
GraphNode (nb, label) nwTh : l -> do
let dGraph = lookupDGraph ln libEnv
thForProof = case nwTh of
Just sm-> sm
Nothing-> case label of
DGNode _ sm _ _ _ _ _ -> sm
DGRef _ _ _ sm _ _ -> sm
-- let G_theory lid1 sig ind thSens _ = thForProof
case thForProof of
G_theory lid1 sig ind thSens _ -> do
--let thForProof@(G_theory lid1 sig ind thSens _) = thForProof
let nodeName = case label of
DGNode sm _ _ _ _ _ _ -> sm
DGRef sm _ _ _ _ _ -> sm
thName = shows (getLIB_ID ln) "_" ++ showName nodeName
-- Proving
case prover of
G_prover plid p -> do
-- coerce to prover lid
let (aMap,gMap) = Map.partition(isAxiom . OMap.ele) thSens
ths <- coerceThSens lid1 lid1
"PGIP.Common.proveNodes : selected goals" gMap
let (sel_goals, other_goals) =
let selected k _ = Set.member k Set.empty
in Map.partitionWithKey selected ths
provenThs = Map.filter ( \ x -> isProvenSenStatus $
OMap.ele x ) other_goals
sel_provenThs = ( \ x -> x { isAxiom=True }) $
filterMapWithList (OMap.keys gMap) provenThs
sel_sens = filterMapWithList (OMap.keys aMap) thSens
bTh' <- coerceBasicTheory lid1 lid1
"PGIP.Common.proveNodes : basic theory"
(sig, P.toNamedList $
Map.union sel_sens $
Map.union sel_provenThs sel_goals)
let (sign'',sens'') = bTh'
p' <- coerceProver plid lid1 "" p
-- apply function ?!
case (P.proveCMDLautomatic p') of
Nothing -> proveNodes l prover ln libEnv addTo
Just fn -> do
ps <- fn thName (P.Tactic_script "")
$ P.Theory sign'' $ P.toThSens sens''
case ps of
Result _ Nothing -> proveNodes l prover ln libEnv addTo
Result _ (Just pps) -> do
let provedOrDisproved allSentencesIncluded senStat =
P.isProvedStat senStat || allSentencesIncluded
&& case P.goalStatus senStat of
P.Disproved -> True
_ -> False
nwgoalMap = (markProved $ Comorphism
$ IdComorphism lid1 $ top_sublogic lid1)
(filter (provedOrDisproved $ null
$ OMap.keys thSens) pps) gMap
newTh = G_theory lid1 sig ind
(Map.union thSens nwgoalMap) 0
(_,oldContents) =
labNode' (safeContextDG
dGraph nb)
newNodeLab = oldContents{dgn_theory = newTh}
(nextDGraph,changes) =
updateWithOneChange (SetNodeLab
(error "proveNodes")
(nb, newNodeLab)) dGraph []
rules = []
nextHistoryElem = (rules, changes)
result = mkResultProofStatus ln libEnv
nextDGraph nextHistoryElem
proveNodes l prover ln result $
GraphNode (nb, label) (Just newTh) : addTo
_ : l -> proveNodes l prover ln libEnv addTo
[] -> return (addTo,libEnv)