Common.hs revision ad270004874ce1d0697fb30d7309f180553bb315
{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-}
{- |
Module :$Header$
Description : abstract syntax and utilities for Hets commands
Copyright : uni-bremen and Razvan Pascanu
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Toghether with PGIP.Utils, PGIP.Common contains all the auxiliary functions
used throughout the interactive interface. The reason for dividing these
functions in two files was that otherwise we would've get a circular
inclusion (for example Proof.Automatic requieres some of these auxiliary
functions, but some other functions -- that appear now in PGIP.Common --
require some functions from Proof.Automatic)
module PGIP.Common where
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.DGToSpec
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Result
import Common.Taxonomy
import Data.Set
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Proofs.InferBasic
import GUI.ProofManagement (GUIMVar)
import GUI.Taxonomy
import Events
import Destructible
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Comorphisms.LogicGraph
import PGIP.Utils
import qualified Logic.Prover as P
import qualified Common.OrderedMap as OMap
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
-- | The datatype 'CmdParam' contains all the possible parameters a command of
-- the interface might have. It is used to create one function that returns
-- the parameters after parsing no matter what command is parsed
data CmdParam =
Path String
| Formula String
| UseProver String
| Goals [GOAL]
| ParsedComorphism [String]
| AxiomSelectionWith [String]
| AxiomSelectionExcluding [String]
| Formulas [String]
| ProofScript String
| ParamErr String
| NoParam
deriving (Eq,Show)
-- | The datatype 'Status' contains the current status of the interpeter at any
-- moment in time
data Status =
OutputErr String
| CmdInitialState
-- Env stores the graph loaded
| Env LIB_NAME LibEnv
-- Selected stores the graph goals selected with Infer Basic command
| Selected [GraphGoals]
-- AllGoals stores all goals contained by the graph at any moment in time
| AllGoals [GraphGoals]
-- Comorph stores a certain comorphism to be used
| Comorph [String]
-- SProver stores the selected prover
| SProver String
-- Address stores the current library loaded so that the correct promter can
-- be generated
| Address String
-- If the flag exists it means that the interpreter expects to read some
-- script
| LoadScript
-- The string send with MoreScript will be attached at the end of the
-- current script
| More String
-- The string stored as Script is the current script
| Script String
-- | The function returns the 'LIB_NAME' stored in the status if any
getLIB_NAME :: [Status] -> Maybe LIB_NAME
getLIB_NAME ls
= case ls of
[] -> Nothing
(Env ln _):_ -> Just ln
_:l -> getLIB_NAME l
-- | The function returns the 'LibEnv' stored in the status if any
getLibEnv :: [Status] -> Maybe LibEnv
getLibEnv ls
= case ls of
[] -> Nothing
(Env _ libEnv):_ -> Just libEnv
_:l -> getLibEnv l
-- | The function returns the list of selected goals if any
getSelected :: [Status] -> Maybe [GraphGoals]
getSelected ls
= case ls of
[] -> Nothing
(Selected list):_ -> Just list
_:l -> getSelected l
-- | The function returns the list of all goals stored in the status if any
getAllGoals :: [Status] -> Maybe [GraphGoals]
getAllGoals ls
= case ls of
[] -> Nothing
(AllGoals list):_ -> Just list
_:l -> getAllGoals l
-- | The function returns the text containing the comorphism if any
getComorph :: [Status] -> Maybe [String]
getComorph ls
= case ls of
[] -> Nothing
(Comorph val):_ -> Just val
_:l -> getComorph l
-- | The function return the selected prover if any
getSProver :: [Status]
-> Maybe String
getSProver ls
= case ls of
[] -> Nothing
(SProver val):_ -> Just val
_:l -> getSProver l
-- | The function return the address of the current library loaded if any
getAddress :: [Status] -> Maybe String
getAddress ls
= case ls of
[] -> Nothing
(Address val):_ -> Just val
_:l -> getAddress l
-- | The function returns the current Script to use
getScriptStatus :: [Status] -> Maybe String
getScriptStatus ls
= case ls of
[] -> Nothing
(Script val):_ -> Just val
_:l -> getScriptStatus l
-- | The function checks if the first string is a prefix of the second.
prefix :: String -> String -> Bool
prefix w1 w2
= case w1 of
x1:l1 -> case w2 of
x2:l2 -> if (x1==x2) then (prefix l1 l2)
else False
[] -> False
[] -> True
-- | The function returns the name of all nodes from the given list
getNameList :: [GDataNode] -> [String]
getNameList ls
= case ls of
(_, (DGNode thName _ _ _ _ _ _ )):l -> (showName thName):(getNameList l)
(_, (DGRef thName _ _ _ _ _ )):l -> (showName thName):(getNameList l)
[] -> []
-- | The function checks if the word given is a prefix of the name of
-- any of the nodes in the list, if so it returns the list of the
-- names otherwise it returns the empty list
checkWord :: String -> [String] -> [String]
checkWord wd allNodes
= case allNodes of
str:l ->
if (prefix wd str)
if (str=="")
then checkWord wd l
else (str:(checkWord wd l))
else checkWord wd l
[] -> []
-- | The function flips a string around
reverseOrder :: String -> String -> String
reverseOrder ls wd
= case ls of
[] -> wd
x:l -> reverseOrder l (x:wd)
-- | The function categorizes the commands after the
-- type of arguments it should expect
prefixType ::String -> Int
prefixType wd
= case wd of
"dg auto" -> 1
"dg glob-subsume" -> 1
"dg glob-decomp" -> 1
"dg loc-infer" -> 1
"dg loc-decomp" -> 1
"dg comp" -> 1
"dg comp-new" -> 1
"dg hide-thm" -> 1
"dg basic" -> 3
"node-number" -> 2
"info" -> 3
"show-concept" -> 2
"show-taxonomy" -> 2
"show-theory" -> 2
_ -> 0
arrowNext :: String -> Bool
arrowNext ls =
case ls of
' ':l -> arrowNext l
'-':l -> case l of
'>':_ -> True
_ -> False
_ -> False
afterArrow :: String -> String
afterArrow ls =
case ls of
' ':l -> afterArrow l
'-':l -> afterArrow l
'>':l -> afterArrow l
smth -> smth
-- | The function checks if a word still has white spaces or not
hasWhiteSpace :: String -> Bool
hasWhiteSpace ls
= case ls of
[] -> False
' ':l -> if (arrowNext l) then hasWhiteSpace (afterArrow l)
else True
'\t':_-> True
'\n':_-> True
'\r':_-> True
';':_ -> True
',':_ -> True
_:l -> hasWhiteSpace l
-- | The function tries to obtain only the incomplete word
-- removing the command name
getSuffix :: String -> String
getSuffix wd
= if (hasWhiteSpace wd) then getSuffix (tail wd)
else wd
-- | The function given a string tries to obtain the command
-- name and remove the incomplete word from the end
getShortPrefix :: String -> String -> IO String
getShortPrefix wd tmp
= if (hasWhiteSpace wd)
then if (hasWhiteSpace (tail wd))
then do
getShortPrefix (tail wd) ((head wd):tmp)
else if ((prefixType (reverseOrder tmp [])) > 0)
then return (reverseOrder tmp [])
else getShortPrefix (reverseOrder tmp []) []
else return []
eliminateFirst ::String -> String -> String
eliminateFirst tmp1 tmp2
= case tmp1 of
[] -> tail tmp2
_:l -> eliminateFirst l (tail tmp2)
arrowType :: String -> Bool
arrowType ls
= case ls of
'-':l -> case l of
'>':_ -> True
_ -> False
_:l -> arrowType l
[] -> False
processElements :: String -> String -> IO [String]
processElements input tmp
= case input of
' ':l -> case tmp of
[] -> processElements l tmp
_ -> if (arrowNext l)
then if (arrowType l)
then processElements (afterArrow l)
(tmp ++ " -> ")
else processElements (afterArrow l)
(tmp ++ " - ")
else do
t<- processElements l ""
return (tmp : t)
x:l -> processElements l (tmp ++ [x])
[] -> return []
getUsedElements :: String -> IO [String]
getUsedElements input
= do
tmp1 <- getShortPrefix input ""
let tmp2 = getLongPrefix input ""
processElements (eliminateFirst tmp1 tmp2) ""
eliminateElement ::String -> [String] -> [String]
eliminateElement el ls
= case ls of
x:l -> if (x==el) then eliminateElement el l
else x:(eliminateElement el l)
[] -> []
eliminateList :: [String] -> [String] -> [String]
eliminateList ls ll
= case ls of
x:l -> eliminateList l (eliminateElement x ll)
[] -> ll
getLongPrefix :: String -> String -> String
getLongPrefix wd tmp
= if (hasWhiteSpace wd)
then getLongPrefix (tail wd) ((head wd):tmp)
else reverseOrder tmp []
-- | The function simply adds the string as a prefix to any
-- word from the given list
addWords ::[String] -> String -> [String]
addWords ls wd
= case ls of
x:l -> (wd++x):(addWords l wd)
[] -> []
-- | The function 'pgipCompletionFn' given the current status and an incomplete
-- word provides a list of possible words completions
pgipCompletionFn :: [Status] -> String -> IO [String]
pgipCompletionFn state wd
= case state of
(Env ln libEnv):rest ->
case rest of
(AllGoals allGoals):_ -> do
let dgraph= lookupDGraph ln libEnv
pref <- getShortPrefix wd []
if ((prefixType pref)> 0)
then do
let tmp= if ((prefixType pref)==1)
then getGoalNameFromList allGoals (labNodes dgraph)
if ((prefixType pref)==2)
then getNameList (labNodes dgraph)
else ((getNameList (labNodes dgraph)) ++
(getGoalNameFromList allGoals (labNodes dgraph)))
usedElem <- getUsedElements wd
let values = eliminateList usedElem tmp
let list = checkWord (getSuffix wd) values
if (list==[]) then return []
else return (addWords list (getLongPrefix wd []))
return []
_:l -> pgipCompletionFn ((Env ln libEnv):l) wd
[] -> return []
(AllGoals allGoals):rest ->
case rest of
(Env ln libEnv):_ -> do
let dgraph= lookupDGraph ln libEnv
pref <- getShortPrefix wd []
if ((prefixType pref)> 0)
then do
let values = if prefixType pref == 1
then getGoalNameFromList allGoals (labNodes dgraph)
else getNameList (labNodes dgraph)
let list = checkWord (getSuffix wd) values
if (list==[]) then return []
else return (addWords list (getLongPrefix wd []))
return []
_:l -> pgipCompletionFn ((AllGoals allGoals):l) wd
[] -> return []
_:l -> pgipCompletionFn l wd
[] -> return []
-- | The function 'getNodeList' returns from a list of graph goals just
-- the nodes as ['GDataNode']
getNodeList :: [GraphGoals] -> [GDataNode]
getNodeList ls =
case ls of
(GraphEdge _):l -> getNodeList l
(GraphNode x):l -> x:(getNodeList l)
[] -> []
-- | The function 'update' returns the updated version of the status defined in
-- the second argument with the values from the first argument (i.e replaces
-- any value from status with the one from values if they are of the same type
-- otherwise just adds the new values
update::[Status] -> [Status]
-> [Status]
update val status
= case val of
[] -> status
(Env x y):l ->
case status of
[] -> update l [Env x y]
CmdInitialState:ls -> update ((Env x y):l) ls
(OutputErr xx):_ -> (OutputErr xx):[]
(Env _ _):ls -> update l ((Env x y):ls)
(Selected xx):ls -> update l ((Selected xx):(update [Env x y] ls))
(AllGoals xx):ls -> update l ((AllGoals xx):(update [Env x y] ls))
(Comorph xx):ls -> update l ((Comorph xx):(update [Env x y] ls))
(SProver xx):ls -> update l ((SProver xx):(update [Env x y] ls))
(Address xx):ls -> update l ((Address xx):(update [Env x y] ls))
LoadScript:ls -> update l (LoadScript:(update [Env x y] ls))
(More xx):ls -> update l ((More xx):(update [Env x y] ls))
(Script xx):ls -> update l ((Script xx):(update [Env x y] ls))
(Selected x):l ->
case status of
[] -> update l [Selected x]
CmdInitialState:ls -> update ((Selected x):l) ls
(OutputErr xx):_ -> (OutputErr xx):[]
(Env xx yy):ls -> update l ((Env xx yy):(update [Selected x] ls))
(Selected _):ls -> update l ((Selected x):ls)
(AllGoals xx):ls -> update l ((AllGoals xx):(update [Selected x] ls))
(Comorph xx):ls -> update l ((Comorph xx):(update [Selected x] ls))
(SProver xx):ls -> update l ((SProver xx):(update [Selected x] ls))
(Address xx):ls -> update l ((Address xx):(update [Selected x] ls))
LoadScript:ls -> update l (LoadScript:(update [Selected x] ls))
(More xx):ls -> update l ((More xx):(update [Selected x] ls))
(Script xx):ls -> update l ((Script xx):(update [Selected x] ls))
(AllGoals x):l ->
case status of
[] -> update l [AllGoals x]
CmdInitialState:ls -> update ((AllGoals x):l) ls
(OutputErr xx):_ -> (OutputErr xx):[]
(Env xx yy):ls -> update l ((Env xx yy):(update [AllGoals x] ls))
(Selected xx):ls -> update l ((Selected xx):(update [AllGoals x] ls))
(AllGoals _):ls -> update l ((AllGoals x):ls)
(Comorph xx):ls -> update l ((Comorph xx):(update [AllGoals x] ls))
(SProver xx):ls -> update l ((SProver xx): (update [AllGoals x] ls))
(Address xx):ls -> update l ((Address xx):(update [AllGoals x] ls))
LoadScript:ls -> update l (LoadScript:(update [AllGoals x] ls))
(More xx):ls -> update l ((More xx):(update [AllGoals x] ls))
(Script xx):ls -> update l ((Script xx):(update [AllGoals x] ls))
(Comorph x):l ->
case status of
[] -> update l [Comorph x]
CmdInitialState:ls -> update ((Comorph x):l) ls
(OutputErr xx):_ -> (OutputErr xx):[]
(Env xx yy):ls -> update l ((Env xx yy):(update [Comorph x] ls))
(Selected xx):ls -> update l ((Selected xx):(update [Comorph x] ls))
(AllGoals xx):ls -> update l ((AllGoals xx):(update [Comorph x] ls))
(Comorph _):ls -> update l ((Comorph x):ls)
(SProver xx):ls -> update l ((SProver xx):(update [Comorph x] ls))
(Address xx):ls -> update l ((Address xx):(update [Comorph x] ls))
LoadScript:ls -> update l (LoadScript:(update [Comorph x] ls))
(More xx):ls -> update l ((More xx):(update [Comorph x] ls))
(Script xx):ls -> update l ((Script xx):(update [Comorph x] ls))
(SProver x):l ->
case status of
[] -> update l [SProver x]
CmdInitialState:ls -> update ((SProver x):l) ls
(OutputErr xx):_ -> (OutputErr xx):[]
(Env xx yy):ls -> update l ((Env xx yy):(update [SProver x] ls))
(Selected xx):ls -> update l ((Selected xx):(update [SProver x] ls))
(AllGoals xx):ls -> update l ((AllGoals xx):(update [SProver x] ls))
(Comorph xx):ls -> update l ((Comorph xx):(update [SProver x] ls))
(SProver _):ls -> update l ((SProver x):ls)
(Address xx):ls -> update l ((Address xx):(update [SProver x] ls))
LoadScript:ls -> update l (LoadScript:(update [SProver x] ls))
(More xx):ls -> update l ((More xx):(update [SProver x] ls))
(Script xx):ls -> update l ((Script xx):(update [SProver x] ls))
(Address x):l ->
case status of
[] -> update l [Address x]
CmdInitialState:ls -> update ((Address x):l) ls
(OutputErr xx):_ -> (OutputErr xx):[]
(Env xx yy):ls -> update l ((Env xx yy):(update [Address x] ls))
(Selected xx):ls -> update l ((Selected xx):(update [Address x] ls))
(AllGoals xx):ls -> update l ((AllGoals xx):(update [Address x] ls))
(Comorph xx):ls -> update l ((Comorph xx):(update [Address x] ls))
(SProver xx):ls -> update l ((SProver xx):(update [Address x] ls))
(Address _):ls -> update l ((Address x):ls)
LoadScript:ls -> update l (LoadScript:(update [Address x] ls))
(More xx):ls -> update l ((More xx):(update [Address x] ls))
(Script xx):ls -> update l ((Script xx):(update [Address x] ls))
LoadScript:l ->
case status of
[] -> update l [LoadScript]
CmdInitialState:ls -> update (LoadScript:l) ls
(OutputErr xx):_ -> (OutputErr xx):[]
(Env xx yy):ls -> update l ((Env xx yy):(update [LoadScript] ls))
(Selected xx):ls -> update l ((Selected xx):(update [LoadScript] ls))
(AllGoals xx):ls -> update l ((AllGoals xx):(update [LoadScript] ls))
(Comorph xx):ls -> update l ((Comorph xx):(update [LoadScript] ls))
(SProver xx):ls -> update l ((SProver xx):(update [LoadScript] ls))
(Address xx):ls -> update l ((Address xx):(update [LoadScript] ls))
LoadScript:ls -> update l ls
(More xx):ls -> update l ((More xx):(update [LoadScript] ls))
(Script xx):ls -> update l ((Script xx):(update [LoadScript] ls))
(More x):l ->
case status of
[] -> update l [Script x]
CmdInitialState:ls -> update ((More x):l) ls
(OutputErr xx):_ -> (OutputErr xx):[]
(Env xx yy):ls -> update l ((Env xx yy):(update [More x] ls))
(Selected xx):ls -> update l ((Selected xx):(update [More x] ls))
(AllGoals xx):ls -> update l ((AllGoals xx):(update [More x] ls))
(Comorph xx):ls -> update l ((Comorph xx):(update [More x] ls))
(SProver xx):ls -> update l ((SProver xx):(update [More x] ls))
(Address xx):ls -> update l ((Address xx):(update [More x] ls))
LoadScript:ls -> update l (LoadScript: (update [More x] ls))
(More _):ls -> update l (update [More x] ls)
(Script xx):ls -> update l ((Script (xx++x)):ls)
(Script x):l ->
case status of
[] -> update l [Script x]
CmdInitialState:ls -> update ((Script x):l) ls
(OutputErr xx):_ -> (OutputErr xx):[]
(Env xx yy):ls -> update l ((Env xx yy):(update [Script x] ls))
(Selected xx):ls -> update l ((Selected xx):(update [Script x] ls))
(AllGoals xx):ls -> update l ((AllGoals xx):(update [Script x] ls))
(Comorph xx):ls -> update l ((Comorph xx):(update [Script x] ls))
(SProver xx):ls -> update l ((SProver xx):(update [Script x] ls))
(Address xx):ls -> update l ((Address xx):(update [Script x] ls))
LoadScript:ls -> update l (LoadScript:(update [Script x] ls))
(More xx):ls -> update l ((More xx):(update [Script x] ls))
(Script _):ls -> update l ((Script x):ls)
(OutputErr x):_ -> (OutputErr x):[]
CmdInitialState:l -> update l status
-- | The function 'printNodeTheoryFromList' prints on the screen the theory
-- of all nodes in the ['GraphGoals'] list
printNodeTheoryFromList :: [GraphGoals]-> IO()
printNodeTheoryFromList ls =
case ls of
(GraphNode x):l -> do
printNodeTheory (GraphNode x)
result<- printNodeTheoryFromList l
return result
_:l -> do
result <-printNodeTheoryFromList l
return result
[] -> return ()
-- | The function 'printNodeTheory' given a 'GraphGoals' prints on the screen
-- the theory of the node if the goal is a node or Not a node ! otherwise
printNodeTheory :: GraphGoals -> IO()
printNodeTheory arg =
case arg of
GraphNode (_,(DGNode _ theTh _ _ _ _ _)) ->
putStr ((showDoc theTh "\n") ++ "\n")
GraphNode (_,(DGRef _ _ _ theTh _ _)) ->
putStr ((showDoc theTh "\n") ++ "\n")
_ -> putStr "Not a node!\n"
-- | The function 'findNode' finds the node by number in the goal list
findNode :: Int -> [GDataNode] ->Maybe GraphGoals
findNode nb ls
= case ls of
(x,labelInfo):l ->
if (x==nb) then
Just (GraphNode (x,labelInfo))
findNode nb l
[] -> Nothing
-- | The function returns the name of all goals from the list (it
-- requires all the nodes from the graph as a parameter as well)
getGoalNameFromList :: [GraphGoals] -> [GDataNode] -> [String]
getGoalNameFromList ls allNodes =
case ls of
(GraphNode x):l -> (getGoalName (GraphNode x)):
(getGoalNameFromList l allNodes)
(GraphEdge (x,y,_)):l ->
let x1 = fromJust $ findNode x allNodes
y1 = fromJust $ findNode y allNodes
in ((getGoalName x1)++" -> "++(getGoalName y1)):
(getGoalNameFromList l allNodes)
[] -> []
-- | The function returns the name of the goal if it is a node
getGoalName ::GraphGoals -> String
getGoalName x
= case x of
(GraphNode (_,(DGNode thName _ _ _ _ _ _))) -> showName thName
(GraphNode (_,(DGRef thName _ _ _ _ _))) -> showName thName
_ -> "Not a node !"
-- | The function 'printInfoFromList' given a GraphGoal list prints the
-- name of all goals (node or edge)
printNamesFromList :: [GraphGoals] ->[GDataNode]-> IO()
printNamesFromList ls allNodes =
case ls of
(GraphNode x):l -> do
printNodeInfo (GraphNode x)
putStr "\n"
result <-printNamesFromList l allNodes
return result
(GraphEdge (x,y,_)):l -> do
let x1 = fromJust $ findNode x allNodes
let y1 = fromJust $ findNode y allNodes
printNodeInfo x1
putStr " -> "
printNodeInfo y1
putStr "\n"
result<- printNamesFromList l allNodes
return result
[] -> return ()
-- | The function prints the number of all nodes provided as
-- graph goals
printNodeNumberFromList :: [GraphGoals]-> IO()
printNodeNumberFromList ls =
case ls of
(GraphNode x):l -> do
printNodeNumber (GraphNode x)
putStr "\n"
result <- printNodeNumberFromList l
return result
_:l -> do
result <- printNodeNumberFromList l
return result
[] -> return ()
-- | The function prints the number of the graph goal if it is a node
printNodeNumber:: GraphGoals -> IO()
printNodeNumber x =
case x of
GraphNode (nb, (DGNode tname _ _ _ _ _ _)) ->
putStr ("Node "++(showName tname)++" has number "++(show nb))
GraphNode (nb, (DGRef tname _ _ _ _ _)) ->
putStr ("Node "++(showName tname)++" has number "++(show nb))
_ -> putStr "Not a node !\n"
-- | The function 'printInfoFromList' given a 'GraphGoal' list prints the
-- name of all node goals
printInfoFromList :: [GraphGoals] -> [GDataNode] -> IO()
printInfoFromList ls allNodes=
case ls of
(GraphNode x):l -> do
putStr "Name : "
printNodeInfo (GraphNode x)
putStr "\n"
putStr "Origin : "
printNodeOrigin (GraphNode x)
putStr "\n"
putStr "Sublogic : "
printNodeSublogic (GraphNode x)
putStr "\n"
putStr "Number of axioms : "
printNodeNumberAxioms (GraphNode x)
putStr "\n"
putStr "Number of symbols in the signature : "
printNodeNumberSymbols (GraphNode x)
putStr "\n"
putStr "Number of unproven theorems : "
printNodeNumberUnprovenThm (GraphNode x)
putStr "\n"
putStr "Number of proven theorems : "
printNodeNumberProvenThm (GraphNode x)
putStr "\n\n"
result <-printInfoFromList l allNodes
return result
(GraphEdge (x,y,labelData)):l -> do
let x1 = fromJust $ findNode x allNodes
let y1 = fromJust $ findNode y allNodes
putStr "Name : "
printNodeInfo x1
putStr " -> "
printNodeInfo y1
putStr "\n"
putStr "Origin : "
printEdgeOrigin (GraphEdge (x,y,labelData))
putStr "\n"
putStr "Sublogic of source : "
printNodeSublogic x1
putStr "\n"
putStr "Sublogic of target : "
printNodeSublogic y1
putStr "\n"
putStr "Homogeneous : "
printEdgeHomogeneous (GraphEdge (x,y,labelData))
putStr "\n"
putStr "Type : "
printEdgeType (GraphEdge (x,y,labelData))
putStr "\n\n"
result<- printInfoFromList l allNodes
return result
[] -> return ()
-- | The function 'printNodeInfo' given a 'GraphGoal' prints the name of the
-- node if it is a graph node otherwise prints Not a node !
printNodeInfo :: GraphGoals -> IO()
printNodeInfo x =
case x of
GraphNode (_, (DGNode tname _ _ _ _ _ _)) ->
putStr (( showName tname))
GraphNode (_, (DGRef tname _ _ _ _ _ )) ->
putStr (( showName tname))
_ -> putStr "Not a node!\n"
-- | The function, give an edge as a graph goal prints the type of the edge
printEdgeType :: GraphGoals -> IO()
printEdgeType x =
case x of
GraphEdge (_,_,dglab) ->
case (getDGLinkType dglab) of
"globaldef" -> putStr "global definition"
"def" -> putStr "local definition"
"hidingdef" -> putStr "hiding definitions"
"hetdef" -> putStr "het definition"
"proventhm" -> putStr "global proven theorem"
"unproventhm" -> putStr "global unproven theorem"
"localproventhm" ->putStr "local proven theorem"
"localunproventhm" -> putStr "local unproven theorem"
"hetproventhm" -> putStr "het global proven theorem"
"hetunproventhm" -> putStr "het global unproven theorem"
"hetlocalproventhm" -> putStr "het local proven theorem"
"hetlocalunproventhm" -> putStr "het local unproven theorem"
"unprovenhidingthm" -> putStr "unproven hiding theorem"
"provenhidingthm" -> putStr "proven hiding theorem"
_ -> putStr "unknown type"
_ -> putStr "Not an edge !"
-- | The function give an edge as a graph goal prints the origin of the edge
printEdgeOrigin :: GraphGoals -> IO ()
printEdgeOrigin x =
case x of
GraphEdge(_, _, (DGLink _ _ tOrigin)) ->
putStr $ show tOrigin
_ -> putStr "No origin found !"
-- | The function given an edge as a graph goal prints True if it is
-- homogeneaus and false otherwise
printEdgeHomogeneous :: GraphGoals -> IO()
printEdgeHomogeneous x =
case x of
GraphEdge (_, _ ,(DGLink tmorph _ _)) ->
if (isHomogeneous tmorph) then putStr "True"
else putStr "False"
_ -> putStr "Not an edge !"
-- | The function prints the origin of the node given as graph goal
printNodeOrigin :: GraphGoals -> IO()
printNodeOrigin x =
case x of
GraphNode (_ ,(DGNode _ _ _ _ torigin _ _)) ->
putStr (show torigin)
_ -> putStr "Node does not have an origin"
-- | The function prints the sublogic of the node given as graph goal
printNodeSublogic :: GraphGoals -> IO ()
printNodeSublogic x =
case x of
GraphNode (_, (DGNode _ tTh _ _ _ _ _)) ->
putStr (show (sublogicOfTh tTh))
GraphNode (_, (DGRef _ _ _ tTh _ _)) ->
putStr (show (sublogicOfTh tTh))
_ -> putStr "Node does not have a sublogic"
-- | The funcion prints the number of axioms of the node given as graph goal
printNodeNumberAxioms :: GraphGoals -> IO ()
printNodeNumberAxioms input =
case input of
GraphNode (_, (DGNode _ (G_theory x y _ _ _) _ _ _ _ _)) ->
putStr $ show (size(sym_of x y))
GraphNode (_, (DGRef _ _ _ (G_theory x y _ _ _) _ _)) ->
putStr $ show (size (sym_of x y))
_ -> putStr "Not a node ! \n"
-- | The function checks if a list is emty or not (same as null)
emtyList :: forall a.[a] -> Bool
emtyList ls =
case ls of
[] -> True
_ -> False
-- | The function adds to the given number the number of symbols found in the
-- given list (sentences from the theory of the node)
countSymbols :: [P.SenStatus a b]->Int -> Int
countSymbols ls nb
= case ls of
[] -> nb
x:l -> if (P.isAxiom x) then countSymbols l (nb+1)
else countSymbols l nb
-- | The function adds to the given number the number of unproven theorems
-- found in the list
countUnprovenThm :: [P.SenStatus a b] -> Int -> Int
countUnprovenThm ls nb
= case ls of
[] -> nb
x:l -> if (emtyList (P.thmStatus x)) then countUnprovenThm l (nb+1)
else countUnprovenThm l nb
-- | The function adds to the given number the number of proven theorems
-- found in the list
countProvenThm :: [P.SenStatus a b] -> Int -> Int
countProvenThm ls nb
= case ls of
[] -> nb
x:l -> if (emtyList (P.thmStatus x)) then countProvenThm l nb
else countProvenThm l (nb+1)
-- | From a list of sentences and SenStatus the function returns only
-- the list of SenStatus
extractSenStatus :: [(String, P.SenStatus a b)] -> [P.SenStatus a b]
extractSenStatus ls =
case ls of
[] -> []
(_,b):l -> b:(extractSenStatus l)
-- | The function prints the number of symbols of the node theory given
-- as a graph goal
printNodeNumberSymbols :: GraphGoals -> IO ()
printNodeNumberSymbols input =
case input of
GraphNode (_, (DGNode _ (G_theory _ _ _ x _) _ _ _ _ _)) ->
putStr $ show (countSymbols (extractSenStatus (OMap.toList x)) 0)
GraphNode (_, (DGRef _ _ _ (G_theory _ _ _ x _) _ _)) ->
putStr $ show (countSymbols (extractSenStatus (OMap.toList x)) 0)
_ -> putStr "Not a node ! \n"
-- | The function prints the number of unproven theorems of the node theory
-- given as a graph goal
printNodeNumberUnprovenThm :: GraphGoals -> IO ()
printNodeNumberUnprovenThm input =
case input of
GraphNode (_, (DGNode _ (G_theory _ _ _ x _) _ _ _ _ _)) ->
putStr $ show (countUnprovenThm (extractSenStatus (OMap.toList x)) 0)
GraphNode (_, (DGRef _ _ _ (G_theory _ _ _ x _) _ _)) ->
putStr $ show (countUnprovenThm (extractSenStatus (OMap.toList x)) 0)
_ -> putStr "Not a node ! \n"
-- | The function prints the number of proven theorems of the node theory
-- given as a graph goal
printNodeNumberProvenThm :: GraphGoals -> IO ()
printNodeNumberProvenThm input =
case input of
GraphNode (_, (DGNode _ (G_theory _ _ _ x _) _ _ _ _ _))->
putStr $ show (countProvenThm (extractSenStatus (OMap.toList x)) 0)
GraphNode (_, (DGRef _ _ _ (G_theory _ _ _ x _) _ _)) ->
putStr $ show (countProvenThm (extractSenStatus (OMap.toList x)) 0)
_ -> putStr "Not a node ! \n"
-- | The function 'printNodeTaxonomyFromList' given a GraphGoals list generates
-- the 'TaxoGraphKind' type of Taxonomy Graphs of all goal nodes from the list
printNodeTaxonomyFromList :: TaxoGraphKind -> [GraphGoals] -> LibEnv
-> LIB_NAME -> IO()
printNodeTaxonomyFromList kind ls libEnv ln =
case ls of
GraphNode x : l ->
printNodeTaxonomy kind (GraphNode x) libEnv ln
result <- printNodeTaxonomyFromList kind l libEnv ln
return result
_ : l ->
result <- printNodeTaxonomyFromList kind l libEnv ln
return result
[] -> return ()
-- | The function 'printNodeTaxonomy' given just a 'GraphGoals' generates
-- the 'TaxoGraphKind' type of Taxonomy Graphs if the goal is a node otherwise
-- it prints on the screen Not a node !
printNodeTaxonomy :: TaxoGraphKind -> GraphGoals -> LibEnv -> LIB_NAME ->IO()
printNodeTaxonomy kind x libEnv ln =
case x of
GraphNode (n, dgn) -> do
case computeTheory libEnv ln n of
Result _ (Just thTh) ->
do graph <- displayGraph kind (showName $ dgn_name dgn) thTh
case graph of
Just g -> sync (destroyed g)
_ -> return ()
Result _ _ -> putStrLn "Error computing the theory of the node!"
_ -> putStrLn "Not a node! (or compiled without uni)"
-- | The function 'proveNodes' applies 'basicInferenceNode' for proving to
-- all nodes in the graph goal list
proveNodes :: [GraphGoals] -> LIB_NAME ->LibEnv -> IO LibEnv
proveNodes ls ln libEnv
= case ls of
GraphNode (nb, _) : l ->
mv <- (newMVar Nothing :: IO GUIMVar)
result <- basicInferenceNode False logicGraph (ln,nb) ln mv libEnv
tryTakeMVar mv
case result of
Result _ (Just nwEnv) -> proveNodes l ln nwEnv
_ -> proveNodes l ln libEnv
_ : l -> proveNodes l ln libEnv
[] -> return libEnv