Common.hs revision 58aa0caa9f05787b4bffc2e32d1494cc1766b8cf
{- |
Module :$Header$
Copyright : uni-bremen and Razvan Pascanu
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Usefull function used by the parser.
- add comment.
module PGIP.Common where
import PGIP.Commands
import Proofs.EdgeUtils
-- | The 'addOrReplace' function,given a CmdInterpeterStatus and a list of such CmdInterpeterStatus, replaces any occurance of that type
-- of CmdInterpeterStatus with the given one, and if none found it adds one to the list
addOrReplace (val,status)
= case val of
[] -> status
(Env x y):l -> case status of
[] -> addOrReplace(l,(Env x y):[])
CmdInitialState:ls -> addOrReplace ((Env x y):l,ls)
(OutputErr xx):_ -> (OutputErr xx):[]
(Env _ _):ls -> addOrReplace(l,(Env x y):ls)
(SelectedNodes xx):ls -> addOrReplace(l, (SelectedNodes xx):addOrReplace([Env x y],ls))
(SelectedNodes x):l -> case status of
[] -> addOrReplace (l,(SelectedNodes x):[])
CmdInitialState:ls -> addOrReplace ((SelectedNodes x):l, ls)
(OutputErr xx):_ -> (OutputErr xx):[]
(Env xx yy):ls -> addOrReplace(l, (Env xx yy):addOrReplace([SelectedNodes x], ls))
(SelectedNodes _):ls -> addOrReplace(l, (SelectedNodes x):ls)
OutputErr x -> (OutputErr x):[]
CmdInitialState -> status
-- | The 'extractFrom' function, given a list of CmdInterpeterStatus and a CmdInterpreterStatusID, it returns the first occurance of
-- that type of CmdInterpreterStatus from the list
extractFrom::([CmdInterpreterStatus],CmdInterpreterStatusID) -> Maybe CmdInterpreterStatus
extractFrom (status,cmdID)
= case cmdID of
EnvID -> do
case status of
[] -> Nothing
(Env x y):_ -> Just (Env x y)
_:ls-> (extractFrom (ls,cmdID))
-- | The 'extractNodeGoals' function, given a list of parsed goals extracts the NodeGoals as a list of LIB_ID's
--extractNodeGoals::[GOAL] -> [Id]
--extractNodeGoals ls
-- = case ls of
-- [] -> []
-- (Node x):l -> x:(extractNodeGoals l)
-- _:l -> extractNode l