Commands.hs revision edd35c6c970fa1707dc6ad7a3ba26119e0046223
{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-}
{- |
Module :$Header$
Description : Execution of Hets commands (for command line interface)
Copyright : uni-bremen and Razvan Pascanu
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Function that executes the script commands together with the datatypes used.
Even though there is a scanning Path function created with parsec it is not
used, instead shellac is used so that autocomplition for path can be enabled
- add comments
- implement the rest of the functions
- delete the test function
module PGIP.Commands where
import Static.AnalysisLibrary
import Static.DevGraph
import Driver.Options
import Proofs.Automatic
import Proofs.Global
import Proofs.Local
import Proofs.Composition
import Proofs.HideTheoremShift
import Proofs.TheoremHideShift
import PGIP.Common
import PGIP.Utils
import Common.Utils
import Common.AnnoState
import Common.Lexer
import Common.Taxonomy
import Common.Result
import Comorphisms.LogicGraph
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Proofs.InferBasic
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
-- import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char
import GUI.ShowGraph
-- | Scans a word contained in a path
scanPathFile::CharParser st String
= many1 $ satisfy isPathChar
isPathChar :: Char -> Bool
isPathChar c = isAlphaNum c || elem c ['-','_','.']
scanAnyWord::CharParser st String
= many1 $ satisfy isPathChar <|> prime
-- | the 'getPath' function reads a path as a list of words
getPath::AParser st String
= try ( do
v<-sepBy1 scanPathFile (string "/")
let result = joinWith '/' v
return result
try ( do skip
v<-sepBy1 scanPathFile (string "/")
let result = joinWith '/' v
return result
-- | the 'getKeyWord' function takes an argument string and tries to read it
getKeyWord::String -> AParser st String
getKeyWord wd
= try ( string wd
try ( do skip
string wd
<?> ("keyword "++wd)
-- | The function 'getGoal' parses a goal (node, edge or labeled edge)
getGoal::AParser st GOAL
= try ( do v1<-scanAnyWord
try (skip)
getKeyWord "-"
try (skip)
try (skip)
getKeyWord "->"
try (skip)
try (skip)
return (LabeledEdge v1 (read v2::Int) v3)
try ( do v1<-scanAnyWord
try (skip)
getKeyWord "->"
try (skip)
try (skip)
return (Edge v1 v2)
try ( do v<-scanAnyWord
try (skip)
return (Node v)
-- | The function 'getScript' tries to read some script commands
-- It is not ready yet to work with shellac !
getScript::AParser st String
= try ( do getKeyWord "end-script"
try (skip)
return ""
try ( do v<-scanAnyWord
vs <-getScript
return (v++" "++vs)
try ( do skip
return (v++" "++vs)
"some prover script"
-- | The function 'getComorphism' reads a comorphism as a list of Ids
getComorphism::AParser st [String]
= try ( do v<-scanAnyWord
try (skip)
getKeyWord ";"
try (skip)
vs <-getComorphism
return ( v:vs)
try ( do v<-scanAnyWord
return [ v]
" list of ID's separated by semicolon"
-- | The function 'scanCommand' given a list of string describing what
-- kind of parameters to expect tries to parse them and returns a
-- CmdParam list with the parsed parameters
scanCommand::[String] -> AParser st [CmdParam]
scanCommand arg
= case arg of
[] -> do
string ""
return []
--- scanning a path
"PATH":ls -> do
v <- getPath
vs<- scanCommand ls
return ((Path v):vs)
--- scanning a prover
"PROVER":ls -> do
v <- scanAnyWord
vs<- scanCommand ls
return ((UseProver v):vs)
--- scanning a formula
"FORMULA":ls -> do
v <- scanAnyWord
vs<- scanCommand ls
return ((Formula v):vs)
--- scanning a comorphism
"COMORPHISM":ls -> do
v <- getComorphism
vs<-scanCommand ls
return ((ParsedComorphism v):vs)
--- scanning goals
"GOALS":ls -> do
v<-many getGoal
-- v<- getGoal
vs<- scanCommand ls
return ((Goals v):vs)
--- scanning none or many formulas
"FORMULA-STAR":ls -> do
v<- many ( do tmp<-scanAnyWord
return tmp
vs<-scanCommand ls
return ((Formulas v):vs)
--- scanning one or more formula
"FORMULA-PLUS":ls -> do
v<- many1 ( do tmp<-scanAnyWord
return tmp
vs<-scanCommand ls
return ((Formulas v):vs)
--- scanning proof script
"PROOF-SCRIPT":ls -> do
v<- getScript
vs <-scanCommand ls
return ((ProofScript v):vs)
--- scanning keywords
keyword:ls -> do
getKeyWord keyword
vs<- scanCommand ls
return vs
-- | A test function to use with shellac for the non-implemented commands
-- should be deleted when all commands are implemented
-> IO [Status]
test ls _
= do
putStrLn $ show ls
return []
-- | It seems that the way shellac reads the file path it adds an extra blank
-- at the end that needs to be removed
removeSpace :: String -> String
removeSpace ls
= case ls of
[] -> []
' ':[] -> []
x:[] -> x:[]
x:l -> x:(removeSpace l)
-- | Loads a list of libraries and returns the status of the
-- interpreter after those libraries were loaded
getStatus ::[String] ->[Status]
-> IO [Status]
getStatus files state
= case files of
[] -> do
return state
f:l -> do
result <- cUse f state
nwState <- update result state
getStatus l nwState
-- | The function 'cUse' implements the command Use, i.e. given a path it
-- tries to load the library at that path
-> IO [Status]
cUse input state
= case state of
(Env _ libEnv):_ ->
let file = removeSpace input
let opts = defaultHetcatsOpts
result <- anaLibExt opts file libEnv
case result of
Just (name , env) ->
let l= createAllGoalsList name env
return ((Address file):(Env name env):(AllGoals l):[])
Nothing -> do
putStr "Couldn't load the new file!\n"
return []
_:list -> cUse input list
[] ->do
let file = removeSpace input
let opts = defaultHetcatsOpts
result<- anaLib opts file
case result of
Just (name,env) ->
let l=createAllGoalsList name env
return ((Address file):(Env name env):(AllGoals l):[] )
Nothing ->
return [(OutputErr "Couldn't load the file specified")]
-- | The function 'cDgAllAuto' tries to implement the command dg-all auto
cDgAllAuto::String -> [Status]
-> IO [Status]
cDgAllAuto _ arg
= case arg of
(Env x y):_ -> let result= automatic x y
newGoalList = createAllGoalsList x result
in return ((Env x result):(AllGoals newGoalList):[])
_:l -> cDgAllAuto "" l
[] -> return ([(OutputErr "Wrong parameter")])
-- | The 'cDgAuto' function implements dg auto, note that the parameters
-- are passed as string and parsed inside this function. All the other
-- function are implemented in the same manner
cDgAuto :: String -> [Status]
-> IO [Status]
cDgAuto input status
= do
let r= runParser (scanCommand ["GOALS"]) (emptyAnnos ()) "" input
case r of
Left _ -> do
putStr "Error parsing the goal list ! \n"
return []
Right param ->
case status of
(Env ln libEnv):l ->
case l of
(AllGoals allGoals):_ ->
case param of
(Goals ls):_ -> do
let allNodes = convToGoal $
labNodesDG (lookupDGraph ln libEnv)
list <- getGoalList allGoals allNodes ls
let ll = getEdgeList list
let result = automaticFromList ln ll libEnv
let newGoalList = createAllGoalsList ln result
return ((Env ln result):(AllGoals newGoalList):[])
_ -> return ([(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")])
_:list -> cDgAuto input ((Env ln libEnv):list)
_ ->return ([(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")])
(AllGoals allGoals):l ->
case l of
(Env ln libEnv):_ ->
case param of
(Goals ls):_ -> do
let allNodes = convToGoal $
labNodesDG (lookupDGraph ln libEnv)
list <-getGoalList allGoals allNodes ls
let ll = getEdgeList list
let result = automaticFromList ln ll libEnv
let newGoalList = createAllGoalsList ln result
return ((Env ln result):(AllGoals newGoalList):[])
_ -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
_:list -> cDgAuto input ((AllGoals allGoals):list)
_ -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
_:l -> cDgAuto input l
[] -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
cDgGlobSubsume::String -> [Status]
-> IO [Status]
cDgGlobSubsume input status
let r = runParser (scanCommand ["GOALS"]) (emptyAnnos ()) "" input
case r of
Left _ -> do
putStr "Error parsing the goal list ! \n"
return []
Right param ->
case status of
(Env ln libEnv):l ->
case l of
(AllGoals allGoals):_ ->
case param of
(Goals ls):_ -> do
let allNodes = convToGoal $
labNodesDG (lookupDGraph ln libEnv)
list <- getGoalList allGoals allNodes ls
let ll = getEdgeList list
let result = globSubsumeFromList ln ll libEnv
let newGoalList = createAllGoalsList ln result
return ((Env ln result):(AllGoals newGoalList):[])
_ ->return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
_:ll -> cDgGlobSubsume input ((Env ln libEnv):ll)
_ -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
(AllGoals allGoals):l ->
case l of
(Env ln libEnv):_ ->
case param of
(Goals ls):_ -> do
let allNodes = convToGoal $
labNodesDG (lookupDGraph ln libEnv)
list <- getGoalList allGoals allNodes ls
let ll= getEdgeList list
let result = globSubsumeFromList ln ll libEnv
let newGoalList = createAllGoalsList ln result
return ((Env ln result):(AllGoals newGoalList):[])
_ -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
_:ll -> cDgGlobSubsume input ((AllGoals allGoals):ll)
_ -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
_:l -> cDgGlobSubsume input l
[] -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
cDgAllGlobSubsume::String -> [Status]
-> IO [Status]
cDgAllGlobSubsume _ arg
= case arg of
(Env x y):_ ->
let result =(globSubsume x) y
newGoalList = createAllGoalsList x result
in return ((Env x result):(AllGoals newGoalList):[])
_:l -> cDgAllGlobSubsume "" l
[] -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
cDgAllGlobDecomp::String -> [Status]
-> IO [Status]
cDgAllGlobDecomp _ arg
= case arg of
(Env x y):_ ->
let result= (globDecomp x) y
newGoalList = createAllGoalsList x result
in return ((Env x result):(AllGoals newGoalList):[])
_:l -> cDgAllGlobDecomp "" l
[] -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
cDgGlobDecomp :: String -> [Status]
-> IO [Status]
cDgGlobDecomp input status =
let r=runParser (scanCommand ["GOALS"]) (emptyAnnos ()) "" input
case r of
Left _ -> do
putStr "Error parsing the goal list ! \n"
return []
Right param ->
case status of
(Env ln libEnv):l ->
case l of
(AllGoals allGoals):_ ->
case param of
(Goals ls):_ -> do
let allNodes = convToGoal $
labNodesDG (lookupDGraph ln libEnv)
list <- getGoalList allGoals allNodes ls
let ll = getEdgeList list
let result = globDecompFromList ln ll libEnv
let newGoalList = createAllGoalsList ln result
return ((Env ln result):(AllGoals newGoalList):[])
_ -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
_:list -> cDgGlobDecomp input ((Env ln libEnv):list)
_ -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
(AllGoals allGoals):l ->
case l of
(Env ln libEnv):_ ->
case param of
(Goals ls):_ -> do
let allNodes = convToGoal $
labNodesDG (lookupDGraph ln libEnv)
list <- getGoalList allGoals allNodes ls
let ll= getEdgeList list
let result = globDecompFromList ln ll libEnv
let newGoalList = createAllGoalsList ln result
return ((Env ln result):(AllGoals newGoalList):[])
_ -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
_:list -> cDgGlobDecomp input ((AllGoals allGoals):list)
_ -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
_:l -> cDgGlobDecomp input l
[] -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
cDgAllLocInfer::String -> [Status]
-> IO [Status]
cDgAllLocInfer _ arg
= case arg of
(Env x y):_ -> let result= (localInference x) y
newGoalList = createAllGoalsList x result
in return ((Env x result):(AllGoals newGoalList):[])
_:l -> cDgAllLocInfer "" l
[] -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
cDgLocInfer::String -> [Status]
-> IO [Status]
cDgLocInfer input status =
let r=runParser (scanCommand ["GOALS"]) (emptyAnnos ()) "" input
case r of
Left _ -> do
putStr "Error parsing the goal list ! \n"
return []
Right param ->
case status of
(Env ln libEnv):l ->
case l of
(AllGoals allGoals):_ ->
case param of
(Goals ls):_ -> do
let allNodes = convToGoal $
labNodesDG (lookupDGraph ln libEnv)
list <- getGoalList allGoals allNodes ls
let ll = getEdgeList list
let result = localInferenceFromList ln ll libEnv
let newGoalList = createAllGoalsList ln result
return ((Env ln result):(AllGoals newGoalList):[])
_ -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
_:list -> cDgLocInfer input ((Env ln libEnv):list)
_ -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
(AllGoals allGoals):l ->
case l of
(Env ln libEnv):_ ->
case param of
(Goals ls):_ -> do
let allNodes = convToGoal $
labNodesDG (lookupDGraph ln libEnv)
list <- getGoalList allGoals allNodes ls
let ll= getEdgeList list
let result = localInferenceFromList ln ll libEnv
let newGoalList = createAllGoalsList ln result
return ((Env ln result):(AllGoals newGoalList):[])
_ -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
_:list -> cDgLocInfer input ((AllGoals allGoals):list)
_ -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
_:l -> cDgLocInfer input l
[] -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
cDgAllLocDecomp::String -> [Status]
->IO [Status]
cDgAllLocDecomp _ arg =
case arg of
(Env x y):_ ->
let result= (locDecomp x) y
newGoalList = createAllGoalsList x result
in return ((Env x result):(AllGoals newGoalList):[])
_:l -> cDgAllLocDecomp "" l
[] -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
cDgLocDecomp::String-> [Status]
->IO [Status]
cDgLocDecomp input status =
let r=runParser (scanCommand ["GOALS"]) (emptyAnnos ()) "" input
case r of
Left _ -> do
putStr "Error parsing the goal list ! \n"
return []
Right param ->
case status of
(Env ln libEnv):l ->
case l of
(AllGoals allGoals):_ ->
case param of
(Goals ls):_ -> do
let allNodes = convToGoal $
labNodesDG (lookupDGraph ln libEnv)
list <- getGoalList allGoals allNodes ls
let ll = getEdgeList list
let result = locDecompFromList ln ll libEnv
let newGoalList = createAllGoalsList ln result
return ((Env ln result):(AllGoals newGoalList):[])
_ -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
_:list -> cDgLocDecomp input ((Env ln libEnv):list)
_ -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
(AllGoals allGoals):l ->
case l of
(Env ln libEnv):_ ->
case param of
(Goals ls):_ -> do
let allNodes = convToGoal $
labNodesDG (lookupDGraph ln libEnv)
list <- getGoalList allGoals allNodes ls
let ll= getEdgeList list
let result = locDecompFromList ln ll libEnv
let newGoalList = createAllGoalsList ln result
return ((Env ln result):(AllGoals newGoalList):[])
_ -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
_:list -> cDgLocDecomp input ((AllGoals allGoals):list)
_ -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
_:l -> cDgLocDecomp input l
[] -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
cDgComp::String -> [Status]
-> IO [Status]
cDgComp input status =
let r=runParser (scanCommand ["GOALS"]) (emptyAnnos ()) "" input
case r of
Left _ -> do
putStr "Error parsing the goal list ! \n"
return []
Right param ->
case status of
(Env ln libEnv):l ->
case l of
(AllGoals allGoals):_ ->
case param of
(Goals ls):_ -> do
let allNodes = convToGoal $
labNodesDG (lookupDGraph ln libEnv)
list <- getGoalList allGoals allNodes ls
let ll = getEdgeList list
let result = compositionFromList ln ll libEnv
let newGoalList = createAllGoalsList ln result
return ((Env ln result):(AllGoals newGoalList):[])
_ -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
_:list -> cDgComp input ((Env ln libEnv):list)
_ -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
(AllGoals allGoals):l ->
case l of
(Env ln libEnv):_ ->
case param of
(Goals ls):_ -> do
let allNodes = convToGoal $
labNodesDG (lookupDGraph ln libEnv)
list <-getGoalList allGoals allNodes ls
let ll= getEdgeList list
let result = compositionFromList ln ll libEnv
let newGoalList = createAllGoalsList ln result
return ((Env ln result):(AllGoals newGoalList):[])
_ -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
_:list -> cDgComp input ((AllGoals allGoals):list)
_ -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
_:l -> cDgComp input l
[] -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
cDgAllComp::String -> [Status]
->IO [Status]
cDgAllComp _ arg
= case arg of
(Env x y):_ ->
let result= (composition x) y
newGoalList = createAllGoalsList x result
in return ((Env x result):(AllGoals newGoalList):[])
_:l -> cDgAllComp "" l
[] -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
cDgCompNew::String -> [Status]
->IO [Status]
cDgCompNew input status =
let r=runParser (scanCommand ["GOALS"]) (emptyAnnos ()) "" input
case r of
Left _ -> do
putStr "Error parsing the goal list ! \n"
return []
Right param ->
case status of
(Env ln libEnv):l ->
case l of
(AllGoals allGoals):_ ->
case param of
(Goals ls):_ -> do
let allNodes = convToGoal $
labNodesDG (lookupDGraph ln libEnv)
list <- getGoalList allGoals allNodes ls
let ll = getEdgeList list
let result = compositionCreatingEdgesFromList ln ll libEnv
let newGoalList = createAllGoalsList ln result
return ((Env ln result):(AllGoals newGoalList):[])
_ -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
_:list -> cDgCompNew input ((Env ln libEnv):list)
_ -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
(AllGoals allGoals):l ->
case l of
(Env ln libEnv):_ ->
case param of
(Goals ls):_ -> do
let allNodes = convToGoal $
labNodesDG (lookupDGraph ln libEnv)
list <- getGoalList allGoals allNodes ls
let ll= getEdgeList list
let result = compositionCreatingEdgesFromList ln ll libEnv
let newGoalList = createAllGoalsList ln result
return ((Env ln result):(AllGoals newGoalList):[])
_ -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
_:list -> cDgCompNew input ((AllGoals allGoals):list)
_ -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
_:l -> cDgCompNew input l
[] -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
cDgAllCompNew::String -> [Status]
->IO [Status]
cDgAllCompNew _ arg
= case arg of
(Env x y):_ ->
let result=(compositionCreatingEdges x) y
newGoalList = createAllGoalsList x result
in return ((Env x result):(AllGoals newGoalList):[])
_:l -> cDgAllCompNew "" l
[] -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
cDgHideThm::String -> [Status]
->IO [Status]
cDgHideThm input status =
let r=runParser (scanCommand ["GOALS"]) (emptyAnnos ()) "" input
case r of
Left _ -> do
putStr "Error parsing the goal list ! \n"
return []
Right param ->
case status of
(Env ln libEnv):l ->
case l of
(AllGoals allGoals):_ ->
case param of
(Goals ls):_ -> do
let allNodes = convToGoal $
labNodesDG (lookupDGraph ln libEnv)
list <- getGoalList allGoals allNodes ls
let ll = getEdgeList list
let result = automaticHideTheoremShiftFromList ln ll libEnv
let newGoalList = createAllGoalsList ln result
return ((Env ln result):(AllGoals newGoalList):[])
_ -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
_:list -> cDgHideThm input ((Env ln libEnv):list)
_ -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
(AllGoals allGoals):l ->
case l of
(Env ln libEnv):_ ->
case param of
(Goals ls):_ -> do
let allNodes = convToGoal $
labNodesDG (lookupDGraph ln libEnv)
list <- getGoalList allGoals allNodes ls
let ll= getEdgeList list
let result = automaticHideTheoremShiftFromList ln ll libEnv
let newGoalList = createAllGoalsList ln result
return ((Env ln result):(AllGoals newGoalList):[])
_ -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
_:list -> cDgHideThm input ((AllGoals allGoals):list)
_ -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
_:l -> cDgHideThm input l
[] -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
cDgAllHideThm::String -> [Status]
->IO [Status]
cDgAllHideThm _ arg
= case arg of
(Env x y):_ ->
let result= (automaticHideTheoremShift x) y
newGoalList = createAllGoalsList x result
in return ((Env x result):(AllGoals newGoalList):[])
_:l -> cDgAllHideThm "" l
[] -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
cDgAllThmHide::String -> [Status]
->IO [Status]
cDgAllThmHide _ arg
= case arg of
(Env x y):_ ->
let result=(theoremHideShift x) y
newGoalList = createAllGoalsList x result
in return ((Env x result):(AllGoals newGoalList):[])
_:l -> cDgAllThmHide "" l
[] -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
cDgAllInferBasic::String -> [Status]
->IO [Status]
cDgAllInferBasic _ arg
= case arg of
(AllGoals allGoals):_ -> return [Selected allGoals]
_:l -> cDgAllInferBasic "" l
[] -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
cDgInferBasic::String -> [Status]
-> IO [Status]
cDgInferBasic input status =
let r=runParser (scanCommand ["GOALS"]) (emptyAnnos ()) "" input
case r of
Left _ -> do
putStr "Error parsing the node list ! \n"
return []
Right param ->
case status of
(Env ln libEnv):l ->
case l of
(AllGoals allgoals):_ ->
case param of
(Goals ls):_ -> do
let allNodes = convToGoal $
labNodesDG (lookupDGraph ln libEnv)
ll <- getGoalList (allgoals ++ allNodes) allNodes ls
return ((Selected ll):[])
_ -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
_:ll -> cDgInferBasic input ((Env ln libEnv):ll)
[] -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
(AllGoals allgoals):l ->
case l of
(Env ln libEnv):_ ->
case param of
(Goals ls):_ -> do
let allNodes = convToGoal $
labNodesDG (lookupDGraph ln libEnv)
ll <- getGoalList (allgoals ++ allNodes) allNodes ls
return ((Selected ll):[])
_ -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
_:ll -> cDgInferBasic input ((AllGoals allgoals):ll)
[] -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
_:l -> cDgInferBasic input l
[] -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
trimSpace:: String -> String
trimSpace ls
= case ls of
' ':l -> trimSpace l
x:l -> x:(trimSpace l)
[] -> []
cTranslate::String -> [Status]
-> IO [Status]
cTranslate input state
= do
case lookupComorphism_in_LG (trimSpace input) of
Result _ (Just smth) ->
case getSelected state of
Nothing -> return [OutputErr "No nodes selected!"]
Just ls -> do
let nwSel = map (doTranslationTh smth) ls
return ((Selected nwSel):[Comorph smth])
_ -> return [OutputErr "Wrong parameters"]
decideProver :: String ->[(G_prover,AnyComorphism)] -> IO [Status]
decideProver input ls
= do
case ls of
(x,_):l -> case ((getPName x)== input) of
True -> return [SProver x]
False-> decideProver input l
_ -> return [OutputErr "Wrong parameters"]
cProver::String -> [Status]
->IO [Status]
cProver input state
= do
case solveComorph state of
Nothing -> return [OutputErr "Wrong parameters"]
Just smth -> decideProver (trimSpace input)
(getProversCMDLautomatic smth)
cShowDgGoals::String -> [Status]
-> IO [Status]
cShowDgGoals _ arg
case arg of
(AllGoals allGoals):l -> do
case l of
(Env x y):_ -> do
let dgraph = lookupDGraph x y
let allNodes = labNodesDG dgraph
printNamesFromList allGoals (convToGoal allNodes)
return []
_:ll -> cShowDgGoals "" ((AllGoals allGoals):ll)
[] -> do
putStr "Error, no library is loaded!\n"
return []
(Env x y):l -> do
case l of
(AllGoals allGoals):_ -> do
let dgraph = lookupDGraph x y
let allNodes = labNodesDG dgraph
printNamesFromList allGoals (convToGoal allNodes)
return []
_:ll -> cShowDgGoals "" ((Env x y):ll)
[] -> do
putStr "Error, no library is loaded! \n"
return []
_:l -> cShowDgGoals "" l
[] -> do
putStr "Error, no goal list found!\n"
return []
cShowTheory::String -> [Status]
-> IO [Status]
cShowTheory _ arg
= do
let allGoals = getAllGoals arg
case allGoals of
Nothing -> do
putStr "Error, not goal list found ! \n"
return []
Just val -> do
printNodeTheoryFromList val
return []
cShowNodeTheory::String -> [Status]
-> IO [Status]
cShowNodeTheory input arg
case input of
"" -> do
let xx = getSelected arg
case xx of
Nothing -> do
putStr "Error, no nodes selected ! \n"
return []
Just val -> do
printNodeTheoryFromList val
return []
_ -> do
let r=runParser (scanCommand ["GOALS"]) (emptyAnnos ()) "" input
case r of
Left _ -> do
putStr "Error parsing the node list ! \n"
return []
Right param -> do
let t_selGoals = getSelected arg
let t_ln = getLIB_NAME arg
let t_libEnv = getLibEnv arg
case t_selGoals of
Nothing -> return [OutputErr "No nodes selected !"]
Just selGoals ->
case t_ln of
Nothing -> return [OutputErr "No library loaded !"]
Just ln ->
case t_libEnv of
Nothing -> return [OutputErr "No library load !"]
Just libEnv ->
case param of
(Goals ls):_ -> do
let tmp1= convToGoal $
labNodesDG (lookupDGraph ln libEnv)
let allNodes = useTranslated selGoals tmp1
list <- getGoalList allNodes allNodes ls
printNodeTheoryFromList list
return []
_ -> do
putStr "Error parsing the node list! \n"
return []
cShowInfo :: String -> [Status] -> IO [Status]
cShowInfo input state
= do
let tSelGoals = getSelected state
let tln = getLIB_NAME state
let tlibEnv = getLibEnv state
let tallGoals = getAllGoals state
case tln of
Nothing -> return [OutputErr "No library was loaded !"]
Just ln ->
case tlibEnv of
Nothing -> return [OutputErr "No library was loaded !"]
Just libEnv ->
case tallGoals of
Nothing -> return [OutputErr "No library was loaded !"]
Just allGoals ->
case input of
"" ->
case tSelGoals of
Nothing -> return [OutputErr "No nodes or edges were selected"]
Just selGoals ->
let tmp1= convToGoal (labNodesDG (lookupDGraph ln libEnv))
let allNode = useTranslated selGoals tmp1
printInfoFromList selGoals tmp1
return []
_ -> do
let r=runParser (scanCommand ["GOALS"]) (emptyAnnos ()) "" input
case r of
Left _ -> return [OutputErr "Invalid input argument"]
Right p ->
case p of
(Goals ls):_ ->
case tSelGoals of
Nothing ->
let nodeList = labNodesDG (lookupDGraph ln libEnv)
let allNodes = convToGoal nodeList
list <- getGoalList (allGoals++allNodes) allNodes ls
printInfoFromList list (convToGoal nodeList)
return []
Just selGoals ->
let nodeList = labNodesDG (lookupDGraph ln libEnv)
let tmp1 = convToGoal nodeList
let allNodes = useTranslated selGoals tmp1
list <- getGoalList (allGoals++allNodes) allNodes ls
printInfoFromList list (convToGoal nodeList)
return []
_ -> return [OutputErr "Invalid input argument"]
cShowNodeConcept :: String -> [Status]
-> IO [Status]
cShowNodeConcept input arg
case input of
"" ->
case arg of
(Selected xx):l -> do
case l of
(Env ln libEnv):_ -> do
printNodeTaxonomyFromList KConcept xx libEnv ln
return []
_:ll -> cShowNodeConcept "" ((Selected xx):ll)
[] -> do
putStr "Error, no library loaded !\n"
return []
(Env ln libEnv):l -> do
case l of
(Selected xx):_ -> do
printNodeTaxonomyFromList KConcept xx libEnv ln
return []
_:ll -> cShowNodeConcept "" ((Env ln libEnv):ll)
[] -> do
putStr "Error, no nodes selected !\n"
return []
_:l -> cShowNodeConcept "" l
[] -> do
putStr "Error, no nodes selected ! \n"
return []
_ -> do
let r=runParser (scanCommand ["GOALS"]) (emptyAnnos ()) "" input
case r of
Left _ -> do
putStr "Error parsing the node list ! \n"
return []
Right param->
case arg of
(AllGoals allGoals):l ->
case l of
(Env ln libEnv):_ ->
case param of
(Goals ls):_ -> do
let allNodes = convToGoal $
labNodesDG (lookupDGraph ln libEnv)
list <- getGoalList allNodes allNodes ls
printNodeTaxonomyFromList KConcept list libEnv ln
return []
_ -> do
putStr "Error parsing the node list! \n"
return []
_:ll -> cShowNodeConcept input ((AllGoals allGoals):ll)
[] -> do
putStr "Error, no library loaded ! \n"
return []
(Env ln libEnv):l ->
case l of
(AllGoals _):_ ->
case param of
(Goals ls):_ -> do
let allNodes = convToGoal $
labNodesDG (lookupDGraph ln libEnv)
list <- getGoalList allNodes allNodes ls
printNodeTaxonomyFromList KConcept list libEnv ln
return []
_ -> do
putStr "Error parsing the node list! \n"
return []
_:ll -> cShowNodeConcept input ((Env ln libEnv):ll)
[] -> do
putStr "Error, no library loaded ! \n"
return []
_:l -> cShowNodeConcept input l
[] -> do putStr "Error, no library loaded ! \n"
return []
cShowNodeTaxonomy ::String -> [Status]
-> IO [Status]
cShowNodeTaxonomy input arg
case input of
"" ->
case arg of
(Selected xx):l -> do
case l of
(Env ln libEnv):_ -> do
printNodeTaxonomyFromList KSubsort xx libEnv ln
return []
_:ll -> cShowNodeTaxonomy "" ((Selected xx):ll)
[] -> do
putStr "Error, no library loaded !\n"
return []
(Env ln libEnv):l -> do
case l of
(Selected xx):_ -> do
printNodeTaxonomyFromList KSubsort xx libEnv ln
return []
_:ll -> cShowNodeTaxonomy "" ((Env ln libEnv):ll)
[] -> do
putStr "Error, no nodes selected !\n"
return []
_:l -> cShowNodeTaxonomy "" l
[] -> do
putStr "Error, no nodes selected !\n"
return []
_ -> do
let r=runParser (scanCommand ["GOALS"]) (emptyAnnos ()) "" input
case r of
Left _ -> do
putStr "Error parsing the node list ! \n"
return []
Right param ->
case arg of
(AllGoals allGoals):l ->
case l of
(Env ln libEnv):_ ->
case param of
(Goals ls):_ -> do
let allNodes = convToGoal $
labNodesDG (lookupDGraph ln libEnv)
list <- getGoalList allNodes allNodes ls
printNodeTaxonomyFromList KSubsort list libEnv ln
return []
_ -> do
putStr "Error parsing the node list! \n"
return []
_:ll -> cShowNodeTaxonomy input ((AllGoals allGoals):ll)
[] -> do
putStr "Error, no library loaded ! \n"
return []
(Env ln libEnv):l ->
case l of
(AllGoals _):_ ->
case param of
(Goals ls):_ -> do
let allNodes = convToGoal $
labNodesDG (lookupDGraph ln libEnv)
list <- getGoalList allNodes allNodes ls
printNodeTaxonomyFromList KSubsort list libEnv ln
return []
_ -> do
putStr "Error parsing the node list! \n"
return []
_:ll -> cShowNodeTaxonomy input ((Env ln libEnv):ll)
[] -> do
putStr "Error, no library loaded ! \n"
return []
_:l -> cShowNodeTaxonomy input l
[] -> do putStr "Error, no library loaded ! \n"
return []
cEdges :: String -> [Status]
-> IO [Status]
cEdges _ arg =
case arg of
(Env ln libEnv):_ -> do
printNamesFromList ( convEdgeToGoal (
labEdgesDG (lookupDGraph ln libEnv)))
(labNodesDG (lookupDGraph ln libEnv)))
return []
_:l -> cEdges "" l
[] -> do
putStr "Error, no library loaded ! \n"
return []
cNodes :: String -> [Status]
-> IO [Status]
cNodes _ arg =
case arg of
(Env ln libEnv):_ -> do
printNamesFromList ( convToGoal (
labNodesDG (lookupDGraph ln libEnv)))
(labNodesDG (lookupDGraph ln libEnv)))
return []
_:l -> cNodes "" l
[] -> do
putStr "Error, no library loaded ! \n"
return []
cProve :: String -> [Status] -> IO [Status]
cProve _ state =
case getSelected state of
Nothing -> return [OutputErr "No goals selected !"]
Just ls ->
case getLIB_NAME state of
Nothing -> return [OutputErr "No library loaded !"]
Just ln ->
case getLibEnv state of
Nothing -> return [OutputErr "No library loaded !"]
Just libEnv ->
case getSProver state of
Nothing -> return [OutputErr "No prover selected !"]
Just prover ->
(conv,result) <-proveNodes ls prover ln libEnv []
let newGoalList = createAllGoalsList ln result
let nwls = useTranslated conv ls
return ((Selected ls):(AllGoals newGoalList):(Env ln result):[])
cProveAll :: String -> [Status]
->IO [Status]
cProveAll arg state =
case getLIB_NAME state of
Nothing -> return [OutputErr "No library loaded !"]
Just ln ->
case getLibEnv state of
Nothing -> return [OutputErr "No library loaded !"]
Just libEnv ->
case getAllGoals state of
Nothing -> return [OutputErr "No library loaded !"]
Just tmp ->
case getSProver state of
Nothing -> return [OutputErr "No library loaded !"]
Just prover ->
let allGoals = case getSelected state of
Nothing -> tmp
Just ls -> useTranslated ls tmp
(conv,result) <- proveNodes allGoals prover ln libEnv []
let newGoalList = createAllGoalsList ln result
case getSelected state of
Nothing -> return ((AllGoals newGoalList):(Env ln result):[])
Just ls -> return ((Selected (useTranslated conv ls)):
(AllGoals newGoalList):(Env ln result):[])
cViewNodeNumber :: String -> [Status]
-> IO [Status]
cViewNodeNumber input status =
let r=runParser (scanCommand ["GOALS"]) (emptyAnnos ()) "" input
case r of
Left _ -> do
putStr "\n Error parsing the node list ! \n"
return []
Right param ->
case status of
(Env ln libEnv):_ ->
case param of
(Goals ls):_ -> do
let allNodes = convToGoal $
labNodesDG (lookupDGraph ln libEnv)
ll <- getGoalList allNodes allNodes ls
printNodeNumberFromList ll
return []
_ -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
_:l -> cViewNodeNumber input l
[] -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
cShowGraph :: String -> [Status]
-> IO [Status]
cShowGraph _ status =
case status of
Env ln libEnv : l ->
case l of
Address file : _ -> do
showGraph file defaultHetcatsOpts (Just (ln, libEnv))
return []
_ : ll -> cShowGraph "" (Env ln libEnv : ll)
[] -> do putStrLn "Error, no library loaded!"
return []
Address file : l ->
case l of
Env ln libEnv : _ -> do
showGraph file defaultHetcatsOpts (Just (ln, libEnv))
return []
_ : ll -> cShowGraph "" (Address file : ll)
[] -> do putStrLn "Error, no library loaded!"
return []
_ : l -> cShowGraph "" l
[] -> do putStrLn "Error, no library loaded! (or compiled without uni)"
return []) `catch` (\_ -> return [])
cDummy :: String -> [Status] -> IO [Status]
cDummy _ _
= do
return []