Commands.hs revision 980c2505814d75dc689de1412f4de30b4d96314f
640b2adac05bb7f5e9fba064434c91852c3a72e6nd{- |
640b2adac05bb7f5e9fba064434c91852c3a72e6ndModule :$Header$
640b2adac05bb7f5e9fba064434c91852c3a72e6ndCopyright : uni-bremen and Razvan Pascanu
640b2adac05bb7f5e9fba064434c91852c3a72e6ndLicence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
640b2adac05bb7f5e9fba064434c91852c3a72e6ndMaintainer :
640b2adac05bb7f5e9fba064434c91852c3a72e6ndStability : provisional
640b2adac05bb7f5e9fba064434c91852c3a72e6ndPortability : portable
640b2adac05bb7f5e9fba064434c91852c3a72e6ndFunction that executes the script commands together with the datatypes used.
640b2adac05bb7f5e9fba064434c91852c3a72e6nd TODO :
640b2adac05bb7f5e9fba064434c91852c3a72e6nd - add comments
640b2adac05bb7f5e9fba064434c91852c3a72e6nd - implement the rest of the functions
640b2adac05bb7f5e9fba064434c91852c3a72e6nd - delete the test function
d2a771c01de1a39b6f6770d9edd8b271d8e4f10eerikabelemodule PGIP.Commands where
ef685e00a47967e27d89709461728a229d762172ndimport Syntax.AS_Library
ef685e00a47967e27d89709461728a229d762172ndimport Static.AnalysisLibrary
ef685e00a47967e27d89709461728a229d762172ndimport Static.DevGraph
a27e9e05958bc51ea09edb8d8d862fe8b125313bsliveimport Driver.Options
a27e9e05958bc51ea09edb8d8d862fe8b125313bsliveimport Common.Utils
51853aa2ebfdf9903a094467e1d02099f143639daaronimport Proofs.Automatic
51853aa2ebfdf9903a094467e1d02099f143639daaronimport Proofs.Global
51853aa2ebfdf9903a094467e1d02099f143639daaronimport Proofs.Local
a27e9e05958bc51ea09edb8d8d862fe8b125313bsliveimport Proofs.Composition
a27e9e05958bc51ea09edb8d8d862fe8b125313bsliveimport Proofs.HideTheoremShift
a27e9e05958bc51ea09edb8d8d862fe8b125313bsliveimport Proofs.TheoremHideShift
a27e9e05958bc51ea09edb8d8d862fe8b125313bsliveimport Proofs.EdgeUtils
a27e9e05958bc51ea09edb8d8d862fe8b125313bsliveimport Proofs.InferBasic
d2a771c01de1a39b6f6770d9edd8b271d8e4f10eerikabeleimport Common.Id
a27e9e05958bc51ea09edb8d8d862fe8b125313bsliveimport Common.DocUtils
ef685e00a47967e27d89709461728a229d762172ndimport Common.Result
ef685e00a47967e27d89709461728a229d762172ndimport Data.Maybe
a27e9e05958bc51ea09edb8d8d862fe8b125313bsliveimport Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
a27e9e05958bc51ea09edb8d8d862fe8b125313bsliveimport Comorphisms.LogicGraph
a27e9e05958bc51ea09edb8d8d862fe8b125313bslive--import Proofs.InferBasic
a27e9e05958bc51ea09edb8d8d862fe8b125313bslivedata GOAL =
a27e9e05958bc51ea09edb8d8d862fe8b125313bslive Node Id
a27e9e05958bc51ea09edb8d8d862fe8b125313bslive | Edge Id Id
d2a771c01de1a39b6f6770d9edd8b271d8e4f10eerikabele | LabeledEdge Id Int Id
a27e9e05958bc51ea09edb8d8d862fe8b125313bslive deriving (Eq,Show)
ef685e00a47967e27d89709461728a229d762172nddata ScriptCommandParameters =
a27e9e05958bc51ea09edb8d8d862fe8b125313bslive Path [String]
a27e9e05958bc51ea09edb8d8d862fe8b125313bslive | Formula Id
a27e9e05958bc51ea09edb8d8d862fe8b125313bslive | Prover Id
a27e9e05958bc51ea09edb8d8d862fe8b125313bslive | Goals [GOAL]
a27e9e05958bc51ea09edb8d8d862fe8b125313bslive | ParsedComorphism [Id]
2a7c98db85d4969dcbe7711a5ec3264ee4fc6222yoshiki | AxiomSelectionWith [Id]
2a7c98db85d4969dcbe7711a5ec3264ee4fc6222yoshiki | AxiomSelectionExcluding [Id]
a27e9e05958bc51ea09edb8d8d862fe8b125313bslive | Formulas [Id]
a27e9e05958bc51ea09edb8d8d862fe8b125313bslive | ProofScript String
a27e9e05958bc51ea09edb8d8d862fe8b125313bslive | ParamErr String
a27e9e05958bc51ea09edb8d8d862fe8b125313bslive | NoParam
a27e9e05958bc51ea09edb8d8d862fe8b125313bslive deriving (Eq,Show)
a27e9e05958bc51ea09edb8d8d862fe8b125313bslivedata CmdInterpreterStatus =
ef685e00a47967e27d89709461728a229d762172nd OutputErr String
ef685e00a47967e27d89709461728a229d762172nd | CmdInitialState
ef685e00a47967e27d89709461728a229d762172nd | Env LIB_NAME LibEnv
a27e9e05958bc51ea09edb8d8d862fe8b125313bslive | SelectedNodes [Node]
222f0f03c2f9ee6343c18f80f0cb6e9aad21bc58slivedata CmdInterpreterStatusID =
222f0f03c2f9ee6343c18f80f0cb6e9aad21bc58slive EnvID
a27e9e05958bc51ea09edb8d8d862fe8b125313bslivedata CommandFunctionsAndParameters=
a27e9e05958bc51ea09edb8d8d862fe8b125313bslive CommandParam ([ScriptCommandParameters]->IO [CmdInterpreterStatus]) [ScriptCommandParameters]
222f0f03c2f9ee6343c18f80f0cb6e9aad21bc58slive | CommandParamStatus (([ScriptCommandParameters],[CmdInterpreterStatus])-> [CmdInterpreterStatus]) [ScriptCommandParameters] [CmdInterpreterStatusID]
cd51960ffc0f49d7a9e702162ed49b3eb0909276dirkx | CommandStatus ([CmdInterpreterStatus] -> [CmdInterpreterStatus]) [CmdInterpreterStatusID]
d2a771c01de1a39b6f6770d9edd8b271d8e4f10eerikabele | CommandTest ([ScriptCommandParameters]->IO()) [ScriptCommandParameters]
cd51960ffc0f49d7a9e702162ed49b3eb0909276dirkx | CommandShowStatus ([CmdInterpreterStatus] -> ()) [CmdInterpreterStatusID]
ef685e00a47967e27d89709461728a229d762172nd | CommandError
cd51960ffc0f49d7a9e702162ed49b3eb0909276dirkxtest (ls) = putStrLn $ show ls
cd51960ffc0f49d7a9e702162ed49b3eb0909276dirkxcommandUse::[ScriptCommandParameters]->IO [CmdInterpreterStatus]
cd51960ffc0f49d7a9e702162ed49b3eb0909276dirkxcommandUse ls
cd51960ffc0f49d7a9e702162ed49b3eb0909276dirkx = case ls of
b5468eddc0cb1691af19ddc70a6e205daf00a94ctrawick (Path list):_ -> do
b5468eddc0cb1691af19ddc70a6e205daf00a94ctrawick let file = joinWith '/' list
b5468eddc0cb1691af19ddc70a6e205daf00a94ctrawick let opts = defaultHetcatsOpts
1b3225113bb6fcf326cf16af9023e381ae0ac083nd result<- anaLib opts file
1b3225113bb6fcf326cf16af9023e381ae0ac083nd case result of
1b3225113bb6fcf326cf16af9023e381ae0ac083nd Just (name,env) -> return [(Env name env)]
b5468eddc0cb1691af19ddc70a6e205daf00a94ctrawick Nothing -> return [(OutputErr "Couldn't load the file specified")]
b5468eddc0cb1691af19ddc70a6e205daf00a94ctrawick _ -> return [(OutputErr "Wrong parameter")]
b5468eddc0cb1691af19ddc70a6e205daf00a94ctrawickcommandDgAllAuto::[CmdInterpreterStatus] -> [CmdInterpreterStatus]
b5468eddc0cb1691af19ddc70a6e205daf00a94ctrawickcommandDgAllAuto arg
b5468eddc0cb1691af19ddc70a6e205daf00a94ctrawick = case arg of
b5468eddc0cb1691af19ddc70a6e205daf00a94ctrawick (Env x y):_ -> let result= automatic x y
b5468eddc0cb1691af19ddc70a6e205daf00a94ctrawick in [(Env x result)]
b5468eddc0cb1691af19ddc70a6e205daf00a94ctrawick _:l -> commandDgAllAuto l
222f0f03c2f9ee6343c18f80f0cb6e9aad21bc58slive [] -> [(OutputErr "Wrong parameter")]
222f0f03c2f9ee6343c18f80f0cb6e9aad21bc58slivecommandDgAuto :: ([ScriptCommandParameters],[CmdInterpreterStatus]) -> [CmdInterpreterStatus]
ef685e00a47967e27d89709461728a229d762172ndcommandDgAuto (param,status)
ef685e00a47967e27d89709461728a229d762172nd = case status of
ef685e00a47967e27d89709461728a229d762172nd (Env ln libEnv):_ -> case param of
222f0f03c2f9ee6343c18f80f0cb6e9aad21bc58slive (Goals ls):_ -> let l = getAllEdgeGoals ln libEnv ls
222f0f03c2f9ee6343c18f80f0cb6e9aad21bc58slive result = automaticFromList ln l libEnv
222f0f03c2f9ee6343c18f80f0cb6e9aad21bc58slive in [(Env ln result)]
222f0f03c2f9ee6343c18f80f0cb6e9aad21bc58slive _ -> [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
222f0f03c2f9ee6343c18f80f0cb6e9aad21bc58slive _:l -> commandDgAuto (param, l)
222f0f03c2f9ee6343c18f80f0cb6e9aad21bc58slive [] -> [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
222f0f03c2f9ee6343c18f80f0cb6e9aad21bc58slivecommandDgGlobSubsume::([ScriptCommandParameters],[CmdInterpreterStatus]) -> [CmdInterpreterStatus]
1f2a7403f1389cbf2da0a53a2b2fb425dea75506erikabelecommandDgGlobSubsume (param,status)
1f2a7403f1389cbf2da0a53a2b2fb425dea75506erikabele = case status of
d2a771c01de1a39b6f6770d9edd8b271d8e4f10eerikabele (Env ln libEnv):_ -> case param of
1f2a7403f1389cbf2da0a53a2b2fb425dea75506erikabele (Goals ls):_ -> let l = getAllGlobalEdgeGoals ln libEnv ls
ef685e00a47967e27d89709461728a229d762172nd result = globSubsumeFromList ln l libEnv
ef685e00a47967e27d89709461728a229d762172nd in [(Env ln result)]
ef685e00a47967e27d89709461728a229d762172nd _ -> [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
1f2a7403f1389cbf2da0a53a2b2fb425dea75506erikabele _:l -> commandDgGlobSubsume (param,l)
1f2a7403f1389cbf2da0a53a2b2fb425dea75506erikabele [] -> [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
1f2a7403f1389cbf2da0a53a2b2fb425dea75506erikabelecommandDgAllGlobSubsume::[CmdInterpreterStatus] -> [CmdInterpreterStatus]
1f2a7403f1389cbf2da0a53a2b2fb425dea75506erikabelecommandDgAllGlobSubsume arg
1f2a7403f1389cbf2da0a53a2b2fb425dea75506erikabele = case arg of
81622596373177e079337e956f7a5800895443b3erikabele (Env x y):_ -> let result =(globSubsume x) y
81622596373177e079337e956f7a5800895443b3erikabele in [(Env x result)]
81622596373177e079337e956f7a5800895443b3erikabele _:l -> commandDgAllGlobSubsume l
81622596373177e079337e956f7a5800895443b3erikabele [] -> [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
ef685e00a47967e27d89709461728a229d762172ndcommandDgAllGlobDecomp::[CmdInterpreterStatus] -> [CmdInterpreterStatus]
ef685e00a47967e27d89709461728a229d762172ndcommandDgAllGlobDecomp arg
81622596373177e079337e956f7a5800895443b3erikabele = case arg of
81622596373177e079337e956f7a5800895443b3erikabele (Env x y):_ -> let result= (globDecomp x) y
81622596373177e079337e956f7a5800895443b3erikabele in [(Env x result)]
81622596373177e079337e956f7a5800895443b3erikabele _:l -> commandDgAllGlobDecomp l
81622596373177e079337e956f7a5800895443b3erikabele [] -> [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
ef685e00a47967e27d89709461728a229d762172ndcommandDgGlobDecomp :: ([ScriptCommandParameters],[CmdInterpreterStatus]) -> [CmdInterpreterStatus]
f0eae6f6191f5730fa8db049f7391e93b4ff41b9erikabelecommandDgGlobDecomp (param,status)
f0eae6f6191f5730fa8db049f7391e93b4ff41b9erikabele = case status of
f0eae6f6191f5730fa8db049f7391e93b4ff41b9erikabele (Env ln libEnv):_ -> case param of
f0eae6f6191f5730fa8db049f7391e93b4ff41b9erikabele (Goals ls):_ -> let l = getAllGlobalEdgeGoals ln libEnv ls
f0eae6f6191f5730fa8db049f7391e93b4ff41b9erikabele result = globDecompFromList ln l libEnv
f0eae6f6191f5730fa8db049f7391e93b4ff41b9erikabele in [(Env ln result)]
f0eae6f6191f5730fa8db049f7391e93b4ff41b9erikabele _ -> [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
f0eae6f6191f5730fa8db049f7391e93b4ff41b9erikabele _:l -> commandDgGlobDecomp (param,l)
f0eae6f6191f5730fa8db049f7391e93b4ff41b9erikabele [] -> [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
f0eae6f6191f5730fa8db049f7391e93b4ff41b9erikabelecommandDgAllLocInfer::[CmdInterpreterStatus] -> [CmdInterpreterStatus]
f0eae6f6191f5730fa8db049f7391e93b4ff41b9erikabelecommandDgAllLocInfer arg
4a67c5c0053e1c1c2202122e46a42987f6fd28dfyoshiki = case arg of
4a67c5c0053e1c1c2202122e46a42987f6fd28dfyoshiki (Env x y):_ -> let result= (localInference x) y
4a67c5c0053e1c1c2202122e46a42987f6fd28dfyoshiki in [(Env x result)]
4a67c5c0053e1c1c2202122e46a42987f6fd28dfyoshiki _:l -> commandDgAllLocInfer l
4a67c5c0053e1c1c2202122e46a42987f6fd28dfyoshiki [] -> [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
4a67c5c0053e1c1c2202122e46a42987f6fd28dfyoshikicommandDgLocInfer::([ScriptCommandParameters],[CmdInterpreterStatus]) -> [CmdInterpreterStatus]
4a67c5c0053e1c1c2202122e46a42987f6fd28dfyoshikicommandDgLocInfer (param,status)
4a67c5c0053e1c1c2202122e46a42987f6fd28dfyoshiki = case status of
4a67c5c0053e1c1c2202122e46a42987f6fd28dfyoshiki (Env ln libEnv):_ -> case param of
4a67c5c0053e1c1c2202122e46a42987f6fd28dfyoshiki (Goals ls):_ -> let l = getAllLocalEdgeGoals ln libEnv ls
4a67c5c0053e1c1c2202122e46a42987f6fd28dfyoshiki result = localInferenceFromList ln l libEnv
4a67c5c0053e1c1c2202122e46a42987f6fd28dfyoshiki in [(Env ln result)]
_ -> [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
_:l -> commandDgLocInfer (param,l)
[] -> [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
commandDgAllLocDecomp::[CmdInterpreterStatus] -> [CmdInterpreterStatus]
commandDgAllLocDecomp arg
= case arg of
(Env x y):l -> let result= (locDecomp x) y
in [(Env x result)]
_:l -> commandDgAllLocDecomp l
[] -> [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
commandDgLocDecomp::([ScriptCommandParameters], [CmdInterpreterStatus])-> [CmdInterpreterStatus]
commandDgLocDecomp (param,status)
= case status of
(Env ln libEnv):_ -> case param of
(Goals ls):_ -> let l = getAllLocalEdgeGoals ln libEnv ls
result = locDecompFromList ln l libEnv
in [(Env ln result)]
_ -> [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
_:l -> commandDgLocDecomp (param,l)
[] -> [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
commandDgComp::([ScriptCommandParameters], [CmdInterpreterStatus]) -> [CmdInterpreterStatus]
commandDgComp (param, status)
= case status of
(Env ln libEnv):_ -> case param of
(Goals ls):_ -> let l = getAllGlobalEdgeGoals ln libEnv ls
result = compositionFromList ln l libEnv
in [(Env ln result)]
_ -> [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
_:l -> commandDgComp (param, l)
[] -> [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
commandDgAllComp::[CmdInterpreterStatus] -> [CmdInterpreterStatus]
commandDgAllComp arg
= case arg of
(Env x y):_ -> let result= (composition x) y
in [(Env x result)]
_:l -> commandDgAllComp l
[] -> [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
commandDgCompNew::([ScriptCommandParameters],[CmdInterpreterStatus]) -> [CmdInterpreterStatus]
commandDgCompNew (param, status)
= case status of
(Env ln libEnv):_ -> case param of
(Goals ls):_ -> let l = getAllGlobalEdgeGoals ln libEnv ls
result = compositionCreatingEdgesFromList ln l libEnv
in [(Env ln result)]
_ -> [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
_:l -> commandDgCompNew (param,l)
[] -> [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
commandDgAllCompNew::[CmdInterpreterStatus] -> [CmdInterpreterStatus]
commandDgAllCompNew arg
= case arg of
(Env x y):_ -> let result=(compositionCreatingEdges x) y
in [(Env x result)]
_:l -> commandDgAllCompNew l
[] -> [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
commandDgHideThm::([ScriptCommandParameters],[CmdInterpreterStatus]) -> [CmdInterpreterStatus]
commandDgHideThm (param, status)
= case status of
(Env ln libEnv):_ -> case param of
(Goals ls):_ -> let l = getAllHidingThmGoals ln libEnv ls
result = automaticHideTheoremShiftFromList ln l libEnv
in [(Env ln result)]
_ -> [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
_:l -> commandDgHideThm (param,l)
[] -> [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
commandDgAllHideThm::[CmdInterpreterStatus] -> [CmdInterpreterStatus]
commandDgAllHideThm arg
= case arg of
(Env x y):_ -> let result= (automaticHideTheoremShift x) y
in [(Env x result)]
_:l -> commandDgAllHideThm l
[] -> [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
commandDgAllThmHide::[CmdInterpreterStatus] -> [CmdInterpreterStatus]
commandDgAllThmHide arg
= case arg of
(Env x y):_ -> let result=(theoremHideShift x) y
in [(Env x result)]
_:l -> commandDgAllThmHide l
[] -> [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
commandDgAllInferBasic::[CmdInterpreterStatus] -> [CmdInterpreterStatus]
commandDgAllInferBasic arg
= case arg of
(Env x y):_ -> let dgraph = lookupDGraph x y
lno = labNodes dgraph
ls = extractDGNodeLab lno
ll = filter hasOpenGoals ls
-- result = applyInferBasic ll x y
in (Env x y):(SelectedNodes (extractNode lno)):[]
_:l -> commandDgAllInferBasic l
[] -> [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
extractDGNodeLab :: [LNode DGNodeLab] -> [DGNodeLab]
extractDGNodeLab ls =
case ls of
[] -> []
(_,r):l -> r:(extractDGNodeLab l)
extractNode :: [LNode DGNodeLab] -> [Node]
extractNode ls =
case ls of
[] -> []
(r,_):l -> r:(extractNode l)
commandShowTheory :: [CmdInterpreterStatus] -> ()
commandShowTheory arg
= case arg of
(Env x y):l -> case l of
(SelectedNodes ll):_ -> let dgraph = lookupDGraph x y
in printAllTheory ll dgraph
_:ls -> commandShowTheory ((Env x y):ls)
[] -> ()
(SelectedNodes ll):l -> case l of
(Env x y):_ -> let dgraph = lookupDGraph x y
in printAllTheory ll dgraph
_:ls -> commandShowTheory ((SelectedNodes ll):ls)
[] -> ()
printAllTheory:: [Node] ->DGraph -> ()
printAllTheory ls dgraph
= case ls of
x:l ->
let dgnode = lab' (context dgraph x)
theTh = fromJust $ getNodeByNumber (labNodes dgraph) x
str = showDoc theTh "\n"
-- let thName = showName (dgn_name x)
-- putStr ( "\n\n"++str++"\n")
in printAllTheory l dgraph
[] -> ()
getNodeByNumber :: [LNode DGNodeLab] -> Node -> Maybe G_theory
getNodeByNumber ls x = case ls of
(xx,(DGNode _ theTh _ _ _ _ _)):l -> if (x==xx) then (Just theTh)
else getNodeByNumber l x
_:l -> getNodeByNumber l x
[] -> Nothing
commandDgInferBasic::([ScriptCommandParameters],[CmdInterpreterStatus]) -> [CmdInterpreterStatus]
commandDgInferBasic (param, status)
= case status of
(Env ln libEnv):_ -> case param of
(Goals ls):_ -> let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln libEnv
lno = labNodes dgraph
ll = getAllNodeGoals lno ls
-- result = applyInferBasic ll ln libEnv
in (Env ln libEnv):(SelectedNodes ll):[]
_ -> [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
_:l -> commandDgInferBasic (param, l)
[] -> [(OutputErr "Wrong parameters")]
--applyInferBasic:: [Node] -> LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> LibEnv
--applyInferBasic ll ln libEnv
-- = case ll of
-- x:l -> do
-- (Result _ r) <- basicInferenceNode False logicGraph (ln,x) ln libEnv
-- applyInferBasic l ln (fromJust r)
-- [] -> libEnv
getAllNodeGoals :: [LNode DGNodeLab]->[GOAL] -> [Node]
getAllNodeGoals lno ls
= case ls of
(Edge _ _):l -> getAllNodeGoals lno l
(LabeledEdge _ _ _):l -> getAllNodeGoals lno l
(Node x):l -> (fromJust $ findNodeNumber lno x):(getAllNodeGoals lno l)
[] -> []
-- | The 'findNodeNumber' function, given the Id of a node searches a list of LNode and returns the index of the node
findNodeNumber :: [LNode DGNodeLab] -> Id -> Maybe Node
findNodeNumber ls x
= case ls of
[] -> Nothing
(nb,label):l -> if (( getDGNodeName label)==(show x)) then Just nb else findNodeNumber l x
-- | The 'isEdgeBetween' function checks for two given Node and an edge if the edge is between those nodes
isEdgeBetween:: Node -> Node -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool
isEdgeBetween x y (currentEdgeX,currentEdgeY, currentEdgeLab) =
if ((x==currentEdgeX)&&(y==currentEdgeY)) then True else False
-- | The 'getAllEdges' function, given the Id of two nodes finds out all edges between those nodes
getAllEdges:: LIB_NAME->LibEnv->Id -> Id -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
getAllEdges ln libEnv x y =
let dgraph = lookupDGraph ln libEnv
lno = labNodes dgraph
xNb = fromJust $ findNodeNumber lno x
yNb = fromJust $ findNodeNumber lno y
in filter (isEdgeBetween xNb yNb) (labEdges dgraph)
selectLabeledEdge:: Int-> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> Maybe (LEdge DGLinkLab)
selectLabeledEdge x ls =
case x of
0 -> case ls of
[] -> Nothing
e:l-> Just e
n -> case ls of
[] -> Nothing
e:l-> selectLabeledEdge (n-1) l
getAllEdgeGoals :: LIB_NAME->LibEnv ->[GOAL]->[LEdge DGLinkLab]
getAllEdgeGoals ln libEnv ls =
(getAllGlobalEdgeGoals ln libEnv ls)++(getAllLocalEdgeGoals ln libEnv ls);
-- | The 'getAllGlobalEdgeGoals' function, given the list of goals extracts only the globalUnprovenThm from all the edges in the list
getAllGlobalEdgeGoals:: LIB_NAME->LibEnv->[GOAL]->[LEdge DGLinkLab]
getAllGlobalEdgeGoals ln libEnv ls =
case ls of
[] -> []
(Node _):l -> getAllGlobalEdgeGoals ln libEnv l
(Edge x y):l -> let allEdges = getAllEdges ln libEnv x y
allGlobalThm = filter isUnprovenGlobalThm allEdges
in allGlobalThm ++ (getAllGlobalEdgeGoals ln libEnv l)
(LabeledEdge x thelab y):l -> let allEdges = getAllEdges ln libEnv x y
allGlobalThm = filter isUnprovenGlobalThm allEdges
theEdge = fromJust $ selectLabeledEdge thelab allGlobalThm
in theEdge: (getAllGlobalEdgeGoals ln libEnv l)
getAllLocalEdgeGoals:: LIB_NAME->LibEnv->[GOAL]->[LEdge DGLinkLab]
getAllLocalEdgeGoals ln libEnv ls =
case ls of
[] -> []
(Node _):l -> getAllGlobalEdgeGoals ln libEnv l
(Edge x y):l -> let allEdges = getAllEdges ln libEnv x y
allLocalThm = filter isUnprovenLocalThm allEdges
in allLocalThm ++ (getAllLocalEdgeGoals ln libEnv l)
(LabeledEdge x thelab y):l -> let allEdges = getAllEdges ln libEnv x y
allLocalThm = filter isUnprovenLocalThm allEdges
theEdge = fromJust $ selectLabeledEdge thelab allLocalThm
in theEdge : (getAllLocalEdgeGoals ln libEnv l)
getAllHidingThmGoals :: LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> [GOAL] -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
getAllHidingThmGoals ln libEnv ls =
case ls of
[] -> []
(Node _):l -> getAllHidingThmGoals ln libEnv l
(Edge x y):l -> let allEdges = getAllEdges ln libEnv x y
allHidingThm = filter isUnprovenHidingThm allEdges
in allHidingThm ++ (getAllHidingThmGoals ln libEnv l)
(LabeledEdge x thelab y):l -> let allEdges = getAllEdges ln libEnv x y
allHidingThm = filter isUnprovenHidingThm allEdges
theEdge = fromJust $ selectLabeledEdge thelab allHidingThm
in theEdge : (getAllHidingThmGoals ln libEnv l)