Command_Parser.hs revision afddef51d985ac2ea76a6bd846f04cbbc4311305
{- |
Module :$Header$
Copyright : uni-bremen and Razvan Pascanu
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Parsing the comand line script.
- add comments to the code
- delete the test functions
module PGIP.Command_Parser where
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Syntax.Parse_AS_Library
import Common.AnnoState
import Common.Lexer
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import PGIP.Parser_Syntax
import PGIP.Commands
import PGIP.Common
-- |the 'getPath' function read a path as a a list of words
getPath::AParser st [String]
= try ( do v<-scanAnyWords `sepBy1` (string "/")
return v
try ( do skip
v<- scanAnyWords `sepBy1` (string "/")
return v
-- |the 'getKeyWord' function accepts a string as argument and tries to read it
getKeyWord::String -> AParser st String
getKeyWord wd
= try ( string wd
try ( do skip
string wd
<?> ("keyword "++wd)
getGoal::AParser st GOAL
= try ( do v1<-libId
getKeyWord "-"
getKeyWord "->"
return (CountedEdge v1 (read v2::Int) v3)
try ( do v1<-libId
getKeyWord "->"
return (Edge v1 v2)
try ( do v<-libId
return (Node v)
getScript::AParser st String
= try ( do getKeyWord "end-script"
return ""
try ( do v<-scanAnyWords
vs <-getScript
return (v++" "++vs)
try ( do skip
return (v++" "++vs)
"some prover script"
getComorphism::AParser st [LIB_ID]
= try ( do v<-libId
getKeyWord ";"
vs <-getComorphism
return ( v:vs)
try ( do v<-libId
return [ v]
" list of ID's separated by semicolon"
scanCommand::[String] -> AParser st [ScriptCommandParameters]
scanCommand arg
= case arg of
[] -> do
string ""
return []
--- scanning a path
"PATH":ls -> do
v <- getPath
vs<- scanCommand ls
return ((Path v):vs)
--- scanning a prover
"PROVER":ls -> do
v <- libId
vs<- scanCommand ls
return ((Prover v):vs)
--- scanning a formula
"FORMULA":ls -> do
v <- libId
vs<- scanCommand ls
return ((Formula v):vs)
--- scanning a comorphism
"COMORPHISM":ls -> do
v <- getComorphism
vs<-scanCommand ls
return ((ParsedComorphism v):vs)
--- scanning goals
"GOALS":ls -> do
v<-many getGoal
vs<- scanCommand ls
return ((Goals v):vs)
--- scanning none or many formulas
"FORMULA-STAR":ls -> do
v<- many ( do tmp<-libId
return tmp
vs<-scanCommand ls
return ((Formulas v):vs)
--- scanning one or more formula
"FORMULA-PLUS":ls -> do
v<- many1 ( do tmp<-libId
return tmp
vs<-scanCommand ls
return ((Formulas v):vs)
--- scanning proof script
"PROOF-SCRIPT":ls -> do
v<- getScript
vs <-scanCommand ls
return ((ProofScript v):vs)
--- scanning keywords
keyword:ls -> do
getKeyWord keyword
vs<- scanCommand ls
return vs
checkCommand::[([String], CommandFunctionsAndParameters)]->AParser st CommandFunctionsAndParameters
checkCommand arg
= case arg of
(command_description, (CommandParamStatus x _ cmdID)):command_list -> do
try ( do
ls<-scanCommand command_description
try (skip) <|> try (eof)
return (CommandParamStatus x ls cmdID)
checkCommand command_list
(command_description, (CommandParam x _)):command_list -> do
try ( do
ls<-scanCommand command_description
try (skip) <|> try (eof)
return (CommandParam x ls)
checkCommand command_list
(command_description, (CommandStatus x cmdID)):command_list -> do
try ( do
scanCommand command_description
try (skip) <|> try (eof)
return (CommandStatus x cmdID)
checkCommand command_list
(command_description, (CommandTest x _)):command_list -> do
try ( do
ls<-scanCommand command_description
try (skip) <|> try(eof)
return (CommandTest x ls)
checkCommand command_list
(_, CommandError):command_list -> checkCommand command_list
[] -> do
return CommandError
parseScript::AParser st [CommandFunctionsAndParameters]
= do
ls <-many (checkCommand commands)
try (eof) <|> try ( do skip
return ls
runScriptCommands::([CommandFunctionsAndParameters],[CmdInterpreterStatus]) -> IO (Maybe ())
runScriptCommands (arg,status)
= case arg of
[] -> return (Just ())
(CommandParam fn x):ls -> do
val<- fn x
let newStatus= addOrReplace (val,status)
runScriptCommands (ls,newStatus)
(CommandParamStatus fn x cmdID):ls -> do
let tmp = extractFrom (status,cmdID)
case tmp of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just xx -> do
val <- fn (x,xx)
let newStatus= addOrReplace (val,status)
runScriptCommands (ls,newStatus)
(CommandStatus fn cmdID):ls -> do
let tmp = extractFrom (status,cmdID)
case tmp of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just xx -> do
let val= fn xx
let newStatus= addOrReplace(val,status)
runScriptCommands (ls, newStatus)
(CommandTest fn x):ls -> do
fn x
runScriptCommands (ls,status)
CommandError:_ -> return Nothing
parseScriptFile:: FilePath-> IO (Maybe())
parseScriptFile fileName
= do
input<- readFile fileName
let r=runParser parseScript (emptyAnnos()) "" input
case r of
Right out-> do
runScriptCommands (out,[])
Left _ ->
return Nothing