ToLisp.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Omega Lisp Output
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI 2008
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
The Lisp interface
module Omega.ToLisp ( printLibrary ) where
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Omega.DataTypes
data PrintEnvironment = Env { library :: String, theory :: String }
class SExprPrintable a where
-- | Render instance to an SExpression string.
toSExpr :: PrintEnvironment -> a -> String
emptyEnv :: PrintEnvironment
emptyEnv = Env "" ""
theoremFun :: Bool -> String
theoremFun True = "theory:add-conjecture"
theoremFun False = "theory:add-axiom"
theoryFun :: String
theoryFun = "theory:add-theory"
symbolFun :: String
symbolFun = "theory:add-symbol"
-- | Outputs a library to omega's lisp format.
printLibrary :: Library -> String
printLibrary = toSExpr emptyEnv
instance SExprPrintable Library where
toSExpr e (Library name theories) =
let e' = e {library = name}
in unlines $ map (toSExpr e') theories
instance SExprPrintable Theory where
toSExpr e (Theory name imports items) =
let e' = e {theory = name}
in unlines $ toSExpr e' (theoryFun : show name : map show imports)
: map (toSExpr e') items
instance SExprPrintable TCElement where
toSExpr e (TCAxiomOrTheorem isTheorem name formula) =
toSExpr e [theoremFun isTheorem, show name,
show $ printTerm formula, show $ theory e]
toSExpr e (TCSymbol name) = toSExpr e [symbolFun, show name, show $ theory e]
-- toSExpr e (TCComment comment) = ""
toSExpr _ _ = ""
instance SExprPrintable [String] where
toSExpr _ l = "(" ++ unwords l ++ ")"
data SymbolFormat = Infix | Other deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | Omegas built in symbols
symbolMap :: Map.Map String (Term, SymbolFormat)
symbolMap = Map.fromList [("__/\\__", (Symbol "/\\", Infix)),
("__\\/__", (Symbol "\\/", Infix)),
("__=>__", (Symbol "=>", Infix)),
("__<=>__", (Symbol "<=>", Infix)),
("__=__", (Symbol "=", Infix)),
("not__", (Symbol "~", Other))]
symbolLookup :: Term -> Maybe (Term, SymbolFormat)
symbolLookup (Symbol name) = Map.lookup name symbolMap
symbolLookup _ = Nothing
printTerm :: Term -> String
printTerm (Symbol name) = name
printTerm (Var name) = name
printTerm (App _ []) =
error "printTerm: application to zero arguments!"
printTerm (App fun args) =
let mapped = symbolLookup fun
in case mapped of
Nothing -> concat [printTerm fun, "(", concatSTL args, ")"]
Just (t, Infix) -> concat ["(", printTerm (head args), " ",
printTerm t, " ", printTerm (args !! 1), ")"]
Just (t, _) -> concat [printTerm t, "(", concatSTL args, ")"]
printTerm (Bind binder vars body) =
concat ["(", binder, " ", concatSTL vars, ". ", printTerm body, ")"]
concatSTL :: [Term] -> String
concatSTL l = intercalate "," (map printTerm l)