ToHaskellAS.hs revision 97018cf5fa25b494adffd7e9b4e87320dae6bf47
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : Heng Jiang, Uni Bremen 2004-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
module Main where
import OWL_DL.AS
import OWL_DL.ReadWrite
import Common.ATerm.ReadWrite
import Common.ATerm.Unshared
import System.Exit
import System(getArgs, system)
import System.Environment(getEnv)
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import qualified List as List
main :: IO()
main =
do args <- getArgs
if (null args) || (length args > 2) then
error "Usage: readAStest [option] <URI or file>"
-- default option : output OWL_DL abstract syntax
else if length args == 1 then
process True args
else case head args of
"-a" -> process True $ tail args -- output abstract syntax
"-t" -> process False $ tail args -- output ATerm
_ -> error ("unknow option: " ++ (head args))
where isURI :: String -> Bool
isURI str = let pre = take 7 str
in if pre == "http://" || pre == "file://"
then True
else False
run :: ExitCode -> Bool -> IO()
run exitCode abs
| exitCode == ExitSuccess = processor2 abs "output.term"
| otherwise = error "process stop!"
process :: Bool -> [String] -> IO()
process abs args =
pwd <- getEnv "PWD"
if (head $ head args) == '-' then
error "Usage: readAStest [option] <URI or file>"
else if isURI $ head args then
do exitCode <- system ("./processor " ++ head args)
run exitCode abs
else if (head $ head args) == '/' then
do exitCode <- system ("./processor file://" ++ head args)
run exitCode abs
else do exitCode <- system ("./processor file://" ++ pwd ++ "/" ++ head args)
run exitCode abs
processor2 :: Bool -> String -> IO()
processor2 abs filename =
do d <- readFile filename
let aterm = getATermFull $ readATerm d
if abs then
outputAS aterm
else putStrLn $ show aterm
outputAS :: ATerm -> IO()
outputAS aterm =
case aterm of
AAppl "OWLParserOutput" [valid, msg, ns, onto] _ ->
-- putStrLn $ show (fromATerm valid, buildMsg msg, buildNS ns, reducedDisjoint (fromATerm onto::Ontology))
putStrLn $ fromATerm valid
putStrLn $ show (buildMsg msg)
putStrLn $ show (buildNS ns)
putStrLn $ show $ createEqClass $ reducedDisjoint (fromATerm onto::Ontology)
_ -> error "false file."
where buildNS :: ATerm -> Namespace
buildNS at = case at of
AAppl "Namespace" [AList nsl _] _ ->
mkMap nsl (Map.empty)
_ -> error ""
mkMap :: [ATerm] -> Namespace -> Namespace
mkMap [] mp = mp
mkMap (h:r) mp = case h of
AAppl "NS" [name, uri] _ ->
mkMap r (Map.insert (fromATerm name) (fromATerm uri) mp)
_ -> error "illegal namespace."
buildMsg :: ATerm -> Message
buildMsg at = case at of
AAppl "Message" [AList msgl _] _ ->
mkMsg msgl (Message [])
_ -> error "illegal message:)"
mkMsg :: [ATerm] -> Message -> Message
mkMsg [] (Message msg) = Message (reverse msg)
mkMsg (h:r) (Message preRes) =
case h of
AAppl "Message" [a,b,c] _ ->
mkMsg r (Message ((fromATerm a, fromATerm b, fromATerm c):preRes))
AAppl "ParseWarning" warnings _ ->
mkMsg r (Message (("ParserWarning", fromATerm $ head warnings, ""):preRes))
AAppl "ParseError" errors _ ->
mkMsg r (Message (("ParserError", fromATerm $ head errors, ""):preRes))
_ -> error "unknow message."
reducedDisjoint :: Ontology -> Ontology
reducedDisjoint (Ontology oid directives) =
Ontology oid (rdDisj $ List.nub directives)
where rdDisj :: [Directive] -> [Directive]
rdDisj [] = []
rdDisj (h:r) = case h of
Ax (DisjointClasses _ _ _) ->
if any (eqClass h) r then
rdDisj r
else h:(rdDisj r)
_ -> h:(rdDisj r)
eqClass :: Directive -> Directive -> Bool
eqClass dj1 dj2 =
case dj1 of
Ax (DisjointClasses c1 c2 _) ->
case dj2 of
Ax (DisjointClasses c3 c4 _) ->
if (c1 == c4 && c2 == c3)
then True
else False
_ -> False
_ -> False
createEqClass :: Ontology -> Ontology
createEqClass (Ontology oid directives) =
Ontology oid (findAndCreate directives)
where findAndCreate :: [Directive] -> [Directive]
findAndCreate [] = []
findAndCreate (h:r) =
case h of
Ax (Class cid isdep Complete annos desps) ->
(Ax (EquivalentClasses (DC cid) desps)):(findAndCreate r)
_ -> h:(findAndCreate r)