ToHaskellAS.hs revision 9603ad7198b72e812688ad7970e4eac4b553837a
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : Heng Jiang, Uni Bremen 2004-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
module Main where
import OWL_DL.AS
-- import OWL_DL.ReadWrite
import OWL_DL.Namespace
import OWL_DL.Logic_OWL_DL
import Common.ATerm.ReadWrite
import Common.ATerm.Unshared
import System.Exit
import System(getArgs, system)
import System.Environment(getEnv)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified List as List
import OWL_DL.StructureAna
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Tree
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Static.DevGraph
-- import Data.Graph.Inductive.Internal.FiniteMap
import OWL_DL.StaticAna
import OWL_DL.Sign
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.Result
import Common.AS_Annotation hiding (isDef,isAxiom)
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Driver.Options
import qualified GUI.AbstractGraphView as GUI.AbstractGraphView
import DialogWin (useHTk)
import InfoBus
import qualified Events as Events
import Destructible
import Common.Id
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Prover
import Data.Tree
import Debug.Trace
import Maybe(fromJust)
main :: IO()
main =
do args <- getArgs
if (null args) || (length args > 2) then
-- default option : output OWL_DL abstract syntax
else if length args == 1 then
process 'a' args
else case head args of
"-a" -> process 'a' $ tail args
-- output abstract syntax
"-g" -> process 'g' $ tail args
-- show graph of structure
"-h" -> showHelp
"-i" -> showHelp
-- test integrate ontology
"-r" -> process 'r' $ tail args
-- output result of static analysis
"-s" -> process 's' $ tail args
-- output DevGraph from structure analysis
"-t" -> process 't' $ tail args
-- output ATerm
_ -> error ("unknow option: " ++ (head args))
where isURI :: String -> Bool
isURI str = let preU = take 7 str
in if preU == "http://" || preU == "file://"
then True
else False
run :: ExitCode -> Char -> IO()
run exitCode opt
| exitCode == ExitSuccess = processor2 opt "output.term"
| otherwise = error "process stop!"
process :: Char -> [String] -> IO()
process opt args =
pwd <- getEnv "PWD"
if (head $ head args) == '-' then
else if isURI $ head args then
do exitCode <- system ("./processor " ++ head args)
run exitCode opt
else if (head $ head args) == '/' then
do exitCode <- system ("./processor file://" ++ head args)
run exitCode opt
else do exitCode <- system ("./processor file://" ++ pwd ++ "/" ++ head args)
run exitCode opt
showHelp :: IO()
showHelp =
do putStrLn "\nUsage: readAStest [option] <URI or file>"
putStrLn " -a\t\t--abstract\t\toutput OWL_DL abstract syntax"
putStrLn " -g\t\t--gui\t\t\tshow graph of structure"
putStrLn " -h\t\t--help\t\t\tprint usage information and exit"
putStrLn " -i\t\t--integrate\t\ttest integrate ontology"
putStrLn " -r\t\t--static\t\toutput result (list) of static analysis for each include ontologies"
putStrLn " -s\t\t--structure\t\toutput total result of static analysis from structure analysis"
putStrLn " -t\t\t--Aterm\t\t\toutput ATerm from OWL_DL parser\n"
-- |
-- the first argument it decides whether the abstract syntax or ATerm is shown,
-- the second argument is the ATerm file which can be read in.
processor2 :: Char -> String -> IO()
processor2 opt filename =
do d <- readFile filename
let aterm = getATermFull $ readATerm d
case opt of
-- 'a' -> outputList 'a' aterm
't' -> putStrLn $ show aterm
's' -> outputList 's' filename aterm
'r' -> outputList 'r' filename aterm
'i' -> outputList 'i' filename aterm
'g' -> outputList 'g' filename aterm
_ -> outputList 'a' filename aterm
outputList :: Char -> String -> ATerm -> IO()
outputList opt filename aterm =
case aterm of
AList paarList _ ->
case opt of
'a' -> outputAS paarList
's' -> outputTotalStaticAna paarList
'r' -> printResOfStatic paarList
'i' -> testIntegrate paarList
'g' -> outputGraph filename paarList
u -> error ("unknow option: -" ++ [u])
_ -> error "error by reading file."
-- test for integrate ontologies (for option -i)
testIntegrate :: [ATerm] -> IO()
testIntegrate al =
do let ontologies = map snd $ reverse $ parsingAll al
putStrLn $ show (foldl integrateOntology emptyOntology ontologies)
-- |
-- this function show the abstract syntax of each OWL ontology from
-- UOPaar list.
outputAS :: [ATerm] -> IO()
outputAS [] = putStrLn ""
outputAS (aterm:res) =
case aterm of
AAppl "UOPaar" [_, AAppl "OWLParserOutput" [valid, msg, _, _] _] _ ->
do let (uri, ontology) = ontologyParse aterm
putStrLn ("URI: " ++ uri)
putStrLn $ fromATerm valid
putStrLn $ show (buildMsg msg)
-- putStrLn $ show namespace
putStrLn $ show ontology
outputAS res
_ -> error "false file."
-- output total signature and sentences with all ontologies which are imported
-- (from the graph of structure analysis)
outputTotalStaticAna :: [ATerm] -> IO()
outputTotalStaticAna al =
do let p = reverse $ parsingAll al
(ontoMap, dg) = buildDevGraph (Map.fromList p)
-- putStrLn $ show dg
-- putStrLn $ show $
-- nodesStaticAna (reverse $ topsort' dg) emptySign ontoMap
-- putStrLn $ show $ (rdff [12] dg)
topNodes = topsort dg
-- putStrLn $ show $ topNodes
-- putStrLn $ show $ map (\x -> bfs x dg) topNodes
-- subTreeList = map (\x -> bfs x dg) top
-- lnodeList = map (map (\y -> matchNode dg y)) subTreeList
let Result _ res =
nodesStaticAna' (reverse topNodes) Map.empty ontoMap dg []
case res of
Just (_, dg') ->
do -- putStrLn $ show sm
showGraph (simpleLibName "", simpleLibEnv "" (insEdges (rev $ labEdges dg) (delEdges (edges dg') dg')))
_ -> error "no devGraph..."
where rev :: [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
rev [] = []
rev ((source, target, edge):r) = (target, source, edge):(rev r)
matchNode :: DGraph -> Node -> LNode DGNodeLab
matchNode dgraph node =
let (mcontext, _ ) = match node dgraph
(_, _, dgNode, _) = fromJust mcontext
in (node, dgNode)
type SignMap = Map.Map Node (Sign, [Named Sentence])
nodesStaticAna' :: [Node]
-> SignMap
-> OntologyMap
-> DGraph
-> [Diagnosis]
-> Result (SignMap, DGraph)
nodesStaticAna' [] signMap _ dg diag = Result diag (Just (signMap, dg))
nodesStaticAna' (h:r) signMap ontoMap dg diag =
let Result digs res =
nodeStaticAna (reverse $ map (matchNode dg) (bfs h dg))
(emptySign, [], diag)
signMap ontoMap dg
in case res of
Just (newSignMap, newDg) ->
nodesStaticAna' r newSignMap ontoMap newDg (diag++digs)
nodesStaticAna' r signMap ontoMap dg (diag++digs)
nodeStaticAna :: [LNode DGNodeLab]
-> (Sign, [Named Sentence], [Diagnosis])
-> SignMap
-> OntologyMap
-> DGraph
-> Result (SignMap, DGraph)
nodeStaticAna [] _ _ _ _ = initResult
nodeStaticAna ((n,topNode):[]) (inSig, inSent, oldDiags) signMap ontoMap dg =
case Map.lookup n signMap of
Just _ ->
Result oldDiags (Just (signMap, dg))
_ ->
let ontology@(Ontology mid _ _) = fromJust $
Map.lookup (getNameFromNode $ dgn_name topNode) ontoMap
Result diag res =
basicOWL_DLAnalysis (ontology, inSig, emptyGlobalAnnos)
in case res of
Just (_,_,accSig,sent) ->
let newLNode = (n, topNode {dgn_theory = G_theory OWL_DL accSig (toThSens sent)})
ledges = (inn dg n) ++ (out dg n)
in Result (oldDiags ++ diag)
(Just ((Map.insert n (accSig, sent) signMap), (insEdges ledges (insNode newLNode (delNode n dg)))))
_ -> Result oldDiags Prelude.Nothing
nodeStaticAna ((n, dgNode):r) (inSig, inSent, oldDiags) signMap ontoMap dg =
case Map.lookup n signMap of
Just (sig, nsen) ->
nodeStaticAna r ((integSign sig inSig), (inSent ++ nsen), oldDiags)
signMap ontoMap dg
let Result digs' res' =
nodeStaticAna (reverse $ map (matchNode dg) (bfs n dg))
(emptySign, [], [])
signMap ontoMap dg
in case res' of
Just (signMap', dg') ->
let (sig', nsen') = fromJust $ Map.lookup n signMap'
in nodeStaticAna r
((integSign sig' inSig),(inSent ++ nsen'),(oldDiags ++ digs'))
signMap' ontoMap dg'
_ -> nodeStaticAna r (inSig, inSent, oldDiags)
signMap ontoMap dg
integSign :: Sign -> Sign -> Sign
integSign inSig totalSig =
let (newNamespace, transMap) =
integrateNamespaces (namespaceMap totalSig) (namespaceMap inSig)
in addSign (renameNamespace transMap inSig)
(totalSig {namespaceMap = newNamespace})
-- for graph of structure analysis
outputGraph :: String -> [ATerm] -> IO()
outputGraph filename al =
do let p = reverse $ parsingAll al
(_, dg) = buildDevGraph (Map.fromList p)
showGraph (simpleLibName filename, simpleLibEnv filename dg)
-- for static analysis
printResOfStatic :: [ATerm] -> IO()
printResOfStatic al =
putStrLn $ show (map output $ parsingAll al)
where output :: (String, Ontology)
-- -> Result (Ontology,Sign,Sign,[Named Sentence])
-> Result (Sign,[Named Sentence])
output (_, ontology) =
let Result diagsA (Just (_, _, accSig, namedSen)) =
basicOWL_DLAnalysis (ontology,
in Result diagsA (Just (accSig, namedSen))
-- parse of ontology which from current file with its imported ontologies
parsingAll :: [ATerm] -> [(String, Ontology)]
parsingAll [] = []
parsingAll (aterm:res) =
(ontologyParse aterm):(parsingAll res)
ontologyParse :: ATerm -> (String, Ontology)
(AAppl "UOPaar"
[AAppl uri _ _,
AAppl "OWLParserOutput" [_, _, _, onto] _] _)
= case ontology of
Ontology _ _ namespace ->
(if head uri == '"' then read uri::String else uri,
-- namespace,
propagateNspaces namespace $ createAndReduceClassAxiom ontology)
where ontology = fromATerm onto::Ontology
ontologyParse _ = error "false ontology file."
buildMsg :: ATerm -> Message
buildMsg at = case at of
AAppl "Message" [AList msgl _] _ ->
mkMsg msgl (Message [])
_ -> error "illegal message:)"
mkMsg :: [ATerm] -> Message -> Message
mkMsg [] (Message msg) = Message (reverse msg)
mkMsg (h:r) (Message preRes) =
case h of
AAppl "Message" [a,b,c] _ ->
mkMsg r (Message ((fromATerm a, fromATerm b, fromATerm c):preRes))
AAppl "ParseWarning" warnings _ ->
mkMsg r (Message (("ParserWarning", fromATerm $ head warnings, ""):preRes))
AAppl "ParseError" errors _ ->
mkMsg r (Message (("ParserError", fromATerm $ head errors, ""):preRes))
_ -> error "unknow message."
-- remove equivalent disjoint class axiom, create equivalentClasses,
-- subClassOf axioms, and sort directives (definitions of classes and
-- properties muss be moved to begin of directives)
createAndReduceClassAxiom :: Ontology -> Ontology
createAndReduceClassAxiom (Ontology oid directives ns) =
let (definition, axiom, other) =
findAndCreate (List.nub directives) ([], [], [])
directives' = reverse definition ++ reverse axiom ++ reverse other
in Ontology oid directives' ns
where findAndCreate :: [Directive]
-> ([Directive], [Directive], [Directive])
-> ([Directive], [Directive], [Directive])
-- (definition of concept and role, axiom, rest)
findAndCreate [] res = res
findAndCreate (h:r) (def, axiom, rest) =
case h of
Ax (Class cid _ Complete _ desps) ->
-- the original directive must also be saved.
findAndCreate r
(h:def,(Ax (EquivalentClasses (DC cid) desps)):axiom,rest)
-- h:(Ax (EquivalentClasses (DC cid) desps)):(findAndCreate r)
Ax (Class cid _ Partial _ desps) ->
if null desps then
findAndCreate r (h:def, axiom, rest) -- h:(findAndCreate r)
findAndCreate r (h:def,
(appendSubClassAxiom cid desps) ++ axiom,
Ax (EnumeratedClass _ _ _ _) ->
findAndCreate r (h:def, axiom, rest)
Ax (DisjointClasses _ _ _) ->
if any (eqClass h) r then
findAndCreate r (def, axiom, rest)
else findAndCreate r (def,h:axiom, rest)
Ax (DatatypeProperty _ _ _ _ _ _ _) ->
findAndCreate r (h:def, axiom, rest)
Ax (ObjectProperty _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) ->
findAndCreate r (h:def, axiom, rest)
_ -> findAndCreate r (def, axiom, h:rest)
appendSubClassAxiom :: ClassID -> [Description] -> [Directive]
appendSubClassAxiom _ [] = []
appendSubClassAxiom cid (hd:rd) =
(Ax (SubClassOf (DC cid) hd)):(appendSubClassAxiom cid rd)
eqClass :: Directive -> Directive -> Bool
eqClass dj1 dj2 =
case dj1 of
Ax (DisjointClasses c1 c2 _) ->
case dj2 of
Ax (DisjointClasses c3 c4 _) ->
if (c1 == c4 && c2 == c3)
then True
else False
_ -> False
_ -> False
-- static analysis based on order of imports graph (dfs)
nodesStaticAna :: [DGNodeLab]
-> Sign
-> OntologyMap
-> Result (Ontology, Sign, [Named Sentence])
nodesStaticAna [] _ _ = initResult
nodesStaticAna (hnode:rnodes) inSign ontoMap =
let ontology@(Ontology mid _ _) = fromJust $
Map.lookup (getNameFromNode $ dgn_name hnode) ontoMap
Result diag res =
basicOWL_DLAnalysis (ontology, inSign, emptyGlobalAnnos)
in case res of
Just ((Ontology _ directives namespace),_,accSig,sent) ->
(Result diag
(Just ((Ontology mid directives namespace), accSig, sent)))
(nodesStaticAna rnodes accSig ontoMap)
_ -> nodesStaticAna rnodes inSign ontoMap
-- ToDo: showGraph
showGraph :: (LIB_NAME, LibEnv) -> IO ()
showGraph (ln, libenv) =
graphMem <- initializeConverter
useHTk -- All messages are displayed in TK dialog windows
-- from this point on
(gid, gv, _cmaps) <-
convertGraph graphMem ln libenv defaultHetcatsOpts
graph <- GUI.AbstractGraphView.get_graphid gid gv
Events.sync(destroyed graph)
exitWith ExitSuccess
simpleLibEnv :: String -> DGraph -> LibEnv
simpleLibEnv filename dg =
Map.singleton (simpleLibName filename)
(emptyGlobalAnnos, Map.singleton (mkSimpleId "")
(SpecEntry ((JustNode nodeSig), [], g_sign, nodeSig)), dg)
where nodeSig = NodeSig 0 g_sign
g_sign = G_sign OWL_DL emptySign
simpleLibName :: String -> LIB_NAME
simpleLibName s = Lib_id (Direct_link ("library_" ++ s) (Range []))