StructureAna.hs revision 1842453990fed8a1bd7a5ac792d7982c1d2bfcd5
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich, Heng Jiang, Uni Bremen 2002-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Structured analysis of the import structure of OWL-DL files. circular
imports result in a united theory of all members of the circle.
module OWL_DL.StructureAna where
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import OWL_DL.Sign
import OWL_DL.Logic_OWL_DL
import OWL_DL.AS
-- import Common.DefaultMorphism
-- import Data.Graph.Inductive.Query.DFS
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Coerce
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import Data.List
import Logic.Prover
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Maybe(fromJust)
import Data.Char(isDigit)
import OWL_DL.Namespace
--import Debug.Trace
type OntologyMap = Map.Map String Ontology
buildDevGraph :: OntologyMap -> (OntologyMap, DGraph)
buildDevGraph ontoMap =
if detectLoop sscList then
rebuildDGraph sscList ontoMap' dg
else (ontoMap', dg)
where (ontoMap', dg) =
Map.foldWithKey graphFromMap
(ontoMap, emptyDG) -- Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph.empty)
sscList = sccDG dg
-- ^ detect loop reference in graph
detectLoop :: [[Node]] -> Bool
detectLoop nl =
any (\x -> length x > 1) nl
graphFromMap :: String -> Ontology
-> (OntologyMap, DGraph)
-> (OntologyMap, DGraph)
graphFromMap uri onto (ontoMap, dg) =
let existedLNodes = labNodesDG dg
currentSign = simpleSign $ QN "" uri ""
-- get current node
(lnode, ontoMap1) =
createLNodes [uri] existedLNodes ontoMap
cl@(ind, _) = head lnode
importsList = searchImports onto
-- create LabNodes from imports list, thsi incl. the LNodes which been
-- existed because of building of edge.
(tagLNodes, ontoMap2) =
createLNodes importsList (nub (cl:existedLNodes)) ontoMap1
-- if tagnode existed then it muss be reduced.
newLNodes = reduceLNodes (cl:tagLNodes) dg
morphism = idComorphism (Logic OWL_DL)
Result _ (Just comorphism) =
gEmbedComorphism morphism (G_sign OWL_DL currentSign 0)
-- to add ids into edges
ledgeList = zipWith (\(indT, _) n ->
(ind, indT, DGLink{ dgl_morphism = comorphism,
dgl_type = GlobalDef,
dgl_origin = DGImports,
dgl_id = [n]
(getNewEdgeIDs (length tagLNodes) dg)
in (ontoMap2, insEdgesDG ledgeList (insNodesDG newLNodes dg))
searchImports :: Ontology -> [String]
searchImports (Ontology _ directives _) = findImports directives
findImports :: [Directive] -> [String]
findImports [] = []
findImports (hd:rd) =
case hd of
Ax (OntologyProperty oid uriannos) ->
if localPart oid == "imports" then
findImports' uriannos
else findImports rd
_ -> findImports rd
findImports' :: [OWL_DL.AS.Annotation] -> [String]
findImports' [] = []
findImports' (ha:ra) =
case ha of
URIAnnotation _ qn ->
(localPart qn):(findImports' ra)
_ -> []
createLNodes :: [String] -> [LNode DGNodeLab]
-> OntologyMap
-> ([LNode DGNodeLab], OntologyMap)
createLNodes [] _ om = ([], om)
createLNodes (hs:rs) exLNodes om =
let lnode@(_, currentLN) = buildLNodeFromStr hs ((length exLNodes)-1)
in -- if the node already existed muss be anyhow also created
-- for building of edges. But the ontology map need not to
-- change
if isEqLNode currentLN exLNodes then
let (newLNodes, ontoMap') = createLNodes rs exLNodes om
in (
(getLnode currentLN exLNodes):newLNodes,
else let lnode' = disambiguateName lnode exLNodes
(newLNodes, ontoMap') =
createLNodes rs (lnode':exLNodes) om
(sid, _, _) = dgn_name $ snd lnode'
Map.delete hs (Map.insert (show sid)
(case Map.lookup hs ontoMap' of
Just res -> res
Prelude.Nothing -> emptyOntology
-- get (LNode DGNodeLab) with LabNode
getLnode _ [] = error "LNode not found"
getLnode node (hx:rx) | dgn_theory node == (dgn_theory $ snd hx) = hx
| otherwise = getLnode node rx
isEqLNode :: DGNodeLab -> [LNode DGNodeLab] -> Bool
isEqLNode cn exn =
any (\x -> (dgn_theory cn) == (dgn_theory $ snd x)) exn
disambiguateName :: (LNode DGNodeLab)
-> [LNode DGNodeLab]
-> (LNode DGNodeLab)
disambiguateName (ind, dgn) exn =
let name@(sid, u1, u2) = dgn_name dgn
nameSet = map (dgn_name . snd) exn
name' = if name `elem` nameSet then
let n = show sid
nsid = if isDigit $ head $ reverse n then
take ((length n) - 1) n
else n
in fromJust $ find (not . flip elem nameSet)
[(mkSimpleId (nsid ++
(show (i::Int))),u1,u2)|i<-[1..]]
else name
in (ind, dgn {dgn_name = name'})
buildLNodeFromStr :: String -> Int -> (LNode DGNodeLab)
buildLNodeFromStr uri i =
let name = uriToName uri
nodeName = makeName $ mkSimpleId name
currentSign = simpleSign $ QN "" uri ""
in (i+1, DGNode { dgn_name = nodeName,
dgn_theory = G_theory OWL_DL currentSign 0 noSens 0,
-- lass erstmal kein Signatur.
-- dgn_sens = G_l_sentence_list OWL_DL [],
dgn_nf = Prelude.Nothing,
dgn_sigma = Prelude.Nothing,
dgn_origin = DGBasic,
dgn_cons = None,
dgn_cons_status = LeftOpen
-- remove existed nodes in graph
reduceLNodes :: [LNode DGNodeLab] -> DGraph -> [LNode DGNodeLab]
reduceLNodes [] _ = []
reduceLNodes (hn@(ind, _):rn) dg =
if gelemDG ind dg then
reduceLNodes rn dg
else hn:(reduceLNodes rn dg)
rebuildDGraph :: [[Node]] -> OntologyMap -> DGraph -> (OntologyMap, DGraph)
rebuildDGraph [] ontoMap dg = (ontoMap, dg)
rebuildDGraph (hd:rs) ontoMap dg
| length hd <= 1 = rebuildDGraph rs ontoMap dg
| otherwise =
let (ontoMap', dg') = integrateScc hd ontoMap dg
in rebuildDGraph rs ontoMap' dg'
integrateScc :: [Node] -> OntologyMap -> DGraph -> (OntologyMap, DGraph)
integrateScc nodeList ontoMap dg =
let decomps = map (fromJust . fst . flip matchDG dg) nodeList
(_, _, lnodes,_) = unzip4 decomps
dgnNames = map (getNameFromNode . dgn_name) lnodes
theories = map dgn_theory lnodes
ontologies = map (\x -> case Map.lookup x ontoMap of
Just res -> res
Prelude.Nothing -> emptyOntology
) dgnNames
newName = makeName $ mkSimpleId $ (\z -> take ((length z) -1) z) $
foldr (\x y -> x ++ "_" ++ y) "" dgnNames
newTheory = integrateTheory theories
newNodeNum = noNodesDG dg
in (
Map.insert (getNameFromNode newName)
(foldl integrateOntology emptyOntology ontologies)
(Map.filterWithKey (\x _ -> not $ x `elem` dgnNames) ontoMap),
delNodesDG nodeList
$ changeEdges decomps newNodeNum
$ insNodeDG (newNodeNum,
DGNode { dgn_name = newName,
dgn_theory = newTheory,
dgn_nf = Prelude.Nothing,
dgn_sigma = Prelude.Nothing,
dgn_origin = DGintegratedSCC,
dgn_cons = None,
dgn_cons_status = LeftOpen
) dg
-- simple integrate Theory
integrateTheory :: [G_theory] -> G_theory
integrateTheory theories =
foldl assembleTheories emptyOWL_DLTheory theories
assembleTheories :: G_theory -> G_theory -> G_theory
assembleTheories (G_theory lid1 sign1 _ theSen1 _)
(G_theory lid2 sign2 _ theSen2 _) =
let thSen2' = maybe (error "could not coerce sentences")
id (coerceThSens lid2 lid1 "" theSen2)
sign2' = maybe (error "could not coerce sign")
id (coerceSign lid2 lid1 "" sign2)
csign = case signature_union lid1 sign2' sign1 of
Result dgs mv ->
maybe (error ("sig_union"++show dgs)) id mv
in G_theory lid1 csign 0 (joinSens theSen1 thSen2') 0
getNameFromNode :: NODE_NAME -> String
getNameFromNode (sid, _, _) = show sid
changeEdges :: [Context DGNodeLab DGLinkLab] -> Node -> DGraph -> DGraph
changeEdges [] _ dg = dg
changeEdges ((fromNodes, n, _, toNodes):r) newNode dg =
changeEdges r newNode $ changeTo toNodes $ changeFrom fromNodes dg
where changeFrom :: [(DGLinkLab, Node)] -> DGraph -> DGraph
changeFrom [] dg2 = dg2
changeFrom ((dgLink,fn):rf) dg2
| fn `gelemDG` dg2 =
changeFrom rf $ insEdgeDG (fn, newNode, dgLink) $
delEdgeDG (fn, n) dg2
| otherwise = changeFrom rf dg2
changeTo :: [(DGLinkLab, Node)] -> DGraph -> DGraph
changeTo [] dg2 = dg2
changeTo ((dgLink,tn):rf) dg2
| tn `gelemDG` dg2 =
changeTo rf $ insEdgeDG (newNode, tn, dgLink) $
delEdgeDG (n, tn) dg2
| otherwise = changeTo rf dg2
emptyOWL_DLTheory:: G_theory
emptyOWL_DLTheory = G_theory OWL_DL emptySign 0 noSens 0