StaticAna.hs revision e953bea49e7f0e1a43bccf2a66c5e2a2b50848e0
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : Heng Jiang, Uni Bremen 2004-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
module OWL_DL.StaticAna where
import OWL_DL.Sign
import OWL_DL.AS
import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.XmlTreeTypes
import Common.Id
-- import List
-- import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Result
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import OWL_DL.Namespace
-- import Debug.Trace
basicOWL_DLAnalysis ::
(Ontology, Sign, GlobalAnnos) ->
Result (Ontology,Sign,Sign,[Named Sentence])
basicOWL_DLAnalysis (ontology@(Ontology _ _ ns), inSign, ga) =
let (integNamespace, transMap) =
integrateNamespaces (namespaceMap inSign) ns
ontology' = renameNamespace transMap ontology
Result diags1 (Just (onto, accSign, namedSen)) =
anaOntology ga (inSign {namespaceMap = integNamespace}) ontology'
diffSign = diffSig accSign inSign
in Result diags1 $ Just (onto, diffSign, accSign, namedSen)
anaOntology :: GlobalAnnos -> Sign -> Ontology
-> Result (Ontology,Sign,[Named Sentence])
anaOntology ga inSign ontology =
case ontology of
Ontology (Just ontoID) directives ns ->
anaDirective ga (inSign {ontologyID = ontoID})
(Ontology (Just ontoID) [] ns) directives
Ontology Prelude.Nothing directives ns ->
anaDirective ga (inSign {ontologyID = nullID})
(Ontology Prelude.Nothing [] ns) directives
-- concat the current result with total result
-- first parameter is an result from current directive
-- second parameter is the total result
concatResult :: Result (Ontology,Sign,[Named Sentence])
-> Result (Ontology,Sign,[Named Sentence])
-> Result (Ontology,Sign,[Named Sentence])
concatResult (Result diag1 maybeRes1) (Result diag2 maybeRes2) =
case maybeRes1 of
Prelude.Nothing ->
case maybeRes2 of
Prelude.Nothing -> Result (diag2++diag1) Prelude.Nothing
_ -> Result (diag2++diag1) maybeRes2
Just (onto1, _, namedSen1) ->
case maybeRes2 of
Prelude.Nothing -> Result (diag2++diag1) maybeRes1
Just (onto2, inSign2, namedSen2) ->
-- the namespace of first ontology muss be same as the second.
-- if maybeID1 /= maybeID2 then
-- error "unknow error in concatResult"
-- else let
accSign = inSign2 -- insertSign inSign1 inSign2
namedSen = namedSen2 ++ namedSen1
ontology = integrateOntology onto1 onto2
in Result (diag2 ++ diag1)
(Just (ontology, accSign, namedSen))
anaDirective :: GlobalAnnos -> Sign -> Ontology -> [Directive]
-> Result (Ontology,Sign,[Named Sentence])
anaDirective _ _ _ [] = initResult
anaDirective ga inSign onto@(Ontology mID direc ns) (directiv:rest) =
case directiv of
Ax clazz@(Class cId _ _ _ _) ->
let (isPrimary, diags1) = checkPrimaryConcept clazz
in if null diags1 then
if isPrimary then
let c = concepts inSign
pc = primaryConcepts inSign
accSign = inSign { concepts = Set.insert cId c,
primaryConcepts = Set.insert cId pc}
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (onto, accSign, [])))
(anaDirective ga accSign onto rest)
-- normal concept has super concept
else let c = concepts inSign
accSign = inSign {concepts = Set.insert cId c}
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (onto, accSign, [])))
(anaDirective ga accSign onto rest)
else concatResult (Result diags1 Prelude.Nothing)
(anaDirective ga inSign onto rest)
Ax (EnumeratedClass cId _ _ _) -> -- Enumerate is not primary
let c = concepts inSign
accSign = inSign {concepts = Set.insert cId c}
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (onto, accSign, [])))
(anaDirective ga accSign onto rest)
Ax dc@(DisjointClasses des1 des2 deses) ->
let Result diags1 maybeRes = checkConcept (des1:des2:deses) inSign
in case maybeRes of
Just _ ->
let namedSent = NamedSen { senName = (printDescForSentName des1)
++ "_DisjointClasses_"
++ (printDescForSentName des2),
isAxiom = True,
isDef = False,
sentence = OWLAxiom dc
in concatResult (Result diags1
(Just (Ontology mID (direc ++ [directiv]) ns,
inSign, [namedSent])))
(anaDirective ga inSign onto rest)
_ -> concatResult (Result diags1 Prelude.Nothing)
(anaDirective ga inSign onto rest)
Ax ec@(EquivalentClasses des1 deses) ->
let Result diags1 maybeRes = checkConcept (des1:deses) inSign
in case maybeRes of
Just _ ->
let namedSent = NamedSen { senName = (printDescForSentName des1)
++ "_EquivalentClasses_"
++ (printDescForSentName $ head deses),
isAxiom = True,
isDef = False,
sentence = OWLAxiom ec
in concatResult (Result diags1
(Just (Ontology mID (direc ++ [directiv]) ns,
inSign, [namedSent])))
(anaDirective ga inSign onto rest)
_ -> concatResult (Result diags1 Prelude.Nothing)
(anaDirective ga inSign onto rest)
-- ToDO: build subClassOf from Class constructure. -> done
Ax (SubClassOf des1@(DC cid1) des2@(DC cid2)) ->
let Result diags1 maybeRes = checkConcept (des1:des2:[]) inSign
in case maybeRes of
Just _ ->
let ax = axioms inSign
accSign = inSign { axioms =
Set.insert (Subconcept cid1 cid2) ax}
in concatResult (Result diags1
(Just (onto, accSign, [])))
(anaDirective ga accSign onto rest)
_ -> concatResult (Result diags1 Prelude.Nothing)
(anaDirective ga inSign onto rest)
Ax (Datatype dtId _ _) ->
let d = datatypes inSign
accSign = inSign {datatypes = Set.insert dtId d}
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (onto, accSign, [])))
(anaDirective ga accSign onto rest)
Ax (DatatypeProperty dpId _ _ _ isFunc domains ranges) ->
let dvr = dataValuedRoles inSign
ax = axioms inSign
roleDomains = foldDomain dpId domains ax
roleRangesAndDomains = foldDRange dpId ranges roleDomains
accSign = if isFunc then
inSign { dataValuedRoles = Set.insert dpId dvr,
axioms = Set.insert (FuncRole dpId)
else inSign { dataValuedRoles = Set.insert dpId dvr,
axioms = roleRangesAndDomains
in concatResult ( Result [] (Just (onto, accSign, [])))
(anaDirective ga accSign onto rest)
Ax op@(ObjectProperty ivId _ _ _ m_inv isSmy maybeFunc domains ranges)->
let ivr = indValuedRoles inSign
ax = axioms inSign
roleDomains = foldDomain ivId domains ax
roleRangesAndDomains = foldIRange ivId ranges roleDomains
accSign = case maybeFunc of
Just Functional ->
inSign { indValuedRoles = Set.insert ivId ivr,
axioms = Set.insert (FuncRole ivId)
Just Functional_InverseFunctional ->
inSign { indValuedRoles = Set.insert ivId ivr,
axioms = Set.insert (FuncRole ivId)
_ ->
inSign { indValuedRoles = Set.insert ivId ivr,
axioms = roleRangesAndDomains
namedSent = case maybeFunc of
Just Functional -> []
Just Functional_InverseFunctional -> []
_ ->
case m_inv of
Prelude.Nothing ->
if not isSmy then
[NamedSen { senName =
isAxiom = True,
isDef = True,
sentence = OWLAxiom op
} ]
_ -> [NamedSen { senName =
isAxiom = True,
isDef = True,
sentence = OWLAxiom op
} ]
in concatResult ( Result [] (Just (onto, accSign, namedSent)))
(anaDirective ga accSign onto rest)
Ax (AnnotationProperty apid _) ->
let accSign = inSign { annotationRoles =
Set.insert apid (annotationRoles inSign)
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (onto, accSign, [])))
(anaDirective ga accSign onto rest)
Ax op@(OntologyProperty _ _ ) ->
let namedSent = NamedSen { senName = "OntologyProperty",
isAxiom = True,
isDef = True,
sentence = OWLAxiom op
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (Ontology mID (direc++[directiv]) ns,
inSign, [namedSent])))
(anaDirective ga inSign onto rest)
Ax dep@(DEquivalentProperties pid1 pid2 pids) ->
let Result diags1 maybeRes = checkDRole (pid1:pid2:pids) inSign
in case maybeRes of
Just _ ->
let namedSent =
NamedSen { senName = (printQN pid1)
++ "_DataValuedEquivalentProterties_"
++ (printQN pid2),
isAxiom = True,
isDef = False,
sentence = OWLAxiom dep
in concatResult (Result []
(Just (Ontology mID (direc ++ [directiv]) ns,
inSign, [namedSent])))
(anaDirective ga inSign onto rest)
_ -> concatResult (Result diags1 Prelude.Nothing)
(anaDirective ga inSign onto rest)
Ax dsp@(DSubPropertyOf pid1 pid2) ->
let Result diags1 maybeRes = checkDRole (pid1:pid2:[]) inSign
in case maybeRes of
Just _ ->
let namedSent =
NamedSen { senName = (printQN pid1)
++ "_DataValuedSubPropertyOf_"
++ (printQN pid2),
isAxiom = True,
isDef = False,
sentence = OWLAxiom dsp
in concatResult (Result []
(Just (Ontology mID (direc ++ [directiv]) ns,
inSign, [namedSent])))
(anaDirective ga inSign onto rest)
_ -> concatResult (Result diags1 Prelude.Nothing)
(anaDirective ga inSign onto rest)
Ax iep@(IEquivalentProperties pid1 pid2 pids) ->
let Result diags1 maybeRes = checkORole (pid1:pid2:pids) inSign
in case maybeRes of
Just _ ->
let namedSent =
NamedSen {senName = (printQN pid1)
++ "_IndividualValuedEquivalentProperties_"
++ (printQN pid2),
isAxiom = True,
isDef = False,
sentence = OWLAxiom iep
in concatResult (Result []
(Just (Ontology mID (direc ++ [directiv]) ns,
inSign, [namedSent])))
(anaDirective ga inSign onto rest)
_ -> concatResult (Result diags1 Prelude.Nothing)
(anaDirective ga inSign onto rest)
Ax isp@(ISubPropertyOf pid1 pid2) ->
let Result diags1 maybeRes = checkORole (pid1:pid2:[]) inSign
in case maybeRes of
Just _ ->
let namedSent =
NamedSen { senName = (printQN pid1)
++ "_IndividualValuedSubPropertyOf_"
++ (printQN pid2),
isAxiom = True,
isDef = False,
sentence = OWLAxiom isp
in concatResult (Result []
(Just (Ontology mID (direc ++ [directiv]) ns,
inSign, [namedSent])))
(anaDirective ga inSign onto rest)
_ -> concatResult (Result diags1 Prelude.Nothing)
(anaDirective ga inSign onto rest)
Fc ind@(Indiv (Individual maybeIID _ types _)) ->
case maybeIID of
Prelude.Nothing -> -- Error (Warnung): Individual without name
let namedSent = NamedSen { senName = "Individual",
isAxiom = False,
isDef = True,
sentence = OWLFact ind
diag = [Diag Warning "Individual without name" nullRange]
in concatResult (Result diag
(Just (Ontology mID (direc ++ [directiv]) ns,
inSign, [namedSent])))
(anaDirective ga inSign onto rest)
Just iid ->
let oriInd = individuals inSign
in let (diagL, membershipSet) = msSet iid types ([], Set.empty)
ax = axioms inSign
accSign =
inSign {individuals = Set.insert iid oriInd,
axioms = Set.union membershipSet ax
in concatResult
(Result diagL (Just (onto, accSign, [])))
(anaDirective ga accSign onto rest)
msSet :: IndividualID -> [Type]
-> ([Diagnosis], Set.Set SignAxiom)
-> ([Diagnosis], Set.Set SignAxiom)
msSet _ [] res = res
msSet rid (h:r) (diagL, ms) =
case h of
DC _ ->
let membership = Conceptmembership rid h
in msSet rid r (diagL, Set.insert membership ms)
_ -> let membership = Conceptmembership rid h
diag' = mkDiag Warning
("individual " ++
(show rid) ++
" is a member of complex description.")
in msSet iid r (diagL ++ [diag'],
Set.insert membership ms)
Fc si@(SameIndividual iid1 iid2 _) ->
let namedSent = NamedSen { senName = (printQN iid1)
++ "_SameIndividual_"
++ (printQN iid2),
isAxiom = False,
isDef = True,
sentence = OWLFact si
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (Ontology mID (direc++[directiv]) ns,
inSign, [namedSent])))
(anaDirective ga inSign onto rest)
Fc di@(DifferentIndividuals iid1 iid2 _) ->
let namedSent = NamedSen { senName = (printQN iid1)
++ "DifferentIndividuals"
++ (printQN iid2),
isAxiom = False,
isDef = True,
sentence = OWLFact di
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (Ontology mID (direc++[directiv]) ns,
inSign, [namedSent])))
(anaDirective ga inSign onto rest)
_ -> concatResult initResult (anaDirective ga inSign onto rest)
-- erstmal ignoriere another
where foldDomain :: ID -> [Description]
-> Set.Set SignAxiom -> Set.Set SignAxiom
-- foldDomain _ [] s = s
foldDomain rId d s =
Set.insert (RoleDomain rId (map (\x -> RDomain x) d)) s
foldDRange :: ID -> [DataRange]
-> Set.Set SignAxiom -> Set.Set SignAxiom
-- foldDRange _ [] s = s
foldDRange rId d s =
Set.insert (RoleRange rId (map (\x -> RDRange x) d)) s
foldIRange :: ID -> [Description]
-> Set.Set SignAxiom -> Set.Set SignAxiom
-- foldIRange _ [] s = s
foldIRange rId d s =
Set.insert (RoleRange rId (map (\x -> RIRange x) d)) s
-- if CASL_Sort == false then the concept is not primary
checkPrimaryConcept :: Axiom -> (Bool,[Diagnosis])
checkPrimaryConcept (Class cid _ _ annos _) =
hasRealCASL_sortWithValue annos True True []
hasRealCASL_sortWithValue :: [OWL_DL.AS.Annotation]
-> Bool -> Bool
-> [Diagnosis]
-> (Bool, [Diagnosis])
hasRealCASL_sortWithValue [] _ res diags1 = (res, diags1)
((DLAnnotation aid tl):r) first res diags1 =
if localPart aid == "CASL_Sort" then
case tl of
TypedL (b, _) ->
if first then
if b == "false" then
hasRealCASL_sortWithValue r False False diags1
else if b == "true" then
r False True diags1
else (False,
((mkDiag Error
("CASL_Sort error in " ++
(show cid))
else (False,
((mkDiag Error
((show cid)++" has more than two CASL_Sort")
_ -> hasRealCASL_sortWithValue r first res diags1
else hasRealCASL_sortWithValue r first res diags1
hasRealCASL_sortWithValue (_:r) first res diags1 =
hasRealCASL_sortWithValue r first res diags1
checkPrimaryConcept _ = (False, [])
checkConcept :: [Description] -> Sign -> Result Bool
checkConcept deses sign =
checkDes deses sign initResult
checkDes :: [Description] -> Sign
-> Result Bool -> Result Bool
checkDes [] _ res = res
checkDes (h:r) sign1 res1@(Result diag1 _) =
case h of
DC cid -> if checkClass cid sign1 then
checkDes r sign1 (res1 {maybeResult = Just True})
else let diag2 =
mkDiag Error
(show cid ++ " has not be declared.")
in Result (diag1 ++ [diag2]) Prelude.Nothing
UnionOf deses2 -> checkDes (r ++ deses2) sign1 res1
IntersectionOf deses2 -> checkDes (r ++ deses2) sign1 res1
ComplementOf des2 -> checkDes (r ++ [des2]) sign1 res1
_ -> checkDes r sign1 res1
checkClass :: ClassID -> Sign -> Bool
checkClass cid sign1 =
Set.member cid (concepts sign1)
checkDRole :: [DatavaluedPropertyID] -> Sign -> Result Bool
checkDRole roleIDs sign =
checkDRole' roleIDs sign initResult
checkDRole' :: [DatavaluedPropertyID] -> Sign
-> Result Bool -> Result Bool
checkDRole' [] _ res = res
checkDRole' (h:r) sign2 res@(Result diag1 _) =
if Set.member h (dataValuedRoles sign2) then
checkDRole' r sign2 (res {maybeResult = Just True})
else let diag2 = mkDiag Error
(show h ++ " has not be declared.")
in Result (diag1 ++ [diag2]) Prelude.Nothing
checkORole :: [IndividualvaluedPropertyID] -> Sign -> Result Bool
checkORole roleIDs sign =
checkORole' roleIDs sign initResult
checkORole' :: [IndividualvaluedPropertyID] -> Sign
-> Result Bool -> Result Bool
checkORole' [] _ res = res
checkORole' (h:r) sign3 res@(Result diag1 _) =
if Set.member h (indValuedRoles sign3) then
checkORole' r sign3 (res {maybeResult = Just True})
else let diag2 = mkDiag Error
(show h ++ " has not be declared.")
in Result (diag1 ++ [diag2]) Prelude.Nothing
printDescForSentName :: Description -> String
printDescForSentName (DC cid) = printQN cid
printDescForSentName _ = ""
nullID :: ID
nullID = QN "" "" ""
initResult :: Result a
initResult = Result [] Prelude.Nothing