ReadWrite.der.hs revision ad270004874ce1d0697fb30d7309f180553bb315
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Heng Jiang, C. Maeder, Uni Bremen 2004-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Automatic derivation of instances via DrIFT-rule Typeable, ShATermConvertible
for the type(s): 'Message' 'Ontology' 'Directive' 'Annotation' 'DataLiteral' 'Fact' 'Individual' 'Value' 'Axiom' 'Func' 'Modality' 'Description' 'Restriction' 'Drcomponent' 'Ircomponent' 'Cardinality' 'DataRange'
manual instance for 'Ontology'
{- todo:
- implement test programms to check if
input and output ATerms are equivalent.
module OWL_DL.ReadWrite where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import OWL_DL.AS
import Common.ATerm.Lib
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
{- this is an overlapping instance that is now resolved in the
Ontology instance -}
instance ShATermConvertible Namespace where
-- von Map koennen viele namespace ATerm aufgabaut werden, die nach
-- dem toShATerm noch zusammensetzen muessen... -> unschoen!
toShATermAux = toShATermFromNamespace
fromShATermAux = fromShATermToNamespace
instance ShATermConvertible Ontology where
toShATermAux att0 (Ontology a b c) = do
(att1, a') <- toShATerm' att0 a
(att2, b') <- toShATerm' att1 b
(att3, c') <- toShATermFromNamespace att2 c
return $ addATerm (ShAAppl "Ontology" [a',b',c'] []) att3
fromShATermAux ix att0 =
case getShATerm ix att0 of
ShAAppl "Ontology" [a,b,c] _ ->
case fromShATerm' a att0 of { (att1, a') ->
case fromShATerm' b att1 of { (att2, b') ->
case fromShATermToNamespace c att2 of { (att3, c') ->
(att3, Ontology a' b' c') }}}
u -> fromShATermError "Ontology" u
toShATermFromNamespace :: ATermTable -> Namespace -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATermFromNamespace att nsMap = do
(att2, inds) <- foldM (\ (att0, l) t -> do
(att1, i) <- toShATermFromNS att0 t
return (att1, i : l)) (att, []) $ Map.toList nsMap
return $ addATerm (ShAList (reverse inds) []) att2
toShATermFromNS :: ATermTable -> (String, String) -> IO (ATermTable, Int)
toShATermFromNS att0 (pre,uri) = do
(att1, pre') <- toShATerm' att0 pre
(att2, uri') <- toShATerm' att1 uri
return $ addATerm (ShAAppl "NS" [pre', uri'] []) att2
fromShATermToNamespace :: Int -> ATermTable -> (ATermTable, Namespace)
fromShATermToNamespace ix att0 =
case getShATerm ix att0 of
ShAAppl "Namespace" [ind] _ ->
case getShATerm ind att0 of
ShAList ns _ ->
case mapAccumL fromShATermToNS att0 ns of
(att1, ps) -> (att1, Map.fromList ps)
u -> fromShATermError "OWL_DL.NamespaceList" u
u -> fromShATermError "OWL_DL.Namespace" u
fromShATermToNS :: ATermTable -> Int -> (ATermTable, (String, String))
fromShATermToNS att0 ix =
case getShATerm ix att0 of
ShAAppl "NS" [name, uri] _ ->
case fromShATerm' name att0 of { (att1, name') ->
case fromShATerm' uri att1 of { (att2, uri') ->
(att2, (name', uri'))}}
u -> fromShATermError "OWL_DL.NS" u
instance ShATermConvertible QName where
toShATermAux att0 (QN aa ab _) = do
(att1, aa') <- toShATerm' att0 (aa ++ ":" ++ ab)
return $ addATerm (ShAAppl (aa ++ ":" ++ ab) [aa'] []) att1
fromShATermAux ix att = (att,
case getShATerm ix att of
ShAAppl idName _ _ ->
let idName' = read idName::String
(pre, loc) = span (/= ':') idName'
in if null loc then -- no : in ID, only localName
QN "" pre ""
if (not $ isAlpha $ head pre)
then QN "" idName' ""
if (take 4 pre == "http" ||
take 4 pre == "file")
then let (ns, loc2) = span (/= '#') idName'
in if length loc2 > 1 then
QN "" (tail loc2) ns
else QN "" ns ""
else QN pre (tail loc) ""
u -> fromShATermError "OWL_DL.QName" u)
{-! for QName derive : Typeable !-}
{-! for Message derive : Typeable !-}
{-! for Ontology derive : Typeable !-}
{-! for Directive derive : Typeable !-}
{-! for Annotation derive : Typeable !-}
{-! for DataLiteral derive : Typeable !-}
{-! for Fact derive : Typeable !-}
{-! for Individual derive : Typeable !-}
{-! for Value derive : Typeable !-}
{-! for Axiom derive : Typeable !-}
{-! for Func derive : Typeable !-}
{-! for Modality derive : Typeable !-}
{-! for Description derive : Typeable !-}
{-! for Restriction derive : Typeable !-}
{-! for Drcomponent derive : Typeable !-}
{-! for Ircomponent derive : Typeable !-}
{-! for Cardinality derive : Typeable !-}
{-! for DataRange derive : Typeable !-}
{-! for Message derive : ShATermConvertible !-}
{-! for Directive derive : ShATermConvertible !-}
{-! for Annotation derive : ShATermConvertible !-}
{-! for DataLiteral derive : ShATermConvertible !-}
{-! for Fact derive : ShATermConvertible !-}
{-! for Individual derive : ShATermConvertible !-}
{-! for Value derive : ShATermConvertible !-}
{-! for Axiom derive : ShATermConvertible !-}
{-! for Func derive : ShATermConvertible !-}
{-! for Modality derive : ShATermConvertible !-}
{-! for Description derive : ShATermConvertible !-}
{-! for Restriction derive : ShATermConvertible !-}
{-! for Drcomponent derive : ShATermConvertible !-}
{-! for Ircomponent derive : ShATermConvertible !-}
{-! for Cardinality derive : ShATermConvertible !-}
{-! for DataRange derive : ShATermConvertible !-}