Print.hs revision ad270004874ce1d0697fb30d7309f180553bb315
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Heng Jiang, Uni Bremen 2005-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(instances for URIreference and Namespace)
Pretty printing for OWL DL theories.
- invent ASCII display syntax for OWL_DL theories (Klaus)
- implement printing of a theory
- shorten lines longer than 80 cpl
module OWL_DL.Print where
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import OWL_DL.Sign
import OWL_DL.AS
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
instance Pretty Sign where
pretty = printSign
printSign :: Sign -> Doc
printSign (Sign _ p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 _ p8 p9 p10) =
text "namespaces " $+$ printNamespace p10 $+$
text "concepts" <+> setToDocF p2 $+$
text "primaryConcepts " <+> setToDocF p3 $+$
text "datatypes " <+> setToDocF p4 $+$
text "indvidual_valued_roles " <+> setToDocF p5 $+$
text "data_valued_roles " <+> setToDocF p6 $+$
text "individuals " <+> setToDocF p8 $+$
text "sign_axioms" $+$ vcat (setToDocs p9)
instance Pretty URIreference where
pretty = printURIreference
printURIreference :: URIreference -> Doc
printURIreference (QN prefix localpart uri)
| localpart == "_" = text $ show "_"
| null prefix = if null uri then
text localpart
else text $ show (uri ++ ":" ++ localpart)
| otherwise = text $ show ( prefix ++ ":" ++ localpart)
printNamespace :: Namespace -> Doc
printNamespace nsMap =
vcat $ map pp (Map.toList nsMap)
where pp :: (String, String) -> Doc
pp (s1,s2) = text s1 <> defn <> text s2
instance Pretty Sentence where
pretty = printSentence
printSentence :: Sentence -> Doc
printSentence sent = case sent of
OWLAxiom axiom -> printAxiom axiom
OWLFact fact -> printFact fact
-- not necessary
instance Pretty Ontology where
pretty = printOntology
printOntology :: Ontology -> Doc
printOntology (Ontology maybeID directives ns) =
text "Ontology" <+>
(case maybeID of
Just oid -> printURIreference oid
_ -> text "anomie"
) $+$
(fsep $ map printDirective directives) $+$
printNamespace ns
instance Pretty Directive where
pretty = printDirective
printDirective :: Directive -> Doc
printDirective = text . show
instance Pretty Axiom where
pretty = printAxiom
printAxiom :: Axiom -> Doc
printAxiom axiom = case axiom of
Class cid _ _ _ descs ->
listToDocV (printDescription (-1)) cid descs
EnumeratedClass cid _ _ iids ->
parens (text "forall ((x owl:Thing))" $+$
(printDescription (-1) cid $ OneOfDes iids))
DisjointClasses desc1 desc2 _ ->
parens (text "forall ((x owl:Thing))" <+>
parens (text "not" <+> parens (text "and" <+>
printDescription (-1) emptyQN desc1 <+>
text "x" <+>
printDescription (-1) emptyQN desc2 <+> text "x")))
EquivalentClasses desc1 descs ->
(\x y ->
case y of
DC cid2 ->
parens (text "forall ((x owl:Thing))" <+>
parens (text "iff" <>
printDescription (-1) emptyQN x <+>
text "x" <+> printURIreference cid2 <+>
text "x"))
_ ->
case x of
DC cid1 ->
parens (text "forall ((x owl:Thing))" $+$
printDescription (-1) cid1 y)
_ -> error ("EquivalentClasses Error:" ++ (show axiom))
) desc1 descs
Datatype dID _ _ ->
printURIreference dID
DEquivalentProperties dpID1 dpID2 _ ->
parens (text "forall ((x owl:Thing) (y owl:Thing))" <+>
parens (text "iff" <> printURIreference dpID1 <+>
text "x y" <+> printURIreference dpID2 <+>
text "x y"))
IEquivalentProperties ipID1 ipID2 _ ->
parens (text "forall ((x owl:Thing) (y owl:Thing))" <+>
parens (text "iff" <> printURIreference ipID1 <+>
text "x y" <+> printURIreference ipID2 <+>
text "x y"))
DSubPropertyOf dpID1 dpID2 ->
parens (text "forall ((x owl:Thing) (y rdfs:Lilteral))" <+>
parens (text "implies" <+>
parens (printURIreference dpID1 <+>
text "x y") <+>
parens (printURIreference dpID2 <+>
text "x y")))
ISubPropertyOf ipID1 ipID2 ->
parens (text "forall ((x owl:Thing) (y owl:Thing))" <+>
parens (text "implies" <+>
parens (printURIreference ipID1 <+>
text "x y") <+>
parens (printURIreference ipID2 <+>
text "x y")))
ObjectProperty iid _ _ _ maybeInverse isSymmetric maybeFunc _ _ ->
case maybeInverse of
Just pid -> parens (text "forall ((x owl:Thing) (y owl:Thing))"
<+> parens (text "iff" <+>
parens (printURIreference iid <+>
text "x y") <+>
parens (printURIreference pid <+>
text "y x")))
_ -> if isSymmetric then
parens (text "forall ((x owl:Thing) (y owl:Thing))"
<+> parens (text "implies" <+>
parens (printURIreference iid <+>
text "x y") <+>
parens (printURIreference iid <+>
text "y x")))
case maybeFunc of
Just InverseFunctional ->
parens (text ("forall ((x owl:Thing)" ++
"(y owl:Thing) (z owl:Thing))") <+>
parens (text "implies" $+$
parens (text "and" <+>
printURIreference iid <+>
text "y z" $+$
printURIreference iid <+>
text "z x") $+$
(parens $ text "= y z")))
Just Transitive ->
parens (text ("forall ((x owl:Thing)" ++
"(y owl:Thing) (z owl:Thing))") <+>
parens (text "implies" $+$
parens (text "and" <+>
printURIreference iid <+>
text "x y" $+$
printURIreference iid<+>
text "y z") $+$
parens (printURIreference iid <+>
text "x z")))
_ -> text ""
u -> text $ show u
instance Pretty SignAxiom where
pretty = printSignAxiom
printSignAxiom :: SignAxiom -> Doc
printSignAxiom signAxiom = case signAxiom of
Subconcept cid1 cid2 ->
parens (text "forall ((x owl:Thing))" <+>
parens (text "implies" <+>
parens (printURIreference cid1 <+> text "x") <+>
parens (printURIreference cid2 <+> text "x")))
RoleDomain rid rdomains ->
(\x y -> parens (text "forall ((x owl:Thing) (y owl:Thing))" $+$
parens (text "implies" <+>
parens (printURIreference x <+>
text "x y") <+>
(parens $ printRDomain y)))
) rid rdomains
RoleRange rid rranges -> case head rranges of
RDRange _ ->
text "(forall ((x owl:Thing) (y rdfs:Literal))" $+$
text "(implies (" <> printURIreference rid <+> text "x y)" $+$
(if (length rranges > 1) then
text "(or "
else lparen) <>
listToDocH form5 rid rranges $+$ text ")))"
_ ->
(\x y -> text "(forall ((x owl:Thing) (y owl:Thing))" $+$
text "(implies (" <> printURIreference x <+>
text "x y) (" <> printRRange y <> text " y)" $+$
text "))")
rid rranges
FuncRole (rtype, rid) ->
case rtype of
IRole ->
text "(forall ((x owl:Thing) (y owl:Thing) (z owl:Thing))" $+$
text "(implies" $+$
text "(and (" <> printURIreference rid <+>
text "x y) (" <+> printURIreference rid <+> text "x z))" $+$
text "(= y z)" $+$ text "))"
DRole ->
text "(forall ((x owl:Thing) (y rdfs:Literal) (z rdfs:Literal))" $+$
text "(implies" $+$
text "(and (" <> printURIreference rid <+>
text "x y) (" <+> printURIreference rid <+> text "x z))" $+$
text "(= y z)" $+$ text "))"
Conceptmembership iID desc ->
parens (printDescription 0 iID desc <+> printURIreference iID)
instance Pretty RDomain where
pretty = printRDomain
printRDomain :: RDomain -> Doc
printRDomain (RDomain desc) =
case desc of
DC cid -> printURIreference cid <+> text "x"
_ -> printDescription 0 emptyQN desc -- ToDo: level hierachie
instance Pretty RRange where
pretty = printRRange
printRRange :: RRange -> Doc
printRRange rRange = case rRange of
RIRange desc -> printDescription 0 emptyQN desc -- ToDo: level hierachie
RDRange dataRange -> printDataRange dataRange
instance Pretty DataRange where
pretty = printDataRange
printDataRange :: DataRange -> Doc
printDataRange dr = case dr of
DID dtID -> printURIreference dtID
OneOfData dls ->
parens ((text "DEBUG:forall ((x rdfs:Literal))") $+$
(if allEqTypedLit dls then
case head dls of
TypedL (_, drType) ->
(text "(iff (") <> (printURIreference drType) <+>
(text "x)")
_ -> error "false check datarange."
else empty) $+$ (parens (text "or") <>
parens (listToDocH form4 emptyQN dls)) <>
(if allEqTypedLit dls then rparen else empty))
RLit rdfLit -> (text "rdf_literal") <+> (text rdfLit)
where allEqTypedLit :: [DataLiteral] -> Bool
allEqTypedLit [] = False
allEqTypedLit (TypedL (_, ty):dls') = all check dls'
where check :: DataLiteral -> Bool
check dl = case dl of
TypedL (_, t) -> if t == ty then True
else False
_ -> False
allEqTypedLit _ = False
instance Pretty DataLiteral where
pretty = printDataLiteral
printDataLiteral :: DataLiteral -> Doc
printDataLiteral dl = case dl of
TypedL (lf, uri) -> parens (text (lf ++ ":") <+>
printURIreference uri)
PlainL (lf, lt) -> parens (text ("stringInLang '"++lf++" : "++lt))
Plain lf -> text lf
RDFSL rdfLit -> text rdfLit
-- default handler of restriction
instance Pretty Restriction where
pretty = printRestriction
printRestriction :: Restriction -> Doc
printRestriction restr = case restr of
DataRestriction dpID drcom drcoms ->
printRestriction1 (-1) 0 dpID (drcom:drcoms)
IndivRestriction ipID ircom ircoms ->
printRestriction2 (-1) 0 ipID (ircom:ircoms)
printRestriction1 :: Int -> Int -> URIreference -> [Drcomponent] -> Doc
printRestriction1 _ _ _ [] = empty
printRestriction1 origVar tmpVar dpID (h:r) = case h of
DRCAllValuesFrom dataRange ->
parens (text "forall" <+> parens (text (choiceName tmpVar ++
" rdfs:Literal")) <+>
parens ((text "implies") <> parens ((printURIreference dpID) <+>
(text ((choiceName origVar)++" "++(choiceName tmpVar)))) <+>
(printDataRange dataRange))) $+$
(printRestriction1 origVar (tmpVar+1) dpID r)
DRCSomeValuesFrom dataRange ->
parens (text "exists" <+> parens (text (choiceName tmpVar ++
" rdfs:Literal")) <+>
parens ((text "and") <> parens ((printURIreference dpID) <+>
(text ((choiceName origVar)++" "++(choiceName tmpVar)))) <+>
(printDataRange dataRange))) $+$
(printRestriction1 origVar (tmpVar+1) dpID r)
DRCValue dl ->
(printURIreference dpID) <+> (text $ choiceName origVar ++ "r1") <+>
(printDataLiteral dl) $+$
(printRestriction1 origVar tmpVar dpID r)
DRCCardinality cardinality ->
(printCard origVar dpID cardinality) $+$
(printRestriction1 origVar tmpVar dpID r)
printRestriction2 :: Int -> Int -> URIreference
-> [Ircomponent] -> Doc
printRestriction2 _ _ _ [] = empty
printRestriction2 origVar tmpVar ipID (h:r) = case h of
IRCAllValuesFrom desc ->
parens (text "forall" <+> parens (text $ (choiceName tmpVar ++
" owl:Thing")) <+>
parens ((text "implies") <+> parens ((printURIreference ipID) <+>
(text ((choiceName origVar)++" "++(choiceName tmpVar)))) <+>
(case desc of
DC _ -> parens ((printDescription origVar ipID desc) <+>
(text $ choiceName tmpVar))
_ -> printDescription origVar ipID desc))) $+$
(printRestriction2 origVar (tmpVar+1) ipID r)
IRCSomeValuesFrom desc ->
parens (text "exists" <+> parens (text $ (choiceName tmpVar ++
" owl:Thing")) <+>
parens ((text "and") <> parens ((printURIreference ipID) <+>
(text ((choiceName origVar)++" "++(choiceName tmpVar)))) <+>
(case desc of
DC _ -> parens ((printDescription origVar ipID desc) <+>
(text $ choiceName tmpVar))
_ -> printDescription origVar ipID desc))) $+$
(printRestriction2 origVar (tmpVar+1) ipID r)
IRCValue iid ->
(printURIreference ipID) <+> (text $ choiceName origVar) <+>
(printURIreference iid) $+$
(printRestriction2 origVar tmpVar ipID r)
IRCCardinality cardinality ->
(printCard origVar ipID cardinality) $+$
(printRestriction2 origVar tmpVar ipID r)
instance Pretty Description where
pretty = printDescription 0 emptyQN
printDescription :: Int -> URIreference -> Description -> Doc
printDescription level iD desc = case desc of
DC cid -> printURIreference cid
DR restr -> printRestriction0 level restr
UnionOf descs ->
if isEmptyQN iD then
parens (text "or" <+> (listToDocH (form6 (level+1)) iD descs))
text "(iff (" <> printURIreference iD <+>
text (choiceName (level+1) ++ ")") $+$
text "(or" <+> listToDocH (form6 $ level+1) iD descs
$+$ text "))"
IntersectionOf descs ->
if isEmptyQN iD then
parens (text "and" <+>
listToDocH (form1 $ level+1) iD descs)
text "(iff (" <> printURIreference iD <+>
text (choiceName (level+1) ++ ")")
$+$ text "(and" <+>
listToDocH (form1 $ level+1) iD descs <> rparen
$+$ text ")"
ComplementOf desc1 ->
if isEmptyQN iD then
parens (text "not" <+> printDescription (level+1) iD desc1 <+>
text (choiceName $ level+1))
text "(iff (" <> printURIreference iD <+>
(text $ choiceName $ level+1) <> text ") (not" <+>
printDescription (level+1) iD desc1 <+>
(text $ choiceName $ level+1) <> text "))"
OneOfDes inds ->
parens (text "or" <> listToDocH (form2 $ level+1) iD inds)
printRestriction0 :: Int -> Restriction -> Doc
printRestriction0 level restr =
case restr of
DataRestriction dpID drcom drcoms ->
printRestriction1 level (level+1) dpID (drcom:drcoms)
IndivRestriction ipID ircom ircoms ->
printRestriction2 level (level+1) ipID (ircom:ircoms)
printCard :: Int -> URIreference -> Cardinality -> Doc
printCard level pid card = case card of
MinCardinality n ->
if n > 1 then text "exists ((x1 owl:Thing) " <>
(if n==2 then empty else text "... ") <>
(text "(x" <> (text $ show n) <+> text "owl:Thing)) (and " $+$
brackets (text "ALLDIFFERENT x1 " <>
(if n==2 then space else text "... ") <>
text "x" <> (text $ show n)) $+$
parens (printURIreference pid <+> text (choiceName level ++" x1"))
<+> (if n==2 then space else text "... ") <>
parens (printURIreference pid <+> text (choiceName level ++" x") <>
(text $ show n)) <> text ")" )
text "exists (x1 owl:Thing)" <+>
parens (printURIreference pid <+>
text (choiceName level ++" x1"))
MaxCardinality n ->
if n > 1 then text "forall ((x1 owl:Thing)" <>
(if n==2 then space else text "... ") <> text "(x" <>
(text $ show $ n+1) <+> text "owl:Thing)) (implies" $+$
text "(" <> printURIreference pid <+>
text (choiceName level ++ " x1)") <>
(if n==2 then space else text "... ") <>
text "(" <> printURIreference pid <+>
text (choiceName level ++ " x") <> (text $ show $ n+1) <> text "))" $+$
text "not [ALLDIFFERENT x1" <>
(if n==2 then space else text "... ") <> text "x" <>
(text $ show $ n+1) <> text "])"
text "forall ((x1 owl:Thing))" <+>
parens (text "implies" $+$
parens (printURIreference pid <+>
text (choiceName level ++ " x1")))
Cardinality n ->
if n > 1 then text "exists ((x1 owl:Thing)" <>
(if n==2 then space else text "... ") <> text "(x" <> (text $ show n)
<+> text "owl:Thing)) (and " $+$
text "[ALLDIFFERENT x1" <>
(if n==2 then space else text "... ") <> text "x" <> (text $ show n)
<> text "]" $+$
text "(" <> printURIreference pid <+>
text (choiceName level ++ " x1)") <>
(if n==2 then space else text "... ") <+>
text "(" <> printURIreference pid <+>
text (choiceName level ++ " x") <> (text $ show n) <>
text ")" $+$
text ("(forall ((" ++ (choiceName $ level+2) ++
" owl:Thing)) (implies") $+$
text "(" <> printURIreference pid <+>
text (choiceName level ++" "++ (choiceName $ level+2) ++ ")" ) $+$
text ("(or (= " ++ (choiceName $ level+2) ++ " x1) ") <>
(if n==2 then space else text "... ") <>
text ("(= " ++ choiceName level ++ " " ++ (choiceName $ level+2)) <>
(text $ show n) <> text "))" $+$
text "))" $+$ text "))"
text "exists ((x1 owl:Thing)) (and " $+$
text "(" <> printURIreference pid <+>
text (choiceName level ++ " x1)") $+$
text ("(forall ((" ++ (choiceName $ level+2) ++
"owl:Thing)) (implies") $+$
text "(" <> printURIreference pid <+>
text (choiceName level ++ " " ++ choiceName (level+2) ++ ")") $+$
text ("((= " ++ choiceName (level+2) ++ " x1))") $+$
text "))" $+$
text ")"
instance Pretty Fact where
pretty = printFact
printFact :: Fact -> Doc
printFact fact = case fact of
Indiv individual -> printIndividual individual
SameIndividual iid1 iid2 iids ->
listToDocV (\x y -> parens (text "=" <+> pretty x <+> pretty y))
iid1 (iid2:iids)
DifferentIndividuals iid1 iid2 iids ->
parens (text "forall ((x owl:Thing))" $+$
parens (text "or" <+>
listToDocH (form2 0) emptyQN (iid1:iid2:iids))) $+$
brackets (text "ALLDEFFERENT" <+>
listToDocH form3 emptyQN (iid1:iid2:iids))
instance Pretty Individual where
pretty = printIndividual
printIndividual :: Individual -> Doc
printIndividual (Individual iid _ _ values) =
printIndividual1 iid values (-1)
printIndividual1 :: (Maybe IndividualID) -> [Value] -> Int -> Doc
printIndividual1 _ [] _ = empty
printIndividual1 iid' (hv:tv) level = case hv of
ValueID pid indivID ->
parens (printURIreference pid <+> pretty iid'
<+> printURIreference indivID) $+$
printIndividual1 iid' tv level
ValueIndiv pid indiv ->
(if level == -1 then
printIntIndiv iid' pid indiv 0
else printIntIndiv iid' pid indiv level)
$+$ printIndividual1 iid' tv (if level < 0 then 0 else level)
ValueDL pid dl ->
parens (printURIreference pid <+> pretty iid' <+> printDataLiteral dl)
$+$ printIndividual1 iid' tv level
printIntIndiv :: (Maybe IndividualID)
-> IndividualvaluedPropertyID
-> Individual
-> Int
-> Doc
printIntIndiv iid' pid ind@(Individual iidI _ typesI valuesI) level =
case iidI of
Just _ -> printIndividual ind
_ -> printAnonymIndividual iid' pid typesI valuesI level
printAnonymIndividual :: (Maybe IndividualID)
-> IndividualvaluedPropertyID
-> [Type]
-> [Value]
-> Int
-> Doc
printAnonymIndividual iid' ipID typesI valuesI level=
parens (text ("exists (" ++ choiceName level ++ " owl:Thing)")
$+$ (parens (text "and" <+>
(parens (printURIreference ipID <+>
pretty iid' <+> (text $ choiceName level)) $+$
(\x y -> case x of
(QN _ str _) ->
parens (printDescription 0 emptyQN y <+>
text str)) (simpleQN $ choiceName level)
(reverse typesI)) $+$
printIndividual1 (Just $ simpleQN $ choiceName level)
valuesI (level+1)))))
setToDocs :: Pretty a => Set.Set a -> [Doc]
setToDocs = punctuate comma . map pretty . Set.toList
setToDocF :: Pretty a => Set.Set a -> Doc
setToDocF = fsep . setToDocs
setToDocV :: (Pretty a) => Set.Set a -> Doc
setToDocV = vcat . setToDocs
-- output a list in vertikal direction
listToDocV :: (Pretty a, Pretty b)
=> (a -> b -> Doc) -> a -> [b] -> Doc
listToDocV printForm iD = vcat . map (printForm iD)
-- output a list in horizonal direction
listToDocH :: (Pretty a, Pretty b)
=> (a -> b -> Doc) -> a -> [b] -> Doc
listToDocH printForm iD = hsep . map (printForm iD)
-- output form with different demands
form1 :: Int -> URIreference-> Description -> Doc
form1 level iD des =
case des of
DC _ ->
parens (printDescription level iD des <+> (text $ choiceName level))
_ -> parens (printDescription level iD des)
form2 :: Int -> URIreference -> IndividualID -> Doc
form2 level _ ind =
parens (text "=" <+> printURIreference ind <+>
(text $ choiceName level))
form3 :: URIreference -> IndividualID -> Doc
form3 _ iid = printURIreference iid
form4 :: URIreference -> DataLiteral -> Doc
form4 _ dl =
parens (equals <+> printDataLiteral dl <+> text "x")
form5 :: URIreference -> RRange -> Doc
form5 _ dl =
parens (printRRange dl <+> text "y")
-- only for UnionOf (DEBUG)
form6 :: Int -> URIreference-> Description -> Doc
form6 level iD des =
parens (printDescription level iD des <+> (text $ choiceName level))
emptyQN :: QName
emptyQN = QN "" "" ""
simpleQN :: String -> QName
simpleQN str = QN "" str ""
choiceName :: Int -> String
choiceName level
| level <= 0 = "x"
| level == 1 = "y"
| level == 2 = "z"
| otherwise = "u" ++ (show (level -2))