OWLAnalysis.hs revision e953bea49e7f0e1a43bccf2a66c5e2a2b50848e0
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : Heng Jiang, Uni Bremen 2004-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : jiang@tzi.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
module OWL_DL.OWLAnalysis where
import OWL_DL.AS
import OWL_DL.Namespace
import OWL_DL.Logic_OWL_DL
import Common.ATerm.ReadWrite
import Common.ATerm.Unshared
import System(system)
import System.Exit
import System.Environment(getEnv)
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import qualified List as List
import OWL_DL.StructureAna
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Static.DevGraph
import OWL_DL.StaticAna
import OWL_DL.Sign
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.Result
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Syntax.AS_Library
import Driver.Options
import Common.Id
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Query.DFS
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Query.BFS
import Maybe(fromJust)
-- | call for owl parser (env. variable $HETS_OWL_PARSER muss be defined)
parseOWL :: FilePath -- ^ local filepath or uri
-> IO OntologyMap -- ^ map: uri -> Ontology
parseOWL filename =
pwd <- getEnv "PWD"
if null filename
error "empty file name!"
else if checkUri $ filename
do exitCode <-
system ("$HETS_OWL_PARSER/owl_parser " ++ filename)
-- system ("./OWL_DL/owl_parser " ++ filename)
run exitCode
else if (head filename) == '/'
do exitCode <-
system ("$HETS_OWL_PARSER/owl_parser file://"
++ filename)
-- system ("./OWL_DL/owl_parser file://"
-- ++ filename)
run exitCode
else do exitCode <-
system ("$HETS_OWL_PARSER/owl_parser file://"
++ pwd ++ "/" ++ filename)
-- system ("./OWL_DL/owl_parser file://"
-- ++ pwd ++ "/" ++ filename)
run exitCode
where run :: ExitCode -> IO OntologyMap
run exitCode
| exitCode == ExitSuccess =
parseProc "./OWL_DL/output.term"
| otherwise = error ("process stop! " ++ (show exitCode))
-- | parse the file "output.term" from java-owl-parser
parseProc :: FilePath -> IO OntologyMap
parseProc filename =
do d <- readFile filename
let aterm = getATermFull $ readATerm d
case aterm of
AList paarList _ ->
return $ Map.fromList $ parsingAll paarList
_ -> error ("false file: " ++ show filename ++ ".")
-- | parse an ontology with all imported ontologies
parsingAll :: [ATerm] -> [(String, Ontology)]
parsingAll [] = []
parsingAll (aterm:res) =
(ontologyParse aterm):(parsingAll res)
-- | ontology parser, this version ignore validation, massages of java-parser.
ontologyParse :: ATerm -> (String, Ontology)
(AAppl "UOPaar"
[AAppl uri _ _,
AAppl "OWLParserOutput" [_, _, _, onto] _] _)
= case ontology of
Ontology _ _ namespace ->
(if head uri == '"' then read uri::String else uri,
propagateNspaces namespace $ createAndReduceClassAxiom ontology)
where ontology = fromATerm onto::Ontology
ontologyParse _ = error "false ontology file."
-- remove equivalent disjoint class axiom, create equivalentClasses,
-- subClassOf axioms, and sort directives (definitions of classes and
-- properties muss be moved to begin of directives)
createAndReduceClassAxiom :: Ontology -> Ontology
createAndReduceClassAxiom (Ontology oid directives ns) =
let (definition, axiom, other) =
findAndCreate (List.nub directives) ([], [], [])
directives' = reverse definition ++ reverse axiom ++ reverse other
in Ontology oid directives' ns
where findAndCreate :: [Directive]
-> ([Directive], [Directive], [Directive])
-> ([Directive], [Directive], [Directive])
-- (definition of concept and role, axiom, rest)
findAndCreate [] res = res
findAndCreate (h:r) (def, axiom, rest) =
case h of
Ax (Class cid _ Complete _ desps) ->
-- the original directive must also be saved.
findAndCreate r
(h:def,(Ax (EquivalentClasses (DC cid) desps)):axiom,rest)
Ax (Class cid _ Partial _ desps) ->
if null desps then
findAndCreate r (h:def, axiom, rest)
findAndCreate r (h:def,
(appendSubClassAxiom cid desps) ++ axiom,
Ax (EnumeratedClass _ _ _ _) ->
findAndCreate r (h:def, axiom, rest)
Ax (DisjointClasses _ _ _) ->
if any (eqClass h) r then
findAndCreate r (def, axiom, rest)
else findAndCreate r (def,h:axiom, rest)
Ax (DatatypeProperty _ _ _ _ _ _ _) ->
findAndCreate r (h:def, axiom, rest)
Ax (ObjectProperty _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) ->
findAndCreate r (h:def, axiom, rest)
_ -> findAndCreate r (def, axiom, h:rest)
appendSubClassAxiom :: ClassID -> [Description] -> [Directive]
appendSubClassAxiom _ [] = []
appendSubClassAxiom cid (hd:rd) =
(Ax (SubClassOf (DC cid) hd)):(appendSubClassAxiom cid rd)
eqClass :: Directive -> Directive -> Bool
eqClass dj1 dj2 =
case dj1 of
Ax (DisjointClasses c1 c2 _) ->
case dj2 of
Ax (DisjointClasses c3 c4 _) ->
if (c1 == c4 && c2 == c3)
then True
else False
_ -> False
_ -> False
-- | structure analysis bases of ontologyMap from owl parser
structureAna :: FilePath
-> HetcatsOpts
-> OntologyMap
-> IO (Maybe (LIB_NAME, -- filename
(), -- as tree
(), -- development graph
LibEnv -- DGraphs for imported modules
structureAna file opt ontoMap =
let (newOntoMap, dg) = buildDevGraph ontoMap
case analysis opt of
Structured -> do
printMsg $ labNodes dg
-- putIfVerbose opt 1 "Structure anaylsing finished. "
return (Just (simpleLibName file, (), (),
simpleLibEnv file $ reverseGraph dg))
_ -> staticAna file (newOntoMap, dg)
where printMsg :: [LNode DGNodeLab] -> IO()
printMsg [] = putStrLn ""
printMsg ((_, node):rest) =
do putStrLn ("Analyzing ontology " ++
(showName $ dgn_name node))
printMsg rest
-- simpleLibEnv and simpleLibName builded two simple lib-entities for
-- showGraph
simpleLibEnv :: FilePath -> DGraph -> LibEnv
simpleLibEnv filename dg =
Map.singleton (simpleLibName filename)
(emptyGlobalAnnos, Map.singleton (mkSimpleId "")
(SpecEntry ((JustNode nodeSig), [], g_sign, nodeSig)), dg)
where nodeSig = NodeSig 0 g_sign
g_sign = G_sign OWL_DL emptySign
simpleLibName :: FilePath -> LIB_NAME
simpleLibName s = Lib_id (Direct_link ("library_" ++ s) (Range []))
-- | static analysis if the HetcatesOpts is not only Structured.
staticAna :: FilePath
-> (OntologyMap, DGraph)
-> IO (Maybe (LIB_NAME, -- filename
(), -- as tree
(), -- development graph
LibEnv -- DGraphs for imported modules
staticAna file (ontoMap, dg) =
do let topNodes = topsort dg
Result _ res <-
nodesStaticAna (reverse topNodes) Map.empty ontoMap dg []
case res of
Just (_, dg') ->
return (Just (simpleLibName file,
(), (),
simpleLibEnv file
(insEdges (reverseLinks $ labEdges dg)
(delEdges (edges dg') dg')
_ -> error "no devGraph..."
-- | a map to save which node has been analysed.
type SignMap = Map.Map Node (Sign, [Named Sentence])
-- | call to static analyse of all nodes
nodesStaticAna :: [Node]
-> SignMap
-> OntologyMap
-> DGraph
-> [Diagnosis]
-> IO (Result (SignMap, DGraph))
nodesStaticAna [] signMap _ dg diag =
return $ Result diag (Just (signMap, dg))
nodesStaticAna (h:r) signMap ontoMap dg diag = do
Result digs res <-
nodeStaticAna (reverse $ map (matchNode dg) (bfs h dg))
(emptySign, [], diag)
signMap ontoMap dg
case res of
Just (newSignMap, newDg) ->
nodesStaticAna r newSignMap ontoMap newDg (diag++digs)
Prelude.Nothing ->
-- Warning or Error message
nodesStaticAna r signMap ontoMap dg (diag++digs)
-- | call to static analyse of single nodes
nodeStaticAna :: [LNode DGNodeLab]
-> (Sign, [Named Sentence], [Diagnosis])
-> SignMap
-> OntologyMap
-> DGraph
-> IO (Result (SignMap, DGraph))
nodeStaticAna [] _ _ _ _ =
do putStrLn "Static anaylsing finished."
return initResult
nodeStaticAna ((n,topNode):[]) (inSig, inSent, oldDiags) signMap ontoMap dg =
let nn@(nodeName, _, _) = dgn_name topNode
putStrLn ("Analyzing ontology " ++ (show nodeName))
case Map.lookup n signMap of
Just _ ->
return $ Result oldDiags (Just (signMap, dg))
_ ->
let ontology@(Ontology mid _ _) = fromJust $
Map.lookup (getNameFromNode nn) ontoMap
Result diag res =
basicOWL_DLAnalysis (ontology, inSig, emptyGlobalAnnos)
case res of
Just (_,_,accSig,sent) ->
let (_, tMap) =
integrateNamespaces (namespaceMap inSig)
(namespaceMap accSig)
sent' = map (renameNamespace tMap) sent
accSent = inSent ++ sent'
newLNode =
(n, topNode {dgn_theory =
G_theory OWL_DL accSig (toThSens accSent)
ledges = (inn dg n) ++ (out dg n)
newG = (insEdges ledges (insNode newLNode (delNode n dg)))
return $ Result (oldDiags ++ diag)
(Just ((Map.insert n (accSig, accSent) signMap), newG))
_ -> do let actDiag = mkDiag Error
("error by analysing of " ++ (show mid)) ()
return $ Result (actDiag:oldDiags) Prelude.Nothing
nodeStaticAna ((n, _):r) (inSig, inSent, oldDiags) signMap ontoMap dg =
case Map.lookup n signMap of
Just (sig, nsen) ->
let (_, tMap) =
integrateNamespaces (namespaceMap inSig) (namespaceMap sig)
in nodeStaticAna r ((integSign sig inSig),
(inSent ++ (map (renameNamespace tMap) nsen)),
signMap ontoMap dg
Prelude.Nothing ->
Result digs' res' <-
nodeStaticAna (reverse $ map (matchNode dg) (bfs n dg))
(emptySign, [], [])
signMap ontoMap dg
case res' of
Just (signMap', dg') ->
let (sig', nsen') = fromJust $ Map.lookup n signMap'
(_, tMap) =
integrateNamespaces (namespaceMap inSig)
(namespaceMap sig')
nodeStaticAna r
((integSign sig' inSig),
(inSent ++ (map (renameNamespace tMap) nsen')),
(oldDiags ++ digs'))
signMap' ontoMap dg'
_ -> do error "Error by analysis : nodeStaticAna"
nodeStaticAna r (inSig, inSent, oldDiags)
signMap ontoMap dg
integSign :: Sign -> Sign -> Sign
integSign inSig totalSig =
let (newNamespace, transMap) =
integrateNamespaces (namespaceMap totalSig) (namespaceMap inSig)
in addSign (renameNamespace transMap inSig)
(totalSig {namespaceMap = newNamespace})
reverseLinks :: [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
reverseLinks [] = []
reverseLinks ((source, target, edge):r) =
(target, source, edge):(reverseLinks r)
reverseGraph :: DGraph -> DGraph
reverseGraph dg =
let newLinks = reverseLinks $ labEdges dg
in insEdges newLinks (delEdges (edges dg) dg)
-- | find a node in DevGraph
matchNode :: DGraph -> Node -> LNode DGNodeLab
matchNode dgraph node =
let (mcontext, _ ) = match node dgraph
(_, _, dgNode, _) = fromJust mcontext
in (node, dgNode)