StaticAnalysis.hs revision 5a16630d441d6bae2f7d2531769d2ed654f0e43f
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : Heng Jiang, Uni Bremen 2004-2007
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
static analysis of basic specifications for OWL 1.1.
module OWL_DL.OWL11.StaticAnalysis where
import OWL_DL.OWL11.Sign
import OWL_DL.OWL11.FFS
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Result
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.ExtSign
import OWL_DL.Namespace
import Data.List (nub)
-- | static analysis of ontology with incoming sign.
basicOWL11Analysis ::
(OntologyFile, Sign, GlobalAnnos) ->
Result (OntologyFile, ExtSign Sign (), [Named Sentence])
basicOWL11Analysis (ofile, inSign, ga) =
let ns = namespaces ofile
diags1 = foldl (++) [] (map isNamespaceInImport
(Map.elems (removeDefault ns)))
(integNamespace, transMap) =
integrateNamespaces (namespaceMap inSign) ns
ofile' = renameNamespace transMap ofile
in case anaOntologyFile (inSign {namespaceMap = integNamespace}) ofile' of
Result diags2 (Just (ontoFile, accSign, namedSen)) ->
Result (diags1 ++ diags2) $
Just (ontoFile, mkExtSign accSign, namedSen)
_ -> fail ("unknown error in static analysis. Please try again.\n" ++
(show $ anaOntologyFile
(inSign {namespaceMap = integNamespace})
where -- static analysis with changed namespace base of inSign.
anaOntologyFile :: Sign -> OntologyFile
-> Result (OntologyFile, Sign, [Named Sentence])
anaOntologyFile inSign' (OntologyFile ns' on) =
case anaAxioms ga (inSign' {ontologyID = uri on}) ns'
(OntologyFile ns' (Ontology (uri on) [] [] []))
(axiomsList on) of
Result dgs (Just (onto, sign, sents)) ->
let c = nub $ Set.toList $ concepts sign
i = nub $ Set.toList $ individuals sign
p = nub $ Set.toList $ primaryConcepts sign
ir = nub $ Set.toList $ indValuedRoles sign
dr = nub $ Set.toList $ dataValuedRoles sign
sign' = sign { concepts = Set.fromList c
, individuals = Set.fromList i
, primaryConcepts = Set.fromList p
, indValuedRoles = Set.fromList ir
, dataValuedRoles = Set.fromList dr
sents' = nub sents
in Result dgs
(Just (onto, sign', sents'))
res -> res
oName = uri $ ontology ofile
isNamespaceInImport :: String -> [Diagnosis]
isNamespaceInImport iuri =
if null iuri then []
let uri' = take ((length iuri) -1) iuri
in if uri' `elem` importList
then []
("\"" ++ uri' ++ "\"" ++
" is not imported in ontology: " ++
(show $ localPart oName))
importList = (localPart oName):
(map localPart (importsList $ ontology ofile))
removeDefault :: Namespace -> Namespace
removeDefault namespace =
(Map.delete "rdfs" (Map.delete "xml" namespace))))
-- | concat the current result with total result
-- | first parameter is an result from current directive
-- | second parameter is the total result
concatResult :: Result (OntologyFile,Sign,[Named Sentence])
-> Result (OntologyFile,Sign,[Named Sentence])
-> Result (OntologyFile,Sign,[Named Sentence])
concatResult (Result diag1 maybeRes1) (Result diag2 maybeRes2) =
case maybeRes1 of
case maybeRes2 of
Prelude.Nothing -> Result (diag2++diag1) Prelude.Nothing
_ -> Result (diag2++diag1) maybeRes2
Just (ontoF1, _, namedSen1) ->
case maybeRes2 of
Prelude.Nothing -> Result (diag2++diag1) maybeRes1
Just (ontoF2, inSign2, namedSen2) ->
accSign = inSign2 -- insertSign inSign1 inSign2
namedSen = namedSen2 ++ namedSen1
onto = integrateOntologyFile ontoF1 ontoF2
in Result (diag2 ++ diag1)
(Just (onto, accSign, namedSen))
mkDefSen :: String -> Sentence -> Named Sentence
mkDefSen nam sen = (makeNamed nam sen) { isDef = True }
-- | static analyse of all Axoms of an ontology base of functional
-- | style syntax (see OWL_DL\/OWL11\/FFS.hs), ignores all imports and
-- | Annotations
anaAxioms :: GlobalAnnos -> Sign -> Namespace -> OntologyFile -> [Axiom]
-> Result (OntologyFile,Sign,[Named Sentence])
anaAxioms _ _ _ _ [] = initResult
anaAxioms ga inSign ns ontologyF@(OntologyFile _ onto) (axiom:rest) =
case axiom of
SubClassOf _ sub super ->
let ax = axioms inSign
c = (getClassFromDescription sub) ++
(getClassFromDescription super)
accSign = inSign {concepts =
Set.union (Set.fromList c) (concepts inSign)
,axioms =
Set.insert (Subconcept sub super) ax
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF, accSign, [])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
EquivalentClasses _ descList ->
let clazz = head descList
equiv = tail descList
c = foldl (++) [] $ map getClassFromDescription descList
namedSent = makeNamed (printDescForSentName clazz
++ "_EquivalentClasses_["
++ (foldl (\x y -> x++" "++" "++y) "]" $
map printDescForSentName equiv))
$ OWLAxiom axiom
accSign = inSign {concepts =
Set.union (Set.fromList c) (concepts inSign)
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology =
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
DisjointClasses _ descList ->
let clazz = head descList
equiv = tail descList
c = foldl (++) [] $ map getClassFromDescription descList
namedSent = makeNamed (printDescForSentName clazz
++ "_DisjointClasses_["
++(foldl (\x y -> x++" "++" "++y) "]" $
map printDescForSentName equiv))
$ OWLAxiom axiom
accSign = inSign {concepts =
Set.union (Set.fromList c) (concepts inSign)
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF {ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
DisjointUnion _ cid descList ->
let c = cid:(foldl (++) [] $
map getClassFromDescription descList)
accSign = inSign {concepts =
Set.union (Set.fromList c) (concepts inSign)
namedSent = makeNamed (printQN cid
++ "_DisjointUnion_["
++ (foldl (\x y -> x++" "++" "++y) "]" $
map printDescForSentName descList))
$ OWLAxiom axiom
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
-- ObjectPropertyAxiom
SubObjectPropertyOf _ subObjProp objProp ->
let r = (getObjRoleFromExpression objProp):
(getObjRoleFromSubExpression subObjProp)
accSign = inSign {indValuedRoles =
(indValuedRoles inSign)
namedSent = makeNamed (printSubOExp subObjProp
++ "_SubObjectPropertyOf_"
++ printOExp objProp)
$ OWLAxiom axiom
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
EquivalentObjectProperties _ objPropExps ->
let prop = head objPropExps
equiv = tail objPropExps
r = map getObjRoleFromExpression objPropExps
accSign = inSign {indValuedRoles =
(indValuedRoles inSign)
namedSent = makeNamed (printOExp prop
++ "_IndividualValuedEquivalentProperties_["
++ ((foldl (\x y -> x++" "++" "++y) "]" $
map printOExp equiv)))
$ OWLAxiom axiom
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
DisjointObjectProperties _ objPropExps ->
let prop = head objPropExps
equiv = tail objPropExps
r = map getObjRoleFromExpression objPropExps
accSign = inSign {indValuedRoles =
(indValuedRoles inSign)
namedSent = makeNamed (printOExp prop
++ "_IndividualValuedDisjointProperties_["
++ ((foldl (\x y -> x++" "++" "++y) "]" $
map printOExp equiv)))
$ OWLAxiom axiom
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
ObjectPropertyDomain _ opExp desc ->
let roleDomain = RoleDomain opExp (RDomain desc)
ax = axioms inSign
accSign = inSign {axioms =
Set.insert roleDomain ax
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF, accSign, [])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
ObjectPropertyRange _ opExp desc ->
let roleRange = RoleRange opExp (RIRange desc)
ax = axioms inSign
accSign = inSign {axioms =
Set.insert roleRange ax
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF, accSign, [])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
InverseObjectProperties _ opExp1 opExp2 ->
let r = (getObjRoleFromExpression opExp1):
(getObjRoleFromExpression opExp2):[]
accSign = inSign {indValuedRoles =
(indValuedRoles inSign)
namedSent = makeNamed (printOExp opExp1
++ "_InverseObjectProperty_"
++ printOExp opExp2)
$ OWLAxiom axiom
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
FunctionalObjectProperty _ opExp ->
let r = getObjRoleFromExpression opExp
ax = axioms inSign
accSign = inSign {indValuedRoles = Set.insert r
(indValuedRoles inSign)
,axioms = Set.insert (FuncRole (IRole, opExp)) ax
namedSent = mkDefSen "functional_object_property"
$ OWLAxiom axiom
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
InverseFunctionalObjectProperty _ opExp ->
let r = getObjRoleFromExpression opExp
ax = axioms inSign
accSign = inSign {indValuedRoles = Set.insert r
(indValuedRoles inSign)
,axioms = Set.insert (FuncRole (IRole, opExp)) ax
namedSent = mkDefSen
$ OWLAxiom axiom
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
ReflexiveObjectProperty _ opExp ->
let r = getObjRoleFromExpression opExp
ax = axioms inSign
accSign = inSign {indValuedRoles = Set.insert r
(indValuedRoles inSign)
,axioms = Set.insert (RefRole (IRole, opExp)) ax
namedSent = mkDefSen
$ OWLAxiom axiom
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
IrreflexiveObjectProperty _ opExp ->
let r = getObjRoleFromExpression opExp
ax = axioms inSign
accSign = inSign {indValuedRoles = Set.insert r
(indValuedRoles inSign)
,axioms = Set.insert (RefRole (IRole, opExp)) ax
namedSent = mkDefSen
$ OWLAxiom axiom
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
SymmetricObjectProperty _ _ ->
-- no idee
let namedSent = mkDefSen "symetric_object_property"
$ OWLFact axiom
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
inSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga inSign ns ontologyF rest)
AntisymmetricObjectProperty _ _ ->
-- no idee
let namedSent = mkDefSen "antisymetric_object_property"
$ OWLFact axiom
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
inSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga inSign ns ontologyF rest)
TransitiveObjectProperty _ opExp ->
let r = getObjRoleFromExpression opExp
ax = axioms inSign
accSign = inSign {indValuedRoles = Set.insert r
(indValuedRoles inSign)
,axioms = Set.insert (FuncRole (IRole, opExp)) ax
namedSent = mkDefSen
$ OWLAxiom axiom
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
-- DataPropertyAxiom
SubDataPropertyOf _ dpExp1 dpExp2 ->
let r = dpExp1:dpExp2:[]
accSign = inSign {dataValuedRoles =
(dataValuedRoles inSign)
namedSent = makeNamed (printQN dpExp1
++ "_SubDataPropertyOf_"
++ printQN dpExp2)
$ OWLAxiom axiom
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
EquivalentDataProperties _ dpExpList ->
let dpExp1 = head dpExpList
dpExp2 = head $ tail dpExpList
dpList = tail $ tail dpExpList
r = dpExpList
accSign = inSign {dataValuedRoles =
(dataValuedRoles inSign)
namedSent = makeNamed (printQN dpExp1
++ "_Equivalent_DataPropertyOf_"
++ printQN dpExp2
++ (foldl (\x y -> x++" "++y)
"" $ map printQN dpList))
$ OWLAxiom axiom
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
DisjointDataProperties _ dpExpList ->
let dpExp1 = head dpExpList
dpExp2 = head $ tail dpExpList
dpList = tail $ tail dpExpList
r = dpExpList
accSign = inSign {dataValuedRoles =
(dataValuedRoles inSign)
namedSent = makeNamed (printQN dpExp1
++ "_Disjoint_DataPropertyOf_"
++ printQN dpExp2
++ (foldl (\x y ->x++" "++y)
"" $ map printQN dpList))
$ OWLAxiom axiom
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
DataPropertyDomain _ dpExp desc ->
let dataDomain = DataDomain dpExp (DDomain desc)
ax = axioms inSign
accSign = inSign {axioms =
Set.insert dataDomain ax
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF, accSign, [])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
DataPropertyRange _ opExp dr ->
let dataRange = DataRange opExp (RDRange dr)
ax = axioms inSign
accSign = inSign {axioms =
Set.insert dataRange ax
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF, accSign, [])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
FunctionalDataProperty _ dpExp ->
let accSign = inSign { dataValuedRoles = Set.insert dpExp
(dataValuedRoles inSign),
axioms = Set.insert (FuncDataProp dpExp)
(axioms inSign)
namedSent = mkDefSen "functional_data_property"
$ OWLAxiom axiom
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
-- Fact
SameIndividual _ indList ->
let ind1 = head indList
iList = tail indList
accSign = inSign { individuals =
Set.union (Set.fromList indList)
(individuals inSign)
namedSent = mkDefSen (printQN ind1
++ "_SameIndividual_"
++ (foldl (\x y -> x++" "++y)
"" $ map printQN iList))
$ OWLFact axiom
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
DifferentIndividuals _ indList ->
let ind1 = head indList
iList = tail indList
accSign = inSign { individuals = Set.union (Set.fromList indList)
(individuals inSign)}
namedSent = mkDefSen (printQN ind1
++ "_DifferentIndividual_"
++ (foldl (\x y ->x++" "++y)
"" $ map printQN iList))
$ OWLFact axiom
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
accSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
ClassAssertion _ _ _ -> -- no idee
let namedSent = mkDefSen "class_assertion"
$ OWLFact axiom
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
inSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga inSign ns ontologyF rest)
ObjectPropertyAssertion _ _ _ _ -> -- no idee
let namedSent = mkDefSen "object_assertion"
$ OWLFact axiom
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
inSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga inSign ns ontologyF rest)
NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion _ _ _ _ -> -- no idee
let namedSent = mkDefSen "object_assertion"
$ OWLFact axiom
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
inSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga inSign ns ontologyF rest)
DataPropertyAssertion _ _ _ _ -> -- no idee
let namedSent = mkDefSen "object_assertion"
$ OWLFact axiom
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
inSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga inSign ns ontologyF rest)
NegativeDataPropertyAssertion _ _ _ _ -> -- no idee
let namedSent = mkDefSen "object_assertion"
$ OWLFact axiom
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
inSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga inSign ns ontologyF rest)
Declaration _ entity ->
case entity of
Datatype u ->
let dt = datatypes inSign
accSign = inSign { datatypes = Set.insert u dt}
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF, accSign, [])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
OWLClassEntity u ->
let c = concepts inSign
accSign = inSign { concepts = Set.insert u c}
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF, accSign, [])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
ObjectProperty u ->
let ind = indValuedRoles inSign
accSign = inSign { indValuedRoles = Set.insert u ind}
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF, accSign, [])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
DataProperty u ->
let d = dataValuedRoles inSign
accSign = inSign { dataValuedRoles = Set.insert u d}
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF, accSign, [])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
Individual u ->
let i = individuals inSign
accSign = inSign { dataValuedRoles = Set.insert u i}
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF, accSign, [])))
(anaAxioms ga accSign ns ontologyF rest)
EntityAnno _ -> -- no idee
let namedSent = mkDefSen
$ OWLFact axiom
in concatResult (Result [] (Just (ontologyF{ontology=
onto{axiomsList = axiomsList onto ++ [axiom]}},
inSign, [namedSent])))
(anaAxioms ga inSign ns ontologyF rest)
-- | if CASL_Sort == false then the concept is not primary
getPrimaryConcept :: [Axiom] -> [ClassID]
getPrimaryConcept [] = []
getPrimaryConcept (h:r) =
case h of
EntityAnno (EntityAnnotation _ (OWLClassEntity curi) annos) ->
if isCASL_SortFalse annos then
curi:(getPrimaryConcept r)
else getPrimaryConcept r
_ -> getPrimaryConcept r
where isCASL_SortFalse [] = True
isCASL_SortFalse (f:s) =
case f of
ExplicitAnnotation annoUri cons ->
if localPart annoUri == "CASL_Sort" then
case cons of
TypedConstant (lexi, _) ->
if lexi == "false" then
else True
_ -> error ("incorrect type of CASL_Sort by:"
++ show h)
else isCASL_SortFalse s
_ -> isCASL_SortFalse s
getAllConceptsAndRoles :: Ontology
-> ([OwlClassURI], [IndividualURI]
,[IndividualURI], [IndividualURI])
getAllConceptsAndRoles onto = getAllConcepts' (axiomsList onto)
where getAllConcepts' [] res = res
getAllConcepts' (h:r) res@(con, objRole, dataRole, annoRole) =
case h of
SubClassOf _ sub super ->
getAllConcepts' r (((getClassFromDescription sub) ++
(getClassFromDescription super) ++con),objRole, dataRole, annoRole)
EquivalentClasses _ descList ->
getAllConcepts' r (((foldl (++) [] $ map
getClassFromDescription descList) ++ con),
dataRole, annoRole)
DisjointClasses _ descList ->
getAllConcepts' r (((foldl (++) [] $ map
getClassFromDescription descList) ++ con)
,objRole, dataRole, annoRole)
DisjointUnion _ clazz descList ->
getAllConcepts' r (((clazz:(foldl (++) [] $ map
getClassFromDescription descList)) ++ con)
,objRole, dataRole, annoRole)
Declaration _ (OWLClassEntity clazz) ->
getAllConcepts' r ((clazz:con)
,objRole, dataRole, annoRole)
EntityAnno (EntityAnnotation _ (OWLClassEntity clazz) _) ->
getAllConcepts' r ((clazz:con)
,objRole, dataRole, annoRole)
_ -> getAllConcepts' r res
getClassFromDescription :: Description -> [OwlClassURI]
getClassFromDescription desc =
case desc of
OWLClass clazz -> [clazz]
ObjectUnionOf descList ->
foldl (++) [] $ map getClassFromDescription descList
ObjectIntersectionOf descList ->
foldl (++) [] $ map getClassFromDescription descList
ObjectComplementOf desc' -> getClassFromDescription desc'
_ -> []
getObjRoleFromExpression :: ObjectPropertyExpression -> IndividualRoleURI
getObjRoleFromExpression opExp =
case opExp of
OpURI u -> u
InverseOp objProp -> getObjRoleFromExpression objProp
getObjRoleFromSubExpression :: SubObjectPropertyExpression
-> [IndividualRoleURI]
getObjRoleFromSubExpression sopExp =
case sopExp of
OPExpression opExp -> (getObjRoleFromExpression opExp):[]
SubObjectPropertyChain expList ->
map getObjRoleFromExpression expList
printDescForSentName :: Description -> String
printDescForSentName (OWLClass cid) = printQN cid
printDescForSentName _ = ""
printOExp :: ObjectPropertyExpression -> String
printOExp opExp =
case opExp of
OpURI u -> printQN u
InverseOp opExp' -> "inverse "++ printOExp opExp'
printSubOExp :: SubObjectPropertyExpression -> String
printSubOExp subOpExp =
case subOpExp of
OPExpression opExp -> printOExp opExp
SubObjectPropertyChain opExpList ->
"chain: " ++ (foldl (\x y -> x++ " " ++ " " ++y)
"" $ map printOExp opExpList)
nullID :: ID
nullID = QN "" "" ""
initResult :: Result a
initResult = Result [] Prelude.Nothing