Print.hs revision 5a16630d441d6bae2f7d2531769d2ed654f0e43f
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Heng Jiang, Uni Bremen 2005-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(instances for URIreference and Namespace)
Pretty printing for OWL DL theories.
module OWL_DL.OWL11.Print where
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import OWL_DL.OWL11.Sign
import OWL_DL.OWL11.FFS
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
instance Pretty Sign where
pretty = text . show -- printSign
printSign :: Sign -> Doc
printSign (Sign _ p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 _ p8 p9 p10) =
text "namespaces " $+$ printNamespace p10 $+$
text "concepts" <+> setToDocF p2 $+$
text "primaryConcepts " <+> setToDocF p3 $+$
text "datatypes " <+> setToDocF p4 $+$
text "indvidual_valued_roles " <+> setToDocF p5 $+$
text "data_valued_roles " <+> setToDocF p6 $+$
text "individuals " <+> setToDocF p8 $+$
text "sign_axioms" $+$ vcat (setToDocs p9)
instance Pretty URIreference where
pretty = printURIreference
printURIreference :: URIreference -> Doc
printURIreference (QN prefix localpart u)
| localpart == "_" = text $ show "_"
| null prefix = if null u then
text localpart
else text $ show (u ++ ":" ++ localpart)
| otherwise = text $ show ( prefix ++ ":" ++ localpart)
printNamespace :: Namespace -> Doc
printNamespace nsMap =
vcat $ map pp (Map.toList nsMap)
where pp :: (String, String) -> Doc
pp (s1,s2) = text s1 <> defn <> text s2
instance Pretty Sentence where
pretty = text . show -- printSentence
-- not necessary
instance Pretty OntologyFile where
pretty = text . show
instance Pretty Ontology where
pretty = text . show -- printOntology
instance Pretty Axiom where
pretty = text . show -- printAxiom
instance Pretty SignAxiom where
pretty = text . show -- printSignAxiom
setToDocs :: Pretty a => Set.Set a -> [Doc]
setToDocs = punctuate comma . map pretty . Set.toList
setToDocF :: Pretty a => Set.Set a -> Doc
setToDocF = fsep . setToDocs
setToDocV :: (Pretty a) => Set.Set a -> Doc
setToDocV = vcat . setToDocs
-- output a list in vertikal direction
listToDocV :: (Pretty a, Pretty b)
=> (a -> b -> Doc) -> a -> [b] -> Doc
listToDocV printForm iD = vcat . map (printForm iD)
-- output a list in horizonal direction
listToDocH :: (Pretty a, Pretty b)
=> (a -> b -> Doc) -> a -> [b] -> Doc
listToDocH printForm iD = hsep . map (printForm iD)
emptyQN :: QName
emptyQN = QN "" "" ""
simpleQN :: String -> QName
simpleQN str = QN "" str ""
choiceName :: Int -> String
choiceName level
| level <= 0 = "x"
| level == 1 = "y"
| level == 2 = "z"
| otherwise = "u" ++ (show (level -2))