FFS.hs revision a6082d6cfdfbdc6a4e70430bb25638dfa4f0db9b
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Heng Jiang, Uni Bremen 2004-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : jiang@informatik.uni-bremen.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
This module defines all the data types for the Abstract Syntax of OWL_DL.
It is modeled after the W3C document: <http://www.w3.org/TR/owl-semantics/>
module OWL_DL.OWL11.FFS (module OWL_DL.OWL11.FFS, QName(..)) where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.TypeDefs (nullQName)
import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.XmlTreeTypes
data URI = FullIRI URIreference
| AbbreviatedIRI IRI
deriving (Show, Eq)
type URI = QName
type IRI = String
type URIreference = QName
type Namespace = Map.Map String String -- ^ prefix -> localname
type AnnotationURI = URI
type OntologyURI = URI
type DatatypeURI = URI
type OwlClassURI = URI
type ObjectPropertyURI = URI
type DataPropertyURI = URI
type IndividualURI = URI
type ImportURI = URI
-- Ontologies
data Annotation = -- AnnotationByConstant
ExplicitAnnotation AnnotationURI Constant
-- ExplicitAnnotationByConstant
| Label Constant -- LabelAnnotation
| Comment Constant --CommentAnnotation
| Annotation AnnotationURI Entity -- AnnotationByEntity
deriving (Show, Eq)
data OntologyFile = OntologyFile Namespace Ontology deriving (Show, Eq)
data Ontology = Ontology OntologyURI [ImportURI] [Annotation] [Axiom]
deriving (Show, Eq)
type OntologyMap = Map.Map String OntologyFile
-- Entities
data Entity = Datatype DatatypeURI
| OWLClassEntity OwlClassURI
| ObjectProperty ObjectPropertyURI
| DataProperty DataPropertyURI
| Individual IndividualURI
deriving (Show, Eq)
type LexicalForm = String
type LanguageTag = String
data Constant = TypedConstant (LexicalForm, URIreference)
-- ^ consist of a lexical representatoin and a URI with ^^ .
| UntypedConstant (LexicalForm, LanguageTag)
-- ^ Unicode string in Normal Form C and an optional language tag with @
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- Object and Data Property Expressions
type InverseObjectProperty = ObjectPropertyExpression
data ObjectPropertyExpression = OpURI ObjectPropertyURI
| InverseOp InverseObjectProperty
deriving (Show, Eq)
type DataPropertyExpression = DataPropertyURI
-- Data Range
data DatatypeFacet = LENGTH
deriving (Show, Eq)
type RestrictionValue = Constant
data DataRange = DRDatatype DatatypeURI
| DataComplementOf DataRange
| DataOneOf [Constant] -- min. 1 constant
| DatatypeRestriction DataRange [(DatatypeFacet, RestrictionValue)]
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- Entity Annotations
type AnnotationsForAxiom = Annotation
type AnnotationsForEntity = Annotation
data EntityAnnotation = EntityAnnotation [AnnotationsForAxiom] Entity
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- Classes
type Cardinality = Int
data Description = OWLClass OwlClassURI
| ObjectUnionOf [Description] -- min. 2 Descriptions
| ObjectIntersectionOf [Description] -- min. 2 Descriptions
| ObjectComplementOf Description
| ObjectOneOf [IndividualURI] -- min. 1 Individual
| ObjectAllValuesFrom ObjectPropertyExpression Description
| ObjectSomeValuesFrom ObjectPropertyExpression Description
| ObjectExistsSelf ObjectPropertyExpression
| ObjectHasValue ObjectPropertyExpression IndividualURI
| ObjectMinCardinality Cardinality ObjectPropertyExpression (Maybe Description)
| ObjectMaxCardinality Cardinality ObjectPropertyExpression (Maybe Description)
| ObjectExactCardinality Cardinality ObjectPropertyExpression (Maybe Description)
| DataAllValuesFrom DataPropertyExpression [DataPropertyExpression] DataRange
| DataSomeValuesFrom DataPropertyExpression [DataPropertyExpression] DataRange
| DataHasValue DataPropertyExpression Constant
| DataMinCardinality Cardinality DataPropertyExpression (Maybe DataRange)
| DataMaxCardinality Cardinality DataPropertyExpression (Maybe DataRange)
| DataExactCardinality Cardinality DataPropertyExpression (Maybe DataRange)
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- Axiom
type SubClass = Description
type SuperClass = Description
data SubObjectPropertyExpression
= OPExpression ObjectPropertyExpression
| SubObjectPropertyChain [ObjectPropertyExpression] -- min. 2 ObjectPropertyExpression
deriving (Show, Eq)
type SourceIndividualURI = IndividualURI
type TargetIndividualURI = IndividualURI
type TargetValue = Constant
data Axiom = -- ClassAxiom
SubClassOf [Annotation] SubClass SuperClass
| EquivalentClasses [Annotation] [Description] -- min. 2 desc.
| DisjointClasses [Annotation] [Description] -- min. 2 desc.
| DisjointUnion [Annotation] OwlClassURI [Description] -- min. 2 desc.
-- ObjectPropertyAxiom
| SubObjectPropertyOf [Annotation] SubObjectPropertyExpression ObjectPropertyExpression
| EquivalentObjectProperties [Annotation] [ObjectPropertyExpression]
-- min. 2 ObjectPropertyExpression
| DisjointObjectProperties [Annotation] [ObjectPropertyExpression]
-- min. 2 ObjectPropertyExpression
| ObjectPropertyDomain [Annotation] ObjectPropertyExpression Description
| ObjectPropertyRange [Annotation] ObjectPropertyExpression Description
| InverseObjectProperties [Annotation] ObjectPropertyExpression ObjectPropertyExpression
| FunctionalObjectProperty [Annotation] ObjectPropertyExpression
| InverseFunctionalObjectProperty [Annotation] ObjectPropertyExpression
| ReflexiveObjectProperty [Annotation] ObjectPropertyExpression
| IrreflexiveObjectProperty [Annotation] ObjectPropertyExpression
| SymmetricObjectProperty [Annotation] ObjectPropertyExpression
| AntisymmetricObjectProperty [Annotation] ObjectPropertyExpression
| TransitiveObjectProperty [Annotation] ObjectPropertyExpression
-- DataPropertyAxiom
| SubDataPropertyOf [Annotation] DataPropertyExpression DataPropertyExpression
| EquivalentDataProperties [Annotation] [DataPropertyExpression]
-- min. 2 DataPropertyExpressions
| DisjointDataProperties [Annotation] [DataPropertyExpression]
-- min. 2 DataPropertyExpressions
| DataPropertyDomain [Annotation] DataPropertyExpression Description
| DataPropertyRange [Annotation] DataPropertyExpression DataRange
| FunctionalDataProperty [Annotation] DataPropertyExpression
-- Fact
| SameIndividual [Annotation] [IndividualURI] -- min. 2 ind.
| DifferentIndividuals [Annotation] [IndividualURI] -- min. 2 ind.
| ClassAssertion [Annotation] IndividualURI Description
| ObjectPropertyAssertion [Annotation] ObjectPropertyExpression SourceIndividualURI TargetIndividualURI
| NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion [Annotation] ObjectPropertyExpression SourceIndividualURI TargetIndividualURI
| DataPropertyAssertion [Annotation] DataPropertyExpression SourceIndividualURI TargetValue
| NegativeDataPropertyAssertion [Annotation] DataPropertyExpression SourceIndividualURI TargetValue
| Declaration [Annotation] Entity
| EntityAnno EntityAnnotation
deriving (Show, Eq)
emptyOntologyFile :: OntologyFile
emptyOntologyFile = OntologyFile Map.empty emptyOntology
emptyOntology :: Ontology
emptyOntology = Ontology nullQName [] [] []
-- check if QName is empty
isEmptyQN :: QName -> Bool
isEmptyQN (QN a b c) =
(null a) && (null b) && (null c)