Logic_OWL_DL.hs revision 8d97ef4f234681b11bb5924bd4d03adef858d2d2
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich, Heng Jiang, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : luettich@tzi.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Here is the place where the class Logic is instantiated for OWL DL.
Also the instances for Syntax an Category.
{- todo:
- fill instance StaticAna with life
module OWL_DL.Logic_OWL_DL where
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.DefaultMorphism
import Common.Lib.Pretty
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Logic.Logic
import OWL_DL.AS
import OWL_DL.Print
import OWL_DL.Sign
-- import Logic.Comorphism
import OWL_DL.StaticAna
data OWL_DL = OWL_DL deriving Show
instance Language OWL_DL where
description _ =
"OWL DL -- Web Ontology Language Description Logic http://wwww.w3c.org/"
type OWL_DLMorphism = DefaultMorphism Sign
instance Category OWL_DL Sign OWL_DLMorphism
dom OWL_DL = domOfDefaultMorphism
cod OWL_DL = codOfDefaultMorphism
ide OWL_DL = ideOfDefaultMorphism
comp OWL_DL = compOfDefaultMorphism
legal_obj OWL_DL = const True
legal_mor OWL_DL = legalDefaultMorphism (legal_obj OWL_DL)
-- abstract syntax, parsing (and printing)
instance Syntax OWL_DL Ontology () ()
-- default implementation is fine!
-- OWL DL logic
instance Sentences OWL_DL Sentence () Sign OWL_DLMorphism () where
map_sen OWL_DL _ s = return s
print_named OWL_DL ga namedSen =
printText0 ga (sentence namedSen) <>
if null (senName namedSen) then empty
else space <> text "%%" <+> text (senName namedSen)
provers OWL_DL = []
cons_checkers OWL_DL = []
instance StaticAnalysis OWL_DL Ontology Sentence ()
() ()
() () where
{- these functions will be implemented in OWL_DL.StaticAna and OWL_DL.Sign: -}
basic_analysis OWL_DL = Just basicOWL_DLAnalysis
empty_signature OWL_DL = emptySign
signature_union OWL_DL s = return . addSign s
final_union OWL_DL = signature_union OWL_DL
inclusion OWL_DL = defaultInclusion (is_subsig OWL_DL)
is_subsig OWL_DL = isSubSign
{- this function will be implemented in OWL_DL.Taxonomy
theory_to_taxonomy OWL_DL = convTaxo
instance Logic OWL_DL ()
Ontology Sentence () ()
() () ()
instance Comorphism OWL_DL
() Sentence () ()
Sign OWL_DLMorphism
() () ()
() Sentence () ()
Sign OWL_DLMorphism
() () ()