ad-HocTest.mno revision 29454fc45be6d7e3caec75e08a933cdf77db3453
Prefix: xsd: <>
Prefix: owl: <>
Prefix: xml: <>
Prefix: rdf: <>
Prefix: rdfs: <>
Ontology: a
Import: x
Import: y
Annotations: a b
ObjectProperty: a
Annotations: a b, c d, Annotations: x y z t, Annotations: Annotations: p q x y z t, u v
Characteristics: Functional, Annotations: a b, c d Reflexive, Asymmetric
Domain: a, b, Annotations: p q c, v
SubPropertyOf: x, y, Annotations: z p r
DisjointWith: x, p, q, s,t
InverseOf: a, b, c
SubPropertyChain: A o B o C
DataProperty: a
Annotations: a b, c d, p q, r s
Characteristics: Annotations: Annotations: a b c d Functional
Domain: a, b, Annotations: p q c, Annotations: Annotations: p q r s v
SubPropertyOf: x, y, z, p
EquivalentTo: Annotations: a b, c d, Annotations: x y z t, p q c
AnnotationProperty: x
Domain: x, y, z
Range: p, q
Annotations: a b
Datatype: a
Annotations: x y, z t, Annotations: a b c d
EquivalentTo: Annotations: a b c
Annotations: a b
Class: x
SubClassOf: a, b, Annotations: x y c and d only b
SubClassOf: c, not b, Annotations: x y c and d only b
EquivalentTo: a
DisjointUnionOf: Annotations: x y, z t x, y, U
HasKey: Annotations: x y a, b, c
Individual: John
Types: Person, a, Annotations: a b x
SameAs: a
Facts: a b, Annotations: a b not c d, x y
DisjointClasses: x, y,z
EquivalentProperties: a, b, c
DifferentIndividuals: Annotations: a b, c d, Annotations: x y z t c, d, e
Individuals: Annotations: a b, Annotations: c d e f a, b, x, d, e