XML.hs revision b9a7827caf331ae5b7eb491455d7e647c83f1345
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Felix Gabriel Mance
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : f.mance@jacobs-university.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
OWL/XML Syntax Parsing
module OWL2.XML where
import Common.Lexer (value)
import OWL2.AS
import OWL2.Extract
import OWL2.Keywords
import OWL2.MS
import OWL2.XMLKeywords
import Text.XML.Light
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
type XMLBase = String
-- | error messages for the parser
err :: String -> t
err s = error $ "XML parser: " ++ s
{- two functions from Text.XML.Light.Proc version 1.3.7 for compatibility
with previous versions -}
vLookupAttrBy :: (Text.XML.Light.QName -> Bool) -> [Attr] -> Maybe String
vLookupAttrBy p as = attrVal `fmap` find (p . attrKey) as
vFindAttrBy :: (Text.XML.Light.QName -> Bool) -> Element -> Maybe String
vFindAttrBy p e = vLookupAttrBy p (elAttribs e)
isSmth :: String -> Text.XML.Light.QName -> Bool
isSmth s = (s ==) . qName
isSmthList :: [String] -> Text.XML.Light.QName -> Bool
isSmthList l qn = qName qn `elem` l
isNotSmth :: Text.XML.Light.QName -> Bool
isNotSmth q = let qn = qName q in qn `notElem` [declarationK,
prefixK, importK, annotationK]
-- | parses all children with the given name
filterCh :: String -> Element -> [Element]
filterCh s = filterChildrenName (isSmth s)
-- | parses all children with names in the list
filterChL :: [String] -> Element -> [Element]
filterChL l = filterChildrenName (isSmthList l)
-- | parses one child with the given name
filterC :: String -> Element -> Element
filterC s e = fromMaybe (err "child not found")
$ filterChildName (isSmth s) e
-- | parses one child with the name in the list
filterCL :: [String] -> Element -> Element
filterCL l e = fromMaybe (err "child not found")
$ filterChildName (isSmthList l) e
-- | parses an IRI
getIRI :: XMLBase -> Element -> IRI
getIRI b e =
let [a] = elAttribs e
iri = attrVal a
ty = case qName $ attrKey a of
"abbreviatedIRI" -> Abbreviated
"IRI" -> Full
"nodeID" -> NodeID
_ -> cssIRI iri
in appendBase b $ nullQName {localPart = iri, iriType = ty}
{- | if the IRI contains colon, it is split there;
else, the xml:base needs to be prepended to the local part
and then the IRI must be splitted -}
appendBase :: XMLBase -> IRI -> IRI
appendBase b qn =
let r = localPart qn
in splitIRI $ if ':' `elem` r
then qn
else qn {localPart = b ++ r, iriType = Full}
-- | splits an IRI at the colon
splitIRI :: IRI -> IRI
splitIRI qn = case iriType qn of
NodeID -> mkNodeID qn
_ -> let lp = localPart qn
(np, ':' : nlp) = span (/= ':') lp
in qn {namePrefix = np, localPart = nlp}
-- | prepends "_:" to the nodeID if is not there already
mkNodeID :: IRI -> IRI
mkNodeID qn =
let lp = localPart qn
in case lp of
'_' : ':' : r -> qn {namePrefix = "_", localPart = r}
_ -> qn {namePrefix = "_"}
-- | gets the content of an element with name Import
importIRI :: Map.Map String String -> XMLBase -> Element -> IRI
importIRI m b e =
let cont1 = strContent e
cont = Map.findWithDefault cont1 cont1 m
iri = nullQName {localPart = cont}
in appendBase b $ iri {iriType = cssIRI cont}
-- | gets the content of an element with name IRI, AbbreviatedIRI or Import
contentIRI :: XMLBase -> Element -> IRI
contentIRI b e =
let cont = strContent e
iri = nullQName {localPart = cont}
in case getName e of
"AbbreviatedIRI" -> splitIRI iri
"IRI" -> if ':' `elem` cont
then splitIRI $ iri {iriType = Full}
else appendBase b iri
"Import" -> appendBase b $ iri {iriType = cssIRI cont}
_ -> err "invalid type of iri"
-- | gets the name of an axiom in XML Syntax
getName :: Element -> String
getName e =
let n = (qName . elName) e
q = (qURI . elName) e
in case q of
Just "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#" -> n
_ -> ""
-- | gets the cardinality
getInt :: Element -> Int
getInt e = let [int] = elAttribs e in value 10 $ attrVal int
getEntityType :: String -> EntityType
getEntityType ty = fromMaybe (err $ "no entity type " ++ ty)
. lookup ty $ map (\ e -> (show e, e)) entityTypes
getEntity :: XMLBase -> Element -> Entity
getEntity b e = Entity (getEntityType $ (qName . elName) e) $ getIRI b e
getDeclaration :: XMLBase -> Element -> Axiom
getDeclaration b e = case getName e of
"Declaration" ->
PlainAxiom (mkExtendedEntity $ getEntity b $ filterCL entityList e)
$ AnnFrameBit (getAllAnnos b e) $ AnnotationFrameBit Declaration
_ -> err "not declaration"
isPlainLiteral :: String -> Bool
isPlainLiteral s =
"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#PlainLiteral" == s
-- | put an "f" for float if not there already (eg. 123.45 --> 123.45f)
correctLit :: Literal -> Literal
correctLit l = case l of
Literal lf (Typed dt) ->
let nlf = if isSuffixOf "float" (localPart dt) && last lf /= 'f'
then lf ++ "f"
else lf
in Literal nlf (Typed dt)
_ -> l
getLiteral :: XMLBase -> Element -> Literal
getLiteral b e = case getName e of
"Literal" ->
let lf = strContent e
mdt = findAttr (unqual "datatypeIRI") e
mattr = vFindAttrBy (isSmth "lang") e
in case mdt of
Nothing -> case mattr of
Just lang -> Literal lf $ Untyped $ Just lang
Nothing -> Literal lf $ Untyped Nothing
Just dt -> case mattr of
Just lang -> Literal lf $ Untyped $ Just lang
Nothing -> if isPlainLiteral dt then
Literal lf $ Untyped Nothing
else correctLit $ Literal lf $ Typed $ appendBase b $
nullQName {localPart = dt, iriType = cssIRI dt}
_ -> err "not literal"
getValue :: XMLBase -> Element -> AnnotationValue
getValue b e = case getName e of
"Literal" -> AnnValLit $ getLiteral b e
"AnonymousIndividual" -> AnnValue $ getIRI b e
_ -> AnnValue $ contentIRI b e
getSubject :: XMLBase -> Element -> IRI
getSubject b e = case getName e of
"AnonymousIndividual" -> getIRI b e
_ -> contentIRI b e
getAnnotation :: XMLBase -> Element -> Annotation
getAnnotation b e =
let hd = filterCh "Annotation" e
[ap] = filterCh "AnnotationProperty" e
av = filterCL annotationValueList e
in Annotation (map (getAnnotation b) hd) (getIRI b ap) $ getValue b av
-- | returns a list of annotations
getAllAnnos :: XMLBase -> Element -> [Annotation]
getAllAnnos b e = map (getAnnotation b) $ filterCh "Annotation" e
getObjProp :: XMLBase -> Element -> ObjectPropertyExpression
getObjProp b e = case getName e of
"ObjectProperty" -> ObjectProp $ getIRI b e
"ObjectInverseOf" ->
let [ch] = elChildren e
[cch] = elChildren ch
in case getName ch of
"ObjectInverseOf" -> getObjProp b cch
"ObjectProperty" -> ObjectInverseOf $ ObjectProp $ getIRI b ch
_ -> err "not objectProperty"
_ -> err "not objectProperty"
-- | replaces eg. "minExclusive" with ">"
properFacet :: ConstrainingFacet -> ConstrainingFacet
properFacet cf
| iriType cf == Full =
let p = showQU cf \\ "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#"
in case p of
"minInclusive" -> facetToIRI MININCLUSIVE
"minExclusive" -> facetToIRI MINEXCLUSIVE
"maxInclusive" -> facetToIRI MAXINCLUSIVE
"maxExclusive" -> facetToIRI MAXEXCLUSIVE
_ -> cf
| otherwise = cf
getFacetValuePair :: XMLBase -> Element -> (ConstrainingFacet, RestrictionValue)
getFacetValuePair b e = case getName e of
"FacetRestriction" ->
let [ch] = elChildren e
in (properFacet $ getIRI b e, getLiteral b ch)
_ -> err "not facet"
getDataRange :: XMLBase -> Element -> DataRange
getDataRange b e =
let ch@(ch1 : _) = elChildren e
in case getName e of
"Datatype" -> DataType (getIRI b e) []
"DatatypeRestriction" ->
let dt = getIRI b $ filterC "Datatype" e
fvp = map (getFacetValuePair b) $ filterCh "FacetRestriction" e
in DataType dt fvp
"DataComplementOf" -> DataComplementOf $ getDataRange b ch1
"DataOneOf" -> DataOneOf $ map (getLiteral b) $ filterCh "Literal" e
"DataIntersectionOf" -> DataJunction IntersectionOf
$ map (getDataRange b) ch
"DataUnionOf" -> DataJunction UnionOf $ map (getDataRange b) ch
_ -> err "not data range"
getClassExpression :: XMLBase -> Element -> ClassExpression
getClassExpression b e =
let ch@(ch1 : _) = elChildren e
rch1 : _ = reverse ch
in case getName e of
"Class" -> Expression $ getIRI b e
"ObjectIntersectionOf" -> ObjectJunction IntersectionOf
$ map (getClassExpression b) ch
"ObjectUnionOf" -> ObjectJunction UnionOf $ map (getClassExpression b) ch
"ObjectComplementOf" -> ObjectComplementOf $ getClassExpression b ch1
"ObjectOneOf" -> ObjectOneOf $ map (getIRI b) ch
"ObjectSomeValuesFrom" -> ObjectValuesFrom SomeValuesFrom
(getObjProp b ch1) $ getClassExpression b rch1
"ObjectAllValuesFrom" -> ObjectValuesFrom AllValuesFrom
(getObjProp b ch1) $ getClassExpression b rch1
"ObjectHasValue" -> ObjectHasValue (getObjProp b ch1) $ getIRI b rch1
"ObjectHasSelf" -> ObjectHasSelf $ getObjProp b ch1
"DataSomeValuesFrom" -> DataValuesFrom SomeValuesFrom (getIRI b ch1)
$ getDataRange b rch1
"DataAllValuesFrom" -> DataValuesFrom AllValuesFrom (getIRI b ch1)
$ getDataRange b rch1
"DataHasValue" -> DataHasValue (getIRI b ch1) $ getLiteral b rch1
_ -> getObjCard b e ch rch1
getObjCard :: XMLBase -> Element -> [Element] -> Element -> ClassExpression
getObjCard b e ch rch1 =
let ch1 : _ = ch
i = getInt e
op = getObjProp b ch1
ce = if length ch == 2
then Just $ getClassExpression b rch1
else Nothing
in case getName e of
"ObjectMinCardinality" -> ObjectCardinality $ Cardinality
MinCardinality i op ce
"ObjectMaxCardinality" -> ObjectCardinality $ Cardinality
MaxCardinality i op ce
"ObjectExactCardinality" -> ObjectCardinality $ Cardinality
ExactCardinality i op ce
_ -> getDataCard b e ch rch1
getDataCard :: XMLBase -> Element -> [Element] -> Element -> ClassExpression
getDataCard b e ch rch1 =
let ch1 : _ = ch
i = getInt e
dp = getIRI b ch1
dr = if length ch == 2
then Just $ getDataRange b rch1
else Nothing
in case getName e of
"DataMinCardinality" -> DataCardinality $ Cardinality
MinCardinality i dp dr
"DataMaxCardinality" -> DataCardinality $ Cardinality
MaxCardinality i dp dr
"DataExactCardinality" -> DataCardinality $ Cardinality
ExactCardinality i dp dr
_ -> err "not class expression"
getClassAxiom :: XMLBase -> Element -> Axiom
getClassAxiom b e =
let ch = elChildren e
as = getAllAnnos b e
l@(hd : tl) = filterChL classExpressionList e
[dhd, dtl] = filterChL dataRangeList e
cel = map (getClassExpression b) l
in case getName e of
"SubClassOf" ->
let [sub, super] = drop (length ch - 2) ch
in PlainAxiom (ClassEntity $ getClassExpression b sub)
$ ListFrameBit (Just SubClass) $ ExpressionBit
[(as, getClassExpression b super)]
"EquivalentClasses" -> PlainAxiom (Misc as) $ ListFrameBit
(Just $ EDRelation Equivalent) $ ExpressionBit $ emptyAnnoList cel
"DisjointClasses" -> PlainAxiom (Misc as) $ ListFrameBit
(Just $ EDRelation Disjoint) $ ExpressionBit $ emptyAnnoList cel
"DisjointUnion" -> PlainAxiom (ClassEntity $ getClassExpression b hd)
$ AnnFrameBit as $ ClassDisjointUnion $ map (getClassExpression b) tl
"DatatypeDefinition" ->
PlainAxiom (SimpleEntity $ Entity Datatype $ getIRI b dhd)
$ AnnFrameBit as $ DatatypeBit $ getDataRange b dtl
_ -> getKey b e
getKey :: XMLBase -> Element -> Axiom
getKey b e = case getName e of
"HasKey" ->
let as = getAllAnnos b e
[ce] = filterChL classExpressionList e
op = map (getObjProp b) $ filterChL objectPropList e
dp = map (getIRI b) $ filterChL dataPropList e
in PlainAxiom (ClassEntity $ getClassExpression b ce)
$ AnnFrameBit as $ ClassHasKey op dp
_ -> getOPAxiom b e
getOPAxiom :: XMLBase -> Element -> Axiom
getOPAxiom b e =
let as = getAllAnnos b e
op = getObjProp b $ filterCL objectPropList e
in case getName e of
"SubObjectPropertyOf" ->
let opchain = concatMap (map $ getObjProp b) $ map elChildren
$ filterCh "ObjectPropertyChain" e
in if null opchain
then let [o1, o2] = map (getObjProp b) $ filterChL objectPropList e
in PlainAxiom (ObjectEntity o1) $ ListFrameBit
(Just SubPropertyOf) $ ObjectBit [(as, o2)]
else PlainAxiom (ObjectEntity op) $ AnnFrameBit as
$ ObjectSubPropertyChain opchain
"EquivalentObjectProperties" ->
let opl = map (getObjProp b) $ filterChL objectPropList e
in PlainAxiom (Misc as) $ ListFrameBit (Just $ EDRelation Equivalent)
$ ObjectBit $ emptyAnnoList opl
"DisjointObjectProperties" ->
let opl = map (getObjProp b) $ filterChL objectPropList e
in PlainAxiom (Misc as) $ ListFrameBit (Just $ EDRelation Disjoint)
$ ObjectBit $ emptyAnnoList opl
"ObjectPropertyDomain" ->
let ce = getClassExpression b $ filterCL classExpressionList e
in PlainAxiom (ObjectEntity op) $ ListFrameBit
(Just $ DRRelation ADomain) $ ExpressionBit [(as, ce)]
"ObjectPropertyRange" ->
let ce = getClassExpression b $ filterCL classExpressionList e
in PlainAxiom (ObjectEntity op) $ ListFrameBit
(Just $ DRRelation ARange) $ ExpressionBit [(as, ce)]
"InverseObjectProperties" ->
let [hd, lst] = map (getObjProp b) $ filterChL objectPropList e
in PlainAxiom (ObjectEntity hd) $ ListFrameBit (Just InverseOf)
$ ObjectBit [(as, lst)]
"FunctionalObjectProperty" -> PlainAxiom (ObjectEntity op) $ ListFrameBit
Nothing $ ObjectCharacteristics [(as, Functional)]
"InverseFunctionalObjectProperty" -> PlainAxiom (ObjectEntity op)
$ ListFrameBit Nothing $ ObjectCharacteristics
[(as, InverseFunctional)]
"ReflexiveObjectProperty" -> PlainAxiom (ObjectEntity op) $ ListFrameBit
Nothing $ ObjectCharacteristics [(as, Reflexive)]
"IrreflexiveObjectProperty" -> PlainAxiom (ObjectEntity op) $ ListFrameBit
Nothing $ ObjectCharacteristics [(as, Irreflexive)]
"SymmetricObjectProperty" -> PlainAxiom (ObjectEntity op) $ ListFrameBit
Nothing $ ObjectCharacteristics [(as, Symmetric)]
"AsymmetricObjectProperty" -> PlainAxiom (ObjectEntity op) $ ListFrameBit
Nothing $ ObjectCharacteristics [(as, Asymmetric)]
"AntisymmetricObjectProperty" -> PlainAxiom (ObjectEntity op) $ ListFrameBit
Nothing $ ObjectCharacteristics [(as, Antisymmetric)]
"TransitiveObjectProperty" -> PlainAxiom (ObjectEntity op) $ ListFrameBit
Nothing $ ObjectCharacteristics [(as, Transitive)]
_ -> getDPAxiom b e
getDPAxiom :: XMLBase -> Element -> Axiom
getDPAxiom b e =
let as = getAllAnnos b e
in case getName e of
"SubDataPropertyOf" ->
let [hd, lst] = map (getIRI b) $ filterChL dataPropList e
in PlainAxiom (SimpleEntity $ Entity DataProperty hd)
$ ListFrameBit (Just SubPropertyOf) $ DataBit [(as, lst)]
"EquivalentDataProperties" ->
let dpl = map (getIRI b) $ filterChL dataPropList e
in PlainAxiom (Misc as) $ ListFrameBit (Just $ EDRelation Equivalent)
$ DataBit $ emptyAnnoList dpl
"DisjointDataProperties" ->
let dpl = map (getIRI b) $ filterChL dataPropList e
in PlainAxiom (Misc as) $ ListFrameBit (Just $ EDRelation Disjoint)
$ DataBit $ emptyAnnoList dpl
"DataPropertyDomain" ->
let dp = getIRI b $ filterCL dataPropList e
ce = getClassExpression b $ filterCL classExpressionList e
in PlainAxiom (SimpleEntity $ Entity DataProperty dp) $ ListFrameBit
(Just $ DRRelation ADomain) $ ExpressionBit [(as, ce)]
"DataPropertyRange" ->
let dp = getIRI b $ filterCL dataPropList e
dr = getDataRange b $ filterCL dataRangeList e
in PlainAxiom (SimpleEntity $ Entity DataProperty dp)
$ ListFrameBit Nothing $ DataPropRange [(as, dr)]
"FunctionalDataProperty" ->
let dp = getIRI b $ filterCL dataPropList e
in PlainAxiom (SimpleEntity $ Entity DataProperty dp)
$ AnnFrameBit as DataFunctional
_ -> getDataAssertion b e
getDataAssertion :: XMLBase -> Element -> Axiom
getDataAssertion b e =
let as = getAllAnnos b e
dp = getIRI b $ filterCL dataPropList e
ind = getIRI b $ filterCL individualList e
lit = getLiteral b $ filterC "Literal" e
in case getName e of
"DataPropertyAssertion" ->
PlainAxiom (SimpleEntity $ Entity NamedIndividual ind)
$ ListFrameBit Nothing $ IndividualFacts
[(as, DataPropertyFact Positive dp lit)]
"NegativeDataPropertyAssertion" ->
PlainAxiom (SimpleEntity $ Entity NamedIndividual ind)
$ ListFrameBit Nothing $ IndividualFacts
[(as, DataPropertyFact Negative dp lit)]
_ -> getObjectAssertion b e
getObjectAssertion :: XMLBase -> Element -> Axiom
getObjectAssertion b e =
let as = getAllAnnos b e
op = getObjProp b $ filterCL objectPropList e
[hd, lst] = map (getIRI b) $ filterChL individualList e
in case getName e of
"ObjectPropertyAssertion" ->
PlainAxiom (SimpleEntity $ Entity NamedIndividual hd)
$ ListFrameBit Nothing $ IndividualFacts
[(as, ObjectPropertyFact Positive op lst)]
"NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion" ->
PlainAxiom (SimpleEntity $ Entity NamedIndividual hd)
$ ListFrameBit Nothing $ IndividualFacts
[(as, ObjectPropertyFact Negative op lst)]
_ -> getIndividualAssertion b e
getIndividualAssertion :: XMLBase -> Element -> Axiom
getIndividualAssertion b e =
let as = getAllAnnos b e
ind = map (getIRI b) $ filterChL individualList e
l = emptyAnnoList ind
in case getName e of
"SameIndividual" ->
PlainAxiom (Misc as) $ ListFrameBit (Just (SDRelation Same))
$ IndividualSameOrDifferent l
"DifferentIndividuals" ->
PlainAxiom (Misc as) $ ListFrameBit (Just (SDRelation Different))
$ IndividualSameOrDifferent l
_ -> getClassAssertion b e
getClassAssertion :: XMLBase -> Element -> Axiom
getClassAssertion b e = case getName e of
"ClassAssertion" ->
let as = getAllAnnos b e
ce = getClassExpression b $ filterCL classExpressionList e
ind = getIRI b $ filterCL individualList e
in PlainAxiom (SimpleEntity $ Entity NamedIndividual ind)
$ ListFrameBit (Just Types) $ ExpressionBit [(as, ce)]
_ -> getAnnoAxiom b e
getAnnoAxiom :: XMLBase -> Element -> Axiom
getAnnoAxiom b e =
let as = getAllAnnos b e
ap = getIRI b $ filterC "AnnotationProperty" e
[ch] = filterChL [iriK, abbreviatedIRI] e
iri = contentIRI b ch
in case getName e of
"AnnotationAssertion" ->
let [s, v] = filterChL annotationValueList e
sub = getSubject b s
-- the misc will be converted to entities in static analysis
in PlainAxiom (Misc [Annotation [] sub $ AnnValue sub])
$ AnnFrameBit [Annotation as ap (getValue b v)]
$ AnnotationFrameBit Assertion
"SubAnnotationPropertyOf" ->
let [hd, lst] = map (getIRI b) $ filterCh "AnnotationProperty" e
in PlainAxiom (SimpleEntity $ Entity AnnotationProperty hd)
$ ListFrameBit (Just SubPropertyOf) $ AnnotationBit [(as, lst)]
"AnnotationPropertyDomain" ->
PlainAxiom (SimpleEntity $ Entity AnnotationProperty ap)
$ ListFrameBit (Just $ DRRelation ADomain)
$ AnnotationBit [(as, iri)]
"AnnotationPropertyRange" ->
PlainAxiom (SimpleEntity $ Entity AnnotationProperty ap)
$ ListFrameBit (Just $ DRRelation ARange)
$ AnnotationBit [(as, iri)]
_ -> err $ "bad frame " ++ ppElement e
getFrames :: XMLBase -> Element -> [Frame]
getFrames b e =
let ax = filterChildrenName isNotSmth e
f = map (axToFrame . getDeclaration b) (filterCh "Declaration" e)
++ map (axToFrame . getClassAxiom b) ax
in f ++ signToFrames f
getOnlyAxioms :: XMLBase -> Element -> [Axiom]
getOnlyAxioms b e = map (getClassAxiom b) $ filterChildrenName isNotSmth e
getImports :: Map.Map String String -> XMLBase -> Element -> [ImportIRI]
getImports m b e = map (importIRI m b) $ filterCh importK e
get1Map :: Element -> (String, String)
get1Map e =
let [pref, pmap] = map attrVal $ elAttribs e
in (pref, pmap)
getPrefixMap :: Element -> [(String, String)]
getPrefixMap e = map get1Map $ filterCh "Prefix" e
getOntologyIRI :: XMLBase -> Element -> OntologyIRI
getOntologyIRI b e =
let oi = findAttr (unqual "ontologyIRI") e
in case oi of
Nothing -> dummyQName
Just iri -> appendBase b
$ nullQName {localPart = iri, iriType = cssIRI iri}
getBase :: Element -> XMLBase
getBase e = fromJust $ vFindAttrBy (isSmth "base") e
-- | parses an ontology document
xmlBasicSpec :: Map.Map String String -> Element -> OntologyDocument
xmlBasicSpec imap e =
let b = getBase e
in OntologyDocument (Map.fromList $ getPrefixMap e)
(emptyOntology $ getFrames b e)
imports = getImports imap b e,
ann = [getAllAnnos b e],
name = getOntologyIRI b e