XML.hs revision 4b7c9b9fec53befb553f2c9b11e30a4fe2235e03
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Felix Gabriel Mance
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : f.mance@jacobs-university.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
OWL/XML Syntax Parsing
module OWL2.XML where
import Common.Lexer
import OWL2.AS
import OWL2.Extract
import OWL2.MS
import OWL2.XMLKeywords
import Text.XML.Light
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
type XMLBase = String
-- | error messages for the parser
err :: String -> t
err s = error $ "XML parser: " ++ s
{- two functions from Text.XML.Light.Proc version 1.3.7 for compatibility
with previous versions -}
vLookupAttrBy :: (Text.XML.Light.QName -> Bool) -> [Attr] -> Maybe String
vLookupAttrBy p as = attrVal `fmap` find (p . attrKey) as
vFindAttrBy :: (Text.XML.Light.QName -> Bool) -> Element -> Maybe String
vFindAttrBy p e = vLookupAttrBy p (elAttribs e)
isSmth :: String -> Text.XML.Light.QName -> Bool
isSmth s = (s ==) . qName
isSmthList :: [String] -> Text.XML.Light.QName -> Bool
isSmthList l qn = qName qn `elem` l
isNotSmth :: Text.XML.Light.QName -> Bool
isNotSmth q = let qn = qName q in qn `notElem` ["Declaration",
"Prefix", "Import", "Annotation"]
-- | parses all children with the given name
filterCh :: String -> Element -> [Element]
filterCh s = filterChildrenName (isSmth s)
-- | parses all children with names in the list
filterChL :: [String] -> Element -> [Element]
filterChL l = filterChildrenName (isSmthList l)
-- | parses one child with the given name
filterC :: String -> Element -> Element
filterC s e = fromMaybe (err "child not found")
$ filterChildName (isSmth s) e
-- | parses one child with the name in the list
filterCL :: [String] -> Element -> Element
filterCL l e = fromMaybe (err "child not found")
$ filterChildName (isSmthList l) e
-- | parses an IRI
getIRI :: XMLBase -> Element -> IRI
getIRI b e =
let [a] = elAttribs e
iri = attrVal a
ty = case qName $ attrKey a of
"abbreviatedIRI" -> Abbreviated
"IRI" -> Full
"nodeID" -> NodeID
_ -> cssIRI iri
in appendBase b $ nullQName {localPart = iri, iriType = ty}
{- | if the IRI contains colon, it is split there;
else, the xml:base needs to be prepended to the local part
and then the IRI must be splitted -}
appendBase :: XMLBase -> IRI -> IRI
appendBase b qn =
let r = localPart qn
in if ':' `elem` r
then splitIRI qn
else splitIRI $ qn {localPart = b ++ r, iriType = Full}
-- | splits an IRI at the colon
splitIRI :: IRI -> IRI
splitIRI qn = case iriType qn of
NodeID -> nodeID qn
_ -> let lp = localPart qn
np = takeWhile (/= ':') lp
':' : nlp = dropWhile (/= ':') lp
in qn {namePrefix = np, localPart = nlp}
-- | prepends "_:" to the nodeID if is not there already
nodeID :: IRI -> IRI
nodeID qn =
let lp = localPart qn
in case lp of
'_' : ':' : _ -> qn
_ -> qn {localPart = "_:" ++ lp}
-- | gets the content of an element with name IRI, AbbreviatedIRI or Import
contentIRI :: XMLBase -> Element -> IRI
contentIRI b e =
let cont = strContent e
iri = nullQName {localPart = cont}
in case getName e of
"AbbreviatedIRI" -> splitIRI iri
"IRI" -> if ':' `elem` cont
then splitIRI $ iri {iriType = Full}
else appendBase b iri
"Import" -> appendBase b $ iri {iriType = cssIRI cont}
_ -> err "invalid type of iri"
-- | gets the name of an axiom in XML Syntax
getName :: Element -> String
getName e =
let n = (qName . elName) e
q = (qURI . elName) e
in case q of
Just "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#" -> n
_ -> ""
-- | gets the cardinality
getInt :: Element -> Int
getInt e = let [int] = elAttribs e in value 10 $ attrVal int
getEntityType :: String -> EntityType
getEntityType ty = case ty of
"Class" -> Class
"Datatype" -> Datatype
"NamedIndividual" -> NamedIndividual
"ObjectProperty" -> ObjectProperty
"DataProperty" -> DataProperty
"AnnotationProperty" -> AnnotationProperty
_ -> err "not entity type"
toEntity :: XMLBase -> Element -> Entity
toEntity b e = Entity (getEntityType $ (qName . elName) e) $ getIRI b e
getDeclaration :: XMLBase -> Element -> Axiom
getDeclaration b e = case getName e of
"Declaration" ->
PlainAxiom (SimpleEntity $ toEntity b $ filterCL entityList e)
$ AnnFrameBit (getAllAnnos b e) $ AnnotationFrameBit Declaration
_ -> err "not declaration"
isPlainLiteral :: String -> Bool
isPlainLiteral s =
"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#PlainLiteral" == s
correctLit :: Literal -> Literal
correctLit l = case l of
Literal lf (Typed dt) ->
let nlf = if isSuffixOf "float" (localPart dt) && last lf /= 'f'
then lf ++ "f"
else lf
in Literal nlf (Typed dt)
_ -> l
getLiteral :: XMLBase -> Element -> Literal
getLiteral b e = case getName e of
"Literal" ->
let lf = strContent e
mdt = findAttr (unqual "datatypeIRI") e
mattr = vFindAttrBy (isSmth "lang") e
in case mdt of
Nothing -> case mattr of
Just lang -> Literal lf $ Untyped $ Just lang
Nothing -> Literal lf $ Untyped Nothing
Just dt -> case mattr of
Just lang -> Literal lf $ Untyped $ Just lang
Nothing -> if isPlainLiteral dt then
Literal lf $ Untyped Nothing
else correctLit $ Literal lf $ Typed $ appendBase b $
nullQName {localPart = dt, iriType = cssIRI dt}
_ -> err "not literal"
getValue :: XMLBase -> Element -> AnnotationValue
getValue b e = case getName e of
"Literal" -> AnnValLit $ getLiteral b e
"AnonymousIndividual" -> AnnValue $ getIRI b e
_ -> AnnValue $ contentIRI b e
getSubject :: XMLBase -> Element -> IRI
getSubject b e = case getName e of
"AnonymousIndividual" -> getIRI b e
_ -> contentIRI b e
getAnnotation :: XMLBase -> Element -> Annotation
getAnnotation b e =
let hd = filterCh "Annotation" e
[ap] = filterCh "AnnotationProperty" e
av = filterCL annotationValueList e
in Annotation (map (getAnnotation b) hd) (getIRI b ap) $ getValue b av
-- | returns a list of annotations
getAllAnnos :: XMLBase -> Element -> [Annotation]
getAllAnnos b e = map (getAnnotation b) $ filterCh "Annotation" e
getObjProp :: XMLBase -> Element -> ObjectPropertyExpression
getObjProp b e = case getName e of
"ObjectProperty" -> ObjectProp $ getIRI b e
"ObjectInverseOf" ->
let [ch] = elChildren e
[cch] = elChildren ch
in case getName ch of
"ObjectInverseOf" -> getObjProp b cch
"ObjectProperty" -> ObjectInverseOf $ ObjectProp $ getIRI b ch
_ -> err "not objectProperty"
_ -> err "not objectProperty"
properFacet :: ConstrainingFacet -> ConstrainingFacet
properFacet cf
| iriType cf == Full =
let p = showQU cf \\ "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#"
in case p of
"minInclusive" -> facetToIRI MININCLUSIVE
"minExclusive" -> facetToIRI MINEXCLUSIVE
"maxInclusive" -> facetToIRI MAXINCLUSIVE
"maxExclusive" -> facetToIRI MAXEXCLUSIVE
_ -> cf
| otherwise = cf
getFacetValuePair :: XMLBase -> Element -> (ConstrainingFacet, RestrictionValue)
getFacetValuePair b e = case getName e of
"FacetRestriction" ->
let [ch] = elChildren e
in (properFacet $ getIRI b e, getLiteral b ch)
_ -> err "not facet"
getDataRange :: XMLBase -> Element -> DataRange
getDataRange b e =
let ch@(ch1 : _) = elChildren e
in case getName e of
"Datatype" -> DataType (getIRI b e) []
"DatatypeRestriction" ->
let dt = getIRI b $ filterC "Datatype" e
fvp = map (getFacetValuePair b) $ filterCh "FacetRestriction" e
in DataType dt fvp
"DataComplementOf" -> DataComplementOf $ getDataRange b ch1
"DataOneOf" -> DataOneOf $ map (getLiteral b) $ filterCh "Literal" e
"DataIntersectionOf" -> DataJunction IntersectionOf
$ map (getDataRange b) ch
"DataUnionOf" -> DataJunction UnionOf $ map (getDataRange b) ch
_ -> err "not data range"
getClassExpression :: XMLBase -> Element -> ClassExpression
getClassExpression b e =
let ch@(ch1 : _) = elChildren e
rch1 : _ = reverse ch
in case getName e of
"Class" -> Expression $ getIRI b e
"ObjectIntersectionOf" -> ObjectJunction IntersectionOf
$ map (getClassExpression b) ch
"ObjectUnionOf" -> ObjectJunction UnionOf $ map (getClassExpression b) ch
"ObjectComplementOf" -> ObjectComplementOf $ getClassExpression b ch1
"ObjectOneOf" -> ObjectOneOf $ map (getIRI b) ch
"ObjectSomeValuesFrom" -> ObjectValuesFrom SomeValuesFrom
(getObjProp b ch1) $ getClassExpression b rch1
"ObjectAllValuesFrom" -> ObjectValuesFrom AllValuesFrom
(getObjProp b ch1) $ getClassExpression b rch1
"ObjectHasValue" -> ObjectHasValue (getObjProp b ch1) $ getIRI b rch1
"ObjectHasSelf" -> ObjectHasSelf $ getObjProp b ch1
"DataSomeValuesFrom" -> DataValuesFrom SomeValuesFrom (getIRI b ch1)
$ getDataRange b rch1
"DataAllValuesFrom" -> DataValuesFrom AllValuesFrom (getIRI b ch1)
$ getDataRange b rch1
"DataHasValue" -> DataHasValue (getIRI b ch1) $ getLiteral b rch1
_ -> getObjCard b e ch rch1
getObjCard :: XMLBase -> Element -> [Element] -> Element -> ClassExpression
getObjCard b e ch rch1 =
let ch1 : _ = ch
i = getInt e
op = getObjProp b ch1
ce = if length ch == 2
then Just $ getClassExpression b rch1
else Nothing
in case getName e of
"ObjectMinCardinality" -> ObjectCardinality $ Cardinality
MinCardinality i op ce
"ObjectMaxCardinality" -> ObjectCardinality $ Cardinality
MaxCardinality i op ce
"ObjectExactCardinality" -> ObjectCardinality $ Cardinality
ExactCardinality i op ce
_ -> getDataCard b e ch rch1
getDataCard :: XMLBase -> Element -> [Element] -> Element -> ClassExpression
getDataCard b e ch rch1 =
let ch1 : _ = ch
i = getInt e
dp = getIRI b ch1
dr = if length ch == 2
then Just $ getDataRange b rch1
else Nothing
in case getName e of
"DataMinCardinality" -> DataCardinality $ Cardinality
MinCardinality i dp dr
"DataMaxCardinality" -> DataCardinality $ Cardinality
MaxCardinality i dp dr
"DataExactCardinality" -> DataCardinality $ Cardinality
ExactCardinality i dp dr
_ -> err "not class expression"
getClassAxiom :: XMLBase -> Element -> Axiom
getClassAxiom b e =
let ch = elChildren e
as = getAllAnnos b e
l@(hd : tl) = filterChL classExpressionList e
[dhd, dtl] = filterChL dataRangeList e
cel = map (getClassExpression b) l
in case getName e of
"SubClassOf" ->
let [sub, super] = drop (length ch - 2) ch
in PlainAxiom (ClassEntity $ getClassExpression b sub)
$ ListFrameBit (Just SubClass) $ ExpressionBit
[(as, getClassExpression b super)]
"EquivalentClasses" -> PlainAxiom (Misc as) $ ListFrameBit
(Just $ EDRelation Equivalent) $ ExpressionBit $ emptyAnnoList cel
"DisjointClasses" -> PlainAxiom (Misc as) $ ListFrameBit
(Just $ EDRelation Disjoint) $ ExpressionBit $ emptyAnnoList cel
"DisjointUnion" -> PlainAxiom (ClassEntity $ getClassExpression b hd)
$ AnnFrameBit as $ ClassDisjointUnion $ map (getClassExpression b) tl
"DatatypeDefinition" ->
PlainAxiom (SimpleEntity $ Entity Datatype $ getIRI b dhd)
$ AnnFrameBit as $ DatatypeBit $ getDataRange b dtl
_ -> hasKey b e
hasKey :: XMLBase -> Element -> Axiom
hasKey b e = case getName e of
"HasKey" ->
let as = getAllAnnos b e
[ce] = filterChL classExpressionList e
op = map (getObjProp b) $ filterChL objectPropList e
dp = map (getIRI b) $ filterChL dataPropList e
in PlainAxiom (ClassEntity $ getClassExpression b ce)
$ AnnFrameBit as $ ClassHasKey op dp
_ -> getOPAxiom b e
getOPAxiom :: XMLBase -> Element -> Axiom
getOPAxiom b e =
let as = getAllAnnos b e
op = getObjProp b $ filterCL objectPropList e
in case getName e of
"SubObjectPropertyOf" ->
let opchain = concatMap (map $ getObjProp b) $ map elChildren
$ filterCh "ObjectPropertyChain" e
in if null opchain
then let [o1, o2] = map (getObjProp b) $ filterChL objectPropList e
in PlainAxiom (ObjectEntity o1) $ ListFrameBit
(Just SubPropertyOf) $ ObjectBit [(as, o2)]
else PlainAxiom (ObjectEntity op) $ AnnFrameBit as
$ ObjectSubPropertyChain opchain
"EquivalentObjectProperties" ->
let opl = map (getObjProp b) $ filterChL objectPropList e
in PlainAxiom (Misc as) $ ListFrameBit (Just $ EDRelation Equivalent)
$ ObjectBit $ emptyAnnoList opl
"DisjointObjectProperties" ->
let opl = map (getObjProp b) $ filterChL objectPropList e
in PlainAxiom (Misc as) $ ListFrameBit (Just $ EDRelation Disjoint)
$ ObjectBit $ emptyAnnoList opl
"ObjectPropertyDomain" ->
let ce = getClassExpression b $ filterCL classExpressionList e
in PlainAxiom (ObjectEntity op) $ ListFrameBit
(Just $ DRRelation ADomain) $ ExpressionBit [(as, ce)]
"ObjectPropertyRange" ->
let ce = getClassExpression b $ filterCL classExpressionList e
in PlainAxiom (ObjectEntity op) $ ListFrameBit
(Just $ DRRelation ARange) $ ExpressionBit [(as, ce)]
"InverseObjectProperties" ->
let [hd, lst] = map (getObjProp b) $ filterChL objectPropList e
in PlainAxiom (ObjectEntity hd) $ ListFrameBit (Just InverseOf)
$ ObjectBit [(as, lst)]
"FunctionalObjectProperty" -> PlainAxiom (ObjectEntity op) $ ListFrameBit
Nothing $ ObjectCharacteristics [(as, Functional)]
"InverseFunctionalObjectProperty" -> PlainAxiom (ObjectEntity op)
$ ListFrameBit Nothing $ ObjectCharacteristics
[(as, InverseFunctional)]
"ReflexiveObjectProperty" -> PlainAxiom (ObjectEntity op) $ ListFrameBit
Nothing $ ObjectCharacteristics [(as, Reflexive)]
"IrreflexiveObjectProperty" -> PlainAxiom (ObjectEntity op) $ ListFrameBit
Nothing $ ObjectCharacteristics [(as, Irreflexive)]
"SymmetricObjectProperty" -> PlainAxiom (ObjectEntity op) $ ListFrameBit
Nothing $ ObjectCharacteristics [(as, Symmetric)]
"AsymmetricObjectProperty" -> PlainAxiom (ObjectEntity op) $ ListFrameBit
Nothing $ ObjectCharacteristics [(as, Asymmetric)]
"AntisymmetricObjectProperty" -> PlainAxiom (ObjectEntity op) $ ListFrameBit
Nothing $ ObjectCharacteristics [(as, Antisymmetric)]
"TransitiveObjectProperty" -> PlainAxiom (ObjectEntity op) $ ListFrameBit
Nothing $ ObjectCharacteristics [(as, Transitive)]
_ -> getDPAxiom b e
getDPAxiom :: XMLBase -> Element -> Axiom
getDPAxiom b e =
let as = getAllAnnos b e
in case getName e of
"SubDataPropertyOf" ->
let [hd, lst] = map (getIRI b) $ filterChL dataPropList e
in PlainAxiom (SimpleEntity $ Entity DataProperty hd)
$ ListFrameBit (Just SubPropertyOf) $ DataBit [(as, lst)]
"EquivalentDataProperties" ->
let dpl = map (getIRI b) $ filterChL dataPropList e
in PlainAxiom (Misc as) $ ListFrameBit (Just $ EDRelation Equivalent)
$ DataBit $ emptyAnnoList dpl
"DisjointDataProperties" ->
let dpl = map (getIRI b) $ filterChL dataPropList e
in PlainAxiom (Misc as) $ ListFrameBit (Just $ EDRelation Disjoint)
$ DataBit $ emptyAnnoList dpl
"DataPropertyDomain" ->
let dp = getIRI b $ filterCL dataPropList e
ce = getClassExpression b $ filterCL classExpressionList e
in PlainAxiom (SimpleEntity $ Entity DataProperty dp) $ ListFrameBit
(Just $ DRRelation ADomain) $ ExpressionBit [(as, ce)]
"DataPropertyRange" ->
let dp = getIRI b $ filterCL dataPropList e
dr = getDataRange b $ filterCL dataRangeList e
in PlainAxiom (SimpleEntity $ Entity DataProperty dp)
$ ListFrameBit Nothing $ DataPropRange [(as, dr)]
"FunctionalDataProperty" ->
let dp = getIRI b $ filterCL dataPropList e
in PlainAxiom (SimpleEntity $ Entity DataProperty dp)
$ AnnFrameBit as DataFunctional
_ -> getDataAssertion b e
getDataAssertion :: XMLBase -> Element -> Axiom
getDataAssertion b e =
let as = getAllAnnos b e
dp = getIRI b $ filterCL dataPropList e
ind = getIRI b $ filterCL individualList e
lit = getLiteral b $ filterC "Literal" e
in case getName e of
"DataPropertyAssertion" ->
PlainAxiom (SimpleEntity $ Entity NamedIndividual ind)
$ ListFrameBit Nothing $ IndividualFacts
[(as, DataPropertyFact Positive dp lit)]
"NegativeDataPropertyAssertion" ->
PlainAxiom (SimpleEntity $ Entity NamedIndividual ind)
$ ListFrameBit Nothing $ IndividualFacts
[(as, DataPropertyFact Negative dp lit)]
_ -> getObjectAssertion b e
getObjectAssertion :: XMLBase -> Element -> Axiom
getObjectAssertion b e =
let as = getAllAnnos b e
op = getObjProp b $ filterCL objectPropList e
[hd, lst] = map (getIRI b) $ filterChL individualList e
in case getName e of
"ObjectPropertyAssertion" ->
PlainAxiom (SimpleEntity $ Entity NamedIndividual hd)
$ ListFrameBit Nothing $ IndividualFacts
[(as, ObjectPropertyFact Positive op lst)]
"NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion" ->
PlainAxiom (SimpleEntity $ Entity NamedIndividual hd)
$ ListFrameBit Nothing $ IndividualFacts
[(as, ObjectPropertyFact Negative op lst)]
_ -> getIndividualAssertion b e
getIndividualAssertion :: XMLBase -> Element -> Axiom
getIndividualAssertion b e =
let as = getAllAnnos b e
ind = map (getIRI b) $ filterChL individualList e
l = emptyAnnoList ind
in case getName e of
"SameIndividual" ->
PlainAxiom (Misc as) $ ListFrameBit (Just (SDRelation Same))
$ IndividualSameOrDifferent l
"DifferentIndividuals" ->
PlainAxiom (Misc as) $ ListFrameBit (Just (SDRelation Different))
$ IndividualSameOrDifferent l
_ -> getClassAssertion b e
getClassAssertion :: XMLBase -> Element -> Axiom
getClassAssertion b e = case getName e of
"ClassAssertion" ->
let as = getAllAnnos b e
ce = getClassExpression b $ filterCL classExpressionList e
ind = getIRI b $ filterCL individualList e
in PlainAxiom (SimpleEntity $ Entity NamedIndividual ind)
$ ListFrameBit (Just Types) $ ExpressionBit [(as, ce)]
_ -> getAnnoAxiom b e
getAnnoAxiom :: XMLBase -> Element -> Axiom
getAnnoAxiom b e =
let as = getAllAnnos b e
ap = getIRI b $ filterC "AnnotationProperty" e
in case getName e of
"AnnotationAssertion" ->
let [s, v] = filterChL annotationValueList e
sub = getSubject b s
-- the misc will be converted to entities in static analysis
in PlainAxiom (Misc [Annotation [] sub $ AnnValue sub])
$ AnnFrameBit [Annotation as ap (getValue b v)]
$ AnnotationFrameBit Assertion
"SubAnnotationPropertyOf" ->
let [hd, lst] = map (getIRI b) $ filterCh "AnnotationProperty" e
in PlainAxiom (SimpleEntity $ Entity AnnotationProperty hd)
$ ListFrameBit (Just SubPropertyOf) $ AnnotationBit [(as, lst)]
"AnnotationPropertyDomain" ->
let [ch] = filterChL ["IRI", "AbbreviatedIRI"] e
iri = contentIRI b ch
in PlainAxiom (SimpleEntity $ Entity AnnotationProperty ap)
$ ListFrameBit (Just $ DRRelation ADomain)
$ AnnotationBit [(as, iri)]
"AnnotationPropertyRange" ->
let [ch] = filterChL ["IRI", "AbbreviatedIRI"] e
iri = contentIRI b ch
in PlainAxiom (SimpleEntity $ Entity AnnotationProperty ap)
$ ListFrameBit (Just $ DRRelation ARange)
$ AnnotationBit [(as, iri)]
_ -> err "bad frame"
getFrames :: XMLBase -> Element -> [Frame]
getFrames b e =
let ax = filterChildrenName isNotSmth e
f = map (axToFrame . getDeclaration b) (filterCh "Declaration" e)
++ map (axToFrame . getClassAxiom b) ax
in f ++ signToFrames f
getOnlyAxioms :: XMLBase -> Element -> [Axiom]
getOnlyAxioms b e = map (getClassAxiom b) $ filterChildrenName isNotSmth e
getImports :: XMLBase -> Element -> [ImportIRI]
getImports b e = map (contentIRI b) $ filterCh "Import" e
get1Map :: Element -> (String, String)
get1Map e =
let [pref, pmap] = map attrVal $ elAttribs e
in (pref, pmap)
getPrefixMap :: Element -> [(String, String)]
getPrefixMap e = map get1Map $ filterCh "Prefix" e
getOntologyIRI :: XMLBase -> Element -> OntologyIRI
getOntologyIRI b e =
let oi = findAttr (unqual "ontologyIRI") e
in case oi of
Nothing -> dummyQName
Just iri -> appendBase b
$ nullQName {localPart = iri, iriType = cssIRI iri}
getBase :: Element -> XMLBase
getBase e = fromJust $ vFindAttrBy (isSmth "base") e
-- | parses an ontology document
xmlBasicSpec :: Element -> OntologyDocument
xmlBasicSpec e =
let b = getBase e
in emptyOntologyDoc
ontology = emptyOntologyD
ontFrames = getFrames b e,
imports = getImports b e,
ann = [getAllAnnos b e],
name = getOntologyIRI b e
prefixDeclaration = Map.fromList $ getPrefixMap e