Theorem.hs revision a604cbad8e2202147b5c6bb9f2e06ae61162d654
module OWL2.Theorem where
import OWL2.AS
import OWL2.MS
import Data.List
-- | Adding annotations for theorems
addImplied :: Axiom -> Axiom
addImplied a = case remImplied a of
PlainAxiom eith fb -> case eith of
Right _ -> case fb of
ListFrameBit mr lfb -> PlainAxiom eith
$ ListFrameBit mr (addImplListFB lfb)
AnnFrameBit ans afb -> PlainAxiom eith
$ AnnFrameBit (impliedTh : ans) afb
Left ans -> PlainAxiom (Left (impliedTh: ans)) fb
addImplListFB :: ListFrameBit -> ListFrameBit
addImplListFB lfb = case lfb of
AnnotationBit a -> AnnotationBit $ addImpliedAnnList a
ExpressionBit a -> ExpressionBit $ addImpliedAnnList a
ObjectBit a -> ObjectBit $ addImpliedAnnList a
DataBit a -> DataBit $ addImpliedAnnList a
IndividualSameOrDifferent a -> IndividualSameOrDifferent
$ addImpliedAnnList a
ObjectCharacteristics a -> ObjectCharacteristics
$ addImpliedAnnList a
DataPropRange a -> DataPropRange $ addImpliedAnnList a
IndividualFacts a -> IndividualFacts $ addImpliedAnnList a
addImpliedAnnList :: AnnotatedList a -> AnnotatedList a
addImpliedAnnList (AnnotatedList []) = AnnotatedList []
addImpliedAnnList (AnnotatedList ((ans, b) : t)) =
AnnotatedList ((impliedTh : ans, b) : t)
remImplied :: Axiom -> Axiom
remImplied (PlainAxiom eith fb) = case eith of
Right _ -> PlainAxiom eith
case fb of
ListFrameBit mr lfb -> ListFrameBit mr (remImplListFB lfb)
AnnFrameBit ans afb -> AnnFrameBit (remImpliedList ans) afb
Left ans -> PlainAxiom (Left (remImpliedList ans)) fb
remImplListFB :: ListFrameBit -> ListFrameBit
remImplListFB lfb = case lfb of
AnnotationBit a -> AnnotationBit $ remImpliedAnnList a
ExpressionBit a -> ExpressionBit $ remImpliedAnnList a
ObjectBit a -> ObjectBit $ remImpliedAnnList a
DataBit a -> DataBit $ remImpliedAnnList a
IndividualSameOrDifferent a -> IndividualSameOrDifferent
$ remImpliedAnnList a
ObjectCharacteristics a -> ObjectCharacteristics
$ remImpliedAnnList a
DataPropRange a -> DataPropRange $ remImpliedAnnList a
IndividualFacts a -> IndividualFacts $ remImpliedAnnList a
remImplied1 :: (Annotations, a) -> (Annotations, a)
remImplied1 (ans, b) = (remImpliedList ans, b)
remImpliedList :: Annotations -> Annotations
remImpliedList = filter (not . isToProve1)
remImpliedAnnList :: AnnotatedList a -> AnnotatedList a
remImpliedAnnList (AnnotatedList a) = AnnotatedList (map remImplied1 a)
impliedTh :: Annotation
impliedTh = Annotation [] (mkQName "Implied")
(AnnValLit (Literal "true" (Typed (QN "" "string" False ""))))
isToProve1 :: Annotation -> Bool
isToProve1 anno = case anno of
Annotation _ aIRI (AnnValLit (Literal value (Typed _))) ->
localPart aIRI == "Implied" && isInfixOf "true" value
_ -> False
isToProveList :: (Annotations, a) -> Bool
isToProveList (ans, _) = any isToProve1 ans
isToProveAnnList :: AnnotatedList a -> Bool
isToProveAnnList (AnnotatedList a) = any (isToProveList) a
isToProve :: Axiom -> Bool
isToProve (PlainAxiom eith fb) = case eith of
Right _ -> case fb of
ListFrameBit _ lfb -> isToProveLB lfb
AnnFrameBit ans _ -> any isToProve1 ans
Left ans -> any isToProve1 ans
isToProveLB :: ListFrameBit -> Bool
isToProveLB fb = case fb of
AnnotationBit a -> isToProveAnnList a
ExpressionBit a -> isToProveAnnList a
ObjectBit a -> isToProveAnnList a
DataBit a -> isToProveAnnList a
IndividualSameOrDifferent a -> isToProveAnnList a
ObjectCharacteristics a -> isToProveAnnList a
DataPropRange a -> isToProveAnnList a
IndividualFacts a -> isToProveAnnList a