Theorem.hs revision 80875f917d741946a39d0ec0b5721e46ba609823
{- |
Module : ./OWL2/Theorem.hs
Copyright : (c) Felix Gabriel Mance
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Adds the "implied" annotation - for specifying theorems
module OWL2.Theorem where
import Common.IRI
import OWL2.AS
import OWL2.MS
import Data.List
implied :: Annotation
implied = Annotation [] (mkIRI "Implied")
. AnnValLit . Literal "true" . Typed $ mkIRI "string"
rmList :: Annotations -> Annotations
rmList = filter (not . prove1)
rmAnnList :: AnnotatedList a -> AnnotatedList a
rmAnnList = map (\ (ans, b) -> (rmList ans, b) )
rmLFB :: ListFrameBit -> ListFrameBit
rmLFB lfb = case lfb of
AnnotationBit a -> AnnotationBit $ rmAnnList a
ExpressionBit a -> ExpressionBit $ rmAnnList a
ObjectBit a -> ObjectBit $ rmAnnList a
DataBit a -> DataBit $ rmAnnList a
IndividualSameOrDifferent a -> IndividualSameOrDifferent $ rmAnnList a
ObjectCharacteristics a -> ObjectCharacteristics $ rmAnnList a
DataPropRange a -> DataPropRange $ rmAnnList a
IndividualFacts a -> IndividualFacts $ rmAnnList a
rmFB :: FrameBit -> FrameBit
rmFB fb = case fb of
ListFrameBit mr lfb -> ListFrameBit mr (rmLFB lfb)
AnnFrameBit ans afb -> AnnFrameBit (rmList ans) afb
rmImplied :: Axiom -> Axiom
rmImplied (PlainAxiom eith fb) = case eith of
Misc ans -> PlainAxiom (Misc $ rmList ans) $ rmFB fb
_ -> PlainAxiom eith $ rmFB fb
rmImpliedFrame :: Frame -> Frame
rmImpliedFrame (Frame eith l) = case eith of
Misc ans -> Frame (Misc $ rmList ans) $ map rmFB l
_ -> Frame eith $ map rmFB l
addAnnList :: AnnotatedList a -> AnnotatedList a
addAnnList [] = []
addAnnList ((ans, b) : t) = (implied : ans, b) : t
addListFB :: ListFrameBit -> ListFrameBit
addListFB lfb = case lfb of
AnnotationBit a -> AnnotationBit $ addAnnList a
ExpressionBit a -> ExpressionBit $ addAnnList a
ObjectBit a -> ObjectBit $ addAnnList a
DataBit a -> DataBit $ addAnnList a
IndividualSameOrDifferent a -> IndividualSameOrDifferent $ addAnnList a
ObjectCharacteristics a -> ObjectCharacteristics $ addAnnList a
DataPropRange a -> DataPropRange $ addAnnList a
IndividualFacts a -> IndividualFacts $ addAnnList a
addImpliedFrameBit :: FrameBit -> FrameBit
addImpliedFrameBit fb = case fb of
ListFrameBit mr lfb -> ListFrameBit mr (addListFB lfb)
AnnFrameBit ans afb -> AnnFrameBit (implied : ans) afb
addImplied :: Axiom -> Axiom
addImplied a = case rmImplied a of
PlainAxiom eith fb -> case eith of
Misc ans -> PlainAxiom (Misc $ implied : ans) fb
_ -> PlainAxiom eith $ addImpliedFrameBit fb
addImpliedFrame :: Frame -> Frame
addImpliedFrame a = case rmImpliedFrame a of
Frame eith l -> case eith of
Misc ans -> Frame (Misc $ implied : ans) l
_ -> Frame eith $ map addImpliedFrameBit l
prove1 :: Annotation -> Bool
prove1 anno = case anno of
Annotation _ aIRI (AnnValLit (Literal value (Typed _))) ->
show (iriPath aIRI) == "Implied" && isInfixOf "true" value
_ -> False
proveList :: (Annotations, a) -> Bool
proveList (ans, _) = any prove1 ans
proveAnnList :: AnnotatedList a -> Bool
proveAnnList = any proveList
proveLFB :: ListFrameBit -> Bool
proveLFB fb = case fb of
AnnotationBit a -> proveAnnList a
ExpressionBit a -> proveAnnList a
ObjectBit a -> proveAnnList a
DataBit a -> proveAnnList a
IndividualSameOrDifferent a -> proveAnnList a
ObjectCharacteristics a -> proveAnnList a
DataPropRange a -> proveAnnList a
IndividualFacts a -> proveAnnList a
proveFB :: FrameBit -> Bool
proveFB fb = case fb of
ListFrameBit _ lfb -> proveLFB lfb
AnnFrameBit ans _ -> any prove1 ans
prove :: Axiom -> Bool
prove (PlainAxiom eith fb) = case eith of
Misc ans -> any prove1 ans || proveFB fb
_ -> proveFB fb