Sublogic.hs revision 1a38107941725211e7c3f051f7a8f5e12199f03a
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Dominik Luecke, Felix Gabriel Mance
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Complexity analysis of OWL2
module OWL2.Sublogic where
import OWL2.AS
import OWL2.MS
import OWL2.Sign
import OWL2.Morphism
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Data
import qualified Data.Set as Set
data NumberRestrictions = None | Unqualified | Qualified
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
owlDatatypes :: Set.Set Datatype
owlDatatypes = predefIRIs
data OWLSub = OWLSub
{ numberRestrictions :: NumberRestrictions
, nominals :: Bool
, inverseRoles :: Bool
, roleTransitivity :: Bool
, roleHierarchy :: Bool
, complexRoleInclusions :: Bool
, addFeatures :: Bool
, datatype :: Set.Set Datatype
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)
allSublogics :: [[OWLSub]]
allSublogics = let
t = True
b = slBottom
[ [ b { numberRestrictions = Unqualified }
, b { numberRestrictions = Qualified } ]
, [b { nominals = t } ]
, [b { inverseRoles = t } ]
, [b { roleTransitivity = t } ]
, [b { roleHierarchy = t } ]
, [b { complexRoleInclusions = t } ]
, [b { addFeatures = t } ]
, map (\ d -> b { datatype = Set.singleton d }) $ Set.toList owlDatatypes ]
-- | sROIQ(D)
slTop :: OWLSub
slTop = OWLSub
{ numberRestrictions = Qualified
, nominals = True
, inverseRoles = True
, roleTransitivity = True
, roleHierarchy = True
, complexRoleInclusions = True
, addFeatures = True
, datatype = owlDatatypes
-- | ALC
slBottom :: OWLSub
slBottom = OWLSub
{ numberRestrictions = None
, nominals = False
, inverseRoles = False
, roleTransitivity = False
, roleHierarchy = False
, complexRoleInclusions = False
, addFeatures = False
, datatype = Set.empty
slMax :: OWLSub -> OWLSub -> OWLSub
slMax sl1 sl2 = OWLSub
{ numberRestrictions = max (numberRestrictions sl1) (numberRestrictions sl2)
, nominals = max (nominals sl1) (nominals sl2)
, inverseRoles = max (inverseRoles sl1) (inverseRoles sl2)
, roleTransitivity = max (roleTransitivity sl1) (roleTransitivity sl2)
, roleHierarchy = max (roleHierarchy sl1) (roleHierarchy sl2)
, complexRoleInclusions = max (complexRoleInclusions sl1)
(complexRoleInclusions sl2)
, addFeatures = max (addFeatures sl1) (addFeatures sl2)
, datatype = Set.union (datatype sl1) (datatype sl2)
-- | Naming for Description Logics
slName :: OWLSub -> String
slName sl =
(if complexRoleInclusions sl || addFeatures sl
then (if addFeatures sl then "s" else "") ++ "R"
else (if roleTransitivity sl then "S" else "ALC")
++ if roleHierarchy sl then "H" else "")
++ (if nominals sl then "O" else "")
++ (if inverseRoles sl then "I" else "")
++ (case numberRestrictions sl of
Qualified -> "Q"
Unqualified -> "N"
None -> "")
++ let ds = datatype sl in if Set.null ds then "" else
"-D|" ++ (if ds == owlDatatypes then "-|" else
intercalate "|" (map printDatatype $ Set.toList ds) ++ "|")
requireQualNumberRestrictions :: OWLSub -> OWLSub
requireQualNumberRestrictions sl = sl {numberRestrictions = Qualified}
requireNumberRestrictions :: OWLSub -> OWLSub
requireNumberRestrictions sl = let nr = numberRestrictions sl in
sl {numberRestrictions = if nr /= Qualified then Unqualified else nr}
requireRoleTransitivity :: OWLSub -> OWLSub
requireRoleTransitivity sl = sl {roleTransitivity = True}
requireRoleHierarchy :: OWLSub -> OWLSub
requireRoleHierarchy sl = sl {roleHierarchy = True}
requireComplexRoleInclusions :: OWLSub -> OWLSub
requireComplexRoleInclusions sl = (requireRoleHierarchy
$ requireRoleTransitivity sl) {complexRoleInclusions = True}
requireAddFeatures :: OWLSub -> OWLSub
requireAddFeatures sl = (requireComplexRoleInclusions sl) {addFeatures = True}
requireNominals :: OWLSub -> OWLSub
requireNominals sl = sl {nominals = True}
requireInverseRoles :: OWLSub -> OWLSub
requireInverseRoles sl = sl {inverseRoles = True}
slDatatype :: Datatype -> OWLSub
slDatatype dt = slBottom {datatype = if isDatatypeKey dt then
Set.singleton $ setDatatypePrefix dt else Set.empty}
slObjProp :: ObjectPropertyExpression -> OWLSub
slObjProp o = case o of
ObjectProp _ -> slBottom
ObjectInverseOf _ -> requireInverseRoles slBottom
slEntity :: Entity -> OWLSub
slEntity (Entity et iri) = case et of
Datatype -> slDatatype iri
_ -> slBottom
slDataRange :: DataRange -> OWLSub
slDataRange rn = case rn of
DataType ur _ -> slDatatype ur
DataComplementOf c -> slDataRange c
DataOneOf _ -> requireNominals slBottom
DataJunction _ drl -> foldl slMax slBottom $ map slDataRange drl
slClassExpression :: ClassExpression -> OWLSub
slClassExpression des = case des of
ObjectJunction _ dec -> foldl slMax slBottom $ map slClassExpression dec
ObjectComplementOf dec -> slClassExpression dec
ObjectOneOf _ -> requireNominals slBottom
ObjectValuesFrom _ o d -> slMax (slObjProp o) (slClassExpression d)
ObjectHasSelf o -> requireAddFeatures $ slObjProp o
ObjectHasValue o _ -> slObjProp o
ObjectCardinality c -> slObjCard c
DataValuesFrom _ _ dr -> slDataRange dr
DataCardinality c -> slDataCard c
_ -> slBottom
slDataCard :: Cardinality DataPropertyExpression DataRange -> OWLSub
slDataCard (Cardinality _ _ _ x) = requireNumberRestrictions $ case x of
Nothing -> slBottom
Just y -> slDataRange y
slObjCard :: Cardinality ObjectPropertyExpression ClassExpression -> OWLSub
slObjCard (Cardinality _ _ op x) = requireNumberRestrictions $ case x of
Nothing -> slObjProp op
Just y -> slMax (slObjProp op) (slClassExpression y)
slLFB :: Maybe Relation -> ListFrameBit -> OWLSub
slLFB mr lfb = case lfb of
ExpressionBit anl -> foldl slMax slBottom
$ map (slClassExpression . snd) anl
ObjectBit anl -> slMax (case fromMaybe (error "relation needed") mr of
EDRelation Disjoint -> requireAddFeatures slBottom
_ -> slBottom) $ foldl slMax slBottom $ map (slObjProp . snd) anl
DataBit _ -> case fromMaybe (error "relation needed") mr of
EDRelation Disjoint -> requireAddFeatures slBottom
_ -> slBottom
IndividualSameOrDifferent _ -> requireNominals slBottom
ObjectCharacteristics anl -> foldl slMax slBottom
$ map ((\ c -> case c of
Transitive -> requireRoleTransitivity slBottom
Reflexive -> requireAddFeatures slBottom
Irreflexive -> requireAddFeatures slBottom
Asymmetric -> requireAddFeatures slBottom
_ -> slBottom) . snd) anl
DataPropRange anl -> foldl slMax slBottom $ map (slDataRange . snd) anl
_ -> slBottom
slAFB :: AnnFrameBit -> OWLSub
slAFB afb = case afb of
DatatypeBit dr -> slDataRange dr
ClassDisjointUnion cel -> foldl slMax slBottom $ map slClassExpression cel
ClassHasKey opl _ -> foldl slMax slBottom $ map slObjProp opl
ObjectSubPropertyChain opl -> requireComplexRoleInclusions
$ requireRoleHierarchy $ foldl slMax slBottom $ map slObjProp opl
_ -> slBottom
slFB :: FrameBit -> OWLSub
slFB fb = case fb of
AnnFrameBit _ afb -> slAFB afb
ListFrameBit mr lfb -> slMax (slLFB mr lfb) $ case mr of
Nothing -> slBottom
Just r -> case r of
SubPropertyOf -> requireRoleHierarchy slBottom
InverseOf -> requireInverseRoles slBottom
_ -> slBottom -- maybe addFeatures ??
slAxiom :: Axiom -> OWLSub
slAxiom (PlainAxiom ext fb) = case ext of
Misc _ -> slFB fb
ClassEntity ce -> slMax (slFB fb) (slClassExpression ce)
ObjectEntity o -> slMax (slFB fb) (slObjProp o)
SimpleEntity e -> slMax (slEntity e) (slFB fb)
slFrame :: Frame -> OWLSub
slFrame = foldl slMax slBottom . map slAxiom . getAxioms
slODoc :: OntologyDocument -> OWLSub
slODoc = foldl slMax slBottom . map slFrame . ontFrames . ontology
slSig :: Sign -> OWLSub
slSig sig = let dts = Set.toList $ datatypes sig in
if Set.size (dataProperties sig) == 0 && null dts
then slBottom else foldl slMax slBottom $ map slDatatype dts
slMor :: OWLMorphism -> OWLSub
slMor mor = slMax (slSig $ osource mor) $ slSig $ otarget mor
-- projections along sublogics
prMor :: OWLSub -> OWLMorphism -> OWLMorphism
prMor s a = a
{ osource = prSig s $ osource a
, otarget = prSig s $ otarget a }
prSig :: OWLSub -> Sign -> Sign
prSig s a = if datatype s == Set.empty
then a {datatypes = Set.empty, dataProperties = Set.empty}
else a
prODoc :: OWLSub -> OntologyDocument -> OntologyDocument
prODoc s a =
let o = (ontology a) {ontFrames = filter ((s >=) . slFrame) $ ontFrames $
ontology a }
in a {ontology = o}