Sublogic.hs revision 0c3badd7ad83eb89f64ef5ed1122c4fa856fb45d
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblett{- |
e9458b1a7a19a63aa4c179f9ab20f4d50681c168Jens ElknerModule : $Header$
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy GimblettCopyright : (c) Dominik Luecke, Felix Gabriel Mance
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy GimblettLicense : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
98890889ffb2e8f6f722b00e265a211f13b5a861Corneliu-Claudiu Prodescu
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy GimblettMaintainer :
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy GimblettStability : provisional
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy GimblettPortability : portable
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblett
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy GimblettHere is the place where the class Logic is instantiated for OWL2 DL.
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblett
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblett-}
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblett
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblettmodule OWL2.Sublogic
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblett ( OWLSub (..)
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblett , NumberRestrictions (..)
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblett , OWLDatatypes (..)
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblett , sl_top
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblett , sl_bottom
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblett , sl_max
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblett , sl_name
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblett , slFrame
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblett , slAxiom
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblett , sl_o_doc
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblett , sl_sig
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblett , sl_mor
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblett , pr_o_doc
dd0d7990e6ce74fe7531c1c05eb672dd940a8be7Christian Maeder , pr_sig
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblett , pr_mor
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblett , printXSDName
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblett ) where
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblett
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblettimport OWL2.AS
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblettimport OWL2.MS
06dd4e7c29f33f6122a910719e3bd9062256e397Andy Gimblettimport OWL2.Sign
06dd4e7c29f33f6122a910719e3bd9062256e397Andy Gimblettimport OWL2.Morphism
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblett
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblettimport Data.Char
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblettimport Data.List
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblettimport Data.Maybe
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder
c052e3ee4a53ee3a2da829aa142fd596ef6c9e3dAndy Gimblettimport qualified Data.Set as Set
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroederdata NumberRestrictions = None | Unqualified | Qualified
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblett deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblett
5fdf8899e78fea735c30253322eb7715646317e4Andy Gimblettdata OWLDatatypes = OWLDATA | OWLString |
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblett OWLnormalizedString |
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder OWLBoolean | OWLDecimal | OWLFloat | OWLDouble |
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder OWLInteger | OWLnonNegativeInteger | OWLpositiveInteger |
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder OWLnonPositiveInteger | OWLnegativeInteger
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von SchroederowlDatatypes :: [OWLDatatypes]
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von SchroederowlDatatypes = [minBound .. maxBound]
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von SchroederprintXSDName :: Show a => a -> String
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von SchroederprintXSDName dt =
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder drop 3 $ show dt
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroederdata OWLSub = OWLSub
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblett {
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder numberRestrictions :: NumberRestrictions
5858e6262048894b0e933b547852f04aed009b58Andy Gimblett , nominals :: Bool
77998f1139e55978f6288e905cd16565f2e20298Andy Gimblett , inverseRoles :: Bool
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder , roleTransitivity :: Bool
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder , roleHierarchy :: Bool
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder , complexRoleInclusions :: Bool
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder , addFeatures :: Bool
06dd4e7c29f33f6122a910719e3bd9062256e397Andy Gimblett , datatype :: Set.Set OWLDatatypes
3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895Jonathan von Schroeder } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | sROIQ(D)
sl_top :: OWLSub
sl_top = OWLSub
numberRestrictions = Qualified
, nominals = True
, inverseRoles = True
, roleTransitivity = True
, roleHierarchy = True
, complexRoleInclusions = True
, addFeatures = True
, datatype = Set.fromList owlDatatypes
-- ALC
sl_bottom :: OWLSub
sl_bottom = OWLSub
numberRestrictions = None
, nominals = False
, inverseRoles = False
, roleTransitivity = False
, roleHierarchy = False
, complexRoleInclusions = False
, addFeatures = False
, datatype = Set.empty
sl_max :: OWLSub -> OWLSub -> OWLSub
sl_max sl1 sl2 =
numberRestrictions = max (numberRestrictions sl1)
(numberRestrictions sl2)
, nominals = max (nominals sl1)
(nominals sl2)
, inverseRoles = max (inverseRoles sl1)
(inverseRoles sl2)
, roleTransitivity = max (roleTransitivity sl1)
(roleTransitivity sl2)
, roleHierarchy = max (roleHierarchy sl1)
(roleHierarchy sl2)
, complexRoleInclusions = max (complexRoleInclusions sl1)
(complexRoleInclusions sl2)
, addFeatures = max (addFeatures sl1)
(addFeatures sl2)
, datatype = Set.union (datatype sl1)
(datatype sl2)
-- | Naming for Description Logics
sl_name :: OWLSub -> String
sl_name sl =
(if complexRoleInclusions sl || addFeatures sl
then (if addFeatures sl then "s" else "") ++ "R"
else (if roleTransitivity sl then "S" else "ALC")
++ if roleHierarchy sl then "H" else "")
++ (if nominals sl then "O" else "")
++ (if inverseRoles sl then "I" else "")
++ (case numberRestrictions sl of
Qualified -> "Q"
Unqualified -> "N"
None -> "")
++ let ds = datatype sl in if Set.null ds then "" else
++ (let ts = Set.filter (/= OWLDATA) ds
in if Set.null ts then "" else
++ (if ds == Set.fromList owlDatatypes then "-" else
intercalate "|" $ map printXSDName $ Set.toList ts)
++ "|")
requireQualNumberRestrictions :: OWLSub -> OWLSub
requireQualNumberRestrictions sl = sl { numberRestrictions = Qualified }
requireNumberRestrictions :: OWLSub -> OWLSub
requireNumberRestrictions sl =
if numberRestrictions sl /= Qualified
then sl {numberRestrictions = Unqualified}
requireRoleTransitivity :: OWLSub -> OWLSub
requireRoleTransitivity sl = sl {roleTransitivity = True}
requireRoleHierarchy :: OWLSub -> OWLSub
requireRoleHierarchy sl = sl { roleHierarchy = True}
requireComplexRoleInclusions :: OWLSub -> OWLSub
requireComplexRoleInclusions sl =
(requireRoleHierarchy $ requireRoleTransitivity sl)
{ complexRoleInclusions = True}
requireAddFeatures :: OWLSub -> OWLSub
requireAddFeatures sl =
(requireComplexRoleInclusions sl)
{ addFeatures = True}
requireNominals :: OWLSub -> OWLSub
requireNominals sl = sl {nominals = True}
requireInverseRoles :: OWLSub -> OWLSub
requireInverseRoles sl = sl {inverseRoles = True}
requireDatatype :: OWLSub -> OWLSub
requireDatatype sl = sl {datatype = Set.union (datatype sl)
$ Set.singleton OWLDATA}
sl_obj_prop :: ObjectPropertyExpression -> OWLSub
sl_obj_prop o = case o of
ObjectProp _ -> sl_bottom
ObjectInverseOf p -> requireInverseRoles $ sl_obj_prop p
sl_ent :: Entity -> OWLSub
sl_ent (Entity et _) =
case et of
Datatype -> requireDatatype sl_bottom
_ -> sl_bottom
sl_data_uri :: QName -> OWLSub
sl_data_uri ur = sl_bottom
{ datatype = case namePrefix ur of
"xsd" -> let
l = map toLower $ localPart ur
s = case l of
'#' : r -> r
_ -> l
in Set.fromList $ OWLDATA
: filter ((s ==) . map toLower . printXSDName) owlDatatypes
_ -> Set.singleton OWLDATA }
sl_data_prop :: DataPropertyExpression -> OWLSub
sl_data_prop = sl_data_uri
sl_data_range :: DataRange -> OWLSub
sl_data_range rn =
requireDatatype $
case rn of
DataType ur _ -> sl_data_uri ur
DataComplementOf c -> sl_data_range c
DataOneOf _ -> requireNominals sl_bottom
DataJunction _ drl -> foldl sl_max sl_bottom $ map sl_data_range drl
sl_desc :: ClassExpression -> OWLSub
sl_desc des =
case des of
Expression _ -> sl_bottom
ObjectJunction _ dec -> foldl sl_max sl_bottom $ map sl_desc dec
ObjectComplementOf dec -> sl_desc dec
ObjectOneOf _ -> requireNominals sl_bottom
ObjectValuesFrom _ o d -> sl_max (sl_obj_prop o) (sl_desc d)
ObjectHasSelf o -> requireAddFeatures $ sl_obj_prop o
ObjectHasValue o _ -> sl_obj_prop o
ObjectCardinality c -> sl_card c
DataValuesFrom _ d dr -> requireDatatype $
sl_max (sl_data_range dr) (sl_data_prop d)
DataHasValue d _ -> requireDatatype $ sl_data_prop d
DataCardinality c -> requireDatatype $ sl_d_card c
sl_d_card :: Cardinality DataPropertyExpression DataRange -> OWLSub
sl_d_card (Cardinality _ _ dp x) =
case x of
Nothing -> requireDatatype $
requireNumberRestrictions $
sl_data_prop dp
Just y -> requireDatatype $
requireQualNumberRestrictions $
sl_max (sl_data_prop dp) (sl_data_range y)
sl_card :: Cardinality ObjectPropertyExpression ClassExpression
-> OWLSub
sl_card (Cardinality _ _ op x) =
case x of
Nothing -> requireNumberRestrictions $
sl_obj_prop op
Just y -> requireQualNumberRestrictions $
sl_max (sl_obj_prop op) (sl_desc y)
slLFB :: Maybe Relation -> ListFrameBit -> OWLSub
slLFB mr lfb = case lfb of
ExpressionBit anl -> foldl sl_max sl_bottom $ map (sl_desc . snd) anl
ObjectBit anl -> sl_max (case fromMaybe (error "relation needed") mr of
EDRelation Disjoint -> requireAddFeatures sl_bottom
_ -> sl_bottom) $ foldl sl_max sl_bottom $ map (sl_obj_prop . snd) anl
DataBit anl -> sl_max (case fromMaybe (error "relation needed") mr of
EDRelation Disjoint -> requireAddFeatures sl_bottom
_ -> sl_bottom) $ foldl sl_max sl_bottom $ map (sl_data_prop . snd) anl
IndividualSameOrDifferent _ -> requireNominals sl_bottom
ObjectCharacteristics anl -> foldl sl_max sl_bottom
$ map (\ c -> case c of
Transitive -> requireRoleTransitivity sl_bottom
Reflexive -> requireAddFeatures sl_bottom
Irreflexive -> requireAddFeatures sl_bottom
Asymmetric -> requireAddFeatures sl_bottom
_ -> sl_bottom) $ map snd anl
DataPropRange anl -> foldl sl_max sl_bottom
$ map (sl_data_range . snd) anl
_ -> sl_bottom
slAFB :: AnnFrameBit -> OWLSub
slAFB afb = case afb of
DatatypeBit dr -> sl_data_range dr
ClassDisjointUnion cel -> foldl sl_max sl_bottom $ map sl_desc cel
ClassHasKey opl dpl -> sl_max (foldl sl_max sl_bottom
$ map sl_obj_prop opl)
(foldl sl_max sl_bottom $ map sl_data_prop dpl)
ObjectSubPropertyChain opl -> requireComplexRoleInclusions
$ requireRoleHierarchy $ foldl sl_max sl_bottom $ map sl_obj_prop opl
_ -> sl_bottom
slFB :: FrameBit -> OWLSub
slFB fb = case fb of
AnnFrameBit _ afb -> slAFB afb
ListFrameBit mr lfb -> sl_max (slLFB mr lfb) (case mr of
Nothing -> sl_bottom
Just r -> case r of
SubPropertyOf -> requireRoleHierarchy sl_bottom
InverseOf -> requireInverseRoles sl_bottom
_ -> sl_bottom) -- maybe addFeatures ??
slAxiom :: Axiom -> OWLSub
slAxiom (PlainAxiom ext fb) = case ext of
Misc _ -> slFB fb
ClassEntity ce -> sl_max (slFB fb) (sl_desc ce)
ObjectEntity o -> sl_max (slFB fb) (sl_obj_prop o)
SimpleEntity e@(Entity ty ent) -> case ty of
DataProperty -> requireDatatype $ sl_max (slFB fb) (sl_data_prop ent)
_ -> sl_max (sl_ent e) (slFB fb)
slFrame :: Frame -> OWLSub
slFrame = foldl sl_max sl_bottom . map slAxiom . getAxioms
sl_o_doc :: OntologyDocument -> OWLSub
sl_o_doc = foldl sl_max sl_bottom . map slFrame . ontFrames . ontology
sl_sig :: Sign -> OWLSub
sl_sig sig =
if Set.size (dataProperties sig) == 0
&& Set.size (datatypes sig) == 0
requireDatatype sl_bottom
sl_mor :: OWLMorphism -> OWLSub
sl_mor mor = sl_max (sl_sig $ osource mor) $ sl_sig $ otarget mor
-- projections along sublogics
pr_mor :: OWLSub -> OWLMorphism -> OWLMorphism
pr_mor s a = a
{ osource = pr_sig s $ osource a
, otarget = pr_sig s $ otarget a }
pr_sig :: OWLSub -> Sign -> Sign
pr_sig s a =
if datatype s == Set.empty
datatypes = Set.empty
, dataProperties = Set.empty
pr_o_doc :: OWLSub -> OntologyDocument -> OntologyDocument
pr_o_doc s a =
o = (ontology a)
ontFrames = filter ((s >=) . slFrame) $ ontFrames $
ontology a
ontology = o