Sign.hs revision 18d370f8341357f5d6a4068f4bb6981173ece70f
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : Heng Jiang, Uni Bremen 2007
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Signatures and sentences for OWL 2
module OWL2.Sign where
import OWL2.AS
import OWL2.MS
import OWL2.FS
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Common.Result
import Common.DocUtils
type ID = IRIreference -- for universal ID
type OntologyID = IRIreference
type ClassID = IRIreference
type DatatypeID = IRIreference
type IndividualID = IRIreference
type DataRoleIRI = IRIreference
type IndividualRoleIRI = IRIreference
type AnnotationPropertyID = IRIreference
instance Pretty Sign
data Sign = Sign
{ concepts :: Set.Set ClassID
-- ^ a set of classes
, datatypes :: Set.Set DatatypeID -- ^ a set of datatypes
, objectProperties :: Set.Set IndividualRoleIRI
-- ^ a set of object properties
, dataProperties :: Set.Set DataRoleIRI
-- ^ a set of data properties
, annotationRoles :: Set.Set AnnotationPropertyID
, individuals :: Set.Set IndividualID -- ^ a set of individual
-- ^ a set of axioms of subconceptrelations, domain an drenge
-- ^of roles, functional roles and concept membership
, prefixMap :: PrefixMap
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data SignAxiom =
Subconcept ClassExpression ClassExpression -- subclass, superclass
| Role (DomainOrRangeOrFunc (RoleKind, RoleType)) ObjectPropertyExpression
| Data (DomainOrRangeOrFunc ()) DataPropertyExpression
| Conceptmembership IndividualID ClassExpression
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data RoleKind = FuncRole | RefRole deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data RoleType = IRole | DRole deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data DesKind = RDomain | DDomain | RIRange deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data DomainOrRangeOrFunc a =
DomainOrRange DesKind ClassExpression
| RDRange DataRange
| FuncProp a
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
emptySign :: Sign
emptySign = Sign
{ concepts = Set.empty
, datatypes = Set.empty
, objectProperties = Set.empty
, dataProperties = Set.empty
, annotationRoles = Set.empty
, individuals = Set.empty
, prefixMap = Map.empty
-- ignoe ontologyID
diffSig :: Sign -> Sign -> Sign
diffSig a b =
a { concepts = concepts a `Set.difference` concepts b
, datatypes = datatypes a `Set.difference` datatypes b
, objectProperties = objectProperties a `Set.difference` objectProperties b
, dataProperties = dataProperties a `Set.difference` dataProperties b
, annotationRoles = annotationRoles a `Set.difference` annotationRoles b
, individuals = individuals a `Set.difference` individuals b
addSign :: Sign -> Sign -> Sign
addSign toIns totalSign =
totalSign {
concepts = Set.union (concepts totalSign)
(concepts toIns),
datatypes = Set.union (datatypes totalSign)
(datatypes toIns),
objectProperties = Set.union (objectProperties totalSign)
(objectProperties toIns),
dataProperties = Set.union (dataProperties totalSign)
(dataProperties toIns),
annotationRoles = Set.union (annotationRoles totalSign)
(annotationRoles toIns),
individuals = Set.union (individuals totalSign)
(individuals toIns)
isSubSign :: Sign -> Sign -> Bool
isSubSign a b =
Set.isSubsetOf (concepts a) (concepts b)
&& Set.isSubsetOf (datatypes a) (datatypes b)
&& Set.isSubsetOf (objectProperties a) (objectProperties b)
&& Set.isSubsetOf (dataProperties a) (dataProperties b)
&& Set.isSubsetOf (annotationRoles a) (annotationRoles b)
&& Set.isSubsetOf (individuals a) (individuals b)
symOf :: Sign -> Set.Set Entity
symOf s = Set.unions
[ (Entity Class) $ concepts s
, (Entity Datatype) $ datatypes s
, (Entity ObjectProperty) $ objectProperties s
, (Entity DataProperty) $ dataProperties s
, (Entity NamedIndividual) $ individuals s ]