{- |
Module : ./OWL2/ShipSyntax.hs
Copyright : (c) C. Maeder DFKI GmbH
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
different pretty printing for the SHIP tool
module OWL2.ShipSyntax where
import OWL2.AS
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Parsec
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
data Concept
= CName String
| NominalC String
| NotC Concept
| JoinedC (Maybe JunctionType) [Concept] -- Nothing denotes disjoint union
| Quant (Either QuantifierType (CardinalityType, Int)) Role Concept
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
topC :: Concept
topC = CName "T"
data NotOrInverse = NotR | InvR deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Role
= RName String
| NominalR String String
| UnOp NotOrInverse Role
| JoinedR (Maybe JunctionType) [Role] -- Nothing denotes composition!
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
topR :: Role
topR = RName "TxT"
botR :: Role
botR = UnOp NotR topR
ppJunction :: Bool -> Maybe JunctionType -> Doc
ppJunction c mt = text $ case mt of
Just t -> case t of
UnionOf -> "+ "
IntersectionOf -> "& "
Nothing -> if c then "<+> " else ". "
pppNegConcept :: Concept -> Doc
pppNegConcept c = case c of
JoinedC {} -> parens
_ -> id
$ ppConcept c
pppConcept :: Bool -> Maybe JunctionType -> Concept -> Doc
pppConcept notLast mt c = case c of
Quant {} | notLast -> parens
JoinedC mti _
| mti /= mt && maybe True (const $ maybe False (/= UnionOf) mt) mti
-> parens
_ -> id
$ ppConcept c
ppConcept :: Concept -> Doc
ppConcept co = case co of
CName s -> (if co == topC then keyword else text) s
NominalC s -> braces $ text s
NotC c -> text "~" <> pppNegConcept c
JoinedC t l -> case reverse l of
[] -> ppConcept $ if t == Just IntersectionOf then topC else NotC topC
f : r -> fsep . prepPunctuate (ppJunction True t)
. reverse $ pppConcept False t f : map (pppConcept True t) r
Quant q r c -> fsep [(case q of
Left v -> keyword (showQuant v)
Right (n, i) -> text (showCard n) <+> text (show i)
) <+> ppRole r, dot <+> ppConcept c]
showQuant :: QuantifierType -> String
showQuant v = case v of
AllValuesFrom -> "all"
SomeValuesFrom -> "ex"
showCard :: CardinalityType -> String
showCard n = case n of
MinCardinality -> ">="
MaxCardinality -> "<="
ExactCardinality -> "="
showSame :: SameOrDifferent -> String
showSame s = case s of
Same -> "=="
Different -> "!="
pppRole :: Maybe JunctionType -> Role -> Doc
pppRole mt r = case r of
JoinedR (Just ti) _
| maybe True (\ to -> ti /= to && ti == UnionOf) mt
-> parens
_ -> id
$ ppRole r
ppRole :: Role -> Doc
ppRole ro = case ro of
RName s -> (if ro == topR then keyword else text) s
NominalR s t -> braces $ parens $ text s <> comma <+> text t
UnOp o r -> (case o of
NotR -> text "~"
InvR -> keyword "inv") <> (case r of
JoinedR {} -> parens
_ | o == InvR -> parens
_ -> id) (ppRole r)
JoinedR t l -> case l of
[] -> ppRole $ if t /= Just UnionOf then topR else botR
_ -> fsep . prepPunctuate (ppJunction False t) $ map (pppRole t) l
skip :: CharParser st ()
skip = forget $ many $ single (satisfy isSpace) <|> nestedComment "/*" "*/"
<|> tryString "//" <++> many (noneOf "\n")
myLetter :: CharParser st Char
myLetter = satisfy $ \ c -> isAlphaNum c || elem c "_"
nominal :: CharParser st String
nominal = reserved
["_", "all", "ex", "inv", "not", "if", "effect", "causes", "cond", "exec"]
(many1 myLetter) << skip
key :: String -> CharParser st ()
key s = forget $ try $ string s >> notFollowedBy myLetter
skipKey :: String -> CharParser st ()
skipKey s = key s << skip
quant :: CharParser st QuantifierType
quant = choice $ map (\ a -> key (showQuant a) >> return a)
[AllValuesFrom, SomeValuesFrom]
card :: CharParser st CardinalityType
card = choice $ map (\ a -> tryString (showCard a) >> return a)
[MinCardinality, MaxCardinality, ExactCardinality]
quantOrCard :: CharParser st (Either QuantifierType (CardinalityType, Int))
quantOrCard = fmap Left quant
<|> do
c <- card << skip
i <- many1 digit
return $ Right (c, read i)
skipChar :: Char -> CharParser st ()
skipChar c = char c >> skip
commaP, colonP, equalP, bulletP :: CharParser st ()
commaP = skipChar ','
colonP = skipChar ':'
equalP = skipChar '='
bulletP = skipChar '.'
primConcept :: CharParser st Concept
primConcept = do
q <- quantOrCard << skip
r <- primRole
fmap (Quant q r) concept
<|> ((key "not" <|> skipChar '~') >> skip >> fmap NotC primConcept)
<|> braced (fmap NominalC nominal) -- allow more nominals
<|> parent concept
<|> fmap CName nominal
braced :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
braced p = skipChar '{' >> p << skipChar '}'
parent :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
parent p = skipChar '(' >> p << skipChar ')'
binPP :: ([a] -> a) -> CharParser st sep -> CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
binPP f sp p = do
a <- p
l <- many $ sp >> p
return $ if null l then a else f $ a : l
binP :: ([a] -> a) -> String -> CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
binP f s = binPP f $ tryString s >> skip
binC :: ([a] -> a) -> Char -> CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
binC f c = binPP f $ skipChar c
andConcept :: CharParser st Concept
andConcept = binC (JoinedC $ Just IntersectionOf) '&' primConcept
plus :: CharParser st ()
plus = try $ char '+' >> notFollowedBy (char '>') >> skip
orConcept :: CharParser st Concept
orConcept = binPP (JoinedC $ Just UnionOf) plus andConcept
concept :: CharParser st Concept
concept = binP (JoinedC Nothing) "<+>" orConcept
notOrInv :: CharParser st NotOrInverse
notOrInv = (char '~' >> return NotR)
<|> (key "inv" >> return InvR)
nomPair :: (String -> String -> a) -> CharParser st a
nomPair f = parent $ liftM2 f nominal $ commaP >> nominal
primRole :: CharParser st Role
primRole = do
o <- notOrInv << skip
fmap (UnOp o) primRole
<|> braced (nomPair NominalR)
<|> parent role
<|> fmap RName nominal
compRole :: CharParser st Role
compRole = binC (JoinedR Nothing) '.' primRole
andRole :: CharParser st Role
andRole = binC (JoinedR $ Just IntersectionOf) '&' compRole
role :: CharParser st Role
role = binPP (JoinedR $ Just UnionOf) plus andRole
data EqOrLess = Eq | Less deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data RoleType = RoleType Concept Concept deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- a missing rhs may be modelled as "< T" or by no constructors
data ConceptRhs
= ADTCons [TBoxCons]
| ConceptRel EqOrLess Concept
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data TBoxCons = TBoxCons Concept [(Role, Concept)]
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data TBox
= ConceptDecl Concept ConceptRhs
| DisjointCs [Concept]
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data RBox
= RoleDecl Role RoleType
| RoleRel Role EqOrLess Role
| RoleProp Character Role
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | assertions
data ABox
= AConcept String Concept
| ARole String String Role
| AIndividual String SameOrDifferent String
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Box = Box [TBox] [RBox] [ABox]
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
ppEqOrLess :: EqOrLess -> Doc
ppEqOrLess s = case s of
Eq -> equals
Less -> less
ppRoleType :: RoleType -> Doc
ppRoleType (RoleType s t) =
fsep [colon <+> ppConcept s, cross <+> ppConcept t]
ppConceptRhs :: ConceptRhs -> Doc
ppConceptRhs rhs = case rhs of
ADTCons cs -> if null cs then empty else
text "::=" <+> vcat (prepPunctuate (text "| ") $ map ppTBoxCons cs)
ConceptRel o c -> ppEqOrLess o <+> ppConcept c
ppTBoxCons :: TBoxCons -> Doc
ppTBoxCons (TBoxCons c sels) =
ppConcept c <> if null sels then empty else
parens . sepByCommas $ map
(\ (r, a) -> ppRole r <+> colon <+> ppConcept a) sels
ppTBox :: TBox -> Doc
ppTBox b = case b of
ConceptDecl d m -> ppConcept d <+> ppConceptRhs m
DisjointCs cs -> keyword "Disjoint" <> parens (sepByCommas $ map ppConcept cs)
ppRBox :: RBox -> Doc
ppRBox b = case b of
RoleDecl r t -> fsep [ppRole r, ppRoleType t]
RoleRel r o t -> fsep [ppRole r, ppEqOrLess o <+> ppRole t]
RoleProp c s -> keyword (showCharacter c) <> parens (ppRole s)
ppABox :: ABox -> Doc
ppABox b = case b of
AConcept n c -> text n <> colon <> ppConcept c
ARole s t r -> parens (text s <> comma <+> text t)
<> colon <> ppRole r
AIndividual s c t -> text s <> text (showSame c) <> text t
ppBox :: Box -> Doc
ppBox (Box ts rs as) = let ppM c = keyword $ '%' : c : "BOX" in
vcat $ ppM 'T' : map ppTBox ts ++ ppM 'R' : map ppRBox rs
++ ppM 'A' : map ppABox as
showCharacter :: Character -> String
showCharacter c = case c of
Functional -> "Func"
InverseFunctional -> "FuncInv"
Reflexive -> "Ref"
Irreflexive -> "Irref"
Symmetric -> "Sym"
Asymmetric -> "Asym"
Antisymmetric -> "Dis"
Transitive -> "Trans"
character :: CharParser st Character
character = choice $ map (\ a -> key (showCharacter a) >> return a)
[minBound .. maxBound]
eqOrLess :: CharParser st EqOrLess
eqOrLess = (equalP >> return Eq) <|> (skipChar '<' >> return Less)
tbox :: CharParser st TBox
tbox = (key "Disjoint" >> fmap DisjointCs
(parent $ concept <:> many (commaP >> concept)))
<|> try (liftM2 ConceptDecl concept
(liftM2 ConceptRel eqOrLess concept
<|> fmap ADTCons
((tryString "::=" >> skip >> sepBy tboxCons (skipChar '|'))
<|> (char ':' >> pzero)
<|> (string "==" >> pzero)
<|> (string "!=" >> pzero)
<|> return [])))
tboxCons :: CharParser st TBoxCons
tboxCons = liftM2 TBoxCons concept
. optionL . parent . flip sepBy commaP
. pair role $ colonP >> concept
rbox :: CharParser st RBox
rbox = liftM2 RoleProp character (parent role)
<|> try (do
r <- role
liftM2 (RoleRel r) eqOrLess role
<|> fmap (RoleDecl r) (liftM2 RoleType
(colonP >> concept)
$ skipChar '*' >> concept)) -- added try to recognize abox
abox :: CharParser st ABox
abox = liftM2 ($) (nomPair ARole) (colonP >> role)
<|> do
n <- nominal
fmap (AConcept n) (colonP >> concept)
<|> liftM2 (AIndividual n) (pSame << skip) nominal
pSame :: CharParser st SameOrDifferent
pSame = choice $ map (\ a -> tryString (showSame a) >> return a)
[Same, Different]
box :: CharParser st Box
box = do
forget $ many imprts
optional $ skipKey "%TBOX"
ts <- many tbox
optional $ skipKey "%RBOX"
rs <- many rbox
optional $ skipKey "%ABOX"
as <- many abox
return $ Box ts rs as
imprts :: CharParser st ()
imprts = skipKey "import" << many1 (myLetter <|> char '.') << skip
<< optional rename
rename :: CharParser st ()
rename = do
skipKey "with"
optional $ skipKey "concepts" << nmap
optional $ skipKey "roles" << nmap
optional $ skipKey "individuals" << nmap
return ()
nmap :: GenParser Char st [()]
nmap = sepBy1 (nominal >> skipKey "as" << nominal) commaP
ppp :: (a -> Doc) -> CharParser () a -> String -> String
ppp pr pa s = case parse (skip >> pa << eof) "" s of
Right a -> show $ pr a
Left e -> show e