Rename.hs revision 81ec673ac5ab1493568d9ef7798b752ab8ee0e61
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Felix Gabriel Mance
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Renames prefixes in OntologyDocuments, so that there are
no prefix clashes
module OWL2.Rename where
import OWL2.AS
import OWL2.MS
import OWL2.Sign
import OWL2.Function
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.List (find, nub)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Common.Result
testAndInteg :: (String, String)
-> (PrefixMap, StringMap) -> (PrefixMap, StringMap)
testAndInteg (pre, oiri) (old, tm) = case Map.lookup pre old of
Just iri ->
if oiri == iri then (old, tm)
else let pre' = disambiguateName pre old
in (Map.insert pre' oiri old, Map.insert pre pre' tm)
Nothing -> (Map.insert pre oiri old, tm)
disambiguateName :: String -> PrefixMap -> String
disambiguateName nm nameMap =
let newname = reverse . dropWhile isDigit $ reverse nm
in fromJust $ find (not . flip Map.member nameMap)
[newname ++ show (i :: Int) | i <- [1 ..]]
uniteSign :: Sign -> Sign -> Result Sign
uniteSign s1 s2 = do
let (pm, tm) = integPref (prefixMap s1) (prefixMap s2)
if Map.null tm then return (addSign s1 s2) {prefixMap = pm}
else fail "Static analysis could not unite signatures"
integPref :: PrefixMap -> PrefixMap
-> (PrefixMap, StringMap)
integPref oldMap testMap =
foldr testAndInteg (oldMap, Map.empty) (Map.toList testMap)
newOid :: OntologyIRI -> OntologyIRI -> OntologyIRI
newOid id1 id2 =
let lid1 = localPart id1
lid2 = localPart id2
in if null lid1 then id2
else if null lid2 || id1 == id2 then id1
else id1 { localPart = uriToName lid1 ++ "_" ++ uriToName lid2 }
combineDoc :: OntologyDocument -> OntologyDocument
-> OntologyDocument
combineDoc od1@( OntologyDocument ns1
( Ontology oid1 imp1 anno1 frames1))
od2@( OntologyDocument ns2
( Ontology oid2 imp2 anno2 frames2)) =
if od1 == od2 then od1
let (newPref, tm) = integPref ns1 ns2
in OntologyDocument newPref
(Ontology (newOid oid1 oid2) (nub $ imp1 ++ map
(function Rename $ StringMap tm) imp2)
(nub $ anno1 ++ map (function Rename $ StringMap tm) anno2)
(nub $ frames1 ++ map (function Rename $ StringMap tm) frames2))
uriToName :: String -> String
uriToName str = let
str' = case str of
'"' : _ -> read str
_ -> str
in takeWhile (/= '.') $ reverse $ case takeWhile (/= '/') $ reverse str' of
'#' : r -> r
r -> r
unifyWith1 :: OntologyDocument -> [OntologyDocument] -> [OntologyDocument]
unifyWith1 d odl = case odl of
[] -> []
[doc] -> [snd $ unifyTwo d doc]
doc1 : docs ->
let (merged, newDoc1) = unifyTwo d doc1
in newDoc1 : unifyWith1 merged docs
{- | takes 2 docs and returns as snd the corrected first one
and as fst the merge of the two -}
unifyTwo :: OntologyDocument -> OntologyDocument ->
(OntologyDocument, OntologyDocument)
unifyTwo od1 od2 =
let (_, tm) = integPref (prefixDeclaration od1) (prefixDeclaration od2)
newod2 = function Rename (StringMap tm) od2
alld = combineDoc od1 od2
in (alld, newod2)
unifyDocs :: [OntologyDocument] -> [OntologyDocument]
unifyDocs = unifyWith1 emptyOntologyDoc