Rename.hs revision 137edd3944aacd150d60af8977de962113ead859
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
module OWL2.Rename where
import OWL2.AS
import OWL2.MS
import OWL2.Sign
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Common.AS_Annotation as Common.Annotation
import Data.List (find, nub)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Common.Result
type TranslationMap = Map.Map String String
class PrefixClass a where
mv :: TranslationMap -> a -> a
maybeRename :: (PrefixClass a) => TranslationMap -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
maybeRename tMap = fmap $ mv tMap
instance PrefixClass PrefixMap where
mv tMap oldPs =
foldl (\ ns (pre, ouri) ->
Map.insert (Map.findWithDefault pre pre tMap) ouri ns)
Map.empty $ Map.toList oldPs
instance PrefixClass QName where
mv tMap old = let pre = namePrefix old in
old { namePrefix = Map.findWithDefault pre pre tMap }
instance PrefixClass Sign where
mv tMap (Sign p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7) =
Sign ( (mv tMap) p1)
( (mv tMap) p2)
( (mv tMap) p3)
( (mv tMap) p4)
( (mv tMap) p5)
( (mv tMap) p6)
(mv tMap p7)
instance PrefixClass (DomainOrRangeOrFunc a) where
mv tMap dor = case dor of
DomainOrRange ty des -> DomainOrRange ty $ mv tMap des
RDRange dr -> RDRange $ mv tMap dr
_ -> dor
instance PrefixClass SignAxiom where
mv tMap signAxiom =
case signAxiom of
Subconcept cId1 cId2 ->
Subconcept (mv tMap cId1)
(mv tMap cId2)
Role rdr id1 ->
Role (mv tMap rdr) (mv tMap id1)
Data rdr id1 ->
Data (mv tMap rdr) (mv tMap id1)
Conceptmembership iId des ->
Conceptmembership (mv tMap iId)
(mv tMap des)
instance PrefixClass (Common.Annotation.Named Axiom) where
mv tMap sent = sent {
Common.Annotation.sentence = mv tMap
(Common.Annotation.sentence sent) }
instance PrefixClass Entity where
mv tMap (Entity ty euri) = Entity ty $ mv tMap euri
instance PrefixClass Literal where
mv tMap lit = case lit of
Literal l (Typed curi) ->
Literal l $ Typed $ mv tMap curi
_ -> lit
instance PrefixClass ObjectPropertyExpression where
mv tMap opExp = case opExp of
ObjectProp opuri -> ObjectProp (mv tMap opuri)
ObjectInverseOf invOp -> ObjectInverseOf (mv tMap invOp)
instance PrefixClass DataRange where
mv tMap dr =
let rnRest (facet, value) = (facet, mv tMap value)
in case dr of
DataType druri restrList ->
DataType (mv tMap druri) (map rnRest restrList)
DataJunction ty drlist -> DataJunction ty (map (mv tMap) drlist)
DataComplementOf dataRange -> DataComplementOf (mv tMap dataRange)
DataOneOf constList -> DataOneOf (map (mv tMap) constList)
instance PrefixClass ClassExpression where
mv tMap desc = case desc of
Expression curi -> Expression (mv tMap curi)
ObjectJunction ty descList ->
ObjectJunction ty (map (mv tMap) descList)
ObjectComplementOf desc' -> ObjectComplementOf (mv tMap desc')
ObjectOneOf indsList -> ObjectOneOf (map (mv tMap) indsList)
ObjectValuesFrom ty opExp desc' -> ObjectValuesFrom ty
(mv tMap opExp) (mv tMap desc')
ObjectHasSelf opExp -> ObjectHasSelf (mv tMap opExp)
ObjectHasValue opExp indUri -> ObjectHasValue
(mv tMap opExp) (mv tMap indUri)
ObjectCardinality (Cardinality ty card opExp maybeDesc) ->
ObjectCardinality $ Cardinality ty card
(mv tMap opExp) (maybeRename tMap maybeDesc)
DataValuesFrom ty dpExp dpExpList dataRange ->
DataValuesFrom ty (mv tMap dpExp) (map (mv tMap) dpExpList)
(mv tMap dataRange)
DataHasValue dpExp const' -> DataHasValue
(mv tMap dpExp) (mv tMap const')
DataCardinality (Cardinality ty card dpExp maybeRange) ->
DataCardinality $ Cardinality ty card
(mv tMap dpExp) (maybeRename tMap maybeRange)
instance PrefixClass Annotation where
mv tMap anno = case anno of
Annotation annos ap av -> Annotation (map (mv tMap) annos)
(mv tMap ap) (mv tMap av)
instance PrefixClass AnnotationValue where
mv ns av = case av of
AnnValue iri -> AnnValue (mv ns iri)
AnnValLit l -> AnnValLit (mv ns l)
instance PrefixClass Annotations where
mv tMap = map (mv tMap)
instance PrefixClass a => PrefixClass (AnnotatedList a) where
mv tMap = map (\ (ans, b) -> (mv tMap ans, mv tMap b))
instance PrefixClass ListFrameBit where
mv tMap lfb = case lfb of
AnnotationBit anl -> AnnotationBit (mv tMap anl)
ExpressionBit anl -> ExpressionBit (mv tMap anl)
ObjectBit anl -> ObjectBit (mv tMap anl)
DataBit anl -> DataBit (mv tMap anl)
IndividualSameOrDifferent anl ->
IndividualSameOrDifferent (mv tMap anl)
DataPropRange anl -> DataPropRange (mv tMap anl)
IndividualFacts ans -> IndividualFacts (mv tMap ans)
_ -> lfb
instance PrefixClass AnnFrameBit where
mv tMap afb = case afb of
DatatypeBit dr -> DatatypeBit (mv tMap dr)
ClassDisjointUnion cel -> ClassDisjointUnion (map (mv tMap) cel)
ClassHasKey ol dl -> ClassHasKey (map (mv tMap) ol) (map (mv tMap) dl)
ObjectSubPropertyChain ol -> ObjectSubPropertyChain (map (mv tMap) ol)
_ -> afb
instance PrefixClass FrameBit where
mv tMap fb = case fb of
ListFrameBit mr lfb -> ListFrameBit mr (mv tMap lfb)
AnnFrameBit ans afb -> AnnFrameBit (mv tMap ans) (mv tMap afb)
instance PrefixClass Extended where
mv tMap ex = case ex of
Misc ans -> Misc $ mv tMap ans
SimpleEntity e -> SimpleEntity $ mv tMap e
ClassEntity ce -> ClassEntity $ mv tMap ce
ObjectEntity op -> ObjectEntity $ mv tMap op
instance PrefixClass Frame where
mv tMap (Frame ex fbl) = Frame (mv tMap ex) (map (mv tMap) fbl)
instance PrefixClass Axiom where
mv tMap (PlainAxiom ex fbl) = PlainAxiom (mv tMap ex) (mv tMap fbl)
instance PrefixClass Fact where
mv tMap f = case f of
ObjectPropertyFact pn op i -> ObjectPropertyFact pn (mv tMap op) (mv tMap i)
DataPropertyFact pn dp l -> DataPropertyFact pn (mv tMap dp) (mv tMap l)
instance PrefixClass OntologyDocument where
mv tMap ( OntologyDocument pm onto) =
OntologyDocument (mv tMap pm) (mv tMap onto)
instance PrefixClass MOntology where
mv tMap ( MOntology ouri impList anList f) =
MOntology (mv tMap ouri) (map (mv tMap) impList)
(map (mv tMap) anList) (map (mv tMap) f)
testAndInteg :: (String, String)
-> (PrefixMap, TranslationMap) -> (PrefixMap, TranslationMap)
testAndInteg (pre, oiri) (old, tm) = case Map.lookup pre old of
Just iri ->
if oiri == iri then (old, tm)
else let pre' = disambiguateName pre old
in (Map.insert pre' oiri old, Map.insert pre pre' tm)
Nothing -> (Map.insert pre oiri old, tm)
disambiguateName :: String -> PrefixMap -> String
disambiguateName name nameMap =
let newname = reverse . dropWhile isDigit $ reverse name
in fromJust $ find (not . flip Map.member nameMap)
[newname ++ show (i :: Int) | i <- [1 ..]]
uniteSign :: Sign -> Sign -> Result Sign
uniteSign s1 s2 = do
let (pm, tm) = integPref (prefixMap s1) (prefixMap s2)
if Map.null tm then return (addSign s1 s2) {prefixMap = pm}
else fail "Static analysis could not unite signatures"
integPref :: PrefixMap -> PrefixMap
-> (PrefixMap, TranslationMap)
integPref oldNsMap testNsMap =
foldr testAndInteg (oldNsMap, Map.empty) (Map.toList testNsMap)
integrateOntologyDoc :: OntologyDocument -> OntologyDocument
-> OntologyDocument
integrateOntologyDoc of1@( OntologyDocument ns1
( MOntology oid1 imp1 anno1 frames1))
of2@( OntologyDocument ns2
( MOntology oid2 imp2 anno2 frames2)) =
if of1 == of2 then of1
let (newPref, tm) = integPref ns1 ns2
newOid :: OntologyIRI -> OntologyIRI -> OntologyIRI
newOid id1 id2 = let
lid1 = localPart id1
lid2 = localPart id2
in if null lid1 then id2 else
if null lid2 || id1 == id2 then id1 else id1
{ localPart = uriToName lid1 ++ "_" ++ uriToName lid2 }
in OntologyDocument newPref
( MOntology (newOid oid1 oid2)
(nub $ imp1 ++ map (mv tm) imp2)
(nub $ anno1 ++ map (mv tm) anno2)
(nub $ frames1 ++ map (mv tm) (frames2)))
uriToName :: String -> String
uriToName str = let
str' = case str of
'"' : _ -> read str
_ -> str
in takeWhile (/= '.') $ reverse $ case takeWhile (/= '/') $ reverse str' of
'#' : r -> r
r -> r