Profiles.hs revision 892fc6e68b84dde1a4b3081f9b512af493406f42
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Felix Gabriel Mance
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Contains : OWL2 Profiles (EL, QL, RL, DL)
References : <>
module OWL2.Profiles where
import OWL2.AS
import OWL2.MS
import Data.Maybe
-- this datatype contains booleans, in this order, for EL, QL and RL
data CoreProfiles = (Bool, Bool, Bool)
{- this datatype contains booleans, in this order, for EL, QL, RL,
EL + QL, EL + RL, QL + RL and EL + QL + RL -}
data AllProfiles = (Bool, Bool, Bool, Bool, Bool, Bool, Bool)
data Table = [AllProfiles]
computeAll :: CoreProfiles -> AllProfiles
computeAll (el, ql, rl) = (el, ql, rl, el || ql, el || rl, ql || rl, el || ql || rl)
minimalCovering :: Table -> AllProfiles
minimalCovering = zipWith3 &&
validSubClass :: ClassExpression -> Bool
validSubClass cex = case cex of
Expression c -> ((not . isThing) c)
ObjectJunction _ cel -> (all validSubClassRL cel)
ObjectOneOf _ -> True
ObjectValuesFrom qt _ ce -> case qt of
SomeValuesFrom -> case ce of
Expression c -> isThing c
_ -> validSubClassRL ce
_ -> False
ObjectHasValue _ _ -> True
DataHasValue _ _ -> True
DataValuesFrom SomeValuesFrom _ dr -> validDataRangeRL dr
_ -> False
validSuperClassRL :: ClassExpression -> Bool
validSuperClassRL cex = case cex of
Expression c -> (not . isThing) c
ObjectJunction IntersectionOf cel -> all validSuperClassRL cel
ObjectComplementOf ce -> validSubClassRL ce
ObjectValuesFrom AllValuesFrom _ ce -> validSuperClassRL ce
ObjectHasValue _ _ -> True
ObjectCardinality (Cardinality MaxCardinality i _ mce) -> elem i [0, 1] &&
(case mce of
Nothing -> True
Just ce -> case ce of
Expression c -> isThing c
_ -> validSubClassRL ce)
DataValuesFrom AllValuesFrom _ dr -> validDataRangeRL dr
DataHasValue _ _ -> True
DataCardinality (Cardinality MaxCardinality i _ mdr) -> elem i [0, 1] &&
(case mdr of
Nothing -> True
Just dr -> validDataRangeRL dr)
_ -> False
validEquivClassRL :: ClassExpression -> Bool
validEquivClassRL cex = case cex of
Expression c -> (not . isThing) c
ObjectJunction IntersectionOf cel -> all validEquivClassRL cel
ObjectHasValue _ _ -> True
DataHasValue _ _ -> True
_ -> False
validDataRangeRL :: DataRange -> Bool
validDataRangeRL dr = case dr of
DataType _ cfl -> null cfl
DataJunction IntersectionOf drl -> all validDataRangeRL drl
_ -> False
validEDClassesRL :: Relation -> [ClassExpression] -> Bool
validEDClassesRL r cel = case r of
EDRelation Equivalent -> all validEquivClassRL cel
EDRelation Disjoint -> all validSubClassRL cel
_ -> False
validLfbRL :: Maybe Relation -> Extended -> ListFrameBit -> Bool
validLfbRL mr ext lfb = case lfb of
ExpressionBit anl ->
let cel = map snd anl
r = fromMaybe (error "relation needed") mr
in case ext of
Misc _ -> validEDClassesRL r cel
ClassEntity c -> case r of
SubClass -> validSubClassRL c && all validSuperClassRL cel
_ -> validEDClassesRL r cel
_ -> all validSuperClassRL cel
IndividualSameOrDifferent _ -> True
ObjectCharacteristics anl ->
let cl = map snd anl
in notElem Reflexive cl && notElem Antisymmetric cl
DataPropRange anl -> all validDataRangeRL $ map snd anl
_ -> True
validAfbRL :: Extended -> AnnFrameBit -> Bool
validAfbRL ext afb = case afb of
DatatypeBit dr -> validDataRangeRL dr
ClassDisjointUnion _ -> False
ClassHasKey _ _ -> case ext of
ClassEntity ce -> validSubClassRL ce
_ -> False
_ -> True
validFbRL :: Extended -> FrameBit -> Bool
validFbRL ext fb = case fb of
ListFrameBit mr lfb -> validLfbRL mr ext lfb
AnnFrameBit _ afb -> validAfbRL ext afb
validAxiomRL :: Axiom -> Bool
validAxiomRL (PlainAxiom ext fb) = validFbRL ext fb