Profiles.hs revision 58231c02ba63cd573b7d523e938acdb0798983c4
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Felix Gabriel Mance
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Contains : OWL2 Profiles (EL, QL and RL)
References : <>
module OWL2.Profiles where
import OWL2.AS
import OWL2.MS
import Common.Id
import Data.Maybe
data Profiles = Profiles {
el :: Bool,
ql :: Bool,
rl :: Bool
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
bottomProfile :: Profiles
bottomProfile = Profiles False False False
topProfile :: Profiles
topProfile = Profiles True True True
elProfile :: Profiles
elProfile = Profiles True False False
qlProfile :: Profiles
qlProfile = Profiles False True False
rlProfile :: Profiles
rlProfile = Profiles False False True
elqlProfile :: Profiles
elqlProfile = Profiles True True False
elrlProfile :: Profiles
elrlProfile = Profiles True False True
qlrlProfile :: Profiles
qlrlProfile = Profiles False True True
all3Profile :: Profiles
all3Profile = Profiles True True True
andProfileList :: [Profiles] -> Profiles
andProfileList pl = bottomProfile {
el = all el pl,
ql = all ql pl,
rl = all rl pl
andList :: (a -> Profiles) -> [a] -> Profiles
andList f cel = andProfileList (map f cel)
minimalCovering :: Profiles -> [Profiles] -> Profiles
minimalCovering c pl = andProfileList [c, andProfileList pl]
dataType :: Datatype -> Profiles
dataType dt = topProfile -- needs to be implemented, of course
literal :: Literal -> Profiles
literal l = topProfile -- needs to be implemented
individual :: Individual -> Profiles
individual i = if isAnonymous i then rlProfile else topProfile
objProp :: ObjectPropertyExpression -> Profiles
objProp ope = case ope of
ObjectInverseOf _ -> qlrlProfile
_ -> topProfile
dataRange :: DataRange -> Profiles
dataRange dr = case dr of
DataType dt cfl ->
if null cfl then dataType dt
else bottomProfile
DataJunction IntersectionOf drl -> andProfileList $ map dataRange drl
DataOneOf ll -> bottomProfile {
el = (el $ andList literal ll) && length ll == 1
_ -> bottomProfile
subClass :: ClassExpression -> Profiles
subClass cex = case cex of
Expression c -> if isThing c then elqlProfile else topProfile
ObjectJunction jt cel -> minimalCovering (case jt of
IntersectionOf -> elrlProfile
UnionOf -> rlProfile) $ map subClass cel
ObjectOneOf il -> bottomProfile {
el = (el $ andList individual il) && length il == 1,
rl = ql $ andList individual il
ObjectValuesFrom SomeValuesFrom ope ce -> andProfileList [objProp ope,
case ce of
Expression c -> if isThing c then topProfile
else elrlProfile
_ -> minimalCovering elrlProfile [subClass ce]]
ObjectHasValue ope i -> minimalCovering elrlProfile
[objProp ope, individual i]
ObjectHasSelf ope -> minimalCovering elProfile [objProp ope]
DataValuesFrom SomeValuesFrom _ dr -> dataRange dr
DataHasValue _ l -> literal l
_ -> bottomProfile
superClass :: ClassExpression -> Profiles
superClass cex = case cex of
Expression c -> if isThing c then elqlProfile else topProfile
ObjectJunction IntersectionOf cel -> andList superClass cel
ObjectComplementOf ce -> minimalCovering qlrlProfile [subClass ce]
ObjectOneOf il -> bottomProfile {
el = (el $ andList individual il) && length il == 1,
rl = ql $ andList individual il
ObjectValuesFrom qt ope ce -> case qt of
SomeValuesFrom -> andProfileList [objProp ope, case ce of
Expression _ -> elqlProfile
_ -> elProfile]
AllValuesFrom -> andProfileList [superClass ce, rlProfile]
ObjectHasValue ope i -> andProfileList [elrlProfile, objProp ope,
individual i]
ObjectHasSelf ope -> andProfileList [elProfile, objProp ope]
ObjectCardinality (Cardinality MaxCardinality i _ mce) ->
if elem i [0, 1] then andProfileList [rlProfile, case mce of
Nothing -> topProfile
Just ce -> case ce of
Expression _ -> topProfile
_ -> subClass ce]
else bottomProfile
DataValuesFrom qt _ dr -> andProfileList [dataRange dr, case qt of
SomeValuesFrom -> elqlProfile
AllValuesFrom -> rlProfile]
DataHasValue _ l -> andProfileList [elrlProfile, literal l]
DataCardinality (Cardinality MaxCardinality i _ mdr) ->
if elem i [0, 1] then andProfileList [rlProfile, case mdr of
Nothing -> topProfile
Just dr -> dataRange dr]
else bottomProfile
_ -> bottomProfile
equivClassRL :: ClassExpression -> Bool
equivClassRL cex = case cex of
Expression c -> (not . isThing) c
ObjectJunction IntersectionOf cel -> all equivClassRL cel
ObjectHasValue _ i -> rl $ individual i
DataHasValue _ l -> rl $ literal l
_ -> False
annotation :: Annotation -> Profiles
annotation (Annotation as _ av) = andProfileList [annotations as, case av of
AnnValLit l -> literal l
_ -> topProfile]
annotations :: Annotations -> Profiles
annotations ans = andProfileList $ map annotation ans
assertionQL :: ClassExpression -> Bool
assertionQL ce = case ce of
Expression _ -> True
_ -> False
char :: [Character] -> [Character] -> Bool
char charList ls = all (`elem` ls) charList
fact :: Fact -> Profiles
fact f = case f of
ObjectPropertyFact pn ope i -> andProfileList [objProp ope, individual i,
case pn of
Positive -> topProfile
Negative -> elrlProfile]
DataPropertyFact pn _ l -> andProfileList [literal l,
case pn of
Positive -> topProfile
Negative -> elrlProfile]
lFB :: Extended -> Maybe Relation -> ListFrameBit -> Profiles
lFB ext mr lfb = case lfb of
AnnotationBit anl -> annotations $ concatMap fst anl
ExpressionBit anl ->
let ans = annotations $ concatMap fst anl
cel = map snd anl
r = fromMaybe (error "relation needed") mr
in case ext of
Misc anno -> andProfileList [ans, annotations anno,
bottomProfile {
el = el $ andList subClass cel,
ql = ql $ andList subClass cel,
rl = all equivClassRL cel
ClassEntity c -> case r of
SubClass -> andProfileList [ans, subClass c,
andList superClass cel]
_ -> andProfileList [ans, bottomProfile {
el = el $ andList subClass $ c : cel,
ql = ql $ andList subClass $ c : cel,
rl = all equivClassRL $ c : cel
ObjectEntity op -> andProfileList [ans, objProp op,
andList superClass cel]
SimpleEntity (Entity ty ent) -> case ty of
DataProperty -> andProfileList [ans, andList superClass cel]
NamedIndividual -> andProfileList [ans, individual ent,
bottomProfile {
el = el $ andList superClass cel,
ql = all assertionQL cel,
rl = rl $ andList superClass cel
_ -> error "invalid expression bit"
ObjectBit anl ->
let ans = annotations $ concatMap fst anl
opl = andList objProp $ map snd anl
r = fromMaybe (error "relation needed") mr
in case ext of
Misc anno -> andProfileList [ans, annotations anno, opl, case r of
EDRelation Equivalent -> topProfile
_ -> qlrlProfile]
ObjectEntity op -> andProfileList [ans, opl, objProp op, case r of
SubPropertyOf -> topProfile
EDRelation Equivalent -> topProfile
_ -> qlrlProfile]
_ -> error "invalit object bit"
DataBit anl ->
let ans = annotations $ concatMap fst anl
r = fromMaybe (error "relation needed") mr
in case ext of
Misc anno -> andProfileList [ans, annotations anno, case r of
EDRelation Equivalent -> topProfile
_ -> qlrlProfile]
_ -> andProfileList [ans, case r of
SubPropertyOf -> topProfile
EDRelation Equivalent -> topProfile
_ -> qlrlProfile]
IndividualSameOrDifferent anl ->
let ans = annotations $ concatMap fst anl
r = fromMaybe (error "relation needed") mr
i = andList individual $ map snd anl
in case ext of
Misc anno -> andProfileList [ans, annotations anno, i, case r of
SDRelation Different -> topProfile
_ -> elrlProfile]
SimpleEntity (Entity _ ind) -> andProfileList [ans, individual ind,
i, case r of
SDRelation Different -> topProfile
_ -> elrlProfile]
_ -> error "bad individual bit"
ObjectCharacteristics anl ->
let ans = annotations $ concatMap fst anl
cl = map snd anl
in case ext of
ObjectEntity op -> andProfileList [ans, objProp op,
bottomProfile {
el = char cl [Reflexive, Transitive],
ql = char cl [Reflexive, Symmetric, Asymmetric],
rl = char cl [Functional, InverseFunctional,
Irreflexive, Symmetric, Asymmetric, Transitive]
_ -> error "object entity needed"
DataPropRange anl ->
let ans = annotations $ concatMap fst anl
dr = andList dataRange $ map snd anl
in andProfileList [ans, dr]
IndividualFacts anl ->
let ans = annotations $ concatMap fst anl
facts = andList fact $ map snd anl
in case ext of
SimpleEntity (Entity _ i) ->
andProfileList [ans, facts, individual i]
_ -> error "bad fact bit"
aFB :: Extended -> Annotations -> AnnFrameBit -> Profiles
aFB ext anno afb =
let ans = annotations anno
in case afb of
AnnotationFrameBit -> ans
DataFunctional -> andProfileList [ans, elrlProfile]
DatatypeBit dr -> case ext of
SimpleEntity (Entity _ dt) -> andProfileList
[ans, dataType dt, dataRange dr]
_ -> error "bad datatype bit"
ClassDisjointUnion _ -> bottomProfile
ClassHasKey opl _ -> case ext of
ClassEntity ce -> minimalCovering elrlProfile
[ans, andList objProp opl, subClass ce]
_ -> error "bad has key"
ObjectSubPropertyChain opl -> case ext of
ObjectEntity op -> minimalCovering elrlProfile
[ans, andList objProp $ op : opl]
_ -> error "bad sub property chain"
fB :: Extended -> FrameBit -> Profiles
fB ext fb = case fb of
ListFrameBit mr lfb -> lFB ext mr lfb
AnnFrameBit anno afb -> aFB ext anno afb
axiom :: Axiom -> Profiles
axiom (PlainAxiom ext fb) = fB ext fb
frame :: Frame -> Profiles
frame (Frame ext fbl) = andList (fB ext) fbl
ontologyP :: Ontology -> Profiles
ontologyP ont =
let anns = ann ont
fr = ontFrames ont
in andProfileList [andList frame fr, andList annotations anns]
ontologyProfiles :: OntologyDocument -> Profiles
ontologyProfiles odoc = ontologyP $ ontology odoc