Print.hs revision a604cbad8e2202147b5c6bb9f2e06ae61162d654
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Heng Jiang, Uni Bremen 2005-2006
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Contains : Pretty printing for the common datatypes of the
Functional and Manchester Syntaxes of OWL 2.
module OWL2.Print where
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Id
import Common.Keywords
import OWL2.AS
import OWL2.MS
import OWL2.Symbols
import OWL2.Keywords
import OWL2.ColonKeywords
import qualified Data.Set as Set
instance Pretty QName where
pretty = printURIreference
printURIreference :: QName -> Doc
printURIreference q =
(if localPart q == "Thing" && elem (namePrefix q) ["", "owl"]
then keyword else text) $ showQN q
instance Pretty SymbItems where
pretty (SymbItems m us) = maybe empty (keyword . show) m
<+> ppWithCommas us
instance Pretty SymbMapItems where
pretty (SymbMapItems m us) = maybe empty (keyword . show) m
<+> sepByCommas
(map (\ (s, ms) -> sep
[ pretty s
, case ms of
Nothing -> empty
Just t -> mapsto <+> pretty t]) us)
instance GetRange RawSymb -- no position by default
instance Pretty RawSymb where
pretty rs = case rs of
ASymbol e -> pretty e
AnUri u -> pretty u
instance Pretty Entity where
pretty (Entity ty e) = keyword (show ty) <+> pretty e
cardinalityType :: CardinalityType -> Doc
cardinalityType = keyword . showCardinalityType
quantifierType :: QuantifierType -> Doc
quantifierType = keyword . showQuantifierType
printIndividual :: Individual -> Doc
printIndividual = pretty
printSameOrDifferentInd :: SameOrDifferent -> Doc
printSameOrDifferentInd x = case x of
Same -> keyword sameIndividualC
Different -> keyword differentIndividualsC
instance Pretty AnnotationValue where
pretty x = case x of
AnnValue iri -> pretty iri
AnnValLit lit -> pretty lit
instance Pretty Annotation where
pretty = printAnnotation
printAnnotation :: Annotation -> Doc
printAnnotation (Annotation ans ap av) =
sep [printAnnotations ans, sep [pretty ap, pretty av]]
printAnnotations :: Annotations -> Doc
printAnnotations l = case l of
[] -> empty
_ -> keyword annotationsC <+>
vcat (punctuate comma (map (\ (Annotation ans ap av) ->
printAnnotations ans $+$ pretty (Annotation [] ap av)) l) )
-- | Printing the ClassExpression
instance Pretty ClassExpression where
pretty desc = case desc of
Expression ocUri -> printURIreference ocUri
ObjectJunction ty ds -> let
(k, p) = case ty of
UnionOf -> (orS, pretty)
IntersectionOf -> (andS, printPrimary)
in fsep $ prepPunctuate (keyword k <> space) $ map p ds
ObjectComplementOf d -> keyword notS <+> printNegatedPrimary d
ObjectOneOf indUriList -> specBraces $ ppWithCommas indUriList
ObjectValuesFrom ty opExp d ->
printObjPropExp opExp <+> quantifierType ty <+> printNegatedPrimary d
ObjectHasSelf opExp ->
printObjPropExp opExp <+> keyword selfS
ObjectHasValue opExp indUri ->
pretty opExp <+> keyword valueS <+> pretty indUri
ObjectCardinality (Cardinality ty card opExp maybeDesc) ->
printObjPropExp opExp <+> cardinalityType ty
<+> text (show card)
<+> maybe (keyword "owl:Thing") printPrimary maybeDesc
DataValuesFrom ty dpExp dpExpList dRange ->
printURIreference dpExp <+> quantifierType ty
<+> (if null dpExpList then empty
else specBraces $ ppWithCommas dpExpList) <+> pretty dRange
DataHasValue dpExp cons -> pretty dpExp <+> keyword valueS <+> pretty cons
DataCardinality (Cardinality ty card dpExp maybeRange) ->
pretty dpExp <+> cardinalityType ty <+> text (show card)
<+> maybe empty pretty maybeRange
printPrimary :: ClassExpression -> Doc
printPrimary d = let dd = pretty d in case d of
ObjectJunction _ _ -> parens dd
_ -> dd
printNegatedPrimary :: ClassExpression -> Doc
printNegatedPrimary d = let r = parens $ pretty d in case d of
ObjectComplementOf _ -> r
ObjectValuesFrom _ _ _ -> r
DataValuesFrom _ _ _ _ -> r
ObjectHasValue _ _ -> r
DataHasValue _ _ -> r
_ -> printPrimary d
instance Pretty ObjectPropertyExpression where
pretty = printObjPropExp
printObjPropExp :: ObjectPropertyExpression -> Doc
printObjPropExp obExp =
case obExp of
ObjectProp ou -> pretty ou
ObjectInverseOf iopExp -> keyword inverseS <+> printObjPropExp iopExp
instance Pretty DataRange where
pretty = printDataRange
printDataRange :: DataRange -> Doc
printDataRange dr = case dr of
DataType dtype l -> pretty dtype <+>
if null l then empty else brackets $ sepByCommas $ map printFV l
DataComplementOf drange -> keyword notS <+> pretty drange
DataOneOf constList -> specBraces $ ppWithCommas constList
DataJunction ty drlist -> let
k = case ty of
UnionOf -> orS
IntersectionOf -> andS
in fsep $ prepPunctuate (keyword k <> space) $ map pretty drlist
printFV :: (ConstrainingFacet, RestrictionValue) -> Doc
printFV (facet, restValue) = pretty (fromCF facet) <+> pretty restValue
fromCF :: ConstrainingFacet -> String
fromCF (QN _ local _ _) = local
instance Pretty DatatypeFacet where
pretty = keyword . showFacet
instance Pretty Literal where
pretty (Literal lexi ty) =
text (case lexi of
'"' : _ -> lexi
_ -> show lexi) <> case ty of
Typed u -> keyword cTypeS <> pretty u
Untyped tag -> if tag == Nothing then empty else
let Just tag2 = tag in text asP <> text tag2
printRelation :: Relation -> Doc
printRelation = keyword . showRelation
printDomainOrRange :: DomainOrRange -> Doc
printDomainOrRange = keyword . showDomainOrRange
printDataDomainOrRange :: DataDomainOrRange -> Annotations -> Doc
printDataDomainOrRange dr ans = case dr of
DataDomain d -> keyword domainC <+> (printAnnotations ans $+$ pretty d)
DataRange d -> keyword rangeC <+> (printAnnotations ans $+$ pretty d)
printSameOrDifferent :: SameOrDifferent -> Doc
printSameOrDifferent = keyword . showSameOrDifferent
printEquivOrDisjointClasses :: EquivOrDisjoint -> Doc
printEquivOrDisjointClasses x = case x of
Equivalent -> text "EquivalentClasses:"
Disjoint -> text "DisjointClasses:"
printEquivOrDisjointProp :: EquivOrDisjoint -> Doc
printEquivOrDisjointProp e = case e of
Disjoint -> text "DisjointProperties:"
Equivalent -> text "EquivalentProperties:"
instance Pretty SubObjectPropertyExpression where
pretty sopExp =
case sopExp of
OPExpression opExp -> pretty opExp
SubObjectPropertyChain opExpList ->
fsep $ prepPunctuate (keyword oS <> space) $ map pretty opExpList
setToDocs :: Pretty a => Set.Set a -> [Doc]
setToDocs = punctuate comma . map pretty . Set.toList
setToDocV :: (Pretty a) => Set.Set a -> Doc
setToDocV = vcat . setToDocs