OWL22CASL.hs revision c704da29ad5d9d00c07e75f9109442d178dd990b
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann{- |
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannModule : $Header$
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannDescription : Comorphism from OWL 2 to CASL_Dl
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannCopyright : (c) Francisc-Nicolae Bungiu
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannLicense : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannMaintainer : f.bungiu@jacobs-university.de
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannStability : provisional
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel HausmannPortability : non-portable (via Logic.Logic)
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann-}
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannmodule OWL2.OWL22CASL (OWL22CASL (..)) where
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport Logic.Logic as Logic
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport Logic.Comorphism
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport Common.AS_Annotation
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport Common.Result
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport Common.Id
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport Control.Monad
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport Data.Char
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport qualified Data.Set as Set
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport qualified Data.Map as Map
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport qualified Common.Lib.MapSet as MapSet
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann-- the DL with the initial signature for OWL
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport CASL_DL.PredefinedCASLAxioms
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann-- OWL = domain
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport OWL2.Logic_OWL2
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport OWL2.MS
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport OWL2.AS
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport OWL2.ProfilesAndSublogics
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport OWL2.ManchesterPrint ()
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport OWL2.Morphism
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport OWL2.Symbols
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport qualified OWL2.Sign as OS
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmann-- CASL_DL = codomain
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport CASL.Logic_CASL
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
2450a4210dee64b064499a3a1154129bdfc74981Daniel Hausmannimport CASL.Sign
import CASL.Morphism
import CASL.Sublogic
import Common.ProofTree
import Data.Maybe
data OWL22CASL = OWL22CASL deriving Show
instance Language OWL22CASL
instance Comorphism
OWL22CASL -- comorphism
OWL2 -- lid domain
ProfSub -- sublogics domain
OntologyDocument -- Basic spec domain
Axiom -- sentence domain
SymbItems -- symbol items domain
SymbMapItems -- symbol map items domain
OS.Sign -- signature domain
OWLMorphism -- morphism domain
Entity -- symbol domain
RawSymb -- rawsymbol domain
ProofTree -- proof tree codomain
CASL -- lid codomain
CASL_Sublogics -- sublogics codomain
CASLBasicSpec -- Basic spec codomain
CASLFORMULA -- sentence codomain
SYMB_ITEMS -- symbol items codomain
SYMB_MAP_ITEMS -- symbol map items codomain
CASLSign -- signature codomain
CASLMor -- morphism codomain
Symbol -- symbol codomain
RawSymbol -- rawsymbol codomain
ProofTree -- proof tree domain
sourceLogic OWL22CASL = OWL2
sourceSublogic OWL22CASL = topS
targetLogic OWL22CASL = CASL
mapSublogic OWL22CASL _ = Just $ cFol
{ cons_features = emptyMapConsFeature }
map_theory OWL22CASL = mapTheory
map_morphism OWL22CASL = mapMorphism
map_symbol OWL22CASL _ = mapSymbol
isInclusionComorphism OWL22CASL = True
has_model_expansion OWL22CASL = True
-- | Mapping of OWL morphisms to CASL morphisms
mapMorphism :: OWLMorphism -> Result CASLMor
mapMorphism oMor =
cdm <- mapSign $ osource oMor
ccd <- mapSign $ otarget oMor
let emap = mmaps oMor
preds = Map.foldWithKey (\ (Entity ty u1) u2 -> let
i1 = uriToId u1
i2 = uriToId u2
in case ty of
Class -> Map.insert (i1, conceptPred) i2
ObjectProperty -> Map.insert (i1, objectPropPred) i2
DataProperty -> Map.insert (i1, dataPropPred) i2
_ -> id) Map.empty emap
ops = Map.foldWithKey (\ (Entity ty u1) u2 -> case ty of
NamedIndividual ->
Map.insert (uriToId u1, indiConst) (uriToId u2, Total)
_ -> id) Map.empty emap
return (embedMorphism () cdm ccd)
{ op_map = ops
, pred_map = preds }
mapSymbol :: Entity -> Set.Set Symbol
mapSymbol (Entity ty iri) = let
syN = Set.singleton . Symbol (uriToId iri)
in case ty of
Class -> syN $ PredAsItemType conceptPred
ObjectProperty -> syN $ PredAsItemType objectPropPred
DataProperty -> syN $ PredAsItemType dataPropPred
NamedIndividual -> syN $ OpAsItemType indiConst
AnnotationProperty -> Set.empty
Datatype -> Set.empty
data VarOrIndi = OVar Int | OIndi IRI
objectPropPred :: PredType
objectPropPred = PredType [thing, thing]
dataPropPred :: PredType
dataPropPred = PredType [thing, dataS]
indiConst :: OpType
indiConst = OpType Total [] thing
mapSign :: OS.Sign -- ^ OWL signature
-> Result CASLSign -- ^ CASL signature
mapSign sig =
let conc = OS.concepts sig
cvrt = map uriToId . Set.toList
tMp k = MapSet.fromList . map (\ u -> (u, [k]))
cPreds = thing : nothing : cvrt conc
oPreds = cvrt $ OS.objectProperties sig
dPreds = cvrt $ OS.dataProperties sig
aPreds = foldr MapSet.union MapSet.empty
[ tMp conceptPred cPreds
, tMp objectPropPred oPreds
, tMp dataPropPred dPreds ]
in return $ uniteCASLSign predefSign (emptySign ())
{ predMap = aPreds
, opMap = tMp indiConst . cvrt $ OS.individuals sig
loadDataInformation :: ProfSub -> Sign f ()
loadDataInformation _ =
dts = Set.fromList $ map stringToId datatypeKeys
(emptySign ()) { sortRel = Rel.fromKeysSet dts }
mapTheory :: (OS.Sign, [Named Axiom])
-> Result (CASLSign, [Named CASLFORMULA])
mapTheory (owlSig, owlSens) =
sl = topS
cSig <- mapSign owlSig
let pSig = loadDataInformation sl
(cSens, nSig) <- foldM (\ (x, y) z ->
(sen, sig) <- mapSentence y z
return (sen ++ x, uniteCASLSign sig y)
) ([], cSig) owlSens
return (uniteCASLSign nSig pSig, predefinedAxioms ++ cSens)
-- | mapping of OWL to CASL_DL formulae
mapSentence :: CASLSign -- ^ CASL Signature
-> Named Axiom -- ^ OWL2 Sentence
-> Result ([Named CASLFORMULA], CASLSign) -- ^ CASL Sentence
mapSentence cSig inSen = do
(outAx, outSig) <- mapAxioms cSig $ sentence inSen
return (map (flip mapNamed inSen . const) outAx, outSig)
mapAxioms :: CASLSign
-> Axiom
-> Result ([CASLFORMULA], CASLSign)
mapAxioms cSig ax =
case ax of
PlainAxiom ex fb ->
case fb of
ListFrameBit rel lfb ->
mapListFrameBit cSig ex rel lfb
AnnFrameBit _anno afb ->
mapAnnFrameBit cSig ex afb
toIRILst :: EntityType
-> Extended
-> Maybe IRI
toIRILst ty ane = case ane of
SimpleEntity (Entity ty2 iri) | ty == ty2 -> Just iri
_ -> Nothing
mapFact :: CASLSign -> Extended -> Fact -> Result CASLFORMULA
mapFact cSig ex f = case f of
ObjectPropertyFact posneg obe ind ->
case ex of
SimpleEntity (Entity NamedIndividual siri) ->
inS <- mapIndivURI cSig siri
inT <- mapIndivURI cSig ind
oPropH <- mapObjProp cSig obe 1 2
let oProp = case posneg of
Positive -> oPropH
Negative -> Negation oPropH nullRange
return (mkForall
[mkVarDecl (mkNName 1) thing,
mkVarDecl (mkNName 2) thing]
[mkStEq (toQualVar
(mkVarDecl (mkNName 1) thing)) inS,
mkStEq (toQualVar
(mkVarDecl (mkNName 2) thing)) inT]
) oProp))
_ -> fail $ "ObjectPropertyFactsFacts Entity fail: " ++ show ex
DataPropertyFact posneg dpe lit ->
case ex of
SimpleEntity (Entity ty iri) ->
case ty of
NamedIndividual ->
inS <- mapIndivURI cSig iri
inT <- mapLiteral cSig lit
oPropH <- mapDataProp cSig dpe 1 2
let oProp = case posneg of
Positive -> oPropH
Negative -> Negation oPropH nullRange
return (mkForall
[mkVarDecl (mkNName 1) thing,
mkVarDecl (mkNName 2) dataS]
(mkImpl (conjunct
[mkStEq (toQualVar
(mkVarDecl (mkNName 1) thing)) inS,
mkStEq (toQualVar
(mkVarDecl (mkNName 2) dataS)) inT]
) oProp))
_ -> fail "DataPropertyFact EntityType fail"
_ -> fail "DataPropertyFact Entity fail"
-- | Mapping of ListFrameBit
mapListFrameBit :: CASLSign
-> Extended
-> Maybe Relation
-> ListFrameBit
-> Result ([CASLFORMULA], CASLSign)
mapListFrameBit cSig ex rel lfb = case lfb of
AnnotationBit _a -> return ([], cSig)
ExpressionBit cls ->
case ex of
Misc _ -> return ([], cSig)
SimpleEntity (Entity ty iri) ->
case ty of
NamedIndividual | rel == Just Types ->
inD <- mapIndivURI cSig iri
ocls <- mapM (\ (_, c) -> mapDescription cSig c 1) cls
return (map (mkForall
[mkVarDecl (mkNName 1) thing] .
mkImpl (mkStEq (toQualVar
(mkVarDecl (mkNName 1) thing)) inD)
) ocls, cSig)
DataProperty | rel == (Just $ DRRelation ADomain) ->
oEx <- mapDataProp cSig iri 1 2
odes <- mapM (\ (_, c) -> mapDescription cSig c 1) cls
let vars = (mkNName 1, mkNName 2)
return (map (mkForall
[mkVarDecl (fst vars) thing] .
[mkVarDecl (snd vars) dataS] .
mkImpl oEx
) odes, cSig)
_ -> return ([], cSig)
ObjectEntity oe ->
case rel of
Nothing -> return ([], cSig)
Just re ->
case re of
DRRelation r -> do
tobjP <- mapObjProp cSig oe 1 2
tdsc <- mapM (\ (_, c) -> mapDescription cSig c $
case r of
ADomain -> 1
ARange -> 2) cls
let vars = case r of
ADomain -> (mkNName 1, mkNName 2)
ARange -> (mkNName 2, mkNName 1)
return (map (mkForall
[mkVarDecl (fst vars) thing] .
[mkVarDecl (snd vars) thing] .
mkImpl tobjP
) tdsc, cSig)
_ -> fail "ObjectEntity Relation nyi"
ClassEntity ce -> do
let map2nd = map snd cls
case rel of
Nothing -> return ([], cSig)
Just r -> case r of
EDRelation re ->
decrsS <- mapDescriptionListP cSig 1
$ comPairsaux ce map2nd
let decrsP = map (\ (x, y) -> mkForall
[mkVarDecl (mkNName 1) thing]
(case re of
Equivalent -> mkEqv x y
Disjoint -> mkNeg (conjunct [x, y])
)) decrsS
return (decrsP, cSig)
SubClass ->
domT <- mapDescription cSig ce 1
codT <- mapDescriptionList cSig 1 map2nd
return (map (mkForall
[mkVarDecl (mkNName 1) thing] .
mkImpl domT)
codT, cSig)
_ -> fail "ClassEntity Relation nyi"
ObjectBit ol ->
let mol = fmap ObjectProp (toIRILst ObjectProperty ex)
isJ = isJust mol
Just ob = mol
map2nd = map snd ol
in case rel of
Nothing -> return ([], cSig)
Just r -> case r of
EDRelation ed -> do
pairs <- mapComObjectPropsList cSig mol map2nd 1 2
return (map (\ (a, b) -> mkForall
[mkVarDecl (mkNName 1) thing,
mkVarDecl (mkNName 2) thing]
(case ed of
Equivalent -> mkEqv a b
Disjoint -> mkNeg (conjunct [a, b])
)) pairs, cSig)
SubPropertyOf | isJ -> do
os <- mapM (\ (o1, o2) -> mapSubObjProp cSig o1 o2 3)
$ comPairsaux ob map2nd
return (os, cSig)
InverseOf | isJ ->
os1 <- mapM (\ o1 -> mapObjProp cSig o1 1 2) map2nd
o2 <- mapObjProp cSig ob 2 1
return (map (mkForall
[mkVarDecl (mkNName 1) thing,
mkVarDecl (mkNName 2) thing]
. mkEqv o2
) os1, cSig)
_ -> return ([], cSig)
DataBit db ->
let mol = toIRILst DataProperty ex
isJ = isJust mol
map2nd = map snd db
Just ob = mol
in case rel of
Nothing -> return ([], cSig)
Just r -> case r of
SubPropertyOf | isJ -> do
os1 <- mapM (\ o1 -> mapDataProp cSig o1 1 2) map2nd
o2 <- mapDataProp cSig ob 2 1
return (map (mkForall [mkVarDecl (mkNName 1) thing,
mkVarDecl (mkNName 2) dataS]
. mkImpl o2)
os1, cSig)
EDRelation ed -> do
pairs <- mapComDataPropsList cSig map2nd 1 2
return (map (\ (a, b) -> mkForall
[mkVarDecl (mkNName 1) thing,
mkVarDecl (mkNName 2) thing]
(case ed of
Equivalent -> mkEqv a b
Disjoint -> mkNeg (conjunct [a, b])
)) pairs, cSig)
_ -> return ([], cSig)
IndividualSameOrDifferent al ->
let mol = toIRILst NamedIndividual ex
map2nd = map snd al
case rel of
Nothing -> return ([], cSig)
Just r ->
case r of
SDRelation re -> do
fs <- mapComIndivList cSig re mol map2nd
return (fs, cSig)
_ -> return ([], cSig)
DataPropRange dpr ->
case rel of
Nothing -> return ([], cSig)
Just re ->
case re of
DRRelation r ->
case r of
ARange ->
case ex of
SimpleEntity ent ->
case ent of
Entity ty iri ->
case ty of
DataProperty ->
oEx <- mapDataProp cSig iri 1 2
odes <- mapM (\ (_, c) ->
mapDataRange cSig c 2) dpr
let vars = (mkNName 1, mkNName 2)
return (map (mkForall [mkVarDecl
(fst vars) thing] .
mkExist [mkVarDecl
(snd vars) thing] .
mkImpl oEx
) odes, cSig)
_ -> fail "DataPropRange EntityType fail"
_ -> fail "DataPropRange Entity fail"
_ -> fail "DataPropRange ADomain ni"
_ -> fail "DataPropRange Relations ni"
IndividualFacts indf -> do
fl <- mapM (mapFact cSig ex . snd) indf
return (fl, cSig)
ObjectCharacteristics ace ->
let map2nd = map snd ace
case ex of
ObjectEntity ope ->
case map2nd of
[Functional] ->
so1 <- mapObjProp cSig ope 1 2
so2 <- mapObjProp cSig ope 1 3
return ([mkForall
[mkVarDecl (mkNName 1) thing,
mkVarDecl (mkNName 2) thing,
mkVarDecl (mkNName 3) thing]
(conjunct [so1, so2])
(toQualVar (mkVarDecl (mkNName 2) thing))
(toQualVar (mkVarDecl (mkNName 3) thing))
)], cSig)
[InverseFunctional] ->
so1 <- mapObjProp cSig ope 1 3
so2 <- mapObjProp cSig ope 2 3
return ([mkForall
[mkVarDecl (mkNName 1) thing,
mkVarDecl (mkNName 2) thing,
mkVarDecl (mkNName 3) thing]
(conjunct [so1, so2])
(toQualVar (mkVarDecl (mkNName 1) thing))
(toQualVar (mkVarDecl (mkNName 2) thing))
)], cSig)
[Reflexive] ->
so <- mapObjProp cSig ope 1 1
return ([mkForall
[mkVarDecl (mkNName 1) thing]
(mkImpl (Membership (toQualVar
(mkVarDecl (mkNName 1) thing))
thing nullRange)
], cSig)
[Irreflexive] ->
so <- mapObjProp cSig ope 1 1
return ([mkForall
[mkVarDecl (mkNName 1) thing]
(mkImpl (Membership (toQualVar
(mkVarDecl (mkNName 1) thing))
thing nullRange)
(mkNeg so))
], cSig)
[Symmetric] ->
so1 <- mapObjProp cSig ope 1 2
so2 <- mapObjProp cSig ope 2 1
return ([mkForall
[mkVarDecl (mkNName 1) thing,
mkVarDecl (mkNName 2) thing]
(mkImpl so1 so2)
], cSig)
[Asymmetric] ->
so1 <- mapObjProp cSig ope 1 2
so2 <- mapObjProp cSig ope 2 1
return ([mkForall
[mkVarDecl (mkNName 1) thing,
mkVarDecl (mkNName 2) thing]
(mkImpl so1 (mkNeg so2))
], cSig)
[Antisymmetric] ->
so1 <- mapObjProp cSig ope 1 2
so2 <- mapObjProp cSig ope 2 1
return ([mkForall
[mkVarDecl (mkNName 1) thing,
mkVarDecl (mkNName 2) thing]
(conjunct [so1, so2])
(toQualVar (mkVarDecl (mkNName 1) thing))
(toQualVar (mkVarDecl (mkNName 2) thing))
)], cSig)
[Transitive] ->
so1 <- mapObjProp cSig ope 1 2
so2 <- mapObjProp cSig ope 2 3
so3 <- mapObjProp cSig ope 1 3
return ([mkForall
[mkVarDecl (mkNName 1) thing,
mkVarDecl (mkNName 2) thing,
mkVarDecl (mkNName 3) thing]
(mkImpl (conjunct [so1, so2]) so3)
], cSig)
_ -> fail "ObjectCharacteristics Character fail"
_ -> fail "ObjectCharacteristics Entity fail"
-- | Mapping of AnnFrameBit
mapAnnFrameBit :: CASLSign
-> Extended
-> AnnFrameBit
-> Result ([CASLFORMULA], CASLSign)
mapAnnFrameBit cSig ex afb =
case afb of
AnnotationFrameBit _ -> return ([], cSig)
DataFunctional ->
case ex of
SimpleEntity (Entity ty iri) ->
case ty of
DataProperty ->
so1 <- mapDataProp cSig iri 1 2
so2 <- mapDataProp cSig iri 1 3
return ([mkForall
[mkVarDecl (mkNName 1) thing,
mkVarDecl (mkNName 2) dataS,
mkVarDecl (mkNName 3) dataS]
(conjunct [so1, so2])
(toQualVar (mkVarDecl (mkNName 2) thing))
(toQualVar (mkVarDecl (mkNName 3) thing))
)], cSig)
_ -> fail "DataFunctional EntityType fail"
_ -> fail "DataFunctional Extend fail"
DatatypeBit dr ->
case ex of
SimpleEntity (Entity ty iri) ->
case ty of
Datatype ->
odes <- mapDataRange cSig dr 2
let dtb = uriToId iri
return ([mkForall
[mkVarDecl (mkNName 1) thing]
(toQualVar (mkVarDecl (mkNName 2) thing))
], cSig)
_ -> fail "DatatypeBit EntityType fail"
_ -> fail "DatatypeBit Extend fail"
ClassDisjointUnion clsl ->
case ex of
SimpleEntity (Entity ty iri) ->
case ty of
Class ->
decrs <- mapDescriptionList cSig 1 clsl
decrsS <- mapDescriptionListP cSig 1 $ comPairs clsl clsl
let decrsP = map (\ (x, y) -> conjunct [x, y]) decrsS
mcls <- mapClassURI cSig iri (mkNName 1)
return ([mkForall
[mkVarDecl (mkNName 1) thing]
(mkEqv mcls
[disjunct decrs,
mkNeg (conjunct decrsP)]
], cSig)
_ -> fail "ClassDisjointUnion EntityType fail"
_ -> fail "ClassDisjointUnion Extend fail"
ClassHasKey _obpe _dpe -> return ([], cSig)
ObjectSubPropertyChain oplst ->
os <- mapM (\ cd -> mapSubObjPropChain cSig afb cd 3) oplst
return (os, cSig)
-- | Mapping of ObjectSubPropertyChain
mapSubObjPropChain :: CASLSign
-> AnnFrameBit
-> ObjectPropertyExpression
-> Int
mapSubObjPropChain cSig prop oP num1 =
let num2 = num1 + 1
case prop of
ObjectSubPropertyChain props ->
let zprops = zip (tail props) [(num2 + 1) ..]
(_, vars) = unzip zprops
oProps <- mapM (\ (z, x, y) -> mapObjProp cSig z x y) $
zip3 props ((num1 : vars) ++ [num2]) $
tail ((num1 : vars) ++ [num2])
ooP <- mapObjProp cSig oP num1 num2
return $ mkForall
[mkVarDecl (mkNName 1) thing
, mkVarDecl (mkNName 2) thing]
(mkForall (map (\ x -> mkVarDecl
(mkNName x) thing) vars)
(mkImpl (conjunct oProps) ooP))
_ -> fail "mapping of ObjectSubPropertyChain failed"
{- | Mapping along ObjectPropsList for creation of pairs for commutative
operations. -}
mapComObjectPropsList :: CASLSign -- ^ CASLSignature
-> Maybe ObjectPropertyExpression
-> [ObjectPropertyExpression]
-> Int -- ^ First variable
-> Int -- ^ Last variable
mapComObjectPropsList cSig mol props num1 num2 = do
fs <- mapM (\ x -> mapObjProp cSig x num1 num2) props
case mol of
Nothing -> return $ comPairs fs fs
Just ol -> do
f <- mapObjProp cSig ol num1 num2
return $ comPairsaux f fs
-- | mapping of individual list
mapComIndivList :: CASLSign -- ^ CASLSignature
-> SameOrDifferent
-> Maybe Individual
-> [Individual]
mapComIndivList cSig sod mol inds = do
fs <- mapM (mapIndivURI cSig) inds
tps <- case mol of
Nothing -> return $ comPairs fs fs
Just ol -> do
f <- mapIndivURI cSig ol
return $ comPairsaux f fs
return $ map (\ (x, y) -> case sod of
Same -> mkStEq x y
Different -> mkNeg (mkStEq x y)) tps
-- | Mapping of subobj properties
mapSubObjProp :: CASLSign
-> ObjectPropertyExpression
-> ObjectPropertyExpression
-> Int
mapSubObjProp cSig oPL oP num1 = do
let num2 = num1 + 1
l <- mapObjProp cSig oPL num1 num2
r <- mapObjProp cSig oP num1 num2
return $ mkForallRange [mkVarDecl (mkNName num1) thing,
mkVarDecl (mkNName num2) thing]
(mkImpl r l )
{- | Mapping along DataPropsList for creation of pairs for commutative
operations. -}
mapComDataPropsList :: CASLSign
-> [DataPropertyExpression]
-> Int -- ^ First variable
-> Int -- ^ Last variable
mapComDataPropsList cSig props num1 num2 =
mapM (\ (x, z) -> do
l <- mapDataProp cSig x num1 num2
r <- mapDataProp cSig z num1 num2
return (l, r)
) $ comPairs props props
mapNNInt :: NNInt -> TERM ()
mapNNInt int =
let NNInt uInt = int
in foldr1 joinDigits $ map mkDigit uInt
mapIntLit :: IntLit -> TERM ()
mapIntLit int =
let cInt = mapNNInt $ absInt int
in if isNegInt int then upcast (negateInt cInt) negIntS else upcast cInt nonNegInt
mapDecLit :: DecLit -> TERM ()
mapDecLit dec =
let ip = truncDec dec
fp = fracDec dec
n = mkDecimal (mapIntLit $ abInt ip) (mapNNInt fp)
in Sorted_term (if isNegInt ip then negateFloat n else n) dataS nullRange
mapFloatLit :: FloatLit -> TERM ()
mapFloatLit f =
let fb = floatBase f
ex = floatExp f
n = mkDecimal (mapDecLit $ abDec fb) (mapIntLit ex)
in Sorted_term (if isNegDec fb then negateFloat n else n) dataS nullRange
mapLiteral :: CASLSign -> Literal -> Result (TERM ())
mapLiteral _ lit = case lit of
Literal l ty -> return
$ Sorted_term (case ty of
Untyped _ -> foldr consChar emptyStringTerm l
Typed dt -> case datatypeType dt of
OWL2Int -> foldr1 joinDigits
$ map (mkDigit . digitToInt) $ filter isDigit l
OWL2Bool -> case l of
"True" -> trueT
_ -> falseT
_ -> foldr consChar emptyStringTerm l)
dataS nullRange
NumberLit f
| isFloatInt f -> return $ mapIntLit $ truncDec $ floatBase f
| isFloatDec f -> return $ mapDecLit $ floatBase f
| otherwise -> return $ mapFloatLit f
-- | Mapping of data properties
mapDataProp :: CASLSign
-> DataPropertyExpression
-> Int
-> Int
mapDataProp _ dP nO nD =
l = mkNName nO
r = mkNName nD
ur <- uriToIdM dP
return $ mkPredication
(mkQualPred ur (toPRED_TYPE dataPropPred))
[Qual_var l thing nullRange, Qual_var r dataS nullRange]
-- | Mapping of obj props
mapObjProp :: CASLSign
-> ObjectPropertyExpression
-> Int
-> Int
mapObjProp cSig ob num1 num2 =
case ob of
ObjectProp u ->
let l = mkNName num1
r = mkNName num2
ur <- uriToIdM u
return $ mkPredication
(mkQualPred ur (toPRED_TYPE objectPropPred))
[Qual_var l thing nullRange, Qual_var r thing nullRange]
ObjectInverseOf u ->
mapObjProp cSig u num2 num1
-- | Mapping of obj props with Individuals
mapObjPropI :: CASLSign
-> ObjectPropertyExpression
-> VarOrIndi
-> VarOrIndi
mapObjPropI cSig ob lP rP =
case ob of
ObjectProp u ->
lT <- case lP of
OVar num1 -> return $ Qual_var (mkNName num1)
thing nullRange
OIndi indivID -> mapIndivURI cSig indivID
rT <- case rP of
OVar num1 -> return $ Qual_var (mkNName num1)
thing nullRange
OIndi indivID -> mapIndivURI cSig indivID
ur <- uriToIdM u
return $ mkPredication
(mkQualPred ur (toPRED_TYPE objectPropPred))
[lT, rT]
ObjectInverseOf u -> mapObjPropI cSig u rP lP
-- | Mapping of Class URIs
mapClassURI :: CASLSign
-> Class
-> Token
mapClassURI _ uril uid =
ur <- uriToIdM uril
return $ mkPredication
(mkQualPred ur (toPRED_TYPE conceptPred))
[Qual_var uid thing nullRange]
-- | Mapping of Individual URIs
mapIndivURI :: CASLSign
-> Individual
-> Result (TERM ())
mapIndivURI _ uriI =
ur <- uriToIdM uriI
return $ mkAppl
(mkQualOp ur (Op_type Total [] thing nullRange))
uriToIdM :: IRI -> Result Id
uriToIdM = return . uriToId
-- | Extracts Id from URI
uriToId :: IRI -> Id
uriToId urI =
let l = localPart urI
ur = if isThing urI then mkQName l else urI
repl a = if isAlphaNum a
nP = concatMap repl $ namePrefix ur
lP = concatMap repl l
in stringToId $ nP ++ "" ++ lP
-- | Mapping of a list of descriptions
mapDescriptionList :: CASLSign
-> Int
-> [ClassExpression]
mapDescriptionList cSig n lst =
mapM (uncurry $ mapDescription cSig)
$ zip lst $ replicate (length lst) n
-- | Mapping of a list of pairs of descriptions
mapDescriptionListP :: CASLSign
-> Int
-> [(ClassExpression, ClassExpression)]
mapDescriptionListP cSig n lst =
let (l, r) = unzip lst
llst <- mapDescriptionList cSig n l
rlst <- mapDescriptionList cSig n r
let olst = zip llst rlst
return olst
-- | Get all distinct pairs for commutative operations
comPairs :: [t] -> [t1] -> [(t, t1)]
comPairs [] [] = []
comPairs _ [] = []
comPairs [] _ = []
comPairs (a : as) (_ : bs) = comPairsaux a bs ++ comPairs as bs
comPairsaux :: t -> [t1] -> [(t, t1)]
comPairsaux a = map (\ b -> (a, b))
-- | mapping of Data Range
mapDataRange :: CASLSign
-> DataRange
-> Int
mapDataRange cSig dr inId =
let uid = mkNName inId
case dr of
DataType d _ ->
ur <- uriToIdM d
return $ Membership
(Qual_var uid thing nullRange)
DataComplementOf drc ->
dc <- mapDataRange cSig drc inId
return $ mkNeg dc
DataOneOf _ -> error "nyi"
DataJunction _ _ -> error "nyi"
-- | mapping of OWL2 Descriptions
mapDescription :: CASLSign
-> ClassExpression
-> Int
mapDescription cSig desc var = case desc of
Expression u -> mapClassURI cSig u (mkNName var)
ObjectJunction ty ds ->
des0 <- mapM (flip (mapDescription cSig) var) ds
return $ case ty of
UnionOf -> disjunct des0
IntersectionOf -> conjunct des0
ObjectComplementOf d ->
des0 <- mapDescription cSig d var
return $ mkNeg des0
ObjectOneOf is ->
ind0 <- mapM (mapIndivURI cSig) is
let var0 = toQualVar (mkVarDecl (mkNName var) thing)
let forms = map (mkStEq var0) ind0
return $ disjunct forms
ObjectValuesFrom ty o d ->
oprop0 <- mapObjProp cSig o var (var + 1)
desc0 <- mapDescription cSig d (var + 1)
case ty of
SomeValuesFrom ->
return $ mkExist
[mkVarDecl (mkNName (var + 1)) thing]
(conjunct [oprop0, desc0])
AllValuesFrom ->
return $ mkForall
[mkVarDecl (mkNName (var + 1)) thing]
(mkImpl oprop0 desc0)
ObjectHasSelf o -> mapObjProp cSig o var var
ObjectHasValue o i -> mapObjPropI cSig o (OVar var) (OIndi i)
ObjectCardinality c ->
case c of
Cardinality ct n oprop d
let vlst = [(var + 1) .. (n + var)]
vlstM = [(var + 1) .. (n + var + 1)]
dOut <- (\ x -> case x of
Nothing -> return []
Just y ->
mapM (mapDescription cSig y) vlst
) d
let dlst = map (\ (x, y) ->
(toQualVar (mkVarDecl
(mkNName x) thing))
(toQualVar (mkVarDecl
(mkNName y) thing))
) $ comPairs vlst vlst
dlstM = map (\ (x, y) ->
(toQualVar (mkVarDecl
(mkNName x) thing))
(toQualVar (mkVarDecl
(mkNName y) thing))
) $ comPairs vlstM vlstM
qVars = map (\ x ->
mkVarDecl (mkNName x) thing
) vlst
qVarsM = map (\ x ->
mkVarDecl (mkNName x) thing
) vlstM
oProps <- mapM (mapObjProp cSig oprop var) vlst
oPropsM <- mapM (mapObjProp cSig oprop var) vlstM
let minLst = mkExist
(conjunct (dlst ++ dOut ++ oProps))
let maxLst = mkForall
(conjunct (oPropsM ++ dOut))
(disjunct dlstM)
case ct of
MinCardinality -> return minLst
MaxCardinality -> return maxLst
ExactCardinality -> return $ conjunct [minLst, maxLst]
DataValuesFrom ty dpe dr ->
oprop0 <- mapDataProp cSig dpe var (var + 1)
desc0 <- mapDataRange cSig dr (var + 1)
case ty of
SomeValuesFrom ->
return $ mkExist
[mkVarDecl (mkNName (var + 1)) thing]
(conjunct [oprop0, desc0])
AllValuesFrom ->
return $ mkForall
[mkVarDecl (mkNName (var + 1)) thing]
(mkImpl oprop0 desc0)
DataHasValue _ _ -> fail "DataHasValue handling nyi"
DataCardinality _ -> fail "DataCardinality handling nyi"