Morphism.hs revision f21c7417bdd1c0282025cba0f5cb0ff5bc5c98ee
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : OWL Morphisms
Copyright : (c) Dominik Luecke, 2008
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Morphisms for OWL
module OWL2.Morphism
( OWLMorphism (..)
, isOWLInclusion
, inclOWLMorphism
, legalMor
, composeMor
, cogeneratedSign
, generatedSign
, matchesSym
, statSymbItems
, statSymbMapItems
, inducedFromMor
, symMapOf
, mapSen
) where
import OWL2.AS
import OWL2.MS
import OWL2.Sign
import OWL2.ManchesterPrint ()
import OWL2.StaticAnalysis
import OWL2.Symbols
import OWL2.Rename
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Doc
import Common.Result
import Common.Utils (composeMap)
import Common.Lib.State (execState)
import Common.Lib.MapSet (setToMap)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
data OWLMorphism = OWLMorphism
{ osource :: Sign
, otarget :: Sign
, mmaps :: Map.Map Entity IRI
, pmap :: TranslationMap
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
inclOWLMorphism :: Sign -> Sign -> OWLMorphism
inclOWLMorphism s t = OWLMorphism
{ osource = s
, otarget = t
, pmap = Map.empty
, mmaps = Map.empty }
isOWLInclusion :: OWLMorphism -> Bool
isOWLInclusion m = Map.null (pmap m)
&& Map.null (mmaps m) && isSubSign (osource m) (otarget m)
symMap :: Map.Map Entity IRI -> Map.Map Entity Entity
symMap = Map.mapWithKey (\ (Entity ty _) -> Entity ty)
inducedElems :: Map.Map Entity IRI -> [Entity]
inducedElems = Map.elems . symMap
inducedSign :: Map.Map Entity IRI -> TranslationMap -> Sign -> Sign
inducedSign m t s =
let new = execState (do
mapM_ (modEntity Set.delete) $ Map.keys m
mapM_ (modEntity Set.insert) $ inducedElems m) s
in mv t new
inducedPref :: String -> String -> Sign -> (Map.Map Entity IRI, TranslationMap)
-> (Map.Map Entity IRI, TranslationMap)
inducedPref v u sig (m, t) =
let pm = prefixMap sig
in if Set.member v $ Map.keysSet pm
then if u == v then (m, t) else (m, Map.insert v u t)
else error $ "unknown symbol: " ++ showDoc v "\n" ++ shows sig ""
inducedFromMor :: Map.Map RawSymb RawSymb -> Sign -> Result OWLMorphism
inducedFromMor rm sig = do
let syms = symOf sig
(mm, tm) <- foldM (\ (m, t) p -> case p of
(ASymbol s@(Entity _ v), ASymbol (Entity _ u)) ->
if Set.member s syms
then return $ if u == v then (m, t) else (Map.insert s u m, t)
else fail $ "unknown symbol: " ++ showDoc s "\n" ++ shows sig ""
(AnUri v, AnUri u) -> case filter (`Set.member` syms)
$ map (`Entity` v) entityTypes of
[] -> let v2 = showQU v
u2 = showQU u
in return $ inducedPref v2 u2 sig (m, t)
l -> return $ if u == v then (m, t) else
(foldr (`Map.insert` u) m l, t)
(APrefix v, APrefix u) -> return $ inducedPref v u sig (m, t)
_ -> error "OWL2.Morphism.inducedFromMor") (Map.empty, Map.empty)
$ Map.toList rm
return OWLMorphism
{ osource = sig
, otarget = inducedSign mm tm sig
, pmap = tm
, mmaps = mm }
symMapOf :: OWLMorphism -> Map.Map Entity Entity
symMapOf mor = Map.union (symMap $ mmaps mor) $ setToMap $ symOf $ osource mor
instance Pretty OWLMorphism where
pretty m = let
s = osource m
srcD = specBraces $ space <> pretty s
t = otarget m
in if isOWLInclusion m then
if isSubSign t s then
fsep [text "identity morphism over", srcD]
else fsep
[ text "inclusion morphism of"
, srcD
, text "extended with"
, pretty $ Set.difference (symOf t) $ symOf s ]
else fsep
[ pretty $ mmaps m
, pretty $ pmap m
, colon <+> srcD, mapsto <+> specBraces (space <> pretty t) ]
legalMor :: OWLMorphism -> Bool
legalMor m = let mm = mmaps m in
Set.isSubsetOf (Map.keysSet mm) (symOf $ osource m)
&& Set.isSubsetOf (Set.fromList $ inducedElems mm) (symOf $ otarget m)
getIri :: EntityType -> IRI -> Map.Map Entity IRI -> IRI
getIri ty u = fromMaybe u . Map.lookup (Entity ty u)
composeMor :: OWLMorphism -> OWLMorphism -> Result OWLMorphism
composeMor m1 m2 =
let nm = Set.fold (\ s@(Entity ty u) -> let
t = getIri ty u $ mmaps m1
r = getIri ty t $ mmaps m2
in if r == u then id else Map.insert s r) Map.empty
. symOf $ osource m1
in return m1
{ otarget = otarget m2
, pmap = composeMap (prefixMap $ osource m1) (pmap m1) $ pmap m2
, mmaps = nm }
cogeneratedSign :: Set.Set Entity -> Sign -> Result OWLMorphism
cogeneratedSign s sign =
let sig2 = execState (mapM_ (modEntity Set.delete) $ Set.toList s) sign
in if isSubSign sig2 sign then return $ inclOWLMorphism sig2 sign else
fail "non OWL2 subsignatures for (co)generatedSign"
generatedSign :: Set.Set Entity -> Sign -> Result OWLMorphism
generatedSign s sign = cogeneratedSign (Set.difference (symOf sign) s) sign
matchesSym :: Entity -> RawSymb -> Bool
matchesSym e@(Entity _ u) r = case r of
ASymbol s -> s == e
AnUri s -> s == u || namePrefix u == localPart s && null (namePrefix s)
APrefix p -> p == namePrefix u
statSymbItems :: [SymbItems] -> [RawSymb]
statSymbItems = concatMap
$ \ (SymbItems m us) -> case m of
AnyEntity -> map AnUri us
EntityType ty -> map (ASymbol . Entity ty) us
Prefix -> map (APrefix . showQN) us
statSymbMapItems :: [SymbMapItems] -> Result (Map.Map RawSymb RawSymb)
statSymbMapItems =
foldM (\ m (s, t) -> case Map.lookup s m of
Nothing -> return $ Map.insert s t m
Just u -> case (u, t) of
(AnUri su, ASymbol (Entity _ tu)) | su == tu ->
return $ Map.insert s t m
(ASymbol (Entity _ su), AnUri tu) | su == tu -> return m
(AnUri su, APrefix tu) | showQU su == tu ->
return $ Map.insert s t m
(APrefix su, AnUri tu) | su == showQU tu -> return m
_ -> if u == t then return m else
fail $ "differently mapped symbol: " ++ showDoc s "\nmapped to "
++ showDoc u " and " ++ showDoc t "")
. concatMap (\ (SymbMapItems m us) ->
let ps = map (\ (u, v) -> (u, fromMaybe u v)) us in
case m of
AnyEntity -> map (\ (s, t) -> (AnUri s, AnUri t)) ps
EntityType ty ->
let mS = ASymbol . Entity ty
in map (\ (s, t) -> (mS s, mS t)) ps
Prefix ->
map (\ (s, t) -> (APrefix (showQU s), APrefix $ showQU t)) ps)
mapAnno :: Map.Map Entity IRI -> Annotation -> Annotation
mapAnno m annt = case annt of
Annotation l a e -> Annotation l (getIri AnnotationProperty a m) e
mapAnnoList :: Map.Map Entity IRI -> Annotations -> Annotations
mapAnnoList m = map (mapAnno m)
mapSen :: OWLMorphism -> Axiom -> Result Axiom
mapSen m a = do
let new = mapAxiom (mmaps m) a
return $ mv (pmap m) new
mapObjExpr :: Map.Map Entity IRI -> ObjectPropertyExpression
-> ObjectPropertyExpression
mapObjExpr m ope = case ope of
ObjectProp u -> ObjectProp $ getIri ObjectProperty u m
ObjectInverseOf o -> ObjectInverseOf $ mapObjExpr m o
mapDRange :: Map.Map Entity IRI -> DataRange -> DataRange
mapDRange m dr = case dr of
DataType u l -> DataType (getIri Datatype u m) l
DataJunction j l -> DataJunction j (map (mapDRange m) l)
DataComplementOf d -> DataComplementOf $ mapDRange m d
DataOneOf _ -> dr
mapDataExpr :: Map.Map Entity IRI -> DataPropertyExpression
-> DataPropertyExpression
mapDataExpr m dpe = getIri DataProperty dpe m
getClassIri :: IRI -> Map.Map Entity IRI -> IRI
getClassIri = getIri Class
getIndIri :: IRI -> Map.Map Entity IRI -> IRI
getIndIri = getIri NamedIndividual
mapCard :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> Cardinality a c -> Cardinality b d
mapCard f g (Cardinality ty i a mb) =
Cardinality ty i (f a) $ fmap g mb
mapDescr :: Map.Map Entity IRI -> ClassExpression -> ClassExpression
mapDescr m desc = case desc of
Expression u -> Expression $ getClassIri u m
ObjectJunction ty ds -> ObjectJunction ty $ map (mapDescr m) ds
ObjectComplementOf d -> ObjectComplementOf $ mapDescr m d
ObjectOneOf is -> ObjectOneOf $ map (`getIndIri` m) is
ObjectValuesFrom ty o d -> ObjectValuesFrom ty (mapObjExpr m o)
$ mapDescr m d
ObjectHasSelf o -> ObjectHasSelf $ mapObjExpr m o
ObjectHasValue o i -> ObjectHasValue (mapObjExpr m o) $ getIndIri i m
ObjectCardinality c -> ObjectCardinality
$ mapCard (mapObjExpr m) (mapDescr m) c
DataValuesFrom ty d dr -> DataValuesFrom ty (mapDataExpr m d)
$ mapDRange m dr
DataHasValue d c -> DataHasValue (mapDataExpr m d) c
DataCardinality c -> DataCardinality
$ mapCard (mapDataExpr m) (mapDRange m) c
mapFact :: Map.Map Entity IRI -> Fact -> Fact
mapFact m f = case f of
ObjectPropertyFact pn op i -> ObjectPropertyFact
pn (mapObjExpr m op) (i `getIndIri` m)
DataPropertyFact pn dp l -> DataPropertyFact
pn (mapDataExpr m dp) l
mapAnnList :: Map.Map Entity IRI -> (a -> a) ->
AnnotatedList a -> AnnotatedList a
mapAnnList m f anl =
let ans = map fst anl
l = map snd anl
in zip (map (mapAnnoList m) ans) (map f l)
mapLFB :: Map.Map Entity IRI -> ListFrameBit -> ListFrameBit
mapLFB m lfb = case lfb of
AnnotationBit a -> AnnotationBit
$ mapAnnList m (flip (getIri AnnotationProperty) m) a
ObjectBit a -> ObjectBit $ mapAnnList m (mapObjExpr m) a
DataBit a -> DataBit $ mapAnnList m (mapDataExpr m) a
IndividualSameOrDifferent a ->
IndividualSameOrDifferent $ mapAnnList m (`getIndIri` m) a
DataPropRange a -> DataPropRange $ mapAnnList m (mapDRange m) a
IndividualFacts a -> IndividualFacts $ mapAnnList m (mapFact m) a
ExpressionBit a -> ExpressionBit $ mapAnnList m (mapDescr m) a
ObjectCharacteristics _ -> lfb
mapAFB :: Map.Map Entity IRI -> AnnFrameBit -> AnnFrameBit
mapAFB m afb = case afb of
DatatypeBit dr -> DatatypeBit $ mapDRange m dr
ClassDisjointUnion ce -> ClassDisjointUnion $ map (mapDescr m) ce
ClassHasKey op dp -> ClassHasKey (map (mapObjExpr m) op)
(map (mapDataExpr m) dp)
ObjectSubPropertyChain op -> ObjectSubPropertyChain
(map (mapObjExpr m) op)
_ -> afb
mapFB :: Map.Map Entity IRI -> FrameBit -> FrameBit
mapFB m fb = case fb of
ListFrameBit mr lfb -> ListFrameBit mr $ mapLFB m lfb
AnnFrameBit ans afb -> AnnFrameBit (mapAnnoList m ans)
$ mapAFB m afb
mapAxiom :: Map.Map Entity IRI -> Axiom -> Axiom
mapAxiom m (PlainAxiom eith fb) = case eith of
SimpleEntity (Entity ty ent) -> PlainAxiom
(SimpleEntity $ Entity ty $ getIri ty ent m) $ mapFB m fb
Misc ans -> PlainAxiom (Misc $ mapAnnoList m ans) $ mapFB m fb
ObjectEntity ope -> PlainAxiom (ObjectEntity $ mapObjExpr m ope)
$ mapFB m fb
ClassEntity ce -> PlainAxiom (ClassEntity $ mapDescr m ce) $ mapFB m fb