MedusaToJson.hs revision 80875f917d741946a39d0ec0b5721e46ba609823
{- |
Module : ./OWL2/MedusaToJson.hs
Description : JSON output for Medusa
Copyright : (c) Uni Magdeburg 2016
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable
JSON output for Medusa
module OWL2.MedusaToJson (medusaToJson, medusaToJsonString) where
import OWL2.Medusa
import Common.Json
import Common.IRI
import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- render Medusa data as JSON string
medusaToJsonString :: Medusa -> String
medusaToJsonString = ppJson . medusaToJson
-- render Medusa data as JSON
medusaToJson :: Medusa -> Json
medusaToJson m = JObject [("Definitions",defs),("Relations",rels)]
where inds = Set.toList $ indivs m
mrels = Set.toList $ relations m
defs = JArray $ map indToJson inds
rels = JArray $ map relToJson mrels
-- convert an OWL2 individual with its type to JSON
indToJson :: (IRI, IRI) -> Json
indToJson (i,t) =
JObject [("Identifier",JString $ show $ iriPath i),
("Type",JString $ show $ iriPath t)]
-- convert a relation to JSON
relToJson :: (IRI, IRI, IRI, IRI) -> Json
relToJson (i1, p1, i2, p2) =
JObject [("Individual1", JString $ show $ iriPath i1),
("Point1", JString $ show $ iriPath p1),
("Individual2", JString $ show $ iriPath i2),
("Point2", JString $ show $ iriPath p2)]